The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 22, 1954, SECTION ONE, Page 4, Image 4

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    Page News
Mr and Mrs. J. R. Russell
spent last Thursday at Atkinson
with their son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spann.
Shirley and Sharon Park of
Orchard spent a few days last
week with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park.
Mrs. Nelle McIntosh and Earl
accompanied Mrs. Owen Parks
to Blair Sunday where they will
visit until Friday at the home of
their son and brother, Kenneth
McIntosh, and family.
Marie Heiss and nieces,
Myma and Bonnie Heiss, drove
to Hastings Friday and returned
home Sunday morning.
Miss Lois Jean Parks of Lin
coln and Miss Ruth Parks of Om
aha spent the weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Mrs. Norman Trowbridge went
to Randolph Saturday where she
and several teachers from the
Plainview school last term held a
picnic at the home of Miss Fran
ces Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly and
Ruth and Mrs. Anna Thompson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Cyril Hansen and daughter at
Hoskins. Mrs. Hansen is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly
and granddaughter of Mrs.
The GGG&G club met Friday
afternoon with Mrs. I. O. Wood.
Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs. Clar
ence Dobbins were guests. Score
winners were Mrs. George Park,
high; Mrs. Dobbins, low. and
Mrs. Hester Edmisten, traveling.
The hostess served refreshments.
The Royal Neighbor Kensing
ton met Wednesday afternoon,
July 14, with Mrs. Neil Asher
with 10 members present. Guests
were Mrs. Lem Webb of Mitch
ell and Miss Carlene Bolin of
Lincoln. Mrs. Nona Bedford of
Troy, O., who is an honorary
member, was also present. A
covered dish lunch was served.
The WSCS met last Thursday
afternoon in the Methodist
church parlors with about 30 la
dies present. The ladies quilted
on three quilts. Miss Alice
French led the devotions and
gave the lesson. Mrs. Jesse Kelly
gave an illustrated report on the
1 work of the United Nations. Mrs.
Elmer Trowbridge, president,
presided at the business meeting.
Hostesses were Mrs. Soren Sor
ensen, st., and Mrs. Melvin
Smith. __
2 Guests at
Club Meeting—
PAGE—The Bid-or-Bye bridge
club met with Mrs. Gerald Lam
ason Wednesday evening, July
14. Mrs. Donald Lautenschlager
of Ewing and Mrs. John Lama
son were invited guests. Mrs.
James Finley held high score
and the hostess the all-cut. Re
freshments were served.
Last Thursday evening, Mrs.
Gerald Lamason was hostess to
the members of the Contract
bridge club. She had been an in
vited guest a number of times at
meetings of the group. Mrs. John
Lamason was a visitor. Mrs. Al
ton Braddock had high score and
Mrs. Melvin Roach the all-cut.
Mrs. Lamason served lunch.
The Frontier for printing . •
Prompt deliveries.
Finest Beverages
IS W. Douglas St. O'Neill
Phone 138
Vote For .
Albert Sipes
Republican Candidate for
Holt County Sheriff
Primaries August 10, 1964
Your Support Will Bo Appreciated
No Messy Ice trays
Servel makes ice cubes
automatically, places them
in a basket. Pick out one
or a dozen, whatever
you need.
You’ll want this new convenience ... a plentiful supply of ice
cubes automatically without messy ice trays to clean and refill.
Only Servel ... the GAS REFRIGERATOR has it.
And Servel has every other feature you ever wanted ... a large
separate freezer compartment that holds up to 80 lbs. of frozen foods
... automatic defrosting ... adjustable shelves ... butter keeper . • •
roomy door shelves PLUS a silent mechanism operated
with a tiny gas flame. It’s guaranteed 10 years.
See your Servel Dealer or K.ansas~N ebrasha
Manager about a new gas refrigerator today.
For Dependable GAS Service
When You and I Were Young...
One-Man Newpaper I
Nobody Pleased When
Short Staffed
50 Years Ago
A number of republicans met
in R. R. Dickson’s office and ac
complished the preliminary work
of organizing a Roosevelt and
Fairbanks club. Mr. Dickson was
eiected temporary chairman and
Mr. Marsh, secretary. . . Getting
out a newspaper single-handed
is satisfactory to neither the fel
low that does it nor the reader.
The Frontier is laboring under
these conditions this week and
is doing the best it can. . . A
summer clearing sale will soon
begin at the J. P. Gallagher
store. There will be a 20 percent
discount on all summer goods.
. . . Mrs. Gilman Davis was shot
through the hip when the hired
man was getting ready to clean
cut a .22-calibre rifle. The old
story of not knowing the gun
was loaded. . . The most severe
windstorm witnessed in Holt
county came out of the north
west and devastated a large por
tion of the county.
20 Ywxi Age
The Hazel McOwen stock
company, long-time favorites of
the O’Neill theater-going public,
will be here for a week’s stand.
