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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1954)
political advertisement J~ , Mr. Voter . . . I Want Your Support for State Treasurer at ms&mag • Successful Business Man • Three Terms State Senator Serving on Banking, Appro priations and Revenue Com mittees • Chairman of Banking Com mittee • Chairman of Appropriations Comm.ttee • Licensed Mortician • Member of State Board of Agriculture i • Member of State Fair Board • Alumnus of University of Nebraska • Shriner — Methodist • 80 Years of Age — Married Ralph W. Hill Hebron, Nebr. REPUBLICAN for STATE TREASURER METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, August 5: Page WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m.; Page choir practice at 8 pm.; Inman choir practice at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, August 8: Inman wor ship service at 9:45 a.m., follow ed by church school at 10:45 a.m., Karl Keyes, superintendent; Page church school at 10 a.m., Dale Stauffer, superintendent; Page worship service at 11 a.m.; Page MYF at 8 p.m. Thursday, August 12: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m. We welcome you. Legal Notice (First pub. Aug. 5, 1954) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 3974 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 28, 1954. in the matter of the Estate of Herbert Richardson, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is November 26, 1954, and for the payment of debts is July 28, 1955, and that on August 26, 1954, and on Novem ber 27, 1954. at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-16 NOTICE TO VOTERS OF ROCK FALLS TOWNSHIP The primary election on Aug ust 10th, 1954, will be held in school house of Dist. 150, known as John Grutsch Schoolhouse, elections to follow will be held there until further notice. Signed: TOWNSHIP BOARD OF ROCK FALLS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Sunday, August 8; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 i.m. A laymen’s team from one of the churches in the Presbytery will be in O’Neill to conduct the service on Sunday morning, Aug ust 8. These men will promote the Presbytery men’s retreat to be held in Wayne on August 29. The Women’s association will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’ clock in the church basement. Mrs. Harry Petersen will lead the lesson on the theme “Christ Calls Us to Witness in Our Daily Lives.” The devotions will be given by Mrs. Felix Hendrick. Mrs. William Artus, Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer, Mrs. Jerry Weaver and Mrs. Cecil Baker are the nostesses for this meeting. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES (O'Neill) Carl F. Andersen, minister “Man has reached his crisis today and only Divine Love can save mankind from destruction.” Thus spoke C. A. Steele of the Watchtower Bible and Tract so ciety, Brooklyn, N.Y.. Sunday at a district assembly in Sioux City, attended by a number of Holt countyans. More than 5,257 persons at tended the six - state meeting, leaching from Missouri and Kan sas to the Canadian border. Ten similar conventions were being held simultaneously throughout the United States. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastoi Prayer meeting each Wednes day evening at 8 o’clock. Sunday, august 8: Worship al 10 a.m.; Sunday-school at 11 a.m.; evening service at 8 o’clock Monday, August 9: The Pio neers for Christ will meet here and they will also have the Jacot De Shazer filmb in the service 8 p.m. Everyone is invited to attenc our services. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN (RFD. Ewing) ~ . * _j. n It-. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT _pQUTIfcAL^PVrRTlSEMENT^^^ Help Elect Darel Bright Democratic Candidate for HOLT COUNTY SUPERVISOR Second District Primary Election — Tuesday, August 10 Your Support Appreciated Let’s Do Some Thinking Before We Vote Aug. 10th OUIlUdy, rrugLiow u. f» 9:30 a.m.; the Sunday-schoo hour follows the worship service A visiting laymen’s team wil be in charge of the service oi Sunday morning. The World Council of Church es will meet in Evanston, 111., thi month. Watch the newspaper and listen to the radio for report from this worldwide meeting. METHCDIST (Chambers) Rev. J. M. Hodgkins, pastor Sunday-school, 9:30 a.m., Gen Baker, superintendent; worship 10:30 a.m. Robert Strong of Chamber was guest speaker Sunday a Reverend Hodgkins was away o: vacation. The Woman’s society will met today (Thursday) at the churc with Mrs. K. N. Adams and Mn Joe Daas hostesses.__ On August 10th, most of us will vote in the primary elections. It will take us just a few minutes to mark our choice for U. S. Senator. But the man we choose will be guid ing the destiny of all of us. His vote in the Senate will help determine whether we have continued prosperity or a re cession, a fair farm plan or a fiasco, more give-aways or reduced taxes, more "police actions” and war or peace. Right Man vital It is vitally important to all of us that we send the right man to Wash ington. I have nothing against any of the candidates in the race for Republican nomination to the Senate, but I would like vou to consider the background and beliefs of the man I am voting for — Dave Martin. Dave Martin Believes: This is what Dave Martin stands for: 1. No recognition of Red China. 2. Eliminating expensive foreign handouts. 3. Flexible Farm supports. 4! Rooting out Communism in America. 5. Economy in government. 6. The Bricher amendment to curb the unlimited executive treaty-making powers that re sulted in such disasters as Yal ta and Potsdam. 