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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1954)
Mrs. Ciaussen Comes from California to Be Near Mother EMMET—Mrs. Otto Ciaussen of Inglewood. Calif., has been spending an extended visit with Mrs. Mary Lewis. She came to Nebraska to be near her mother, Mrs. Mattie Johnson, who had been confined to her bed at the Atkinson hospital with a broken hip. Mrs. Johnson died early Sunday. Other Emmet News George and Will Peck and Miss Jean Peck were visitors at the William Newton home Thursday. George and Will are brothers of Mrs. Newton and Jean is a cousin of Mrs. Newton, George and Will Peck. They are from Coleridge. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughter, Barbara, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox at O’Neill on Friday. Mrs. Sybil Maring, sister of Mrs. Alice Bridges of O’Neill and Mrs. Guy Cole, has returned to her home in Brownville, Tex., after a two weeks stay visiting relatives at O’Neill, Emmet and Cheyenne, Wyo. Mrs. John Conard and daugh ter, Mary Lou, went to Sioux City Saturday morning. Mary Lou attended a class reunion of Wayne State College students. One of her friends returned home with Mary Lou. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole and sons, Jackie, Chipper and Pat, went to Atkinson to celebrate Mrs. Arthur Humpals birthday anniversary. Mrs. Gilbert Fox and Barbara spent Tuesday, July 27, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and Veld on at Sar. Steve Ellers of McCook arriv ed here Saturday evening to get his wife and son, who had been visiting the Bob Fox home and with other relatives for a week. They returned to McCook Sun day afternoon. A prenuptial shower was given in honor of Miss Leona Fern Beckwith Sunday evening in the Methodist church basement. A large number of guests were pre sent and Miss Leona received __—_ T many gifts. On the shower com mittee were Mrs. Toby Kloppen berg, Mrs. June Newton, Mrs. Mildred Fox, Mrs. Bob Martens, Mrs. Ruby Way man and Darlene Upton. Mrs. Steve Ellers and son, Steve, of McCook, Mrs. Bill Kra mer and children of O’Neill, and Mrs. Bob Fox were dinner guests at the Paul Newton home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Newton and family of O’Neill were visit ors at the William Newton home on Wednesday evening, July 28. Bob Cole attended the races in Columbus Friday. The South Side club met with Mrs. Walter Pease Tuesday after noon. The program concerned preparation^ of foods for freezing presented by Mrs. Price and Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. Bud Cole entertained Wednesday afternoon, July 28, in honor of Mrs. Sybil Maring, who was visiting here from Brown ville, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole attend ed the O’Neill Country club golf breakfast Sunday morning. Mrs. Guy Cole and Mrs. Bob Cole attended a social coffee hour giving by Mrs. Frank Froelich in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Jack McDonald, on Monday. Mrs. Charles Marston and baby of O’Neill were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and Mary Lou Monday evening. Mrs. James Ramsey of Atkin ■ son, Mrs. John Conard and Mrs. Bob Cole attended a Country club meeting at the M&M on Monday. Mrs. Robert Cole accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humpal of Atkinson, to Lincoln on Wednesday, July 28. Mrs. Ernest Durre and her mother, Mrs. Duane Carson, were Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and daugh ter, Leona Fern. Miss Marybelle O’Connor, R.N., of Omaha came home Friday night to spend until Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James OConnor. Mrs. Leon Beckwith and daughter, Leona, attended dist rict N-6 Garden club flower ar rangement work in Atkinson, Thursday, July 29. The event was sponsored by the Golden Rod Club of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith and daughter Leona Fern and Kenneth Ruggles were dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. Duane Carson near Chambers on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Durre, jr., of Ewing were also dinner guests. Mrs. Grim, Mrs. Carson and Miss