The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 19, 1954, Page 10, Image 10

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    Future Subscribers
BEAUDINE — Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Beaudine of Omaha, a
daughter, Janet, born Wednes
day, August 4. Mrs. Beaudine is
the former Darlene Tomjack.
LARSON—Mr. and Mrs. Del
bert Larson of Northbrook, 111., a
son, Richard Michael, 6 pounds
10 ounces, bom Wednesday, Aug
ust 11, in Chicago, 111. Mrs. Lar
son is the former Donna Galla
gi;er. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Galla
gher of O’Neill are the maternal
grandparents. The Larsons have
one other son, Edward.
JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ris Johnson of Bristow, daughter,
weighing 7 pounds, bom Friday,
August 13, at the Sacred Heart
WARNKE—Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Wamke of Anoka a son, weigh
ing 6 pounds 8 ounces, born Sun
day, August 15, at the Sacred
Heart hospital.
SHEARER—Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Shearer of Stuart a son, Don
ald Wayne, weighing 8 pounnds
9 ounces born Wednesday, Aug
ust 11, at the Atkinson Memorial
RETZLAFF—Mr .and Mrs.
Dale Retzlaff of Atkinson a
daughter, Ruth Gay, weighin 6
pounds, born Friday, August 13,
at the Atkinson Memorial hos
FIX—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix of
Atkinson a son, Rodney Neil,
weighing 6 pounds 4Vfe ounces
bom Friday, August 13, at the
Atkinson Memorial hospital.
PETERSON — Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Peterson of Chambers, a
daughter, Diana Marie, weighing
8 pounds 8 ounces, born Friday,
August 13, at St. Anthony’s hos
pital in O’Neill.
WABS—Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Wabs of O’Neill, a son, James
Henry, weighing 4 pounds and 8
ounces, bom Monday, August 16,
in the Atkinson Memorial hos
pital. _
Too Late to Classify
FOR RENT: Two room6, suitable
for office or apt., downtown.—
George Weingartner, O’Neill,
phone 15-F11. 16tf
FOR SALE: One hen house, 200
fryers, 70 laying hens. — Mrs.
Jack Bailey, phone 577-J, O’
Neill. 16c
F1ANO LESSONS: Given in my
home. — Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke,
phone 556-M, O’Neill. 16tf
ton bulldog from John Galla
gher farm. Reward.—A1 Ham
ik, phone 105-J, O’Neill. 16-17c
LOST: One pair glasses, brown
rims with gold trim, and a St.
Joseph’s prayer book.—Phone
509-W, O’Neill. 16p35
LOST: Lady’s Elgin wrist watch.
White gold band and case. Re
ward.—Phone 559-W, O’Neill.
I WISH to thank all those who
voted for me in the recent pri
mary election.
| W. F. FINLEY, M.D.
Downey Bunding
Funeral Directors
Day Ph. Night Ph.
38 487-R or 200
— — r T ■ ■ » 1 » m m ~ T v m m ,
BONERTZ—Mr .and Mrs. Irvin
Bonertz of Newport, a daughter,
weighing 7 pounds, bom Mon
day, August 16, at the Atkinson
Memorial hospital.
ALLSHOUSE—Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Allshouse of Stuart, a
daughter, weighing 7 pounds and
2 ounces bom Tuesday, August
17, at the Atkinson Memorial
Cardinals to Draw
Grid Equipment
St. Mary’s academy will issue
football equipment to all inter
ested candidates Saturday morn
ing, August 21, starting at 7:30
o’clock. Football movies will be
shown after the equipment is is
Practices will be held twice a
! day, starting Monday, August 23,
at 7:30 a.m., and 5:30 p.m., ac
cording to Coach Don Temple
Hospital Notes
Admissions: August 12—Mrs.
George Wright, Ewing;. Mrs. Har
old Hall, Page; Joan Donohoe,
O’Neill. 13—Mrs. Bud Peterson,
Chambers; Baby Girl Peterson,
Chambers; George Clift, O’Neill.
