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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1954)
6 The Frontier Woman . . . Oh Dear, School in Another Month! By BLANCHE SPANN PEASE August already! Oh dear, and school will be starting in another month. It was spring only yes terday. Where does the time go? You’re busier than a kid with two ice cream cones and none of the days are long enough, al though they’re certainly warm enough. To help you save time, cook a kettle of spuds with the jackets on and serve some riced for lunch. Rice them in their jackets —the jackets will stay in the ricer and potatoes go through. After lunch, peel the spuds left and refrigerate. You can use some for potato salad, some for hashed brown potatoes and some for a casserole with cheese and white sauce, heating them through thoroughly. Make a aouble-size gelatin sal ad and refrigerate and serve half of the gelatin salad for a later meal, saving the time to make another. Make enough steeped tea to last a couple of days. It won't be quite so sparkling but it will taste as good and save time that way. Use aluminum lea balls to save scooping out lea leaves, and besides, bulk lea is cheap er than lea bags. Bake a doubel batch of bread and freeze half of it, ditto for rolls. Or maybe you were smart enough to bake bread, rolls, cakes and cookies ahead when it was still ccol and are now reap ing the harvest of your energy expended when it wasn’t so hot. Now is the time, too, to use some of those frozen meals. And to utilize cold cuts, cheeses and quickly prepared meats like bo ll gna, wieners, franks and such. Eggs are so cheap, so don’t for get them served in the various ways you can use them cool. — tfw — Mrs. H. K.' of O'Neill Wins Subscription— Dear Mrs. Pease: As I tried this meat pie this week and we liked it pretty well, I thought others might, too. It is a meal with green salad and a dessert. MEAT PIES IN POTATO CRUSTS Make an individual pie of po tatoes and meat for each person to be served. Then watch the smiles of approval. Four medium sized potatoes (diced), one medium onion (fine ly chopped), four tablespoons non-fat dry milk, one teaspoon salt, dash of salt, one pound ground beef, 1/3 cup dry milk, y4 cup chili sauce (I omit it), % teaspoon pepper, one egg. cook potatoes ana omuiis to gether until tender. Drain, mash, stir in four tablespoons dry milk and salt and beat well. Divide potatoe mixture into fourths and spread each in six-inch pie plate. Combine the remaining ingredi ents and blend together thor oughly. Fill each potato-lined pie plate with one-fourth of beef mixture. Bake 25 to 30 minutes in 320 F. oven. Garnish with on ion rings and parsley. Here’s something good for dessert: FROZEN LEMON CEREAL PIE Cereal Crust: 2% cups corn flakes or whole wheat flakes 'finely crushed after measuring), y4 cup melted butter or marga rine. Add melted butter to cereal flakes and mix thoroughly. Re serve Vz to 1/3 cup for top and with remainder line bottom and sides of a shallow refrigerator tray, pressing firmly. Filling: Three eggs (separated), 2/3 cup sugar, % teaspoon salt, y4 cup lemon juice, three tea spoons grated lemon rind, 114 cups whipping cream, j Beat the egg yolks slightly 1 and add sugar, salt, lemon juice and rind. Cook over boiling wa ter until mixture thickens, about live to seven minutes, stirring constantly. Chill. Beat egg whites until thev stand in peaks and fold into lemon mixture. Then fold in stiffly beaten whipped cream. Pour into lined tray and sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Freeze until firm with controls at coldest setting. Cut into tri angles. Yield: Six to eight serv ings. “MRS. H. K.” SAYS SANDHILL SAL The philosophers tell you to work off the frustrations of the day by working with garden or flowers. But nobody says how to beat off the frustration of never being quite able to keep the weeds out of things that grow! If your husband is a hard-boil ed egg, maybe you keep him in too much hot water. Hailstones Whiten Hendricks Farm Daily Rainfall Noted at Celia CELIA—Hail the size of quar ters or a little larger, fell at the Mark Hendricks home, 16 miles north of Atkinson, Sunday eve ning, making the ground amost white. It d'd very little damage. Celia has enjoyed showers and cool weather since last Thursday afternoon. Some rain fell each day from Thursday through Sun day. Other Celia News Ellen McKathnie is helping cook for hay men at the Stanley Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman were Sunday evening visitors at the Victor Frickel home. Harold Frickel went home with them for a week’s visit. David and Charles Phipps vis ited the Mark Hendricks family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, Jo Ann Nelson and R. G. Kruse of Lyons were weekend visitors at the Earl Schlotfeld home. The John Groff family held a picnic at their former home (now belonging to Dorothy Scott) Sun day. Those present were John Groff and sons, Harvey, Ray mond and Clarence Groff, and their families. The Groff family lived in the Celia neighborhood eight years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Focken and family were Sunday eve ning, July 25, visitors at the Theodore Braun home. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott were O’Neill visitors Friday morning. They visited the H. O. Stevens family in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heiser and family are enjoying a new Chev rolet car. Carol Schlotfeld, Jo Ann Nel son and Barbara Johnson were Saturday dinner guests at the Stanley Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin i and family and Mr. and Mrs. i Mark Hendricks and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Omer Poynts home. O. A. Hammerberg was an j O’Neill visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Samms and son, Richard, of Wichita, Kans., arrived Saturday afternoon for a visit at the home of her parents, Mrr and Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg. Jim Lauridsen and Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Heniy Hei ser last Thursday evening at their home. The Heisers are living on the ranch during hay ing. Mr. Luber visited Jim Laurid sen Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wefso and Lodema