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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1954)
•w FOR SALE HUNTING DOGS FOR SALE: One trained Chesapeake Bay, and one Chesapeake-Labrador cross puppy.—Don Angel, ph. 2292, Spencer. 14c35 FOR SALE: Six room house, 28 x 50, half basement, attached garage, located on North Sev enth st.—Everett Gorgen, ph. 524-M, O'Neill.13-16p-tf FOR SALE: IHC No. 9 trail mower, narrow wheels, used two seasons, $150.00.—M -E. VanDovt.r, Star, Nebr. 13-14p FOR SALE: Heavy duty under slungs, complete with or with out beds, also big truck tires, rims, etc. We deliver.—Gerald O'Connor, 8 mi. no., 5 east of Atkinson on No. 11. 12-21p USED CARS 1949 FORD V-8 2-dr., “A clean car throughout.” 1950 PONTIAC “8” 4-dr. ‘‘A one-owner car with all the ex tras.” 1953 PON1IAC CUSTOM CAT ALINA U, “with a new-car guarantee.” 1952 PONTIAC 2-dr. 8 Deluxe, “16,000 actual miles, priced at one-half of new price.” 1950 CHEVROLET 4-dr„ “the cleanest ’50 Chev. in town.” 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM 4-dr., “a good car throughout for a low-price.” 1948 FORD V-8 CLUB COUPE, “a dependable car with a lot of use left in it.” 1949 CHEVROLET 2-dr. Special, “a good motor and a fair body, priced to sell.” tw»TTTT A n A O Clvnnwi x jm» i v/11 Amv -I V «** '•**•** liner, “a custom-lined interior with a No. 1 body.” GMAC FINANCING WM. K.ROTTER CO. PONTIAC Phone 531 — West O’Neill FOR SALE New ABC O’matic washer. Priced below whole sale.—Neva Harris, Lynch. 14p35 FOR SALE: Polled Hereford bull, 3-yrs.-old, reg. in both herd books. — Joe Stein, O’Neill, 16-F-22. 14-15p60 Uew and Used Cars — Pickups Trucks All Bargains! 1951—F5 Ford Truck, 2-ton, 4 speed, with box. 1951—Dodge Pickup, 4-speed, % ton. 1950— Dodge pickup, 3-speed, % ton. 1949—Jeep, with metal top. 1947— Chevrolet Pickup. 1951— Henry J car, overdrive. 1951—Kaiser Deluxe, radio, ov erdrive. 1949—Kaisers. 1948— Chevrolet. CARS FOR SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION 1946—Fords, Hudsons, Chevies. 1938—’39—’40 Fords. 1—A International tractor, start er and belt pulley. 1—International mower for Reg ular or F-20 __ $25.00 1—12-ft. Minneapolis-Mo'line pull type combine l ngood shape only __ $395.00 New Kaisers — Willys • Henry J Cars New Willys Pickups and Jeeps. Kelly Ryan Rakes — Elevators Manure Spreaders Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 14-15c " SPRINKLER IRRIGATION WADE RAIN’S Free Planning Service for sprinkler irriga tion. If interested see us or write us. A special Wade Rain field technician will gladly call and help you plan the right layout for your soil and crops. There is no obligation to you in connection with any part of Wade Rain’s planning. It’s a service we are glad to render in the interests of bet ter farming everywhere. J. F. BRADY CO. Atkinson Nebraska 5tf FOR SALE Twindraulic loader and scoop with Sioux stacker and push-off. good, $500.00— M. E. VanDover, Star, Nebr.^ FOR SALE: Fryers, $1.—Nina Burival, 4% mi. N., % W. Bazelman’s Station, O Neill . BEST BUYS! 1951 Ford club coupe, custom, radio, heater, overdrive, good rubber-—- $850 2950 Plymouth club coupe, radio, jitter_ $745 1949 Chevrolet 2-dr.f good clean car __—-— $595 COME IN AND SEE US' We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. 430 South 4th — O’Neill FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf USED WASHING MACHINES WE HAVE Re-conditioned May tag Washers coming and going all the time. These machines carry a guarantee against all parts and workmanship. Also a few Used Coronado Wash ers priced from --$20 We also have reconditioned wringers to fit Maytags which we will trade on your present wringer. These wringers are also guaranteed against all parts and workmanship. FINANCING AVAILABLE MAYTAG SALES & SERVICE WM. KROTTER CO. OF O'NEILL Phone 531 — West O’Neill ROCK OF AGES MONUMENTS To Grow More Beautiful with the Passing Years POTTHAST 8 Monument Company NORFOLK HOOVER Sales & Service B I G L I N ’ S Phone 38 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Fine 3%-pound fries. Call at noon.