16—Larry Dean Burival, O’Neill;
Mrs. Donald Kinnison, Venus;
Mrs. Leslie Lieswald, Chambers;
Robert Ramsel, O’Neill. 17—Mrs.
Fred Lorenz, Inman; Michael
Mahoney, O’Neill; Carmen Benze,
Dismissals: August 11—Vicki
Cullen, Page. 12—Geary Enbody,
Emmet; Mrs. C. M. Stevens,
Page; Mrs. William E. Hansen
and baby girl, Star; Mrs. Lee
Brady, O’Neill. 13 — Mrs. Ray
Timmerman and baby girl, O’
Neill. 17— Larry Dean Burival,
O’Neill. 18—Mrs. George Wright,
Ewing; George Clift, O’Neill; Jo
an Donohoe, O’Neill.
Hospitalized: Carmen Benze,
O’Neill; Mrs. Fannie Ernst, O’
Neill; Mrs. Mary Graham, O’
Neill; Mrs. Harold Hall, Page;
Nancy Lee Johnson, O’Neill; Mrs.
Donald Kinnison, Venus; Mrs.
Leslie Lieswald, Chambers; Mrs.
Fred Lorenz, Inman; Michael
Mahony, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Mul
len, O’Neill; Albert Otte, Win
ner, S.D.; Mrs. Bud Peterson,
Chambers; Robert Ramsel, O’
Neill; Mrs. Mary Vitt, O’Neill.
Hospitalized: Marion Borrall,
Butte; Karen Flanders, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Flanders,
Verdel; Mrs. L. I. Hines, Spen
cer; Mrs. Morris Johnson and ba
by girl, Bristow; Walter Kruse,
Dorsey; Frank Mott, Spencer;
Miss Lillian Olson, Bristow; Er
nest Peterson, Bristow; Mrs. A.
J. Pritchett, Lynch; Mrs. Kermit
Rhodman, Gross; Mrs. Paul
Warnke and baby boy, Anoka.
Dismissals: August 9—Ted Ol
son, Spencer; Miss Christina
Connot, Spencer; Mrs. Sarah
Miller, Spencer. 11 — Mrs. Hel
rnuth Holmgren and twins, Butte.
12—Mrs. Cecelia Liewer, Butte;
Miss Maude Johnson, Spencer;
Mrs. Andrew Hanson, Spencer;
Mrs. Ernest Ruff, Bristow. 13—
Baby Kelly Steven Sieh, son of
Claus Sieh, jr., Naper. 14— Mrs. |
V alter Wells, Spencer (died). 15
—Mrs. Jannettie Nelson, Center;
Mrs. Jerlie Danker, Butte. 16—
C. V. Lewis, Monowi; Algred J. j
Hagberg, Spencer; Mrs. Emma
Thiessen, Lynch (died).
Admissions: August 8—Mrs. R.
E. Chace, Atkinson, surgical. 9
—Miss Betty Osborne, Atkinson,
surgical. 10—Mrs. Anton Kaup,
Stuart, medical. 11—Mrs. Rich
ard Shearer, Stuart, obstetrical.
12—Dennis Hickok, Stuart, surgi
cal; Mrs. Dale Retzlaff, Atkin
son, surgical. 13—Mrs. Lyle Fix,
Atkinson, obstetrical. 15 — Ste
phen Kaup, Newport, surgical.
Dismissed: August 11 — Mrs.
Milo Pospichal and daughter,
Mrs. Jim Boetcher and son. 12—
Dennis Hickok. 14 — LaVeme
i Brady, Mrs. Mike Coday.
Why take a chance on just any Used Car?
Our selection is wide .... our transporta
tion is dependable. Buy on easy terms if
you wish. Come in today .... look around
.... see these worthy buys!
