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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1954)
Neighbors Brave Heat to Assist CELIA—In spite of 106-degree heat Tuesday, July 13, several mends ana neighbors gathered at the O. A. Hammerberg farm and brought their tractors, mow ers, rakes, sweeps and a stacker. They mowed hay for Mr. Ham merberg, also started the stack ing. By Wednesday evening, July 14, which was a cool day with temperatures in the 80’s, CO tons had been put up for ieed during the winter. Mr. Hammerberg hasn’t been allowed to do any heavy work for several months on account of his health. Those doing the work were Emil Co'.fack and son, Denton, Frank Kilinurry, Lawrence Smith, Duane Beck, Gene Liv ingston, Dorothy Scott, Bob Pease. Connie Frickel and son, Donnie, Alex and Victor Frickel, Merrill Smith, Stanley Johnson, i ]jee Terwilliger, Linford Sweet and Mark Hendricks. Several ladies brought food and assisted Mrs. Hammerberg •on Wednesday. They were Mrs. Emil Colfack and Shirley, Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Mrs. Memll^ Smith and Doris and Mrs. Duane Beck. Mr. Blow and D. F. Scott and several children were visit ors. Other Celia lfaw* Last Thursday evening, a pic nic supper was held at the Leon ard Chaffin home northeast of Atkinson for those who helped them move from their home north of Hendricks to the farm Isome of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mellor. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hupp, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Orr, Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn and lamily. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell and lamily, Fiank Fundus, Sharon Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks and family, Mr. and Mrs. House and family and Mr. Ott of Concord, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts, Jim, Jerry and Nina Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs Emil Colfack and family, “Grandpa” Slow, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mellor and James, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mellor and Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and family. Alex Forsythe was a dinner guest at the O. A. Hammerberg home last Thursday. Grandpa Blow of Atkinson spent the week with the Emil Colfack family Joe Hendricks and son, Jim, at tended the funeral last Thursday of Mrs. Hendricks cousin, Ches ter Staples of Butte, who recently drowned in the Atkinson swim ming pool. Alice Focken, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken, and family spent Sunday, July 18, with Sharon Andrus and Darlene Tasler. She left that night for her work in Omaha at the Lutheran hospital. The Clarence Focken children attended their 4-H club meeting at the Sand Creek schoolhouse last Friday evening. The Sam Timmerman family was hostess. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott were Wednesday evening, July J4, visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease were Wdnesday'evening July 14, visit ors at the Connie Frickel home. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson and family were Sunday after noon visitors at the Connie Frickel home. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and Mrs. Casper Harley went to O’Neill Monday afternoon, July 12, to help clean the Lutheran parson age. Rev. Ernest Smith of New York was installed as minister of Inmanuel Evangelical church in Atkinson Sunday, July 18. A dinner was held in his honor and in the afternoon he was installed as minister of the church in O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg, Dianne and Carla Samms were O’Neill visitors last Friday. Frank Kilmurry and daugh ters, Mary Catherine and Patricia, were Monday morning visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Mrs. D. F. Scott attended an Iris meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy Ries Monday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. Phipps of Atk inson were Wednesday, July 14, visitors at the Joe Hendricks home. Mark Hendricks, Clarence Fooken, Emil Colfack and Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie at tended the school district meeting in O’Neill Wednesday morning, July 14. Sunday evening visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home were Alex Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Deming and son, Robert, Mrs. Lottie Keidel and son, David. