The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 29, 1954, SECTION ONE, Page 6, Image 6

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    Appleby Family
Reunites at Neligh
INMAN—The Appleby family
enjoyed a reunion and picnic
dinner at the Neligh park on j
Those present included: Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Appleby and son,
Dick; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Appleby
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Asher and family, all of O’Neill;
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Nisse'n and family, all of Page;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Appleby
and family of Tilden.
Entertaines Friends—
Ann Wolfe, 6. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Wolfe, entertain
ed nine friends at a theater par
ty honor'ng her birthday anni
versary Saturday afternoon.
Frontier for printing!_!
Too Late to Classify
I WISH to thank all my friends
and relatives for cards, letters,
gifts and visits during my stay
in St. Anthony’s hospital. A
special thanks to Doctor Wil
son and the entire hospital
staff for the good care I re
ceived. _
WE TAKE this means of ex
pressing our heartfelt thanks
to our friends and relatives for
the masses, spiritual bouquets,
flowers, cards and others acts
of kindness in our recent be
reavement.—Mrs. J. P. Proti
vinsky, Mr. and Mrs. John
Grutseh and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Bud Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Johnson and fam
ily, John H. Protivinsky, Sr.
M. Athanasius, Mrs. Tressie
Crosby and family, Mrs. Mary
Sanders. 13c
FOR RENT: Block bldg., 30x40,
suitable tor storage or ware
house. — Clarence Strdhg, O’
Neill, phone 321-R. I3c35
Special Sale on All American
Kitchen Sinks
Until August 15th
42x25” _ 79.50
42x25” _ 89.50
66x25” _ ????
PAW PAW cleans your sep
tic tank. Get some before it j
is too late!
Hunt’s Plumbing
& Heating
Phone 399 — O'Neill
Work on Highway 20
Delayed by Moisture
(Continued from page 1)
surfacing extending southward
from the junction of U.S. high
way 281 and state highway 12
in Boyd county.
The state highway department
at present is processing plans for
six miles of hard-surfacing north
from the Clarence Donohoe cor
ner (where the new mat now
The oil mat equipment operat
ed by Francis R. Orcheck &
Company of Fremont is now
working south of Bassett on a 19
mile section, laying oil mat at
the rate of about one mile per
day under normal conditions.
The Orcheck firm has the con
tract for four miles of new con
struction on U.S. highway 281,
between a point 14 miles south
of O’Neill and the Chambers
junction: also five miles west
from the junction to the west
edge of Chambers.
District Engineer J. M. Crook
said Wednesday he expected the
oil mat machine to be moved
into the Chambers vicinity by
“about September 1.”
Redbird News
The Redbird Lucky Clover 4-H
club met Friday with Janet and
Eddie Krugman.
The Bill Wilson family were
supper >guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert White at O’Neill.
Beverly Carson is spending
this week in Lincoln with Donna
Victory Club
to Meet August 11—
The Victory Homemakers club
held its July meeting with Mrs.
John Janzing. Two members
were absent. Mrs. George Babl
v/as a guest Next meeting will
be with Mrs. Ray Tunender on
August 11.
A card party was held recent
ly with five tables of progressive
pitch High scores went to Mrs.
George Babl and Ray Tunender: I
lows to Clara Conway and Eddie
Tunender.—By Mrs. Ray Tim
merman, news reporter.
Jackie Nelson Is 9—
Jackie Nelson, 9, son of Mr.
and Mrs. D E. Nelson entertain
ed 14 guests at a birthday anni
versary pLnic supper last Thurs
day evening.
Chace, Ref to John M Johnson 7
23-54 $24,000- NM>NWV4 2- NEV4
NE‘A 3-32-12 Lot 1 in Sec 25
Lots 1-2 & 3 Sec 26 Lots 3 & 4
Sec 27- EM- 34- NVz & SW‘/4 35
33-12 & E’i>NWy4- lots 4 & E%
lot 3 Sec 6-32-11
Mr. and Mrs. Russell McMan
igal and family and Mrs. Evelyn
McManigal, all of Orchard, and
Mrs. C. B. McMann were Friday
evening dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Glen W. Miller.
"" . I
Bring Hogs in Early
• We want to start our hog sale at 12:30 p.m.. and we
urge you to bring in your hogs early in the forenoon
before the heat of the day. This will work to the benefit of
the shippers. There will be at least 200 feeder pigs in con
nection with our sale today (Thursday)
• We are expecting between 250 and 300 head of cattle,
mostly mixed consignments, with several nice consign
ments of 400- to 500-pound steer and heifer calves. There will
also be quite a few fat cows.
Phone 2 — O’Neill
O - - ~ — ~~~~~~~~
< Donkey - Comedy >
A ft
( Nothing like it; first and only show of its kind on the road.
^ Donkey Bucking — Roping — Racing
g Wild Scramble Trick Acts
{ Monday, August 2nd — 8:30 P.M.
i O’Neill Saddle Club Arena
Admission: Adults 50c: Children 25c
^ Cliff Dunham Donkey Rodeo
Crescent. Okla
5 Generations Reunite Here
There was a five-generation Bowden fam
ily gathering here last week, headed by Mrs.