!953 Ford V8 Cusiomline Tudor. Equipped with overdrive,
heater, push button radio, turn indicators, power I
wineshield wipers, and tinted glass. Original finish and
good tires. Offered for the first time at only_ $1,499
1952 Ford V8 Customline Fordor. Radio and healer. Price now
reduced to-$1,144 — or only $385 down
Other Late Model Cars: Fords — Chevrolets — Plymouths
When in O'Neill, see your Friendly Ford Dealer
for values in Cars and Trucks!
ATTENTION: Owners of '46 to '50 model cars and pickups!
Oux stock on these is low so we are prepared to offer you
better deals on r.ew and late models. Be the first to take
advantage of this shortage!
“Where service doesn’t end with the sale”
Phone 33 — O’Neill
■I—PH iJ I—t—TIPI'—Win* 11 i.IH—■JIIMPJil.* . .. W1 ^
Kenneth Hoerle, 16. of Chambers was a dual- winner in fair judging competition with this Here
ford heifer, which ranked as reserve grand ch ampion in Hereford open-class competition and
first among 4-H breeding heifers.—The Frontier Photo.
Sick & Injured
gart reports that her husband,
who left two weeks ago for
Washington, D.C., to go through
a medical clinic, is still undergo
ing tests and examinations. Al
though he is in the hospital, he
has not been confined to his bed,
and has had some evenings of
leave to spend with his brothers,
Dr. Ross Taggart and Paul Tag
gart. He does not know when he
will be home. . . A1 Rockord re
cievd a serious injury Monday
while baling ray. The baler belt
broke, striking him in the back
and driving a piece of steel into
his back. He was taken to St.
Vincent’s hospital in Sioux
City. . . Mrs. Iua Turner, moth
er of William Turner of Cham
bers, underwent an operation re
cently. Mrs Turner lives at Osh
kosh. Mr. and Mrs. William Tur
ner plan to leave Sunday for a
few days viist with her.
O’NEILL — Terry Liedtke, 3,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lied
tke, broke his leg Friday, August
6, in a backyard accident. A
friendly dog knocked him down.
. . . Henry Sanders entered the
Veterans hospital in Grand Is
land Wednesday, August 11. Mr.
and Mrs. John Underwood and
Herbert visited him there Sun
day. . . Michael Moore, small son,
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore, is a
patient at Children’s Memorial
hospital in Omaha. Earlier he
was hospitalized at St. Anthony’s j
at St. Anthony’s here and in Our!
Lady of Lourdes, Norfolk. His
condition is “serious”.
PAGE—Tom Knudsen of Man
ning, la., suffered a slight heart
attack at his home Sunday morn
ing, August 8, and is a patient in
a hospital there. His mother, Mrs.
Helen Knudsen of Page, went to
Manning. . . . Miss Viola Haynes
accompanied by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Haynes, drove to
Denton Tuesday, August 10, to
visit at the Roy Haynes home.
Miss Viola was in Lincoln for a
medical check-up. . . . Mrs. Mable
Davis spent Friday, August 6, in
Cioux City for a medical check
up. She spent that night at the
Mrs. Alta Finch home.
AMELIA—Mrs. Stella Sparks
has ben suffering with a severe
case of acute arthritis in her
wrist. Mrs. Prewitt assisted at
the cream station.
STUART—Mrs. Mary Willer
is staying with her sister, Mrs.
ing, who fell and broke her wrist,
Esli Sparks, in Newport.
INMAN — Harry Moore and
granddaughter drove to Sioux
City on Sunday where they visit
ed Mrs Moore, a patient in a
Sioux City hospital.
Robert William Naden, driver j
for Naden and Sons, overload on
capacity plate, $25 and costs,
August 10, Kenneth W. Kirk.
Lucien Champagne, driver for
Gill Interstate Lines, Inc., no re
ciprocity, $25 and costs, August
11, Donald F. Richardson.
Milton Smith, driver for Ar
dell M. Smith, no reciprocity, $10
and costs, August 12, Jack W. H.