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Eldridge of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., were dinner guests at the Lee Terwill iger home last Thursday. Then they attended the Chester Stap les funeral at Butte. Their son, Klaus, (who will be remembered as the German boy the Terwill igers brought back from Ger many) was away on a Boy Scout tour to New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Terwilliger spent Sunday afternoon and evening at Bloomfield to attend church services. , ‘Bud’ Colwell, 85, Dies in Sioux City SPENCER — Orlow (“Bud") Colwell, 85, a resident of Holt and Boyd counties since 1913, died Sunday, July 11, in Sioux City. Funeral services were con ducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 13, from the Methodist church in Spencer. Rev. Marjorie Johnson offici ated and burial was in the Union cemetery at Spencer in the fam ily plot. Music during the service was furnished by a male quartette composed of Lynn Oatman, P. O. Friedrich, and Richard and Don ald Black, accompanied by Mrs. P. O. Friedrich. Pallbearers were J. M. Puce bk, Ralph Black, Melvin W. Ja kobv, Russell Angus, Harry Pep eel and A. A. Barden. Orlo (“Bud”) Colwell was born at Burkley, la., on December 28, 1868. He came to Ft. Randall, S.D., when he was 17-years-old and for two years he supplied the army with posts cut from the Gross area near the “Nine-Mile spring.” He was called back to work on the family farm in Iowa and remained there until 1913. On October 23, 1898, he was married to Miss Tina Graham at Carroll, la. In 1913, Mr. and Mrs. Colwell moved to Spencer and he lived in the Spencer-O’Neill territory until his death. During most of these years he lived south of Spencer on the place now known as the Mallory ranch. His wife, Tina, preceded him in death on January 31, 1951; | also preceding him in death j were his parents and 10 brothers and sisters. J Surviving him are his broth er-in-law, Henry Hargens of Sidney, and several nieces and nephews. _ _ - « t I I 1 DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Northeast Comer of 4th & Douglas O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 167 Eyes Examined . Glasses Kitted Office Hours: #-5 Mon. thru Sat. ________ POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT I VOTE FOR DAVID MARTIN for U. S. SENATOR • Sandhills Business Interests 0 State Republican Chairman 5 years A MAN WITH A FRESH VIEWPOINT VOTE AUO. K>, FOR DAW MARTIN ) They’re NEW! | \ They’re SMART! J i _ i < 'DR E. AMIES" J HELENCA J S-T-R-E-T-C-H ! NYLON BRIEFS d Nationally Recognized ^ Value at $2.75 I WHILE f 1 TH£Y la4!l il ' ^ *■ lliwi irth uwufartabU fttt J . emt to wash — quick drfiuql 'I “Dreamies’7 are the most comfortable, smooth fitting nylon .4 briefs imaginable. They’re sure to fit! Finest Helenca g s-t-r-e-t-c-h nylon yam assures long wear. Guaranteed by ^ Goodhousekeeping. Sizes to fit every figure. t ■ | HENRY LOFFLIN. Mgr. ,, Nirwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww To European Waters Midn. Arthur R. Loock of Spencer (above), a student at the U.S. Naval academy, Ann apolis, Md., mans the power control board in one of the en gine rooms aboard the heavy cruiser USS Des Moines. Upon receiving isntructions from the ship’s bridge, Midshipman Loock adjusts the steam power for the amount of speed re quested. Midshipman Loock is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Loock of Spencer. More than 3,000 midshipmen em barked at Norfolk, Va., June 7 in 19 ships cruising to European waters on the summer’s first midshipman training cruise. Mn. Emma L. 3«mm Dim at Laurel— Mrs. Emma Louise Bose, 79, recently died at Laurel. She was bom in Germany and came to America in 1905, living in Dixon county until 1917, when she moved to Laurel. Survivors include: Daughters —Mrs. William Hinze of O’Neill; Mrs Arthur Linnerman of Stock ton, Calif.; Mrs. O. C. Jensen of Seatle, Wash.; Mrs. Ivan Holm of Martinsburg; Mrs. Willard Lewis of Craig; Mrs. William Bottger of Laurel; sons—Carl of Gary, Ind., and Herbert of Van Nuys, Calif. NIECE DIES AMELIA—Mrs. August Pospi shel received word Saturday of the death of her little niece, Rosanne Kobza of Dwight. The litle girl had not been ill, and was found dead in the doorway of the barn only about five min utes after leaving the house. Frontier for printing! Install them for a "lifetime in 30 minutes... U SAM *20 ) PER AWNINGi/ Lu Verne Schultz Weds at Bloomfield Miss LuVerne Schultz, former O’Neill public school teacher, be came the bride of Alvin Koops of Bloomfield at 8 o’clock on Saturday evening, July 10, in St. Mark’s Lutheran