The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 29, 1954, Supplement, Page 4, Image 16

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    A A & V* X—* - --->/
(Continued from preceding page)
be liable for any damage or accident that may occur to any
one, or for the loss of property, but the officers will use dili
gence to avoid any accidents and afford protection.
12. The association reserves the right to call any or all races off on
account of bad weather, or any other unavoidable cause.
13. Any article or animal on exhibition shall not be removed from
the grounds until 4:00 p.m., of the last day of the Fair except
by special permission, or will forfeit any premium money won
14. All agricultural exhibits shall be displayed with other exhibits
of all kinds—corn with corn, wheat with wheat, etc.
15. In cases where no person is competing, the judges will award
first, second, or no premium, as they deem best.
16. The manner of awarding premiums for best display will be by
computing premiums and the one having the most will be de
clared the winner.
17. Two red ribbons are equal to one blue ribbon.
18. The age of the animal shall be counted from the last day of
the month in which it was born.
19. All stock must be owned by the exhibitor at least 30 days prior
to date of entry.
20. Any article or animal fraudulently entered or shown, that wins
a premium if satisfactory proof is shown the Board of Direct
ors, the premium shall not be paid.
21. All exhibits must be Holt county products.
22. All 4-H club premiums wilL be paid in full. All other premiums
will be paid in full unless by unavoidable cause, the receipts
shall not be sufficient, in which case they will be prorated and
paid accordingly.
23. A blue ribbon denotes 1st premium; a red ribbon, 2nd pre
mium; and a purple ribbon, sweepstakes. Superintendents will
attach premium tags as soon as awards are made.
24. All protests must be filed in writing with the Secretary during
the Fair, and same will be acted upon at the first meeting of
the Board of Directors.
25. All animals must be exhibited at such time and place as the
superintendent may direct.
26. The annual meeting will be the first Saturday after the 1st day
of November.
The Superintendents are required to take charge of all articles
belongig to their department, on their arrival on the grounds and
see that they are in the proper places.
Superintendents must be on the grounds early in the morning
of each day of the Fair to assist exhibitors in ticketing and arrang
ing the articles, and shall appoint the awarding committees in the
respective classes under the direction and consent of the Board of
Directors and report them at once and not later than Wednesday
to the Secretary.
The President shall have charge of the grounds and it shall be
his duty to assign the police force, provided by the Village of Cham
bers, their respective duties, including gate keepers. All persons
employed shall be sworn conservators of the peace, and it shall be
their duty to arrest any person creating any disturbance or violating
any rules of the Society.
Anyone entering the grounds clandestinely shall be arrested.
No intoxicating drinks shall be sold or drunk on the grounds.
Any person found intoxicated will be dealt with according to law.
Open Class
livestock _
HENRY WOOD, Superintendent
All exhibits must be entered and on grounds by 5:00 p.m., Monday,
August 16, 1954
Class A — Registered Shorthorns
1st 2nd 3rd
3-years-old or over . . $5.00 $3.75 $2.50
2-year-old and under 3 .— 3-50 2.50 1.25
January 1, 1953, to April 30, 1953 3.50 2.50 1.25
May 1, 1953, to August 30, 1953 3.50 2.50 1.25
September 1, 1953, to January 1, 1954 3.00 2.00 1.25
January 1, 1954, to April 30. 1954 3.00 2.00 1.25
May 1,' 1954, to August 31, 1954 3.00 2.00 1.25
Class B — Other Breeds
Class B premiums same as Class A for all other breeds of cattle.
Class C — Sweepstakes
Best Herd, Bull and 3 Females ... Ribbon
Senior Champion Bull, 2 years and over _ Ribbon
Junior Champion Bull, under 2 years - -Ribbon
Senior Champion Female, 2 years and over -- Ribbon
Junior Champion Female, under 2 years ...Ribbon
_ _ Ribbon
Grand Champion Bull —.-...Ribbon
Grand Champion Female --—.
CARL LAMBERT, Superintendent
Class L
All exhibits must be entered and on the' grounds by 5:00 p m.(
Monday, August 16, 1954 ^ ^ ,
One Gallon Winter Wheat ......-—.—.. $ 'gg ? '35
One Gallon Spring Wheat ---t.. . 'gg '35
One Gallon Winter Rye .------'gg 3g
One Gallon Spring Barley..—.- -- g5 35
One Gallon Oats-- g5 3g
One Gallon Buckwheat - 125 g5
Ten Ears Yellow Corn ...-. 125 g5
Ten Ears Rice Pop Corn —.—.. gg
Ten Ears Other Pop Corn —.— —.—.-.~ j 2g 65
Ten Ears Sweet Corn ...——.-. 65
Ten Ears Corn, any variety . j'25 65
One Ear Corn, any variety - gg 35
One Quart Field Beans, white -■—. .. gg 35
One Quart Lima Beans —- gg 3g
One Gallon Alfalfa Seed - fig 3g
One Gallon Sweet Clover Seed .. fi5 '35
One Gallon Red Clover Seed .. .—.gg 35
One Gallon Alsike Clover Seed ..-..—.gg 35
One Gallon Madison Vetch .-----.-. ~ ' .
