Annual Club Picnic Held in City Park LYNCH—The Rural Progres sive extension club members and their families enjoyed the an nual club picnic at the Lynch city park Sunday afternoon. Other Lynch News Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek were last Thursday evening vis ilors at the D. C. Kube home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bjornsen and family of Sioux City spent the weekend visiting relatives here POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT EXPECTED TO WIN Carl T. Curtis An independent study of Nebras ka Republican voters, completed this week, shows Carl T. Curtis of Minden substantially ahead of all other candidates for the United States Senate long term nomina tion. Observers believe that Mr. Curtis’ long experience in Congress, his work on lowering taxes, and his ceaseless fight for fair treatment for agriculture are the basis of Mr. Curtis’ strong state-wide pop ularity. Thia ad sponsored by Curtis lor Senate Committee. Col. "Art" Thompson. Lincoln. Ncbr. Honorary Chairman. and at Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nemic of Spencer were Sunday guests at tr.e Martin Jehorek home. Mrs. Anne Chasedelski and Miss Nettie Wieczorek of Buffa lo, Pa., left Monday for Omaha where they will visit a few days before going to their home. Mrs. Martin Jehorek and son, Martin, were business visitors in eoencer Wednesday, July 28. They also called at the Joe Nemic and Bill Hambek homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zach and family of Osmond were recent visitors at the Mrs. Mary Zach home here. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Barnett re turned to their home in Atlanta, Ga., after visiting their daughter, Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mag nuson of Huron, S.D., visited at the parental Francis Shrunk home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McMeen returned home from a two-weeks’ vacation trip to the western states. Tuesday evening guests at the Vince Jehorek home were Miss ARTHRITIS? I have been wonderfully blessed in being restored to active life ofter being crippled in neorly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatism, hands de formed and my ankles were set. Limited space prohibits telling you more here but if you will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this wonderful relief Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2805 Arbor Hills Drive P. O. Box 2695 Jackson 7. Mississippi POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT VOTE FOR Henry Winkler REPUBLICAN SUPERVISOR, THIRD DISTRICT Holt County, Nebraska Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated Primary Election August 10, 1954 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT | Vote For j Kenneth Waring { Republican Candidate for HOLT COUNTY CLERK Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated! Primary Election — Tuesday, August 10 _ .QwUjD Ot> Vote for Fay Brlttell Republican Candidate for HOLT COUNTY ASSESSOR ★ Resident of county for 35 years. ★ Time does not permit me to call on each of you as I would like to. ★ However, I will appreciate your vote and support this coming primary elec tion — Tuesday, August I Oth.