Art Fuller, intoxication, $i
costs, sentenced to 90 days in
jail, August 13, Joe Wert.
John C. Alexander, no reci
procity, $25 and costs, August
13, Donald F. Richardson.
Elvin R, Johnson, driving
while under the influence of al
coholic liquor, $50 and costs, six
months suspension of driver’s li
cense, August 16, R. L. Gude.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker re
turned last Thursday fom a 10
day vacation trip to Ft. Bliss,
Tex., where they visited their
son, Don, who is stationed there.
They made a side trip into Mex
ico and returned to O’Neill via
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Estimated Receipts: 600 Cattle
• There will be around 600 head of callle ai our sale to
day (Thursday) with quality improving each week.
There will be 38 head of choice 650-pound Hereford steer
and heifer yearlings; 43 head of choice Angus steer and
heifer yearlings. 600-pounders; quite a number of part-loads
of yearlings and a good assortment of butcher cattle.
• We will start the hog sale at 11 o'clock.
O’Neill Livestock Market
Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor
Thursday, August 19: WSCS
prayer cell, 10 a.m.
Sunday, August 22: Worship
service, 8:30 a.m.; the junior
-hoir will sing; cherub and junior
choirs practice, 9:30 a.m.; church
school service, 9:45 a.m.
Monday, August 23: Official
board meets, 8 p.m.; school of
missions at Nebraska Wesleyan
university begins at 7 p.m.
Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor
Thursday, August 19: WSCS at
the church 2 p.m., covered dish.
Sunday, August 22: Worship
service at 9:45 a.m.; children’s
church school at 9:45 a.m.; youth
and adult church school at 10:45
Monday, August 23: School of
missions at Nebraska Wesleyan
university begins at 7 p.m.
METHODIST (Chambers)
Rev. J. M. Hodgkin, pastor
Sunday, August 22: Sunday
school, 9:30 a.m., Eugene Baker,
superintendent; worship, 10:30
'ihe first quarterly conference
was held at the church Friday
evening, August 13, with the
district superintendent, Rev. J.
La Verne Jay, in charge.
Mickey Lee Hobbs, 20, of Ew
ing and Patricia Vandersnick,
20, of Ewing, August 13.
Paul David Robinson 19, of
Lincoln and Byrdie Ann Park,
22, of Page, August 44.
Elvon Hamiliton, 26, of Stuart
and Gladys Mae Weller, 22, of
Atkinson, August 16.
Herman G. Starman, 31, of
Elgin and Joan Lorraine Thiele,
23, of Clearwater, August 17.
Other Stuart News
Mrs. G. L. Obermire and daugh
ters were O’Neill shoppers Fri
day, August 13. Cheryl Obermire
stopped in Atkinson to spend
the weekend with her grand
mother, Mrs. Mary Henning.
Mrs. Josephine Timmermans
returned to her home here on
Sunday after visiting two weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. Tom
Higgins, at Brocksburg.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of
Lincoln came Saturday^ August
14, and spent Sunday* at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. L. Obermire.
A/2c Mark B. Kaup has been
transfered from Scott air force
base, Illinois, to Yuma, Ariz. His
address: AF-17377314, 85th Ftr.
Intcp. Sqdn., Yuma Co., Aprt.
Yuma, Ariz
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cofman re
turned Friday, August 13, from
Colorado, Springs, Colo., where
they spent a week visiting their
son, Lt. and Mrs. Rex and Mrs.
Coffman and daughter.
Mrs. Stanley Cobb and son,
Douglas. Mrs. Ethel Stracke and
grandson, Mel Roy Stracke, re
turned Thursday, August 12,
after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Greenfield at Sand Point, Ida.
M. B. Huffman
New Commander
EWING—M. B. Huffman was
elected commander of the Sand
ers post, American Legion, at the
regular meeting held last Thurs
day evening at the Legion club.
Other officers elected were: Lyle
Dierks, vice-commander; L. M.