Della Bowden, better-known as '“Grandma”
Bowden. In the photo are: Seated—Mrs. Chester
Bowden, Dean Bowden and “G'randma” Bow
-;-—rrn-:-- -n -
den; standing — Walter Bowden and Leonard
Bowden. All are from Yuma, Colo., with the
exception of “Grandma” Bowden. — O’Neill
Photo Co. i
t . . . ■; • r '
Chambers Captures
5-3 Decision Here
The Chambers Independents
captured a 5-3 decision from the
O’Neill Rockets here Friday eve
ning in Carney park. Peterson,
Chambers pitcher, got credit for
the win.
O’NEILL (3) ab r h
M. Morrow, lb __4 0 1
Nesbitt, ss*_*_ 4 0 0
Beringer, p, cf_4 13
Gorgen, rf, p _,_4 14
Appleby, 2b - 4 0 0
Connott, c - 4 0 0
Adamson, If _ 3 0 0
Holtz, If .. 1 0 0
Carroll, 3b _3 0 0
Graham, rf, cf _ 110
R. Morrow, cf _ 2 0 0
Mossman _ 10 0
Totals .. 35 3 8
CHAM. i5) ab r h
Fauquier, 2b _4 11
Tomjack, c _4 0 1
G. Oetter, rf _ 4 11
Hilligas, 3b __ 4 2 1
Peterson, p _ 4 0 1
Cameron, If -4 0 1
Gribble, ss _4 13
Walters, lb_4 0 1
Waldo, cf _3 0 0
Adams, cf __ 10 0
Totals _35 "5 10
O'Neill 11; Orchard 3
The Rockets punched across
five runs in the fat eighth inning
to defeat the Orchard Towners
Sunday evening in a game play
ed here.
O’NEILL (ID ab r h
M. Morrow, lb_4 12
Connott, c —-4 3 1
Beringer, p_5 2 2
Nesbitt, ss _ 5 0 2
Gorgen, 3b _ 5 2 4
Appleby, 2b -4 0 1
Carroll _ 10 0
R. Morrow, rf - 3 0 1
Mossman, rf - 0 0 0
Graham, cf _ 4 11
Holtz, If _ 3 1 1
Adamson, If _111
Totals _39 11 16
ORCH. (3) ab r h
Mettles, 3b _ 4 10
Leiding, c _ 4 0 1
R. Parks, rf _ 0 0 0
B. Parks, 2b, p _- 4 0 1
Erb, cf _ 4 0 0
K. Heiss, If _ 4 0 1
Kennedy, lb -_1 4 0 0
Caskey, ss ___i__ 2 0 0
AHen, p _4 11
Melcher, rf ---- 2 1 O' I
Trowbridge, rf 10 0
^ v Totals _.__„ 33 3 4
' i - -i -
Ainsworth 3; O'Neill 1
It was a ding-dong ball game
Tuesday night at Ainsworth as
the Ainsworth entry in the
North-Central Nebraska day-an
night league squeezed out a 3-1
decision over the O’Neill Rock
O’NEILL (1) ab r h
M. Morrow, lb_3 0 1
Connot, c _3 0 1
Beringer, cf _ 4 0 0
Nesbitt, ss _4 0 1
Gorgen, 3b-4 13
Appleby, 2b _4 0 1
Adamson, If - 4 0 2
Holtz, if _ 4 0 1
Graham, p_3 0 0
R. Morrow - 0 0 0
Totals . _33 1 10
AINS. (3) ab r h
D. Larsen, ss ___ 4 0 0
Price, If _4 11
P. Larsen, cf —--4 11
Lowe, lb _ 3 0 2
Graham, rf - 3 0 2
Wicker, 2b _3 1 1
Beebout, 3b _ 2 0 1
Sennett, c _-_3 0 0
B. Johnson, p_ 3 0 1
Totals _29 3 9
Recent regular army enlistments
I here include Donald E. Volquard
son of Walnut; Walter L. Boham
of Verdigre; Richard D. Doty of
Spencer; Gerald O. Potts of
Chambers; James R. Lyons of
O’Neill; for the.air force—Albert
I. McDonald and Garrv D. White,
both of Lynch; Fred A. Mulford
of Stuart; Calvin K. Stewart of
The Holt county board of su
pervisors in session Wednesday
conducted a hearing in behalf of
requests to partition Shields
township into two equal parts.
The sugg°stion has been tabled
for one month. The board also
conducted a hearing in behalf of
a county road opening north of
Atkinson and adopted the bud
get for the new year as recom
mended last week by the budget
Mr .and Mrs. Forrest D. Riley
and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hard
ing returned Friday from a
week’s vacation spent in Yellow
stone national park.
