Floyd Sageser to Wed Saturday AMELIA—Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser. Mrs. Link Sageser, Mrs. Alice Widman and Marcia ex pected to go to Manhattan, Kans., Wednesday, August 4, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Bower Sageser. On Saturday, August 7, they i will attend the wedding of Floyd Sageser. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser. Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bligh " and Rae Dee of Omaha spent Sunday with Mrs. Bligh’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Raedee planned to stay for a longer visit. Mrs. Blossom Butler, her daughter and children of Fargo, N.D., are visiting her mother, Mrs. George Withers, and Mr. Withers. Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don and Mrs. Etta Ott drove to Picks town. S.D.. on a sightseeing trip. Mrs. Etta Ott and Mrs. Juua White were dinner guests last Thursday at Ed White's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and their nephew, Harry Hum phrey, went to Stanton to visit at the Julius Belew home on Sunday. Mrs. Dick Doolittle has been enjoying a few days’ visit from her sister, Mrs. Margie Cabbage, and sons from California. Bob Strong of Chambers was guest speaker at the Amelia Methodist church Sunday morn ing in the absence of the regular pastor, Rev. Merle Hodgkin, who is on vacation. Marilyn Rees visited at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kaiser, near Ord last week. Dennie and Kennie Ballagh visited their cousins, Kathy, Joyce and Vicki Doolittle, Mon day. Paul Johnston and Maxine Peterson drove to Eagle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Roth re turned recently from Toledo, O., where Mr. Roth attended a butcher school. After a short va cation, they expect to go to Ponca where he will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons had as their dinner guests Sun day Mrs. Sammons’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Miller of Cham bers, and her brother, Roy Miller, and family of Rapid City, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Robak and family expect to move to Oma ha from St. Louis, Mo., in the near future Mrs. Robak is the former Marjorie Ann Sammons. They are now visiting at the Sammons home. Mrs. Steha Spark and Lonnie and Mrs. Gertie Adair visited at Tommie Doolittle’s Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson and daughters, Evelyn and -Shir ley, are visiting relatives :.n Washington and California. Mrs. Thompson’s mother, Mrs. Emma Bacon, lives at Oakland, Calif. Mrs. Jim Chapman of Santa Barbara, Calif., and her daugh ter, Mrs. Phyllis Reglan of Fair mont, N.D., spent Wednesday, July 28, visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Withers. Miss Donna Rae Peterson has contracted to teach in junior high school at Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia visited his mother, Mrs. Belle Widman, at the Col man nursing home in Burwell on Sunday. Mrs. Gloria Landrum and Sally are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott. Mrs. Landrum has been employed in St. Louis, Mo. Family Gathers at Riverside Park— EWING—The Girl Scout head quarters at Riverside park was the scene of a family get-together on Sunday. A picnic dinner was served. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies and Bon nie Jo, Mrs. Roy Wright, Patri cia and Royce, Mrs. Wilma Dan iels and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldfuss, Mr. and Mrs. William Wulf, all of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Cratty and fam ily of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer, Richard Fink, Mr. and Mrs Raymond Filsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben and Netta lee Marlene Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben, all of Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Meyer and family of Neligh. Regional People Receive Degrees— Among those receiving degrees from the University of Nebraska Friday, July 30, were: Janice A. Fullerton of Ains worth, master of music; Leona P. Kilmurry of Atkinson, master of education; Adolph D. Leibert of O’Neill, master of education; rvuin ivi. iiiduv.i v/i. bachelor of science in education; Shirley E. Weyer of Ainsworth, bachelor of science in education; Claire Riley Hallock of Burwell, bachelor of science in pharmacy; and Sally L. Hickman of Ains worth, certificate of secretarial proficiency. The University of Nebraska conferred 333 degrees at the close of its summer sessions Friday evening, 176 for work above the undergraduate level. Petersen Reserve Officer Grad— Cadet Weldon B. Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peter sen of O’Neill, was graduated Friday from the reserve officers’ training corps summer camp at Ft. Bliss, Tex. Cadet Petersen, a junior student at Washington university, participated in the six-week 1954 ROTC summer camp which is conducted annual ly for all senior ROTC cadets who have been selected to spe cialize in the army’s antiaircraft artillery branch. Mrs. Melvin Visits Relatives— Mrs. John Melvin returned on Monday after a five weeks’ visit in St. Louis, Mo., with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shelton, and son, Peter. They also took a trip to the northern peninsula of Michigan. Mrs. Watson at 82d Milestone— AMELIA—Mrs. F. C. Watson celebrated her 82d birthday an niversary on Wednesday, July 28. Her sons, Ronald and his wife of Atkinson and Asa and family, were present in honor ol the occasion. Dinner Planned— There will be a dinner at the O’Neill Country club Sunday evening from 6 to 7:30 o’clock Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock is the chairman for the dinner and evening entertainment. Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lang don returned to O’Neill Saturday after a three-weeks’ vacation in Banff national park, Canada. __ Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetzler and family of Gregory, S.D., vis ited at the C. E. Worth home over the weekend. Guess Titles of Songs Popular 25 Years Ago RIVERSIDE—Many from this community attended the recep tion held at the United Presby terian church annex for the 25th •vedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bartak. The affair was held Friday evening, July 30. Musical selections of 25 years ago were played by Mrs. Wilbur Bennett with the honorees guess ing their titles. Archie Johnston played several numbers on his yccordian. Doug Shroder and Linda Tuttle put on a skit of “Adolph and Marie’s First Meet ing.” Mrs. Ralph Shroder pre sented a reading, “Father Sews on a Button.” After group singing the bride and bridegroom of 25 years op ened their gifts and cut their three-tier wedding cake. A lunch of cake, ice cream and a cold drink was served by the ladies of the church. Other Riverside News The Free Methodist Sunday school held a picnic at the Daisy Miller and Melvin Napier home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham and family called' at the Don Larson home last Thursday evening. Larry Larson was an overnight guest of Larry Rother ham that night. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rossman and children of Atkinson were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and girls. The George Montgomery and Rol Hord families visited Picks town, S.D , Sunday. Ronnie Neisius, Larry William son and Tom Christon visited ov er the weekend with Ronnie’s parents at Pilger. Mr TVTy«o T tmn T7V_W- 3 ” - -—*7 **** J | Jack spent Sunday with Mr. and ! Mrs. Floyd Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and Altha Lou and the Leo Mil ler family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller. The dinner was in honor of Walter’s birthday anniver sary. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lofquest and children of Fremont were week end guests of the Bill Lofquest family. Bob works for the Hormel packing plant and is having a week’s vacation. Wanted: Your support in the primary election—August 10. — S. H. LYMAN, non - political candidate for slate legislature. pol. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters were Sunday din ner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson. The LaFayette Gunters of Hos kins and the Verl Gunters of Ne ligh were Sunday dinner guests of the Lionel Gunter family. Af ternoon and evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Du ane Hord, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Napier and Russell, Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gunter and Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson and Larry, Lyle and Linda Larson had a picric dinner and fished at Grove lake, near Royal, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry took the Emsic children and Henry Emsic to their home in Omaha Saturday. The children had vis ited here the past three weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kemp of Pasco, Wash., uncle and aunt of Harold Mlinar, were last Thursday guests of the Mlinars. Mrs. Kittie Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader, Sandy and Doug and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink, Tim nie and Bruce enjoyed a picnic at the Vic Vandersnick home on Sunday. The picnic honored Sandy on her 14th birthday an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family were Sunday dinner guests of Dale and Betty Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson. Visitors in Elgin— Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John H. ; McCarville and family visited at ! the Falbers home in Elgin. (TNeiil News Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt and family drove to Omaha Tuesday. He returned to O’Neill Wednes day. Mrs. Hunt and the children will visit with her mother, Mrs. E. W. Devereux, for a week. Miss Christie Janousek left Friday for Columbus where she is visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. E. O. Hile. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock and family and Rev. and Mrs. J. LaVem'e Jay attended a picnic meeting of the district officers of the WSCS Sunday at the Plain view Country club. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones at tended a family picnic Sunday at Osceola. They also visited with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Vincent Jones, in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Con nors of Greeley spent the week end here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wallace. Dr. Robert Wallace left Wed nesday for Montgomery, Ala., where he will be inducted into the air force. Mr. and Mrs. John White and family of South Sioux City are visiting relatives in O’Neill this week. Robert Wheeler left Sunday for Fremont and Council Bluffs, la., where he will visit relatives for three weeks. Mrs. Mabel Shobe and Marjorie of Page were Wednesday, July 28, guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz and family spent Sunday in Long Pine visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kurtz, and his broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurtz, and family. Mrs. John DeWitt and family returned Saturday from Colum bus where they had visited for a week with Mrs. DeWitt’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Langan, and family and orother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Schneider, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Luck of El Cerrito, Calirf., arrived Tues day and will visit for several days with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hynes and Mi’s. Bessie Rother ham. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman spent Wednesday, July 28, and last Thursday at the George Mel lor farm. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Rurdquist in Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. FYed Harvey and family of Mission, Kans., were puests from Sunday until Wed nesday of her mother, Mrs. Ray | Kurtz, and other relatives. € Miss Lorraine Simonson re turned to O’Neill Tuesday after 1 spending eight weeks attending summer school at Duchesne col lege, Omaljfl. « REX W. WILSON, M.D. ROBT. M. LANGDON, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. Douglas St, O’Neill Phone 138 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT RE-ELECT LEO S. TOMJACK Sheriff of Holt County Your Support Much Appreciated Primary Election — August 10 , POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT William F. Wefso , Candidate for Reelection For Holt County Assessor Your support and vote will be appreciated at the primary August 1 Oth wnMni n itm 1 ill!li‘l|ii:ViiLr^::aillliilWBBBIllliBiHBi!:Wr^^ ■ 1 - ‘j£/-'re*‘sn!,K:i,, my^wwo-'f^ | rWiiJffiiilCifWj IWSSFIi ,’:i ! Thursday — Friday — Saturday \ FAMOUS ! MEADOW GOLD 4 i Ice Cream BARS < < Only 3t Each ► 1 t Many Popular, Delicious 4 Meadow Gold Flavors * EACH CHILD MUST BE * ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT I HENRY LOFFLIN, Mgr. 4 PHONE 8 O’NEILL ) , : f m ) I I Four - Drawer I Maple CHEST ) 29.95 ; 2.95 Down ^ Rigid hardwood with " hardcoat maple finish. b 28x16x39" high. Also in . walnut finish. ) _ a 9 Five - Drawer ) Walnut CHEST ) 3 ! 3.50 Down Hardwood with hardcoal P finish, guided drawers, a 30x17x46 Vi". Also in ma- P pie finish. fe - a 9 Eight - Drawer ) Walnut CHEST ) 39.95 \ ^ HENRY LOFFLIN. Mgr. ^ Phone 3 — O'Neill. Nefar. I 3.95 Down Hardcoaf-finished hard- * wood. Tarnish - proof h hardware. 38 x 17 x 37". W Also in maple finish. ) ---J Cool refreshing idea from the land of sly blue waters A bit of the cool refreshment of this enchanted land is yours—right now! —with a frosty bottle of Hamm’s Beer. Just reach . . . and discover the flavor that wins a brand new ✓ customer every 31 seconds—day and night! Discover refreshing Hamm’s Beer—from the land of sky blue waters. Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., St. Paul, Minn. 4 Refreshing as the enchanted land it comes from IT TAKES LESS ™MORE AT WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES! L **(joorf/ DUNCAN HINES CAKE f MIX*' Devil 's food Spice YeHou White I I SUGAR 100Lb.Bag 9.491 I SALE Baby Beef! Swift's Select Baby Beef Sirloin STEAKS Swift's Select Baby Beef ROUND STEAKS Swift’s Select Beby Beef RIB BOIL LB. Swift's Select Baby Beef STANDING RIB Roasts Swift'. Select B»by Beef Chuck Roasts SLICED BACON SS'0'*" 49c Frozen Foods • DINNER FRANKS 23 > 39c STRAWBERRIES SLICED BEEF LIVER . 19c *H!5L SPICED LUNCH LOAF ..49c Grape Juice ts 19c CT3ISCO 3-LB.CAH...8Q4 California Pink Meaf CANTALOUPE 19c LUSCIOUS RED CARDINAL JA. GRAPES 19 EXTRA JUICY SUNKIST #|f|g LEMONS S610 gj LATE ELBERTA CANNING PEACHES_ | U. S. NO. 1RED If Ac POTATOES.ICii OS Coolm Jmmb- I ® ^SjoSpgCiQl-^cg good thru-Aug /4ih. | 25E"r S YIHEGARI4$13$ BEVERAGE AjB DEL MONTE SSS PEAS w 19 POWDERS O 4# CARNATION MILK*3Sfe39* 1_^ .cTwrm arrtsuGM_| w.-aXTEX WAX PAPER Sff 19' Lake City DILL PICKLES ... Qt. 29c Peter Piper SWEET PICKLES, Qt. 39c Assorted Sugar Delite COOKIES, 1-Lb. Pkg. 29c _ Charmin TOILET TISSUE.12 Rolls $1 Pickling SALT.10 Lbs. 39c Pillsbury's Angel Food CAKE MIX.Pkg. 55c ORANGE SLICES, Lb. 19c JELL-0.3 Pkgs. 25c Council Oak COFFEE.Lb. 99c State Fair Peaches, No. 303 Tin 15c Old Manse JELLIES 3 for...59c Blue Bunny ICE CREAM I • ^ ooc I • Chocolate QUART _ - - ^ • Sherbets