Mr. and Mrs. Bryson L. Braziel . . . wed in Sunday church rile.—O'Neill Pholo Co. M K K Leona Rae Kazda, Bryson L. Braziel Exchange Vows ATKINSON—Miss Leona Rae Kazda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Kazda of Atkin son, and Bryson L. Braziel, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Braziel of Lincoln, were united in marriage at the Methodist church in At kinson on Sunday, August 8. Rev. E. G. Hughes, pastor, per formed the 2:30 o’clock double ring ceremony. Baskets of lavender and white gladioli and phlox against a background of ferns and candel abra decorated the church altar. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a floor length gown of lace and tulle fashioned with a peter pan col lar, fitted bodice and long taper ing sleeves. The full-skirt had a peplum of net over satn. Her fingertip veil of imported silk illusion fell from a Juliet ap of lace applique and seed pearls. Her bouquet was of white carnations and pink sweetheart ii ses. The tradition of something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a penny, in her shoe was carried out by the bride. The maid-of-honor, Miss Lo ciema Wefso of Atkinson, wore a gown of aqua net over taffeta. She carried a colonial bouquet of white gladioli and sweetheart roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Patty i Kutscher of Lincoln, was gown ed in a dress of pink net over taffeta. She, too, carried a co lonial bouquet of gladioli and sweetheart roses. Roger T. Braziel of Lincoln was bestman for his brother. Donald Tyrrel and Kaye Spence, both of Lincoln, ushered. The bridegroom and his attendants were attired in dark trousers and white dinner jackets. They wore red boutonnieres. Miss Elaine Harshfield of At kinson, vocalist, sang “Because, “I Love You Truly” and “The Lord’s Prayer,” accompanied by Onie McClurg of Atkinson, or ganist. The bride’s mother chose a dress of navy blue lace and crepe and the bridegroom’s mother wore a pale blue linen dress. Both mothers wore corsages of red carnations and roses. A reception in the church parlors followed the wedding ceremony. It was served by the women of the WSCS, Circle II. ihe weauing caice End decorated by the bride s auht Mrs. Anna Holz of Ewing. Mrs. Charles Peterson of Atkin son was in charge of the guest book and the Misses Mary Ann Kahler and Frances Gotschall, both of Atkinson, were in charge of the gifts. For traveling the bride wore s two-piece dress of coral linen with white accessories. After a wedding trip through Canada the couple w’ill be at home at 2771 South 34th st., Lincoln. Mrs. Braziel attended Atkinson high school and before her mar riage was employed by the Lin coln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mr Braziel attended the Univer sity of Nebraska where he w'as a member of Delta Sigma Pi- He is now employed by the same telephone company. Out-of-town guests present at the wadding reception were: Mr. and Mrs. Don Syrell, Mr. and Mrs. Kaye Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Braziel, Mrs. Anna Holz, Mr and Mrs. Charles Wright, Charlotte and Conna. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hovey, Elvon Ham ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mit chell. Mr. and Mrs. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnson and sons and Myrl Cady and daughter. Couple Weds at Rectory— LYNCH—Mrs. Elizabeth Kline and Harry Johnson, both of Bristow, were married at the Catholic rectory at Lynch Satur day, August. 7. Rev. John Wiec zorek officiated. Mrs. Johnson has been the acting postmistress at Bristow since Nina Anderson’s retire ment. Mr. Johnson is a retired farmer. The couple plans to make their home in Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher in Inman. DeCostas Move to Franklin— STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Don DeCosta moved to Franklin this week where Mr. DeCosta will be head coach of all sports at the high school. Mr. DeCosta has coached the Stuart Broncos the past two school terms and Mrs. DeCosta was the home economics teacher 1 here during that time. Justice Court Elvin O. Alton, driver for R. G. Shelhamer, overweight on capacity plate, dismissed, August 2, Jack W. H. Crouch. Wayne Fife, driver for Isaac Baird, no tow permit, $10 and costs, August 2, Harold A. Cra mer. Orville F. Demaree, driver for Otto Prikle, overweight, $50 and costs, August 2, Donald F. Rich aidson. Larry Fox, driver for Fox Bros., overload on axle, $50 and costs, August 3, Harold A. Cra mer. Wendell M. Luke, driver for Hedrich Sales Co., overweight on capacity plate, $20 and costs, A.ugust 3, Harold A. Cramer. Erich Schulz, driver for Amal gamated Motor Truck Ltd., over weight on capacity plate, $50 and costs, August 3, Kenneth W. Kirk. Jim A. Ray, driver for Brod sky, overload on axle, $60 and costs, August 3, Kenneth