Leona Beckwith are grade teachers in the Ewing pub lic school. Mr. and Mrs. John Pruss and granddaughter, Carol Reis, were Sunday morning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and Jeanie Kay. Miss Phyllis Rzeszatorski ar rived on Saturday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT HENRY W. WALTERS REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Supervisor — Second District Your support in primary on August 10 will be appreciated POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT_ POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT _ Joe Winkler W * Republican Candidate for Holt County Assessor WILL APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION AUGUST 10- 1954 ■-POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Vote for lack Elliott SCOTTSBLUFF Candidate for University of Nebraska Board of Regents Sixth District — Non-Political Ballot (Present member appointed to succeed the late Dwight P. Griswold) _,_ Mrs. Gaines Rzesatorski. Miss Rzeszatorski is employed in Lin coln. NO EVENING RITES i AMELIA ^Mr. and Mrs. Albert Luginsland and Harry White went to Ansley Tuesday to at tend the annual conference and camp meeting of the Free Meth odist church. There will be no evening service at Bethany the I next two Sunday evenings. ..... | Mid-Summer... • Storewide Sale 1 CLEARANCE s at Petersen's Clothing ... O'Neill Sale Starts Thursday, August 5th — Our Biggest Sales Event of the Year — Bargains Galore! H _ I ♦♦ ^ - - - Z 1 I Men's Dress Shoes I Nationally-Advertised I H jj Out they go . . . new stock is I arriving daily! 1 f i i SIZES AVAILABLE: | 4 prs. —- 7 2 prs._9% | * 2 prs.-7% 3 prs.__ io 3 I 7 prs.-8 2 prs. _10% 3 I 7 prs.-8% 4 prs.___ip n I 3 prs.-9 1 pr. --n% g n ^ ♦♦ § Now Reduced I One Third The very latest in styles and colors . . . sale priced for quick action. Keep cool, calm and collect com pliments in a flattering lightweight sport coat. Sizes 36 through 46 U - Men’s Western Were 7.95, 8.95, 9.95 NOW_ Special shipment from factory . . , greatly reduced prices. Don't miss these rare buys. All sizes. 100 shirts in shipment from famous maker. SLEEVE S Sport Shirts ONE-THIRD OFF All sizes 14 through 17 Vi. Complete stock. Very good buys for back to-school and autumn wear. Were 4.95, 5.95, 6.95, 7.95. How can you beat it, fellas? 153 SHIRTS IN SELECTION SLEEVE Sport Shirts Special table. Were priced 2.95. 3.45, 3.95, 4.95. These are the finest. 82 shirts. Out they go. ONE-THIRD OFF ♦ ♦ ♦♦ Two for the Price of One! | Special Rack of Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS, including school shirts bearing O’NEILL EAGLES, | ST. MARY’S CARDINALS. Terry doth for back-to-school. ♦♦ ♦♦ _ 1 Men’s Denim HOBBY JEANS H In all colors. 30 pairs left. Were 4.95 ONE-THIRO OFF 1 Mens DRESS JACKETS ♦♦ :: Ideal for summer and early fall. 67 jackets in group. Sizes 36-46 ONE-THIRO OFF ft# ## H ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ •ft ftft ft* ♦♦ ft# ♦♦ •ft ♦♦ ft# ft# ft# ft* ft# ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ B ♦ft ft# ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ## ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ While Supply Lasts Men’s Dress Pants Never before such a fine choice on sale! Complete Stock $2.00 OFF ~ ,, w ■ 1 Garment ‘ No alterations! r\ ■ • 1 ■ i * Wonderful selection . ar C * All the wanted sizes and colors r'nce PETERSEN'S CLOTHING »♦ - \ f I WOMEN’S DRESS SHOES ^_I I tt I *• ♦♦ *♦ mm _ 8 ♦♦ Complete Spring & Summer p Stock — Heels & Flats In All Sizes — 200 Pr. ONE-THIRD OFF I ♦♦ - H ♦♦ Women’s I CANVAS SHOES | • In all colors and sizes • Wedges, Plats • Were 3.45 and 3.98 Now.1.98 S Only 72 Pair Left i Hex’s CANVAS SHOES | I Not many left, so hurry. All have posture ft arch supports in them! „ SIZES AVAILABLE: | - 1 pr.— 7 3 4 prs. - -- 7% H 3 prs. . . .... 8 | 2 prs. ___ _ 9 a 3 Prs. 9i/2 | 2 P1^ 10 3 1 pr. n 3 Men’s Cotton 1 PUSSE PAJAMAS 3 No ironing on these, girls! Buy several & at bargain prices. All sizes and colors. § Were 2.95, 3.95. 4.95. | ONE-THIRD OFF I You’ll Find | . . . a host Of Other bargains in this 5 exciting mid-summer clearance, starting 3 L * hCre e0Tly‘ D°°rs |