7. Stopping creeping Socialism. 8. No U. S. troops to Indo-China. 9. Faithful service to Nebraskans who have problems that need attention in Washington. Dave Martin is a Nebraska Republi can in the truest sense of the word. He knows our problems. He has been meet ing payrolls, working with government regulations. He can bring a fresh view point to Washington for us rather than the old, tired, bureaucratic approach. Martin’s Background He is a successful Kearney lumber man who has devoted years of effort in the Republican ranks as a worker for better government. For the past 16 years — from a Young Republican to State Republican Chairman — Dave Martin has fought for the principles and beliefs of Re publicanism, for the type of represen tation Nebraska wants and needs. To Help You Businessmen, farmers, in fact every body, have found they must deal more and'more with the government these davs. Nebraskans who have problems or want information and guidance from government agencies in Washington deserve all the help and attention a Senator can give them. Providing this help is part of Dave Martin’s pledge to you. We should all do a lot of thinking before we vote for our Senator in the primary August 10th. The Logical Choice And to me, Dave Martin’s record — of years of hard work for the issues most of us believe in, and his courage to take a stand — makes Dave Martin the logical choice to represent us in the U: S. Senate during the perilous years ahead. —SHANE HUGH O’NEIL! Holt Co. Chairman Martin for Senator DAVID MARTIN REPUBLICAN for U.S. Senator (Thia ad paid for by Friends of David Martin) Male Chorus to Sing Here The Harvester male chorus (above), representing Southwest ern Bible Institute, is on a 15-state tour and will present a sa cred concert at the Assembly of God church in O’Neill on Friday, August 6 8 p.m. The public is invited, according to the church pastor Rev. Wavne A. Hall. The young male singers represent the junior college and Bible departments of Southwestern. In photo (left-to-right) are: Edward Daniel, accompanist; E. Lesley Stubbs first tenor (also director and head of the music depart ment) ’ Truitt Ford, first tenor; Earl Ostrum bass; Joseph Nichol son second tenor; John Dickinson, baritone; Jory Waldron, bari tone; Robert Bowen, second tenor; Eumid Freeman, bass; Edgar Palser, second tenor. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor Friday, August 6: Harvester male chorus, 8 pm., in our church. Saturdav night street service, 8-30 o’clock, at the corner of Fourth and Douglas. Sunday services as follows: Sunday-school at 10 a.m.; wor ship at 11 a.m.; boys’ and girls Bible hour, 7:30 p.m.; evening service at 3 o”clock. Bible study and prayer service Wednesday, 8 pm. Nebraska district camp meeting will be heid at the camp grounds at Lexington August 13 through 22. Rev. William Kirschke, pastor at Longview, Wash., will be the evening speaker. Rev. J. Robert Ashcroft, instructor at Central Bible Institute at Springfield, Mo, will be ministering in the 1 morning Bible studies. Rev. Philip Hogan, former missionary to China and Formosa, will be the main speaker at the camp missionary rallies. All who at tend these services will feel won derfully repaid. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) 1 Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Thursday, August 5: Midweek ! prayer meeting, 8 p.m. Sunday, August 8: Sunday , school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; , evening service at 8 o cIock. The ! i6-mm sound color film of Jacob De Shazer imprisonment in Ja pan. The film will be shown twice if there are those who can i not get in for the first showing. August 17-29: Wesleyan Meth ’ odist conference at Atkinson. Dr. J. R. Skaguer, home mission ! Dr J R- Swaguer, home mission * ary secretary of the denomina tion, will be evangelist and de t .tominational representative. 1 CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) . 7th and Clay sts. “The Church of the Lutheran Hour” Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; di vine service, 11 a.m. Mission festival is to be held , Sunday, August 15, at 2:30 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. E. tl. I Martens, pastor of Concordia Lutheran church, Clearwater. Everyone is invited. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) “The Church of the Lutheran Hour” Rev. E. G. Smith, pastor Divine service (holy commun ion), 9 a.m.; Sunday-school, 10 a.m. Vacations in Hawaii— CHAMBERS— Mrs. John Win termote received word that her daughter. Miss Eula Wintermote | of Medford. Ore., had returned to her work after spending a; two-weeks? vacation in Hawaii. RETURNING TO U.S. CHAMBERS — Cpl. Gerald Grimes is expected home soon from 15 months in Korea. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grimes of Chambers. Here from Los Angeles— Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Tanner of Los Angeles, Calif., were guests Tuesday, July 27, and Wednes day, July 28, of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Beckenhauer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin and family were guests Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Newton in Orchard._ POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT _ i Crosby for Senator Paul Petty grore, Chairman Doolittle Raider’s Mission Film Coming The widely-heralded “De Shaz-; er” sound color film will be shown next week at O’Neill, Atkinson, Page, Venus, Lynch and Spencer under the auspices of the Wesleyan Methodist churches. Sixteeen twin-engined B-25's aircraft took off from the USS Hornet on April 18, 1942 to bomb