were dinner and supper guests at the Emil Colfack home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath lie were Monday evening visit irs at the Gene Livingston home. Alex Forsythe was a Sunday evening visitor at the O. A. Hommerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Samms were Omaha business visitors Monday. Mary Catherine and Patricia Kilmurry visited Diane and Carla Samms last Thursday. Mary Cahcerine was an overnight visitor at the Hammerberg home, family were Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heiser and July 25, visitors at the Hans Lauridsen home. Bobby Knutson was a supper guest at the Bill Obermire home. Wednesday evening, July 28, guests at the Frank Kilmurry home were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Troshynski, also Mr. and Mrs. Henry Troshynski, Bob, Joyce and Brian of Detroit, Mich. | Jim and Hans Lauridsen and family visited the Louis Laurid sen family Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg, Diane and Catl Samms were Tuesday evening, July 27, visitors at the D. F. Scott home. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry were last Thursday morning visitors at the D. F. Scott home and dinner guests that day at ihe Frank Kilmurry home. Bill Claussen of Butte was a Sunday dinner guest at the Hans Lauridsen home. The Wesleyan Methodist youth group enjoyed a party and sup per at the Emil Colfack home on Friday evening. About 20 were present. Mrs. Merrill Smith and chil dren were last -Thursday eve ning visitors at the L. L. Smith home. Dorothy Scott visited the O. A. Hammerberg and E. W. Samms families Sunday after noon. ! I I l I i DBS. BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray SAMPLE j PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Non-Political BALLOT Primary Election August 10, 1954 HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA FOR DIRECTORS ELKHORN RURAL PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT (Full Term) Vote For THREE Harold A. Krebs A. H. Pete Lewis Wm. C. Schulte Geo. Klein E. Leo Tied gen SAMPLE PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT Non-Political BALLOT Primary Election August 10, 1954 HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA FOR DIRECTORS NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA RURAL PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT (Full Term) Vote For TWO □ R E. Paesl □ Harold G. Larson I I S. R. Neil SAMPLE NON-POLITICAL BALLOT Primary Election August 10, 195) HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA FOR MEMBER OF STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION SIXTH DISTRICT (Four-Year Term) Vote for ONE □ Raymond M. Gilmore □ Max A. Emery □ Rush William Karrer □ William S. Padley □ John J. Motl □ Joe Chicoine □ .. FOR MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT Vote For ONE □ Frank Nelson □ Donald E. Rohde □ S. H. Lyman □ . FOR REGENT OF UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA SIXTH DISTRICT (Short Term—To Fill Vacancy Expiring January, 1957) Vote For ONE □ Frank M. Johnson □ Jack Elliott □ Don Pierce □ .. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Vote For ONE □ Alice L. French □ . f—“ * I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE REPUBLICAN BALLOT Primary Election August 10, 1954 - Holt County, Nebraska National Ticket FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR (Full Term) Vote For ONE Walter A. Nielsen Robert B. Crosby f Terry Carpenter David Martin Carl T. Curtis James L. Harrison I John P. Overgaard FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR (Short Term—To Fill Vacancy Expiring January, 1955) Vote For ONE , _ H. P. Heiliger _ William Keeshan _ Mac Baldrige _ John S. Samson _ Joseph Alexis i Chris C. Beck _ Mrs. George P. Abel _ N. W. Anderson _ E. W. Gustafson _ Gerald Merritt _ S. E. Torgeson _ Richard R. Dempster _ Max A. Denney _ Myles Standish _ Hugh Carson |_J John R. Jirdon FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR (Short Term—To Fill Vacancy Expiring January, 1959) For ONE Roman L. Hruska State Ticket FOR GOVERNOR Vote For ONE ; Arthur B. Walker Louis H. Hector ' a Victor E. Anderson Frederick H. Wagener Clarence R. Bristol ; James L. Bourret \ ; John McKeman I. — FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Vote for ONE □ rrank Marsh | f □ .:. FOR AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Vote for ONE _ Ray C. Johnson FOR STATE TREASURER Vote for ONE L William R. Slagle Ralph W. Hill Harry Knudsen FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Vote for ONE Clarence S. Beck □ .:. FOR. RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Vote for ONE Richard H. Larson C. Dixie Wilcox Charles Vogt, Jr. . .. , Congressional Ticket FOR CONGRESSMAN FOURTH DISTRICT Vote for ONE J A. L. Miller County Ticket • ‘i FOR COUNTY CLERK Vote for ONE I Kenneth Waring :. FOR CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT Vote for ONE I Jack Arbuthnot Howard D. Manson FOR COUNTY TREASURER Vote for ONE Vote for ONE I-1 bFOR COUNTY SURVEYOR >r ONE so. E. Collins --. c FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR Vote for ONE I Hj c. r <» Precinct Ticket FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR FIRST DISTRICT Vote for ONE o L. G. Gillespie C. H. Switzer I --- FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR SECOND DISTRICT • \ Vote for ONE _ Art Tomlinson . N. A. Linquist r 1 | i 9 . O' L_J Floyd Frahm ! _ Henry W. Walters t _ E. L. Miner 5 ....... FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR THIRD DISTRICT Vote for ONE O o ( o o o FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR FIFTH DISTRICT Vote for ONE __ Lloyd A. Hoerle _ Kenneth Barthel __' Fred D. Smith c o _ Leslie Lieswald 1 ' c. .*.***************•*••••••••••••••••*•••••••••■•••#•* FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR SEVENTH DISTRICT Vote for ONE I c _ Floyd Butterfield _ Alex Frickel DELEGATES TO COUNTY POST-PRIMARY CONVENTION Vote For TWO . v O ; L .—.O I V ; .•. c FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR _ Albert Sipes ~ Vote for ONE . . □ Charles J. Warner FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY Vote for ONE C. A. Huck __ A. P. Hanna — William W. Griffin L %