Carter, adjutant; R. H. Shain,
finance; James Boies, chaplain,
and Jay Butler, service officer.
Following the campletion of
the old busiess with Commander
Ralph Munn, presiding, the new
officials took office.
O’Neill News
Mrs. John J. Harrington and
Marlene returned Saturday from
a three week vacation trip to
Rollins, Wyo., Yellowstone Nat
ional park and Lance Creek,
Miss Patti Kaiser of Chicago,
111., visited from last Thursday
until Sunday at the home of her
uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. L.
R. Sutcliffe, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. James Golden and
Bradley of Pittsburgh. Kans., ar
rived Monday and will visit for a
week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Golden.
Mrs. Lillian Ogden of Lincoln
visited from Friday until Mon
day at tne home of ner son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Gale W. Dierberger.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Murphy and
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran return
ed Saturday from a two week
vacation in southern California,
Mrs. M. G. Coley of Worlend,
Wyo., visited from Tuesday,
August 10, until Friday at the
home of her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jaszk
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Bosn, Al,
Donnie and Theresa and Mrs. Lod
Janousek attended the religious
reception of their neice, Sister
Mary Alma, at Notre Dame col1- ,
lege in Omaha last Thursday.
Sister Alma is the former Margie
Mr. and Mrs. George Lambert
of Clearwater and Mrs. Ellen
Lambert of Riverton, Wyo., were
Friday guests of their grandson
and nephew respectively and his
wile, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Harley.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Langan
drove to Wayne Wednesday to get
the Misses Joan Langan and Kar
en Donohoe. The girls have com
pleted a 12 weeks summer school
course at Wayne State Teachers
State Sen. Frank Nelson and
Mrs. Nelson spent the weekend
at Ft. Calhoun, where they at
tended a family reunion.
There will be an Altar society
meeting at 8 o’clock tonight
(Thursday) in the gymnasium of
St. Mary’s academy. Members of
St. Elizabeth’s guild will be in
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Stanton and
their daughter, Mrs. Eddie Shea,
and sons, all of Butte, Mont.,
left Monday for Bonesteel, S.D,
to visit Mr. Stanton’s sister, Mrs.
Katherine Ryan, and family.
They will return to O’Neill Sat
A picnic was held Sunday in
Ford’s park in honor of S/Sgt.
August Kaiser of Washington,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Luber
and Mrs. Orville Lowry and
children, Barbara and Paul, all of
Memphis, Tenn., left for their
homes there Monday after hav
ing been guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lowry and
Charles Caywood, and of other
relatives. Mrs. Luber is a daugh
ter and Mrs. Orville Lowry a
daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Lowry.
Visitors at the A. E. Bowen
home the past week were Mr.
and Mrs. John Reed and son,
Tommy, and Mrs. Martha B. War
ner, all of Denver, Colo.
Weekend guests ai the Russell
Yusten home were Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Nohr, jr., Art Robertson,
Diane Baytermier, Yvonne Hyde
and Donald Robertson, all from
Wagner, S.D. They went to the
Burwell rodeo Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cooper of
Omaha stopped at the John Stor
johann home Saturday. They
were vacationing and were en
route to the West coast. Linda
remained with her grandparents
and John is staying with the
Robert Newmanns at Chappell.
George Binkerd, 72,
Dorsey Native, Dies
NELIGH—Funeral services for
George A. Blinkerd, 72, who died
Friday in a Neligh hospital, were
held Monday afternoon at the
Congregational church here by
the Rev. Royal Sheperd.
Burial was in Laurel Hill
cemetery and pallbearers were
Fred Benning, Fred Sponhower,
Carsten Hansen, Elmer Truax,
Herbert Mayberry and Sam
! George A. Binkerd was born
June 14, il8&2, at Dorsey, the son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Binkerd.
He was married to Miss Pearl
Connelly April 7, 1903. They
came to Neligh in 1921 from
Lynch, where Mr. Binkerd had
operated a grocery store.
