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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1954)
Ewing News Coach and Mrs. Richard Lane and tamily arrived in Ewing on Friday. Coach Lane is making preparations for football practice to begin. Leaving for Wichita, Kans., on Wednesday, August 11, were Mr. and rMs. Jack Cantrell, accom panied b y her mpther, Mrs. Laura Adrain, and daughter, Kay. All have been guests at the home of M. H. Dierks, father of Mrs. Adrain. Miss Fern Pruden accompan ied by her mother, Mrs. J. L. Puden and Miss Patricia Mullen of O’Neill returned home Friday from a sightseeing trip which took them to parts of Colorado and Kansas. At Oberlin, Kans., they visited relatives of Mr. Pru den, whom they had not heard from in 33 years. At Loveland, Colo., the party called on Rev. and Mrs. Charles Chapp'Jll and family who formerly lived at Ewing. Mrs. Anna Young of Inman was the honor guest at a supper Sunday evening at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp, and family. The occasion marked her birthday anniversary. Other guests were her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers, and children from Cham Ders. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and family returned late Satur day evening from a vacation trip. Their first stop was at a ranch operated by relatives about 40 miles from Gordon. Places of in terest in the Black Hills were visited. Miss Patricia Vandersnick was honored at a prenupital shower last Thursday evening at the Stockmen’s cafe. Sixty-five fri ends and relatives were present. The Misses Bernadine Sanders and Marilyn Weyhrich were in charge of the entertainment. The American Legion auxili ary of Sanders post ordered two flags—a U. S. and an Auxiliary— at the regular meting held Thurs day evening at the Legion club. A drive for 1955 membership was started when the following paid dues for the coming year: Mrs. L. M. Carter, Mrs. Maud Brion, Mrs. M. B. Huffman, Mrs. R. D. Edwards, Mrs Harold Harris, Mrs. Cecil Bergstrom, Mrs. Floyd Lee, Mrs. Pauline Noffke, Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck, Mrs. Ralph Munn, Mrs. Mary Hawk, Mrs. Everett Ruby, Mrs. Loyd West, Mrs. Maud Boies, Mrs. Mabel Boies. Membership cards were presented to Mrs. Eula Eppen bach, Mrs. Walter Woeppel and Mrs. Anna Thoendel, all gold star mothers. Mrs. May Gemmeill and Mrs. Jessie Angus were guests on Fri day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and daughters, Leota and Nila, spent the weekend at their home in twang. They are spending the summer months at Bloomfield to be near Mr. Cary’s work. Mrs. Grace Briggs has as her guests, Mr .and Mrs. Thomas King of Aurora, 111. A family get-together was held Sunday at th.e country home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett. A picnic dinner was served. After noon hours were spent visiting In attendance were Mr .and Mrs. Clair Utterback. of Clearwater, who were accompanied by Mrs. C. S. Utterback of Salem, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Maynord Morrow and children of O’Neill; Mrs. Flora Young, Wilmer Young and James Bennett, all of Orchard; Mrs. Ruth Ann Groski and son, David, Judy Waples, of Lincoln, Miss Ina Bennett, Mrs. May Shrader and Wayne, all of Ew mg.. Mrs. R. H. Shain is vacationing from her duties at the Ewing Co operative Creamery. Miss Ina Bennett is assisting during her absence. Mr .and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd, Judy and Ronald returned home Sun day after spending the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George 'iimmerman, at Plain view. Mrs. Hugh Nini of Beaumont, Tex., who is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum, is assinting at the Famers State bank while R. D. Edwards is on vacation. Mr .and Mrs. Ed Yelli and family moved to Ewing on Fri day from the Hobbs farm, south west of Ewing. Mr .and Mrs. Paul Doud enter tained at a 6 o’clock dinner Fri da yevening in honor of her brother, John Black, who is home on leave from the navy. Other guests were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Black and family, and Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Doud and Mrs. Black took John to Grand Island where he left for California to report for duty. Mrs. Robert Dunaway and children, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Earl Billings, re tuned to her home at Hastings. After a two weeks’ visit with re latives in the Ewing community. Mrs. Billmgs returned home Sun day. Mrs. Henry Baum, sr., has re ceived word from her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. A Augustyn of Elba stating that they had won a 30-day free trip to Europe plus $1,000 cash as the Xhst prize in a ‘Wame the Feed Contest”, which was spon sored by mills in Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Augustyn sent in the name which won this award. Honorable mention from neigh boring towns of Ewing was re ceived by Mrs. L. V. Couch at Orchard and Mrs. Wanda Daw son of Royal. _ Mrs. Jessie Wunner and Mrs. John Knierim of Council Bluffs, la. .spent last week visiting with Mrs. Hallie Maben. Mrs. Gussie McDonald of Wisner was a guest ; Friday, Mrs. Knierim accompan ied her home. Mrs. Knieim is the mothe of Mrs. Maben. The other lades are her ^istegs. Marcus Pierson returned home Monday from Camp Ripley, Minn., where he has spent