church at Bloomfield. The rite took place before an altar decked with vases of white and lavender gladioli and candel abra in a candlelight ceremony. Rev. H. G. Knaub officiated. Miss Schultz taught in the second grade here 1947-’50 and later taught at Ogallala, The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Esther Schultz of Magnet; the bridegroom the son of Mr. ond Mrs. Carl Koops of Bloom field. Mr. Koops manages a petro leum service station at Bloom field and Mrs. Koops will teach in the Bloomfield public school system next year. Boyd Sailor* on European Cruiao— LYNCH — More than 13,000 midshipman, officers and men are embarked in 19 ships enroute to Europe on the summers first midshipman cruise, i Aboard the battleshi New Jersey is Louis R. \ seaman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart of Lynch, and | Gordon D. Pelc, airman, USN, son of Mrs. Elsie Pelc of Spencer, > is aboard the escort aircraft car rier USS Siboney. I The ships will visit ports in . Portugal, Spain France, Belguim r and the Netherlands before re | turning to Norfolk Va., August 3. . Arrives from Boston— ' S/Sgt. John Moler is home on I a 10-day leave from Boston, ’ Mass., visiting his parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Dave Moler, and other 1 relatives. Donnie Motacek of | Capron, I1L, accompanied his uncle and will visit his grand | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moler until ' Sergeant Moler’s return to Bos | i ton. i j WD — Clarence H Wright to ! Wm P Seger St wf 6-12-54 $3000 | Part of NWV4NWy4 33-30-14 Anyone con install B HWBT MOTeol^ ALUMINUM AWNINCS IKY YKW HrtbM iwrt*t fi*a ymt baaia pr MMb| jraar aaa^a MaAMJlSaa aaa^Ml ii^^A rata, ta«t, wav. Oarjaaw javai-taaa •atari ta Wrtrrn bakaU —aval . .. ■pwk vaBaaaMhta • • • ita aaira 'P4**C 401-J (after 0:01 PJI.) roc mi mmomstiahom JIM SESSIONS P.a Beat Ml — OTfaiU LLiii Tudu July Z4-M-J7 Marge and Gower Champion "GIVE A GIRL A BREAK" A musical comedy you’ll like In Color — Added Shorts FrL-Sat. July 23-24 Wed.-Thur*. July 2I-2S „ _ . Joan Crawford Double Feature r . .. ^ "SUDDEN FEAR" "NORTHWEST PASSAGE" An exciting drama "FANGS OF THE WILD" Family night, bring ’em all, SI — Certified List of Candidates Primary Election Aagast 10,1954 Holt County, Nebr. I. Ruth Hoffman Baker, County Clerk of Holt County, Nebras ka, do hereby certify that the following named persons, all of them qualified electors of the State of Nebraska, have made personal filings or accepted petitions filed for them by other electors and each has fulfilled all requirements of law, and each is entitled to have his or her name placed on the official ballot to be used in the Primaries, August 10, 1954 as candidates for nomination on the ticket and for the office as designated below: NATIONAL TICKET FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR (Full Term) HtpuMiaui lUudMci Democrat HwMwict WALTER A. NIELSEN Omaha JOSEPH V BENESCH Omah ROBERT B. CROSBY KEITH NEVILLE North Platte North Platte EDWARD A. DOSEX Lincoln TERRY CARPENTER Scottsbluff DAVID MARTIN Kearney CARL T. CURTIS Minden JAMES L. HARRISON Omaha * JOHN P. OVERGAARD Lincoln FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR (Short Term—To Fill Vacancy Expiring January, 1955) Republican Residence Democrat Residence S. E. TORGESON Kimball CHARLES R. HERRICK Curtis RICHARD R. DEMPSTER WILLIAM H. MEIER Minden North Platte MABEL GILLESPIE Omaha MAX A. DENNEY Fairbury MYLES STANDISH Omaha HUGH CARSON Ord JOHN R. JIRDON Morrill II. P. HEILOGER Lincoln WILLIAM KEESHAN Albion MAC BALDRIGE Omaha JOHN S. SAMSON Omaha JOSEPH ALEXIS Lincoln CHRIS C. BECK Lincoln MRS. GEORGE P. ABEL Lincoln N. W. ANDERSON Lincoln E. W. GUSTAFSON Scottsbluff GERALD MERRITT Lincoln FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR (Short Term—To Fill Vacancy Expiring January, 1959) Republican Residence I Democrat Residence ROMAN L. HRUSKA Omaha | .TAMES F. GREEN Omaha STATE TICKET FOR CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT Republican Residence Democrat Residence JACK ARBUTHNOT O’Neill HOWARD D. MANSON O’Neill FOR COUNTY TREASURER Republican Residence Democrat Residence J. ED HANCOCK O’Neill 1 LLOYD E. CORK Page FOR COUNTY SHERIFF Republican Residence Democrat Residence ALBERT SIPES O’Neill LEO S. TOMJACK O’Neill FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY Republican Residence Democrat Residence WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN O’Neill I JOHN R. GALLAGHER O’Neill FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR Republican Residence Democrat Residence CEO. E. COLLINS Atkinson FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR Republican Residence Democrat Residence WM. F. WEFSO Atkinson JOSEPH WINKLER Emmet FAY S. BRITTELL O’Neill FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—FIRST DISTRICT Republican Residence Democrat Reaidenee I,. G. GILLESPIE O’Neill LD MURRAY O'Neill C. H. SWITZER O’Neill EDW. N. FLOOD O’Neill DENNIS F. MURPHY O’Neill FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—SECOND DISTRICT Republican Residence Democrat Residence FLOYD FRAHM Page HARRY L. MOORE Inman HENRY W. WALTERS O’Neill DAREL BRIGHT Atkinson E. L. MINER O’Neill CLARENCE DONOHOE O’Neill ART TOMLINSON Inman BOB TOMLINSON Star —a— FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—THIRD DISTRICT Republican Residence Democrat Residence CLARENCE ERNST O’Neill ALBERT STERNS O’Neill HENRY WINKLER Atkisnon JOHN SULLIVAN O’Neill FRANCIS “SWEDE” WABS O’Neill FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—FIFTH DISTRICT Republican Residence Democrat Residence KENNETH BARTHEL EDWIN A. WINK Chambers Chambers FRED D. SMITH Chambers LESLIE LIESWALD Chambers LLOYD A. HOERLE Chambers FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR—SEVENTH DISTRICT Republican Residence Democrat Residence ALEX FRICKEL Atkinson OTTO GLOOR Atkinson 5 LOYD BUTTERFIELD D. T. WITHERS Atkinson Atkinson FOR GOVERNOR Republican Residence Democrat Residence . ARTHUR B. WALKER Lincoln WILLIAM RITCHIE Omaha LOUIS H. HECTOR Lincoln MABEL FOSSLER Lincoln VICTOR E. ANDERSON A. E. SWANSON Polk Lincoln F. J. HEATON Sidney FREDERICK H. WAGENER __ Lincoln CLARENCE R. BRISTOL Ansley JAMES L. BOURRET Kimball 1 JOHN McKERNAN Omaha 1 FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Republican Residence Democrat Residence ' CHARLES J. WARNER STANLEY D. LONG n * ITTT^„ Waverly __Grand Island C. A. HUCK Peru HHU SRff A. P. HANNA Superior FOR SECRETARY OF STATE Republican Residence i Democrat Residence i FRANK MARSH Lincoln I V. C. HAVORKA, SR. Randloph FOR AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Republican Residence Democrat Residence RAY C. JOHNSON Lincoln CHARLES SMRHA Lincoln RAY CHASE Crawford FOR STATE TREASURER Republican Residence Democrat Residence WILLIAM R. SLAGLE Lincoln RICHARD R. LARSEN Omaha RALPH W. HILL Hebron DON J. KNUTZEN HARRY KNUDSEN Omaha Cedar Bluffs FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL Republican Residence Democrat Residence CLARENCE S. BECK WILLIAM E. GRUBBS North Platte Scottsbluff CHARLES LED WITH Lincoln FOR RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Republican Residence Democrat Residence RICHARD H. LARSON Lincoln F. V. ROBINSON C. DIXIE WILCOX Omaha J. C. McREYNOLDS Lincoln CHARLES VOGT. JR. Liberty HIAM DWOSKIN Omaha CONGRESSIONAL TICKET ~ FOR CONGRESSMAN, FOURTH DISTRICT ___—_#-____ Republican Residence I Democrat Residence A. L. MILLER Kimball! CARLTON W. LAIRD COUNTY TICKET FOR COUNTY CLERK Republican Residence j Democrat Residence KENNETH WARING Page HOMER F MULLEN O Neill NON-POLITICAL TICKET FOR MEMBER OF STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION—SIXTH DISTRICT (Four-Year Term) fame Residence Name Residence RAYMOND M. GILMORE WILLIAM S. PADLEY Kearney Gothenburg VIAX A. EMERY Minatare JOHN J. MOTL Mullen *USH WILLIAM KARRER JOE CHICOINE Valentine Minatare FOR MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATURE— TWENTY-EIGHTH DISTRICT Name Residence Name Residence FRANK NELSON O'Neill S. H. LYMAN Springview DONALD E. ROHDE Lynch FOR REGENT OF UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA—SIXTH DISTRICT (Short Term—To Fill Vacancy Expiring January, 1957) Name Residence Name Residence FRANK M. JOHNSON JACK ELLIOTT Scottebluff Lexington LKDN PIERCEAlliance FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Name Residence 1 Name Residence ALICE L- FRENCH O’Neill t FOR DIRECTORS OF ELKHORN RURAL PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT (Full Term) Name Residence Name Rseidanoe WM C SCHULTE Elgin HAROLD A. KREBS ' Neligh GEO. KLEIN Battle Creek A. H. PETE LEWIS S LEO TIEDGEN Norfolk Battle Creek FOR DIRECTORS NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA RURAL PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT (Full Term) PA£SL Creithton S. R. NEIL Niobrw* HAROLD G. LARSON Plainview IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand an3 affixed the Seal of the County of Holt, State of Nebraska, this 17th day of July, 1954. RUTH HOFFMAN BAKER County Clerk (COUNTY COURT SEAL)