Sine 1922 Mr. Binkerd and his
son, Veldon, had conducted a
furniture business here. Mr. Bin
kerd has been prominent in civic
affairs throughout his business
life here.
Survivors include: widow;
daughter—Mrs. Elmer Lindahl of
Neligh; sons—Veldon and Ger
ald, both of Neligh; six grand
children; four sisters, . and one
Lynch News
Cora Lee returned home Mon
day, August 9, from her school
work in Lincoln.
Lloyd Craig of Alden, la., visit
ed relatives here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mulhair
visited at the Dan Hansen home
at Dorsey the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jehorek
and Junior were Burwell visitors
last Thursday.
Joe Spencer of Oregon is here
for an extended stay with his
son, Fred, and family also other
Mrs. Bernardine Bannerman
and children and Mrs. James Saub
and children of Rushville visited
the Dr. Joseph David family
here last week.
Dennis Darnell of Omaha has
been here the past week visiting
his grandparents, the Carle Dar
nells and Ray Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vesley and
daughter of Tabor, S. D., spent
several days visiting at the Bern
ard Hajek home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France re
turned home Wednesday, August
11, from a several days visit
with their son, Harold, and fam
ily at Minatare.
Mrs. Lewie Christensen has
been hired to be the school coo’t
for the coming year.
Mrs. Grace Edison returned
home after a two weeks visit
with relatives in Minnesota. She
visited relatives in Iowa enroute
Mrs. William Staufer visited
relatives in Hot Springs, S.D.,
and Rapid City, S. D., last week
Dr. G. B. Ira and Mrs. Dix
called at the Guy Hull home at
Redbird last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nelson and
son, Gary, returned Wednesday,
August 11, from a month’s vaca
tion trip through the Western
states. Emil Koval assisted Fred
erick King at the postoffice dur
ing Mr. Nelson’s absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Court
ney called at the Albert Kalkow
ski home last Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert.Rossmeier
and children of Sidney are here
for a two weeks vacation with the
Haselhorst and Rossmeier fam
The R. M. Ducker family
moved into the Mrs. Inger Levi
residence the later part of this
Never An After-Thirst
School House and
Fixtures For Sale
The following will be offered at auction on premises, located
south from O’Neill on U.S. 281 to C Bar M corner, 2 miles
west, 1 mile south, 3 miles West, 1 mile north and one-hali
mile west, on —
Friday, September 3rd — 2:30 P.M.
School Housse, 18 x20’, Iron Clad, with
6’ Hallway
Iron Clad Barn, 16 x20’
Well and Pump
Plus These Fixtures:
10 desks, teacher’s desk and chair, steel bookcase, coal stove,
miscellaneous books, other items too numerous to mention.
School Buildings on Real Estate Legally Described as
NE Corner NW>4. 30-28-12
Board of Education — District 194 !
COL. ED THORIN. O'Neill. Auctioneer
I No. 303 Cans I
7 for $1,00 I
Maybelle 5|
3 Lbs. .. 69c I
,10 Lbs.39c
BEEF.. 2 cans 75c
CATSUP.2 btls. 31c
■■ 111 —■■!■■■ —— ■ —— ™—
ALL FLAVORS — No Deposit
POP . 6 - 12-oz. btls. 39c
CHEERIOS, giant pkg. 23c
AJAX ..2 cans 25c
KOOL - ADE.. 6 pkgs. 25c
CARAMELS, lb. pkg. 39c
O Can
RIBS Lb. 39c
STEAK -2 lbs. $1.00
WIENERS 3 lb. $1-00
BOIOGUA lb 39c
10-Lb. Bag 95 c
Grocery Phone — 593
JELL-0.6 pkgs. 49c
SARDINES 3 cans 2§c j
APPLES.3 lbs. 25c
LETTUCE ..Lb. 12c
TISSUE.... 4 roll pkg. 23c
No. 303 Cans
4 for 89c