the past two weeks in training for the national guard. Mr. and Mrs. Siman Vander snick and family of Atkinson, 111., are viisting this week at the farm home of Mr .and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick. Several fro mEwing attended the wedding dance held Monday evening of Richard Miller and Miss Beulah Johnson, who were married Monday at Neligh. Marlene and Diane Schweigert of Dallas, S- D., are guests at the home of their uncle anl aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams, and fam ily. ' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Larsen were hosts at a familyparty on Sunday at their home., Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pruden of Phillipsburg, Mo., Thomas Cole man and daughter, Mrs. John Verba and son of Neligh, Dick Pruden and Miss Olga Rice o f Omaha, Mr .and Mrs. J. L. Pru den and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and children, all of Ewing. An evening guests was Miss Patricia Mullen of O’Neill. Bassett Gets Game District Headquarters— The Nebraska game, foresta tion and parks commission held a “work session” at the capitol re cently in attempting to prepare a proposed biennial budget. The members designated approval for including $75,000 for a new building at North Platte. The plan has not yet received final approval but will be acted on at the next meeting. At a Friday meeting, the com mission formally approved its new reorganization plan which divides the state into five dis tricts. The new districts include a land management office to be placed at Bassett. Band Performs at Burwell, Atkinson— Last Thursday the O’Neill band appeared at the Burwell rodeo. The group will play again at the hay days celebration in Atkinson Monday, August 23. FORM 'BUDDY GROUP' The O’Neill army recruiting office has announced that a “buddy group” of WAC enlistees is being formed in eastern Ne braska and western Iowa to leave during the month of September. DELOIT—Thirty people out of the possible 70 or more eligible voters turned out to vote at the primary election Tuesday, Aug ust 10, at Deloit. O’NEILL INSURANCE AGENCY All Kinds of INSURANCE and BONDS VIRGIL LAURSEN O'Neill. Nebr. Phone 434 l . Thanks to the Voters . . . of Holt County for your support in the primary election WM. F. WEFSO jam TIRES!! LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE '^wOOwWWyWvv^* FALL FESTIVAL . C«ST MOU.-GWP FIRST LINE Was’11-95 .. n. * SIZE 600x16 ♦Plus tax cfdJfiOUX ^^8.88 pl*» recappable ' Some a? M! sues oi tires. •• ^ Tire lesUvall w££ £*caI during . ^ ■ SAVE ON S' CREST TRAVELER TIRES 14 WAS $12.95 1A95 now. BV Size 600x16 HENRY LOFFLIN. Mgr. — PHONE 8 Sharon Miner of O'Neill exhibits for the cam- era Pride Lady, Angus heifer which helped its owner capture two purple and three blue ribbons at the Holt county fair. Pride Lady was grand champion female in the open-class and a purple ribbon winner in 4-H breeding heifer division. Sharon also won the showmanship award. Her brother, Russel, was second in showmanship.—The Frontier Photo. Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Ed Larson of Wapne called on Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Mossman, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler, Joe and Bea Gallagher, Mrs. Elizabeth Colman and Mrs. R. B. South. Mr. and Mrs. Larson are former Inman residents, Ed having managed the Edwards and Bradford Lumber company about about 35 years ago. Supt. and Mrs. Gerald Nelson and two sons arrived from Ord on Monday. A van from Ord brought their household effects. They will make their home in the I. L. Watson rent property dur ing the school year. Miss Mildred Keyes entertain ed -Supt. and Mrs. Gerald Nelson and children at dinner at her home Monday evening. (Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgstrum and two children of Worthington, Minn., came Monday evening to visit Mrs. Burgstrum’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Keyes, and Donald. M. Burgstrum returned home on Tuesday but Mrs. Burg strum and children remained for a longer visit. Roscoe Raver of Craig called on James M. McMahan on Tues day. Mr. Raver, a rural mail car rier, was enroute home from a two weeks vacation spent in Wyoming. The Misses Mary Ann and Irene Kopejtka spent last week visting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wiseman at Page. Larry Kopejtka of O’Neill, Lyle and Albert Kopejtka, jr., and Oscar Eaton of Inman visit ed Monday evening with Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and (Mary Ann. Lawrence Hrbek has returned to his home at Redbird after viisting his grand mother, Mrs. Ann Kopejtka. Sunday dinner guests in the country home of Mrs. Anna Kopejtka and Mary Ann were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kopejtka and family of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Eldie Hrbek and sons of Redbird. Afaernoon guests in J eluded Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wise ! man of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kopejtka and family of Clear water, Frank Kopejtka of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kopejtka and family of Inman. Mrs. Evelyn Tootsberry and children who have spent the past month at the home of Mrs. Toots berry father, Harry Moore, have returned to their home at Ash land. Bobby Tompkins of Omaha came Wednesday, August 