—Mrs. P. W. McGinnis, Emmet, phone (O’ Neill) 584-R11.* 14-15c ■ New '54 STUDEBAKERS ’ Passenger Cars and Trucks — On Display USED CARS 1952 4-dr. Studebaker Champion. 1953 DeSoto club coupe. 1950 Ford tudor, custom, with overdrive. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” OPEN EVENINGS — 7 to 9 O’Clock — Phone 562 — O’Neill GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire hoars with outstanding aualitv. Veterinary vaccinated.—Henry Stelling & Son, Orchard, Nebr. lltf New Machinery J-D disc tillers. J-D grain drills, 10-, 12-, 14-ft. 12-ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D spreaders. 10, 12 and 14-ft. J-D rakes. Mo. 5 J-D mowers. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks: J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine. Used Machinery 1949 John Deere A tractor, fully equipped. 1948 John Deere B tractor. 1946 H John Deere. 1944 John Deere B. 1942 B J-D tractor, S & L. 1939 F20 IHC tractor. John Deere 12-ft. rake. 12 - Ft. Case windrower with transport trucks. J-D 4-wheel spreader. Mo. 5 J-D mower. Hydraulic manure loader. Used Farmhand. 6-Ft. Massey - Harris combine with motor. No. 69 Minneapolis combine. No. 55 John Deere combine. We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! OPEN EVENINGS — 7 until 9 P.M. — Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill \ FOR SALE: 28-foot house trail er, completely modem with stool, shower and bathtub. Nice electric refrigerator and water heater. Has all birch finish in side. Most trailers this size sell at $2,800. I am asking only $2,375 and will give terms if desired. This is a new 1954 trailer and has never been used. — Joe Philben, Neligh, Nebr. 14c NEW & USED MACHINERY NEW MM Tractors (all sizes). MM and Case Wheatland plows. Case SC Tractor. MM, New Idea and Case mowers. MM and New Idea side del. rakes. Case and New Idea farm trailers. USED Used J-D Wheatland plows. MM mower (semi-mounted). Case SC tractor. Farmall Regular tractor. Case pickup wire baler. MM Model E com shelter. WM. KROTTER CO. MM & NEW 'IDEA SALES AND SERVICE WEST O’NEILL — PHONE 531 VEGETABLES FOR SALE: Cu cumbers, dill and beans, for table or canning. — Beilin’s Gardens, phone 338-J, O’Neill. Farm Machinery 1950 Ford tractor. 10C hammermill. D-2 IHC pickup. Case running gear on rubber. Farm fuel tanks. Two-bottom plow for C tractor. 1947 gas M. Farmall 30. Model A Ford car. Ottawa post hole digger. No. 4 IHC plow. No. 5 John Deere mower. 1943 C tractor. 50-T. baler with engine. 21-ft. Mayrath auger elevator. Jnnes pickup. New underslunjg wagon. 6- ft. Case combine. Sweep to fit Ford tractor. No. 8 two-bottom plow. 14-ft. Massey-Harris drill. 7- ft Dempsetr drill. 16-ft. truck bed with fold down. 8- ft. truck bed with rack. Kelly Ryan one-way disc. Case horse mower. Native cedar posts. Mower to fit Regular and F-20. 14-ft. rake, good. i2-ft. rakes. Overshot stacker. Allis Chalmers B tractor. Don’t forget to see our REFRIGERTOR and FREEZER SPECIALS! Shelhamer Eqpt. Co. O'Neill MISCELLANEOUS L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill. Nebr. LADIES’ FUR COATS: Restyled — relined — repaired. Coats — jackets — capes — stoics. Write or call for free estimate. FELIX FUR SHOP 522 W. 1st St.,—Ph. 680 Grand Island, Nebr. 13-22c SELLING Is our business: Will arrange for advertising, selling and clerking at your sale, pri vately or public auction.—Ed Thorin and Bill Bowker, O’ Neill, phone 207, licensed real estate auctioneer and brokers. 13tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run- Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill IF YOU WANT a loan on your residence or business building, I can furnish the money, eith er on monthly payment plan or on straight yearly payment plan.