They will appear in their new
tent theater. . . J. H. McPharlin
received a telegram announcing
the news that he was again a
grandfather. A son was bom to
Dr. and Mis. J. H. McPharlin of
Salinas, Calif. . . The engage
ment of Miss Marion Golden to
John Robinson of Hampton, la.,
was announced a* a recent party
held at the Golden hotel. . . Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Daley of Jerome,
Ida., are visiting the city. They
left O’Neill in 1894.
10 Yean Ago
The Neligh American Legion
baseball team defeated the O’
Neill town team by a score of
4-3. . . Another death occurred
on the Danceland comer—a 16
year-old youth, William McAn
drew of Ainsworth, died instantly
when the car he was driving
failed to make the turn and end
ed up against a highline pole on
the north side of the road. . The
public is invited to attend a pe
troleum conservation meeting at
which an effort to present the
true picture of the gasoline and
fuel oil situation will be pre
sented to the general public. . .
Air Chief William A. Burnden
urged all towns to concentrate
on building an airport following
World War II, saying a city
without an airport can easily
lose prestige.
One Year Ago
Sheriff Leo Tomjack is search
ing for vandals who broke into
a farm house near Page. Damage
was done to every room in the
house and a sledge hammer was
I used in an attempt to crack
open a small safe. . . An auto
pushball show troupe has been
signed as feature entertainment
for the 1953 edition of the Holt
county fair. . . A two_-day tour
of purebred and commercial An
gus farms and ranches in the
county will take place over the
weekend. . . Another bicycle
safety meeting was held at the
American Legion hall. Highway
Patrolman Ray Shomey showed
another film and talked about
the safety rules.
r Frontier for printing!
Funeral Directors
Day Ph. Night Ph.
| 38 487-R or 200
Phones 318 and 304
2d Floor Gilligan
Recall Bldg.
j Ph. 240 - Box 148-Hra. 8:30-4
First NaH Bank Bldg.
Summary of County Budget and Levy Comparison
Fiscal Year July 1, 1954 to June 30, 1955
Holt County
12 3 5 6 7 Pro- Amount 1952
Out- Cash Jdisc. Axtft. to posed Raised Lev
. standing Reserve on Hand Revenue be raised 1954 by Tax a- ies
v. FUNDS Require- War- 7-1-54 by Taxa- Lev- tion in
moots rants tion 1954 ies 1953
G«wral_ 166,245.00 7,062.08 62,046.39 75,760.28 44,500.00 115,113.19 3.62 79,873.74 1.90
Bridge —_ 70,000.00 5.721.46 33,714.37 45,943.02 31,580.00 31,912.81 1.02 37,832.16 90
Road - Bridge___ 32,000.00 77.63 89.84 12,167.47 20,000.00
Boed _ 150,000.00 5,866.00 27,690.50 49,556.50 134,000.00
County Relief_ 9,000.00 138.84 4,611.30 6,487.92 7,262.22 23 4,209.57 .10
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Relief_ 2,300.00 250.00 2,341.54 408.36 .02 420.11 Jtt
County Fair _-_ 3,200.00 1,315.62 1,47437 610.00 2.433.25 .08 2,101.68 06
Mothers’ Pension _—.- 1,07412 1,072.12
Special Mail Route Road Fund _ 70,000.00 2.879.57 2,897.04 14,776.61 61,000.00
Medical & Hospitalization _ 12,000.00 546.57 2,213.87 7,530.88 7,229.56 .23 14,712.62 M
K 5.20 3.31
July 28, 1954
Notice is hereby given of the public hearing to be held on Wednesday, July 28, 1954, at 10 o’clock A.M., at the Court House in Holt
County Nebraska for the purpose of entering objec tions, suggestions, or corrections to the 1954 County Budget.
• Holt County, Nebraska
Couple Weds in Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. Albin Hubenka were married Monday, July 12,
at the Augustana Lutheran church in Omaha. The bride is the
former Miana Lou White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis A.
White of O’Neill.—Donald Jack Studios.
Miss Doltie Moore
on European Trip—
INMAN—Miss Dottie Moore, a
Holt county rural school teacher,
left Sunday, July 11, for Omaha
where she joined a group of 10
other teachers and Miss Elja
McCullough, former Holt county
superintendent, on an academic
tour of Europe. The teachers will
ieceive college credit for the
tour. The group will be gone at
least six weeks.
Mrs. Evelyn Tootsberry and
children of Ashland are staying
at the Harry Moore home at
Other Inman News
Mr. and Mrs. Mick Gallagher
entertained the following at sup
per on Wednesday evening, July
14: Mrs. Mary Hartigan and son,
Graydon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Moore and LeRoy and Miss De
ritha Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman of
O’Neill entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Moore and son, LeRoy, and
Miss Deritha Smith at dinner I
Saturday evening. A number of
friends were invited in for an
evening of cards. This was in
honor of LeRoy Moore, who left
Wednesday for the army.