Inman News
_ j
Miss Patsy Goodin of Okmul- j
gee, Okla., came Sunday to spend
a few days visiting her uncle and
aunt, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alex
Mrs. William Anderl of David
City spent several days the past
week visiting her son, Francis,
and her sister, Miss Elsie Kruegar
Miss Mary Morsbach returned
Sunday evening from Neligh
where she spent a week visiting
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M!
M. Crosser and sons.
Mrs. Dick Fernau of Neligh
was an Inman caller on Friday.
Albert Kopejtka, jr., and Gene
Butterfield spent a few days last
week visiting Albert’s grand
mother, Mrs. Anna Kopejtka.
Miss Mary Ann Kopejtka spent
the weekend visiting in the home
of her brother and sster-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kopejtka,
and family at Cleawater.
Miss Lois Morsbach left Mon
day afternoon for Neligh where
she will spend a few days visit
ing in the home of her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser,
and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brittell
and daughter of Albion spent
Sunday in the home of Mrs. Lot
tie Thompsou. Mr. Brittell return
ed to Albion Sunday but Mrs.
I Brittell and daughter remained
in the Thompson home for a
longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kopejtka
and family of Clearwater, Mrs.
Ott Wiseman of Page spent Sun
day visiting Mrs. Anna Kopejtka
and Mary Ann. Irene Kopejtka
returned to Clearwater with Mr.
pnd Mrs. Kopejtka for a few
days visit.
Mrs. Pete Cooper of Orchard
spent Thursday afternoon visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Lottie
Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and
daughter Karon, are moving in
to the new house which they
have completed on their farm
[ west of town.
[ Mrs. Vaden Kivett spent the
! weekend with homefolks. She
attends school at Wayn4f
Miss Joan Convetry of Omaha
spent the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Coven
try and family.
Mrs. Mary Hartigan has re
cieved word that her son, Gray
don, is now located at Camp
Bliss, Tex. He left here Tuesdaj
morning, July 2t). Le Roy Moore
who left with Graydon, failed tc
pass the physical test in Omaha
and returned home that evening
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geary
visited Mrs. Etta Geary in Os
mond on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James McMahon
spent Tuesday evening, July 20,
in Ewing as guests in the home
of Miss Frances Rotherham.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Luben and
family of Oak spent the weekend
in the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Luben and Mrs. May
Mrs. Ira Watson and daughter.
Mrs. W. J. Slusher and
Carolyn Watson of Valentine
spent several days the past week
in Lincoln. *
n f
——— I—1-- --
PjllSjl V i 1 . | W3&
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r' '.V t"'-'3'/ ( ry~ < '\'ylLj‘ H
Phone 87 — O'Neill
Just Arrived . . . Shukon’s Escapade
The most haunting fragrance in Cologne and Perfume
Planning a Picnic?
COME IN and see our selection of Vacuum Jugs. Paper
Plates. Plastic Silverware, and other picnic items.
Got a Sunburn?
FOR THAT itchy sunburn, use SUN Sc SURF. Or. if you pre
fer a lotion, try Rexall's SUNBURN LOTION.
1 V . J>.r!
Come in and Ask Aboi^t
The Rexall Plan
WHERE YOUR purchases help you to buy a real bargain at
a low price, such as Steam Iron. Lazy Susan, etc.
Insecticide Department
For outside use we have CHLORADANE B% DUST.
THE LATEST TUNE going the rounds among the fly popu
lation is: "I'll Never Fly Again!" Why? Because of FLY
FLAKES, one of the most potent killers on the market.
Ready to use ... no mixing.
FOR THOSE dairy cattle, a combination of Lindane and
j Methoxychler . . . can't be beat for the control of flies.
Re-Opening of the
Atkinson, Nebr.
We have now completed our reorganization and improvement
program and are ready to go to work for our many fine cat
tlemen friends and customers. Our first Auction of this summer
and fall season will be on
Starting ail 12:30 O'clock PM.
And continuing every TUESDAY thereafter throughout the
season, with “Special CaLf & Yearling Auctions — Eveiy
MONDAY—Starting September 27th and continuing through
October, November and December.
We do not know what the marketing season immediately
ahead holds in store — nobody knows this.
BUT THIS WE DO KNOW: That we pledge our entire organ
ization and resources to the same faithful selling effort for
our very own. More than {his—no one can do.
Consign your calls lo ''The Old Reliable"
Afl ; —i Livestock Market
Phone 5!4! u
Atkinson, Nebr.
Elmer McClurg, Ernie Weller, Max Wanser & Dean Fleming,
Auctioneers; Adeline Mack Schneider, Office Mgr.
P.S. If you wish to consign cattle to the August 3rd Auction—
please list them early, so we may give you the full benefit of
i advertising them. Thanks.
| the Addition of a New
I 1954 Miller-Cadillac Combination
g I
IT WILL always be our policy to provide the most
I modem and finest service to our clientele in the
O’Neill region. By the addition of this new Coach, we
are happy to say it is the FIRST and FINEST of its type
, in Nebraska. In adding the Miller-Cadillac Combination
to our services, we are continuing the fine BIGLIN tra
.... _ .......... 1
: 1
| Phone 38 O’Neill
c °