W. Kirk. John A. Foster, intoxication, $'.0 and costs, August 5, John R. Skinner. William W. Goodell, speeding 50 mph. with bus, $10 and costs, August 5, John R. Skinner. Leota J. Ness, speeding, day time, $10 and costs, August 5, John R. Skinner. Robert R. Marsh, speeding, day time, pending, August 5, John R. Skinner. Ben A. McCartney, driver for Consolidated Freightways, over weight on capacity plate, $10 and costs, August 5, Harold A. Cramer. Louis Pospisil, driver for Dob son Bros. Const. Co., excessive height, $10 and costs, August 5, Lonald F. Richardson. Leo Hoffman, driver for Gen eral Wholesale, overweight on capacity plate, $25 and cost, Aug ust 5, Jack W H. Crouch. Jesse Kumberg, driver for O. T IVAowi t nr* r>P r» i r*r*rvr» it \r <£9R and costs, August 5, Jack W. H. Crouch. John J. Testenson, driver for K. W. Marr Groceries Co., over load on axle, $50 and costs, Aug ust 6, Kenneth W. Kirk. LaVerne E. Claussen, wilfull reckless driving, $25 and costs, August 7, R. L. Gude. Ivan Smith, driver for Harold H. Thompson, overweight on ca pacity plates, pending, August 9, Jack W. H. Crouch. Claude Robert, driver for Amalgamated Motor Trucks, ov erweight on capacitiy plate, $50 and costs, August 9, Donald F. Richardson. Gillis A. Nelson, driver for Wakefield Transfer, overweight on capacity plate, August 9, Don ald F. Richardson. David R. Gunn, driver for Johnson Transpt. Ltd., over weight, pending, August 9, Har old A. Cramer. Eugene Irvine, driver for Amalgamated, overweight, pend ing, August 9, Harold A. Cramer. Kenneth Rugh, driver for Se attle Parking Co., no reciprocity, $25 and costs, August 9, Jack W. H. Crouch. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Dorothy Barret of Atkin son visited from Wednesday, August 4, until Monday evening with her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hav ranek. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Connors, and family in Greeley. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruhn of North Platte, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson, Bonnie and Jackie, Glenn Tomlinson of Spencer and Larry Tomlinson visited Wednes day, August 4, at Pickstown, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Osen baugh and family of Burwell were Sunday visitors in the John D. Osenbaugh home. « Group Communion for Altar Society LYNCH—Mrs. Lorie Micanek was hostess to the Altar society of the Assumption BVM church Thursday afternoon, August 5, at her home northeast of town. Fifteen members were present. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Velma Micanek presided and led in an opening and clos ing prayer. The society plans to go to holy communion Sunday, August 15, in a group in commemoration of the Marian year. Doughnuts and coffee were served by Mrs. Ray Alford and Mrs. Leroy Purviance. Velma Micanew, /\rlene Hav ranek and Rose Kalkowski won prizes during the social hour. The September meeting will be held with Stacia Courtney, Eliz abeth Peklo and Mrs. V. F. Jed licka. Other Lynch News Duane Mills returned home from an extended stay in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Barnes and family were Spencer visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kolund j of piainview visited relatives I here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jay Long came from California to make their home here, Mel Jay having received his discharge from the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davy of Merna visited relatives here on Sunday, August 1. Lona Sedivy, Mrs. Florence Harris, Joyce Haselhorst, Joan Rosicky, Lanona Bjornsen, Gerry Courtney, Mary Chvala and Jeannine Halva are attending the three-week study center at Butte taught by Prof. Don Clifton of the University of Nebraska. They are taking a course jn human de velopment and behavior. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hanslik end sons of Hooper spent the weekend at the James Maly home. Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Placek and sons spent Sunday at the Vince Jehorek home. Sidney and Donna Greene spent the weekend at the par ental Buss Greene home. Mr. and Mrs. Jergen Jurgen sen of Norfolk spent Sunday eve ning at the Lee Barnes home. A large number of Lynchites attended the Kline - Johnson wedding dance at Bristow Sat urday, August 7. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bjornsen and family of Sioux City spent Satur. day evening at the Vince Jehorek home. Mrs. Jerry Boska and son of Embden, Mo., visited Mrs. Jose phine Boska and son, Joe, last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moody returned home Friday from a week’s fishing trip to Minnesota lakes. , Mrs. Marie Thurgeon of Burke, S.D., spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Earl Rosicky, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rapp and family of Arcadia. Calif., spent last Thursday at the M. P. Steng er home. Mrs. Wallace Moffett accom panied Pauline Mulhair to Yank ton, S.D., Sunday, August 1. Mrs. Grace Weeder of Scio, Ore., and her sister and brother in-law visited relatives here the last week of July. On Sunday, August 1, a picnic dinner was held in their honor at the Lynch park. A large group of relatives attended. Lawrence Gdowski and Miss Clara Kohler of Fullerton spent Tuesday, August 3, visiting at the ! Vince Jehorek home. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Rohde and daughter visited relatives here and at Gross last week. i Dr. L. I. Hines of Spencer was a Lynch visitor Saturday. MARRIAGE LICENSES Donald S. Cameron, 27, of Chambers and Marcella E. Tom jack, 30, of Ewing, August 9. George Arlen Miles, 22, O’ Neill, and Coleen L. Kennedy, Amelia, August 11. On 14-Day Leave— SPENCER — Pfc. Richard Loock, son of Frank Loock, arriv ed late Tuesday from Ft. Lewis, Wash., for a 14-day leave. He will depart by car for Washington on August 20. Desesrt Bridge— The women of the Country club met Wednesday evening at the club house for a dessert bridge. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer was the chairman for the evening. Covered Dish Picnic— The Birthday club entertained at a covered dish picnic dinner at the home of Mrs. O. W. French Tuesday, August 3. Miss Donna Langan returned to her home in Columbus Tues day. She had been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. | M. Langan, for the past week. Stuart News Mrs. Roy Rhodes accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foxworthy of Bassett to Albion Wednesday, August 4, where they visited Mrs. Pete Foxworthy and son, Ricky Neil. Girl Scout troop II left Sun day, August 8, to spend a week at Camp Cedars. Mrs. G. L. Obermire and daughters and Miss Becky Moses spent Tuesday, August 3, with Mrs. Walt Kaup and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire JamUy spent Sunday at the \\. G. Obermire home at Atkin son. Miss Jean stayed to spend the week with Miss Barbara. Kenneth J. Krysl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krysl, has re ceived his separation from the army and arrived here Thrus day, August 5. He has been sta tioned in Korea the past year with the Korean base section. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaup, jr “ave received word their son! A/2c Edmund Kaup, has arrived in Korea. Rev. and Mrs. Orin Graff and family of Forreston, 111., visited a short time at the Community church Sunday. Reverend Graff is a former pastor of the Com munity church. O’Neill News Mrs. M. G. Coley of Worland, Wyo., arrived Tuesday and will visit for several days with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wearne of Bloomfield visited Sunday at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. Peters and son of Valentine were Sunday after noon and evening guests of Mr. Hooper’s sister, Mrs. Vannie Newman. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holly were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Policky and son, Le hoy, of York and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liska of Seward. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hopkins and daughters visited in Bayard from Sunday, August 1, until last Thursday with his brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxcy. HOLLAND DUTCH HALF GAL. 1 ICE CREAM 49t { HUNT'S 2 1 CATSUP »'•-. 35' I STURGEON BAY 2 — 303 CANS \ CHERRIES 39 <\ CINCH PKG. I ™ I | flB^ KRAFT’S MIRACLE Because we take first prize for quality and value . . . you lake M Jf M 4B At / home tremendous savings . BV M U[, ArW Lfl f and you take first prize f J Q J home for delicious meals, too! ^ Yes, we have the variety and / J ] values that you like to find ' ' when you shop. And we have easy convenient shopping con- SKIPPY PEANUT ditions, too! So, try our store now and you'll say we rale first «■ mm piize for shopping pleasure! B M J&, 12-Oz. ifU / » * fC Jar _ CAKE MIX 35 GRAYSTONE 1 OLEO 2^ 39t\ I LIBBY’S CRUSHED V. 2 NO. 2 CANS S PINEAPPLE 49f| Introductory OFFER North State CORN Z W Plus 1 Pkg. FREE Stokely's Grapefruit 46-OZ. CN. JUICE.Ea. 27c Ridge NO. 2 CANS BEETS.2 for 25c Lifebuoy SOAP, 4 bar deal 29c I Fancy Black In Shaker PEPPER.2 oz. 39c Cudahy's Vienna CANS SAUSAGE, 2 for 29c CLOROX Qt. 19c Slokely's Tomato 46-OZ. CAN JUICE.Ea. 29c Delsey Toilet TISSUE „ 2 rolls 27 c Kraft MUSTARD, 2 for 19c U.S. CHOICE F ROfi Rip Rap Wax PAPERS’ 10c Armour’s MILK 2 2.25c Ma Brown Grape JELL Y 2S"'59c ALL - MEAT 1 RMG BOlOCnn 2^ 79^1 SPICED LUNCHEON. Lb. 49c I RIVAL SLICED f Bacon H 39i BOILING BEEF.. Lb. 19c I END - CUT I POBB CHOPS u 3911 CALIF. ELBERTA PERCHES ,7Lb L"! WATERMELON Lb. 3!/4c SUNKIST LEMONS.Lb. 13c GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 45c GRAPES .Lb. 17c %