Mrs. Mary Hartigan entertain
ed the following at the Town
House Sunday evening: Mr. and
Mrs. Pearl Carey, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Mick
Gallagher, LeRoy Moore, Gray
don Hartigan and Deritha Smith,
all of Inman, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Ryan of Neligh. This was in
honor of Graydon Hartigan and
LeRoy Moore, who were to leave
this week for the army.
Mrs. David Morsbach and
daughter, Mary, are spending a
few days visiting in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crasser
and sons at Neligh.
David Morsbach and daughter,
Lois, were Sunday evening visit
ers at the M. M. Crasser home at
Neligh and the Ray Conard home
at Clearwater.
Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach is
spending a few days visiting in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi
Morsbach and son at Neligh.
M/Sgt. Cecil Keyes arrived on
Friday evening from New Jer
sey where he had been stationed
and is visiting his brother-in
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Hansen, and family.
Sergeant Keyes is enjoying a 15
day leave and then reports to Al
buquerque, N.M., for further as
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crasser
and sons of Neligh were Friday
evening visitors in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach
and daughters.
John Harte took his uncle, J.
P. Harte, to Grand Island on Sat
urday evening where he took
the train for his home in Buhl,
Ida. James has spent the past
several weeks here in the homes
of his brother, Harry Harte, and
his nephew. Leo Harte.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck
horst, Barbara, Faye and John,
and Mr. and Mrs. George L. Col
man and family attended a re-1
union of the Brunckhorst family
on Sunday, July 11, at the Page
park. A picnic dinner was en
Miss Deritha Smith is enjoy
ing two weeks vacation from her
duties as bookkeeper for the
Kansas - Nebraska Natural Gas
company in O’Neill.
Mrs. James P. Gallagher drove
to Lynch Friday to get her son,
Edward, who had been visiting
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Rutledge, when he became
ill with an attack of asthma. His
mother was called to come and
get him.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes and
daughter, Murl, of Valentine 1
spent the weekend here at the i
home of their son-in-law and '
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence j
Hansen, and family.
Mrs. Herbert Rouse and Miss
Mildred Keyes have returned
home after spending the past
month in the East vacationing.
Mr. and Mrs C. A. Rutledge
of Lynch spent Sunday visiting
in the J. P. Gallagher and Vaden
Kivett homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton
and daughter of Bassett were
Sunday guests in the home of
RichanTs parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. D. Hutton, and Vicki Sue.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson
and family spent Sunday at
Madison where they enjoyed a
picnic dinner with friends. The
Jackson family formerly lived
near Madison.
Gerald Dale Potts, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Potts of Cham
bers, has reenlisted in the army.
He departed Friday for Omaha
for a physical. He had served in
the armed forces three years,
part of which had been in Korea,
and had been home about six
Rev. and Mrs. Wallace B. Smith
and family returned Monday
from a two weeks vacation in
Money to Loan
— oo —
Central Finance
C. E. Jon**. Manager
O'Neill Nebraska
_- _ _ - ■ _ ■ —— rntmmm m—m wmmm mmmmm tmmm W W VHP A
| First Showing <
* CORONADO y JJ' Refrigerator <
[I 224.95 ho |
k • Full-Width Freezer Compact in *ize— 1
*' . - ,. r._, packed with deluxe 4
| • La,»# CoW featured Ha. over 11 *
• 6 ft. of Dor-Rack. ,q. ft. ea.y-reach (
& • Butter Conditioner * pure porce- |
k _, lain interior. Choo» *
9 • Big Fla.tic Cmp*r w ^ opening {
| • Five-Year Warranty KiH-length door! -
k */f IrW^M «eva/< 5%. “-«*» • *
I He. Wl-wWtti freeter, 3-year warranty. 1 /*A AP <
ftv* freifN tram- Michigan iU«/.«?<} *
I TO *50°°I ft
I I!1., • Sforot 114 lb. f—4 WAS 3I4.9S
4 l8 GxM Gla»i*fibor imulatod jm nr |
* \ f2jJS$J cabinot—2 baikoti, 2 JJ *
I \ divldori. $230 food
F \ (P°*a9« warranty. UL HO MONEY DOWN (
| X,c^ Httod. m.m if frodo-in aqvafc 3%
& Sii<0!lnf WM Hold. *47 IM. nwKod feJdl*? com- 44 Q QC |
I ?"*£* •boV*- 5w^ $£00 oortmaoti. $300 Sod worronty... . ‘HJ.D3 1
" Tf •I0IW TfOW ooooaoooo 49.7DI A
TACKLE BOX contDovor troy modal ^
I Hood art *ot. • ooc* Hkbrooio wlro oto- Foaturo* 630 won ond I * m. |ombo. for lbo«o ^ >|A^ j rt
k Rootod goblot* ond moot, coot lofcotlo 1000 won bvmon, , . , ft. H<owort>n bo* rtoto- ™
I *borboO, dtaio -bo»e band!** ond foot. Ul loparoto on-off . loo. rtool gvidoo ond J
tco too*, fcnco*. ».<*m Brtod. ouorontood. »wih**v Yoor gwor. * '**** cork bondlo ortg. "
b__,... .0