11, to visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins, and to spend some time on the farm of his uncle, Harvey Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Kiel and son, Randy, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw spent Wednes day, August HI, in Sioux City visiting Miss Grayce McGraw, a patient in St. Joseph’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. McGraw also had a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crosser. and family of Sheldon, la., who came to Sioux City to meet them. Lois Mikkelson Weds at Pilger CHAMBERS—Lois Mikkelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Mikkleson of Chambers, and Rovert Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mis. Ray Sanderson, also of Chambers were united in mar riage at the Baptist church in Pil ger on Sunday, August 15. The bride was attended by Minerva Sanderson, sister of the bridegroom. Both wore blue suits. The bride wore a corsage of car nations. The bridegroom was attended by Donald Mikkelson, brother of the bride. The couple returned to Cham bers following the ceremony and will make their home at present at the Mikkelson and Sanderson homes. Reunion Held at Rohde Home— A family reunion was held on Sunday at the R. J. Rohde home near Phoenix. Honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Stanton and family of Butte, Mont. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. John Cuddy and family and Gene Stanton, all of Sioux Falls, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of Spencer; Mrs. Tom Donlin, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stanton and Mrs. John J. Harrington and Marlene, all of O’Neill. Return from Minnesota— Mrs. Harry Lampert, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss and Lou arrived home Friday from Park Rapids, Minn., where they had been va cationing for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watson and family departed Saturday for Wells, Minn. The Watsons are cn a two-weeks’ vacation. Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer of Atkinson announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Ruby (above), to Ray mond Dobias, also of Atkinson. The bride-elect was graduated in 1952 from Atkinson high school and is employed as a rural school teacher in Holt county. Since his release from the marine corps in November, 1953, Mr. Dobias has been em ployed at the Alvin Heiser ranch north of Atkinson. The young couple has set no defi nite date for the wedding. Templemeyer Plans Twice Daily Grid Sessions for Cards CELIA — Nine women of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary society met at the Mark Hend ricks home Monday afternoon, August 9, and canned 75 quarts of apples, apple butter and pick les to be sold and the proceeds used for the benefit of their church. Women doing the work were Mrs. Leonard Chaffin, who donated the apples; Mrs. Ray Elder, Mrs. Roy Thurlow, Mrs. Adam Tindell, Mrs. Phipps, Mrs. Celia Backhaus, Mrs. Bertha Ful lerton and Mrs. Lawrence Smith. Mrs. Joe Hendricks furnished the cucumbers. Mrs. Keith Schweigert and family of Dallas, S.D., visited last Thursday and -Friday at the homes of Mr .and Mrs. Robert Tams in Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus. Duane and Mar lene Schweigert remained and will visit in both the Tams and Marcellus homes for a week. Mrs. T. W. Kenny and sons of Huston, Tex., arrived in O’Neill Sunday, August 8. She will visit for three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. Marcellus. MARKET REPORT from “The Old Reliable” ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET Atkinson, Nebr. I Tuesday, August 17th Auction: Cattle receipt 634 head. Best action of the season to date on all classes of cattle, market generally 50 and 75 cents up on stockers and feeders and $1.00 on cows and butcher cattle. 35 head of fleshy 1,000 lb. steers topped at $20.00 a hundred. Choice 700 head of feeder heifers at $17.30 while fancy year ling steers sold up to $19.00 a hundred. Cows in excellent de mand at $8.00 to $9.50 for canners and cutters and $10.00 to $12.75 for beef cows. Bulls from $11.50 to $13.00 a hundred. Next Auction: Tuesday, August 24th. For best results, we > again urge you to list your cattle not later than Saturday morning, so we can include them in our advertising. Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. ERNIE WELLER, Owner DEAN FLEMING, Ass't Mgr. Rock Falls News Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen called Friday at Don Dreke’s of Spencer. Mr. and (Mrs. James Curran and Ardell' were Sunday dinner guests of Dale Curran’s. Gwenda, Trudy and Debbie Schultz spent Saturday at Floyd Johnsons while their parents at tended the Burwell rodeo. Mrs. Bill Widfeldt attended a Nachtman family reunion at Atk inson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist call ed Friday evening at Orville Millers. Rita Vequist is spending a few days this week visiting Elaine Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda Celcery Spaulding at tended the Burwell rodeo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Derick son and Russ were Sunday din ner guests at the E. C. Werty home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Baker call ed Sunday evening at Dave Mol ers. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and Russ called Wednesday, August 11, at Lloyd Gallaghers. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown and daughter of Wisconsin called Thursday, August 12, at Bill Widfeldt’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vequist call ed Saturday forenoon at Lyle Vequist. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Derickson of Bridgeport, S.D., called at Dave Molers Sunday. Joe Yantzi spent the weekend visiting Russel Derickson. Mrs. Don Sterns, Mrs. Albert Sterns and Evelyn, Gary Strong called Tuesday morning at the James Curran rome. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda called Wednesay evening, August 11, at the Sam Derickson home. Mrs. Ted Kenny and boys spent Friday evening at the James Curran home. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fantzi were Sunday dinner guests at John Grutsch’s home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sterns were Thursday, August, 12, sup per guests at Floyd Johnsons. Mrs. Ted Kenny and boys of Bellaire, Tex., Mr. and fylrs. Fran cis Curran and girls, Brenda and Bonna Margritz and Judy Cur ran were Thursday, August 12, supper guests at James Curran. Pleasant Day club met at the home of Mrs. Bill Claussen. Sev en members were present with four guests. A stork shower was held in honor of Mrs. Don Sterns. A lovely gift was presented from the members of the club. A lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls, Brenda and Bonna Margritz were Tuesday, August 10, dinner guests at James Cur rans. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Margritz and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cur ran and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, Mr. and Mrs Orville Miller and family and Mrs John McNulty of Kansas were Sunday supper guests at Jim Mc Nulty’s Mr, and Mrs. Austin Hynes and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dillion of Calif ornia were Wednesday, August ill supper guests at the Don Hynes home. Mr. and Mrs. John Urb, Mr and Mrs. Bert Ott, Mr. and Mrs Alvin Ott and boys were Sunday dinner guests at Francis Currans Lynda Hynes spent the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Anson and Mr’ and Mrs. Gerald Hansen attended the Burwell rodeo Friday. Lou Brown and Terry called Saturday at the Don Hynea = home. Letters to Editor El Paso, Tex. Editor: It just came to my mind that Dr. J. P. Brown has lived in O' Neill and has faithfully served the people for very nearly 25 years. Thought you might like tc write it up for your paper. I think it would be nice if the town of O’Neill could plan some thing special in honor of such a good doctor, but I have no sug gestions to make along that line. Yours truly, CECIL SPRY Family Picnic— Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Crabb and Donna attended a family pic nic at Valentine Sunday. Twenty-two persons attended. They came from Wagner. S.D., Armour, S.D., and Chadron. ' r EDW. M. GLEESON DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5 _ ( ^ DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined !c Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr. ■' 1 1.'***/**"’."'" . ' ~~*o LEW WHITE MOTOR CO. OK USED CARS Reconditioned and Backed by an OK Warranty in Writng * 1953 Ford Victoria $1,845.00 Beautiful salmon color with white top and simulated leather interior. Has radio, heater, overdrive, and tint ed glass. A snappy V8. 1952 Chevrolet Hard Top -- $1,395.00 This car is for the new car buyer with a used car purse. Has radio, heater, power glide, seat covers and near new tires. 1951 Olds. Rocket 88, $1,295.00 A sparkling 2-door that’s really snappy. Radio, heater and hydramatic drive. 1950 Ford 2-Dr. Cusl. $735.00 This is the Ford in your fu ture. Has radio, heater and ! overdrive. 1949 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Del., $585 Completely refinished in two-tone gray. Feast your eyes on this one. 1948 Ford V8 Del. Tudor, $395 A town car with a solid body. Has the essential ac- I cessories. 1946 Ford V8 Tudor $265.00 A lot of car for a little mon ey. Thousands of miles of service left. 1953 Olds. 98 4-Dr. $2,495.00 For the elite. Radio, heater and hydramatic. Spic and span with a new car show room look. Come in for a demonstration. 1952 Chev. Vi-ton Pickup, $895 4-spd. trans., F.A. heater and very low mileage. 1952 Chevrolet 2-Door Del- -._.... $1,145.00 Radio and heater and motor completely overhauled. Thoroughly reconditioned and ready for years of ser vice. 1951 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Del.. $915 A one - owner car, fully equipped with radio and heater. Will satisfy the whole family. 1950 Chev. 4-Dr. Del.. $765.00 A sporty car with radio, heater, and spotlight. Com fortable on any road. 1949 Ford V8 Fordor Oust. _ $585.00 Dark blue with gray top. Radio, heater, overdrive, and new seat covers. Lots of extras. 1948 Dodge 4-Door $365.00 Original metallic finish that’s really nice. Radio, heater and fluid drive. Spot less roomy interior. 1947 Jeep 4-Wheel Drive. $295 Will be worth more than double the price next win ter. 1949 International ?4-T., $445 A rugged truck with a rack and 4-speed transmission. Many Oihsr lo Choose From and Low Cost GMAC Terms at LEW WHITE MOTOR CO, “The Showplace of Quality Automobiles’’ CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE — CADILLAC PHONE 100 O'NEILL a