Japan. Eigh of the flyers were captured by the Japanese, three were executed, one died of star vation. Four continued as prison ers of Japan till the end of World War II. One of the prisoners, Mr. De Shazer, decided while imprison ment and through the influence of the Bilbe, he would return to Japan as a missionary. He did. The “De Shazer” film depicts the prison life and brutal treat ment he suffered. The film was ; produced in Hollywood. De Shazer now works with the Free Methodist missionary board and in cooperation with other Christian groups, fulflling his promise made to the Lord while in solitary confinement. (Dates, places and times for the showing of the “De Shazer” film may be found in an advertisement else where in this issue.) -— Wanted: Your support in the primary election—August 10. — S. H. LYMAN, non - political candidate for slate legislature. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT E. W. GUSTAFSON Republican I WANT THE JOB OF UNITED STATES SENATOR (Short Term) I have filed, not to achieve recog nition for past deeds or honors, but because I would like to use the ex perience and prestige of this office as a foundation upon which my qual ifications may be better utilized in service to my State and my Country in the future. • Qualified Engineer and Accountant • Veteran, World War II, 5 years service. • 49 years of age. Many years ahead. • Community Leader POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT D. F. (W) MURPHY DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE for Holt County Supervisor First District Comprising O’Neill First and Third wards. Your vote will be appreciated in the Primary Election Tuesday, August 10, 1954. >- — ANNOUNCING I Have Taken Over the Standard Oil Company Tank Truck AT O’NEILL and will welcome the opportunity to serve you with STANDARD OIL COM PANY petroleum products. Please call 379 for prompt delivery. A. J. ("Andy") RAMOLD Margie Finch on Tour to Cuba PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch, jr.. and daughter, Helen, and Miss Bette French drove to Wayne Friday where they visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Finch’s daugh ter, Miss Margie, who had com pleted her summer school there. Miss Margie Finch left Satur day morning on a Wayne State Teachers college tour through southeastern United States and Cuba. She plans to return in three weeks. Other Page News Miss Ruth Park of Omaha spent the weekend in Page with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Park. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hansen and daughter of Hoskins and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly and fam ily visited Tuesday, July 27, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens ' and daughter and the former’s i mother, Mrs. Mary Stevens of Belvidere, 111., returned to their home Tuesday, July 27, after vis iting relatives here for a few days. They were returning from a trip to Oregon and other west ern states. Mrs. Eva Cunningham of Page had accompanied them. Mrs. Nona Bedford visited a few days last week in the Rollie Snell home. Wednesday night, July 28, Mr. and Mrs. Snell and i Mrs. Bedford were overnight ! guests in the Dave Pollock home at Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Henry, Keith and Carol Ann of Cole ridge were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder. Mr. Henry is a brother of Mrs. Snyder. Keith, who is a photogra pher in the air force, is home on a furlough, but will leave this week for Seattle, Wash., where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder joined the group in the afternoon and were supper guests at the Snyder home. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Maricle of Albion were overnight guests Saturday and visited until Sun day afternoon with their broth er-in-law < nd sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Lamason. W. A. Robins of Lincoln was a guest Wednesday night, July 28, in the Frank Snyder home. He: and the Snyders were friends when they lived in Johnson county many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray drove to Grand Island Tuesday evening, July 27, to meet Mr. and Mrs. Harold Miller, Lola and Byron of Portland, Ore., who came for a three-weeks’ visit with relatives and friends. Both Mr. and Mrs. Miller are former Page residents. ; Boy: Noise with dirt on it. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Dakota Authorizes X°i4 S£ Dropping 2 Trains e"fh? dXnUnuance will termi rr,, . . , ... .... nate the passenger rail tie The South Dakota public util- between Omaha and the Black ities commission Saturday au- Hllls ^ains will continue to op thorized discontinuance of North crate ^ Iisual between Omaha Western railroad passenger trains a;id chadrcn via O’Neill. 13 and 14 between Rapid City _' End the Nebraska line. Th* Hicrontinnanee was au- Mr. and Mrs JosePh Cunning Sroal SSaiwXSS? 5Sta?oSSlSpoSf“Jl-SSE POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT VOTE FOR HUGH CARSON ORD. NEBR. • Farm & ranch own er and operator. • For rigid price supports to keep the farmer solvent. • Serving third term in Nebraska Senate. • Active in highway, farm and school legislation. STATE SENATOR HUGH CARSON Republican — U. S. SENATE — Short Term POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLIT'CAL ADVERTISEMENT • MMai—"——1■ ■ ■ ■ —fflfiWKfoaasisag yfcE&ggfc Clarence R. Bristol NOMINATE A BUSINESSMAN FOR GOVERNOR ★ Active Businessman in Ansley, Nebr. ★ Stock Buyer ★ Rancher ★ Teaching Experience % ★ Understands Nebraskans and % Their Problems CLARENCE R. RRISTOL Republican Candidate for Governor