—See R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr._50tf NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Sales and Service We repair all makes. Let us give you a free estimate on your repair work. Midwest Furniture & Appliance LET’S GO GET A “Travel Accident Policy” for yourself and family cover ing death and medical ex pense, at low cost. Contact: Ofm O Rfthertsnn. nhnnp 534 O’Neill. 3tf Real Estate Loans WE have unlimited funds to loan on Ranches. If you anticipate needing a loan, CALL US TO DAY. Ernie Weller Associates Phone 6231 cr 5141 — Atkinson HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters Next door Asimus Motors; of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neil] o. E. (“Oakie”) DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money”_ GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O’Neill FOR INDIVIDUALLY designed Spencer supports, call 316, O’ Neill, Mrs. R Kurtz. ll-19p HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf REAL ESTATE I OR SALE: 4 good dwelling lots, east of the Brennan park and north of the hospital, in block 8, McCafferty’s annex.— P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 9tf FOR SALE: 2-bedroom, all mod em home, full basement, oil furnace. Garage, paved drive way. Fenced yard. — Lloyd Liedtke, 608 E. Benton, O’ Neill. phone 556-M. 5tf FOR SALE: Two lots in block No. 43, Rigg’s addition.—P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 9tf FOR SALE: Six - room house, part modem, full size lot, on East Benton street, two blocks from school and church, fine residence site.—See P. C. Don ohoe, O’Neill. 6tf FOR SALE; 320-acre farm, 7 miles out. 140 cultivated, fair bldgs., 60 meadow, 120 pas ture. Price, $35 per acre. —R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 5tf / THE DURRE 480 ACRES IMPROVED wet hay and pas ture land on Cache Creek SE of Chambers. Has 3 flowing wells. Priced for quick sale at $70 an acre. Fisher Realty Co. Norfolk, Nebr. 9tf HOUSE FOR SALE to be moved. Contact Ann Asimus, O’Neill. 7tf I HAVE opened an acreage ad jacent to O’Neill and will sell either in acreages or lots. — Harry E. Ressel, O’Neill, lltf I HAVE unlimited insurance money to loan on big ranch es. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, XT-1_ r A a !• ncui. uuu IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured.—See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment.—A. E. Bowen, O’Neill, phone 322-W. 14c FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms close in. Contact Edna Coyne, O’Neill, phone 535-W. 9tf i FOR RENT: Business bldg., 116 So. Fourth st. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. . FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms.— Marie Salisbury, 129 E. Clay, phone 324-W, O’Neill. 13-14p WANTED WANTED. Steady work on farm or ranch, experienced, separate house. Can furnish references. —Write Box G, c/o The Fron tier. 14-15p70 WANTED: Man to manage Ap pliance and Hardware Store in O’Neill, Nebr. For particu lars inquire at—Frontier office. 14c WANTED: New and used car salesman. Experience prefer red but not necessary. Contact —A. Marcellus, O’Neill, phone 370._ 4tf WANTED: One good boy to de liver evening Norfolk Daily News route in O’Neill. High profits. No Sunday work. If interested, leave name and phone number at The Frontier. 14-15c WANTED: Light trucking and uictvase, an Kinas. — /\rcnie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ or 125-J. 37tf WANTED: Hay or alfalfa to bale, shares or cash. Round baler.—K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. _3tf WANTED: Inside or outside painting work.—Henry Phelps, O’Neill. 