One Gallon Grain Sorghums, any variety .. •
One Gallon Feed Sorghums, any variety - ^ '3g
One Gallon Brome Seed - 25 65
One Peck Early Potatoes ---- ' gg
One Peck Late Potatoes _---- .gg 3g
Six Rutabagas ---” ' 3g
Six Turnips --- ' ' ,
Eight Tomatoes, red ------ • '
Eight Tomatoes, orange ----65 ^
Sample Grape Tomatoes -------3n
One Quart Peanuts -----.—.65 .35
Eight Onions, white - -65 .35
Eight Onions, yellow . -65 .35
Eight Onions, rea ......- -65 .35
Two Cucumbers, slicing ...—---65 .35
Two Cucumbers, pickling ....—...65 .35
Sample Celery ___ .65 .35
Three Table Beets ____ _-.65 .35
Three Best Sweet Peppers _____65 .35
Three Kohlrabi ---.-.- .65 .35
Six Carrots ....—.. ..65 .35
Six Parsnips --—.—.-.65 .35
Three Cabbages - .... _ .65 .35
Three Pie Pumpkins —. .65 .35
Three Table Squash - .65 .35
(Continued on page 6.)
Vet Announcer
to Be at ‘Mike’
Joe Cavanaugh, native of the
Chambers locality, once more has
signed to return to the Holt coun
ty fair and do the public address
announcing in connection with
this year’s two-day rodeo.
Joe will be taking time out
from his busy rodeo season to
stop off for the Chambers show.
This summer Joe has been
working with a national rodeo
producing firm, which boasts
more RCA-approved rodeos in
the nation this year than any
other producer.
Already Joe’s voice has kept
the crowds informed on rodeo
progress at many midwestern
Joe’s parents are Mr. and Mrs.
James Cavanaugh.
Incidentally, Joe became a fa
ther on Friday, July 9, when he
and his wife, the former Kath
leen O’Flynn of Omaha, an
nounced the arrival of Shamus
Michael Cavanaugh, weighing 6
pounds 6 ounces.
Shamus, Joe explains, is Irish
Gaelic for James.
Keen Competition
Promised by Teams
Baseball games will feature the
entertainment during the after
noon on both Wednesday and
Thursday, August 18 and 19, at
tne Holt county fair.
Atkinson and Chambers will
do battle on Wednesday.
Orchard will tangle with
Chambers on the following day
Both games are scheduled to
start at 2:30 p.m., and best seats,
of course, will be in the grand
stand. Bleacher seats also will be
very good vantage points for the
grandest of all sports—baseball.
Band concerts at 1 o’clock and
7 o’clock on both Wednesday and
Thursday, August 18 and 19,
have been scheduled by Holt
county fair officials.
Chambers, Stuart
Bands Scheduled
Band concerts at 1 o’clock and
7 o’clock on both Wednesday and
Thursday, August 18 and 19,
have been scheduled by Holt
county fair officials.
The Chambers band will pro
vide music on Wednesday; the
Stuart band on Thursday.
Besides the two concerts sched
uled daily, each musical organ
ization may be called upon inter
mittently throughout the after
noon to provide entertainment.
Kirk Fox, editor of Successful
Farming magazine, says; “I be
lieve that increased funds should
he provided each year until all
the 5,000 schools not now offer
ing vocational agriculture cours
es can do so. The value of such
training has been demonstrated.
Future needs must increase.”
Patronize the advertisers
whose messages appear in this
piemium list. Tell them you saw
the ad.
1 VN,
Harley Produce
We Have a Complete Line of
United Hybrid Seed Corn
Grain, Hay and Fertilizer
CASH ... for Eggs, Poultry, Cream
Phone 2811 . . HARLEY PRODUCE . Chambers
- — ■ . J'1
Across from the Golden—On Douglas St., O'Neill
We Give S&H Green Stamps
The Drug Store That Is Open Evenings
\ -JjT
1954 FAIR
Graduate Licensed
OFFICE PHONE: 576 O’Neill, Nebr.
tt... ..7 77- '