13-15p80 ----- CARDS of THANKS I_ • WE WISH to thank our friends, relatives and the Royal Neigh bor lodge for their letters and cards of sympathy. Each in part helped so much to ease our sorrow in the loss of our darling baby, Kenneth. MR. AND MRS. ALLEN ZEMPEL, DELILA SUE_14c50 I WANT to say thank you to the Sisters; and the hospital staff at St. Anthony’s, to my friends and relatives for their cards, letters and visits while I was in the hospital and after my return home. DICK CAVANAUGH 14p50 I WISH to +hank my friends and relatives for the letters, cards, and personal calls I received while I was in St Anthony’s hospital. MRS. GLEN SPRAGUE 14p50 1 WISH to thank my relatives, ^ neighbors and friends for their kindnesses, visits and gifts during my stay in the hospital and at home after my release. I also want to thank Doctor Finley and the hospital staff for their kindnesses and good care during my stay in the hos pital. It -.vas all very much ap preciated. LYMAN BURSELL 2 Guests Attend Club Meeting ROCK FALLS—The Pleasant Day club met at the home of Mrs. James Curran home. Four mem bers were absent. Mrs. Sam Der ickson and Russel were guests. A lunch was served. The next meeting will be on September 11 at the Bill Claus sen home. ' Other Rock Falls News Mary Jo Curran spent from Wednesday July 28, until Friday visiting Rita Vequist. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran and girls were Sunday dinner guests at Orville Miller’s. John Moler called Friday af ternoon at the Fred EVnst home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott were Saturday dinner guests at Fran cis Curran's. Marie Lewis, Henry Claussen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Drickey and family and Charlie Drickey were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Bill Claussen home. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Grutsch and family, Mrs. Protivinsky and Mrs. Claude Johnson and Jimmy WPTP TllP^iflV -Tlllv 97 the Lyle Vequist home. * Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yantzi and Gene were Monday, July 26 callers at the Levi Yantzie and bam Derickson homes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stems were Sunday supper guests at the Al bert Sterns home. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Derick son and Russel were Monday, J uly 26, callers at the Lou Brown home. John Schultz and girls were Saturday forenoon callers at Bill Claussen’s. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Margritz and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, La Mone Jonnson and Marlene Er mer were Sunday supper guests at the Francis Curran home. Joe Yantzie spent several days visiting Russel Derickson. Melvin Mar cell us was a Mon day dinner guest at the Lyle Ve quist home. Suzan Margritz was a Satur day night guest at Mary Jo Cur ran’s. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst and family, Fanny Ernst, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull were callers at Levi Hull’s. Watermelon was en joyed. Don Harmon, Phyllis Harmon, Rudy Morrow and Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Drueke were last Thurs day guests at Sam Derickson’s. Betty Ciu-ran spent Saturday night with Brenda Margritz. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown, Terry and Cindy were Tuesday, July 27, callers at Sammie Derick sor’s. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and boys were Friday supper guests at Francis Curran’s. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and Judy were also callers. Judy remained while her folks went to California on a vacation. Mrs. O. J. Hillestad of Nassau, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Hegna and sons of Granite Falls, Minn., returned to their homes Friday. They had been visiting since Saturday, July 24, at the home of Mrs. Hillestad’s son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer C. Skulborstad >■- ~ VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET August 2 Sale 180 io 240 lb.. $23.50 to $24.05. Top on 25 head. 100 head over $23.50. Only 19 head below it. 240 lb. and up. $18.80 to $23.00 Sows, 300 lb. and under. $19.90 to $21.60. 300 to 400 lb., $17.50 to $20.60; 19 head at $20.60. 400 lb. and up. $15.60 to $18.30. 10 head 453 lb. sows, $17.10. 5 head 572 lb. sows. $15.60. Stags, $12.00 to $16.00. Boars, $9.00 to $10.00 Quite a lot more interest in feeders and pigs from 40 lbs. up, and we believe we can get you a good fair price on them. Our market was active; many shippers got more than they expected. YOURS FOR BETTER SERVICE W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner & Mgr. Verdigre, Nebr. Phone 86 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT _puiuiuai. __ I Will Appreciate Your Vote and Support in the Primary Election Next Tuesday Clarence Ernst REPUBLICAN Candidate for Holt Co. Supervisor Third District « Hospital Notes SACRED HEART (Lynch) In hospital: Marion Borral, Butte- Dr. Edwin B. Bradley, Spencer; Karen Flanders (daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Fland ers) Verdel; Alfred Hagberg, Spencer: William Hartlund, Red bird- Mrs. L. I- Hines, Spencer; Mrs. Dw-aine Huber and baby girl, Pickstown, S.D.; Jerry Kap lan, Verde’; Frank Mott, Spen cer- Mrs. Chris Neumiller, Naper; Ernest E. Peterson, Bristow; Mrs, A. J. Pritchett, Lynch; Mrs. Ker mit Rhodman, Gross; Baby Carla Anne Rihanek (daughter of Glen Rihanek), Monowi; Mrs, Robert Whetham, Spencer. Dismissals: July 26—Mrs. Wil Inam Dix and baby, Butte. 27— Mrs Claus Sieh, jr., and baby, Naper; Mis. Anna Bowers, O’ Neill. 28—Mrs. Walter Wesche, Lynch; Mrs. Frank Schaaf, At kinson; Baby Leslie Ann Kirsch (daughter of Gordon Kirsch), Lynch. 29—Virgil Cork, Butte: Mrs. Wayne Blair and baby Spencer; Baby Larry Haun (son of Harold Haun), Spencer; Mrs Casper Haselhorst, Bristow; F W. Grimm. Lynch. 31 — Babj Lawrence Bentz (son of Irwir Bentz), Spencer; Baby . Leal Behrent (daughter of Oscar Beh rent), Butte. August 1—Mrs. Ottc Holmberg, Bristow; Mrs. L Wayne Myers and baby, Spencer Mrs. Rolland Kersch and baby Spencer; Mrs. George Chitten den, Spncer (died). 2 — M. A Shelkopf, O’Neill; Mrs. Willarc Van Buren and baby, Spencer ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: July 27 — Anns Ahle, Atkinson, medical; Mrs Mike Coday, Atkinson, medical 29—Mrs. Fred Kunz, Stuart, ob stetrical; Madonna Miksch, Stu art rr»pHir»al* 'M’t-c T?flilrr Af kinson, obstetrical. 30—Mrs. Johr Mullen, Atkinson, obstetrical Mrs. Arden Snyder, Atkinson obstetrical; Mrs. Alberta F. King A tkinson, obstetrical. August 1 —Mrs. Richard Frank Osborne Atkinson, obstetrical; Mrs. Lloyc McDowell, Atkinson, surgical. 1 —Michael Wabs, O’Neill, acci dent. Dismissed- July 26— Leonarc Halstead. George Mathis, Mrs Laurence Greenfield and daugh ter. 29—Anna Ahle. 30—Rober Blackmore. August 1—Mrs. Mik< Coday. Expired: Mrs. Mattie Johnson O’Neill. Hospitalized: Mrs. Lloyd Mc Dowell, Madonna Miksch, Mrs John Mullen and son, Mrs. Roj Gilg and daughter, Mrs. Alberts King and daughter, Mrs. Arder Snyder and son, Mrs. Richard Osborne and daughter, Mrs. Fred Kunz and daughter, Michael Wabs. EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Murphy oi Omaha visited at the home oi Mrs. Clara Tucker and other rel atives over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Knapp, Bob and Grover, accompanied by Melvin Pruden, were 6 o’clock dinner guests Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bartak and family. Mrs. Elizabeth Angus had as her guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Furley and son, Jerry, of Madison. Jerry remain ed for a longer visit. His parents returned heme the same day. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. James Reynold son and Mr. Brock Reynoldson, all of Albion, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynold son. Miss Anna Marie Schmit of Nenzel spent from last Thursday until Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmit and family. Miss Peggy Sullivan of Omaha spent from Friday until Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville, sr., spent Friday in Albion and Columbus Carl Luben of Winterhaven, Fla., arrived in O’Neill Sunday and will visit, for two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Luben. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Jones spent Monday in Lincoln. Mrs. E. W. Devereux of Omaha was a weekend guest of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family. Mrs. Edna Huebert visited Monday in Neligh with her daughter, Mrs. William Beed. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Denton of Council Bluffs., visited with his sister, Mrs. Tom Harding, from last Thursday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz of Atkinson were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Houser. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson and family left Tuesday for Wyo ming. They will vacation in Yellowstone park for a week. Christ Lutheran Ladies Aid will serve homemade ice cream, pie and cake at the former IGA store Saturday, August 7, begin ning at 6 p.m. Come, bring your friends. 14c Frank Grenier and Carroll, D. N. Loy, Mrs. Ray Lawrence, Vir >. 11 ginia and Bonnie spent Sunday Pm«- Mrs. D. N. Loy, Mrs. Mamie Cordes, Mrs. Frank Grenier and Mrs. Hattie Kind }^d’ whu, had been at the Hid 2“ ParaTd^ resort since Wed \]^nay’ returned to O' Neill with them; ,^r'iorana Mrs- George MeUor snTM°ndDy nTlght of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman. . and Mrs. Russell Yusten visited Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Rob ertson and family and Mr. and E' A‘ ,Pamhart and family Sunday at Wagner, S.D. 7 __ J kl M -i h BliM‘lL<y Sun.-Mon.-Tues. July 8-9-10 Jane Wyman — Ray Milland "LET'S DO IT AGAIN" A Technicolor Special! Fri-Sal. July 6-7 Wed.-Thurs. July 11-12 Double Feature Gary Cooper — Teresa Wright "MIGHTY JOE YOUNG" "CASANOVA BROWN** "OUTLAW WOMEN" Family night, bring ’em all, $1 MARKET REPORT from “The Old Reliable” ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET Atkinson, Nebr. Tuesday, August 3rd, Auction: Cattle receipts 706 head. Exponents of gloom and depressions could find little conso lation in Tuesday’s first cattle auction of the season. A large crowd of interested buyers and sellers comfortably filled the large pavilion. Interest was keen throughout, resulting in a very active market, registering advances of 50c to $1.00 and more a hundred over recent quotations. Choice light yearling steers brought from $19.00 to $20.50 a hundred. Fair to good kinds $16.50 to $18.00. Common to poor grades $12.00 to $14.00. Yearling heifers in load lots $16.00 to $16.50 with medium to just good kinds at $14.00 to $15.00 a hundred. The cow and butcher cattle market was fully steady at the recent advance of $1.00 to $1.50 a hundred. Buyers from Nebraska, South Da kota, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa made up the buying list. Next Auction—Tuesday. August 10th. For the best results list your cattle early, so your offering may be properly ad vertised. Atkinson Livestock Market Phone 5141 Atkinson, Nebr. ERNIE WELLER, Owner DEAN FLEMING. Ass t Mgr. Coining Next Week! Presented by SCHOOL OF MISSIONS - SEATTLE PACIFIC CCLUGE • Produced by GREAT COMMISSION FILMS Sunday, August 8 — Wesleyan Methodist Church, O’Neill, 8 p.m. Monday, August 9—Center Union Church, O’Neill, 8 p.m. Tuesday August 10—Wesleyan Methodist Church, Atkinson, 8 p.m. Wednesday, August 11—Wesleyan Methodist Church Page, 8 p.m. Thursday, August 12 — Wesleyan Methodist Church, Venus, 8 p.m. Friday, August 13 — Wesleyan Methodist Church, Lynch, 8 p.m. Saturday, August 14—Wesleyan Methodist Church, Spencer, 8 p.m. Free-Will Offering Will Be Taken to Support Mr. DeShazeT in Japan _ '■ * 1——^— .... ■ . DR. J. L. SHERBAHN O’Neill, Nebraska Complete X-Ray Equipment ^ Block So. of Ford Garage POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT £>