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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1954)
Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admission^ July 14 — Mrs. Emil Bartos, Walnut; Lyman Bursell, Spencer; Mrs. Clarence Golden, Mariaville; Mrs. Myrtle Bell, Chambers; Mrs. Claude Hamilton, O’Neill. 15 — Sherry Lynn Fox, Emmet; Mrs. Carrie Blake, Chambers; Mrs. Maynard Coleman, Bassett; Mrs. Glen Cadwallade/, Stuart; Mrs. Ver lyn Gibbs, Clearwater; Jack Waldron, O’Neill; Mrs. Glea Wade, O’Neill. 16—Owen Shoe maker, O’Neill; Mrs. Frances Timmerman, Stuart; Jack Wald ron, O’Neill; Mrs. Bob Timmer man, O’Neiil. 17—Ervin E. Hilli gas, Chambers; Sandra Harper, O’Neill; Joe Nezgocki, Atkinson; Lorene M. Wetzler, O’Neill. 18— Mrs. Glen Ridgeway, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Graham, O’Neill; Am brose Biglin, O’Neill; Wayne H. Rowse, Chambers. 19—Mrs. Dale Lines, Inman; Mrs. Floyd Kin nison, Verdigre; Mrs. Glen Sprague, Inman. 20—Mrs. Don Elsberry, O’Neill; Mrs. F. N. Cronin, O’Neill; Melvin Luben, Emmet; Grayce E. McGraw, In man. 21—Mrs. Lynn Moore, O’ Neill; Douglas Dankert, Cham bers. Dismissals: July 14—Mrs. Fred Scheinost, Spencer; Joyce Dar ling O’Neill; Mrs. Charles Stout, O’Neill; Sandra Harper, O’Neill; Mrs. Franx Jauemig, Stuart; Mrs. Rex W. Wilson and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs. Donald Kell ner and baby boy, O’Neill; Ste phen Charles Fuhrer. O’Neill. 15 —Mrs. David McCage and baby girl, O’Neill; Mrs. Donald Green and baby girl, Chambers; Mrs. Victoria Woods, Chambers; Mrs. Lloyd Durre and baby girl, Ew ing- Mrs. Leonard Heiss, Page. 16 — Gilbert R. Fish (expired), Butte; Mrs. Clarence Golden, Mariaville; Jack Waldron, O’ Neill; Mrs. Bud Peterson, Cham bers; Mrs. Glen Cadwallader, Stuart; Sherry Lynn Fox, Em ----I met. 17—Mrs. Emil Bartos and baby girl, Verdigre; Owen Shoe maker, O’Neill; Mrs. Arthur C. Walters, Chambers. 18 — Mrs. Glea Wade, O’Neill; Mrs. Came Blake, Chambers; Mrs. Myrtle Bell, Chambers. 19—Mrs. Claude Hamilton, O’Neill; Ervin E. Hil ligas, Chambers; Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs, Clearwater; Wayne H. Rowse, Chambers. 20—Mrs. Bob Timmerman and baby boy, O’ Neill; Jack Waldron, O Neill; Mrs. Elmer Foster, Spencer; Ly man Bursell, Spencer. Hospitalized; D. F. Murphy, O’Neill; John O’Connor, O’Neill; Joe Niezgocki, Atkinson; Am brose Biglin, O’Neill; Mrs Mary Mullen, O’Neill; Mrs. Francis Timmerman. Stuart; Sandra Harper, O’Neill; Mrs. Glen Sprague, Inman; Melvin Luben, Emmet; Douglas Dankert, Cham bers; Lorene Wetzler, O’Neill; Mrs. Glen Ridgeway, O’Neill; Mrs Mary Vitt, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Graham, O’Neill; Mrs. Don Elsberry, O’Neill; Mrs. Dale Lines, Inman; Mrs. Floyd Kin nison, Verdigre; Mrs. F. N. Cron in, O’Neill; Mrs. Lynn Moore, O’Neill; Grayce E. McGraw, In man- Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Maynard Coleman, Bassett; Mrs. Fred Lorenz, Inman. SACRLD HEART (Lynch) In hospital: Mrs. May Ayers, | Anoka; Baby Leah Ann Behrent | (newborn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Behrent), Butte; Marion A. Borrall, Butte; Law rence Bowers, Bristow; Mrs. George Chittenden, Spencer; Mrs. Richard Counts and baby boy, Spencer; Floyd Crawford, O’ Neill; Miss Jo Ann Femau (11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Femau), Naper; Karen Flanders (5, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Flanders. Verdel; Carl T. Friedrich, Spencer; Fernando W. Grimm, Lynch; Alfred Hag }>erg, Spencer; Jerry Kaplan, Verdel; Mrs. Gordon Kirsch and baby girl. Lynch; Mrs. Alfons Liewer, Butte; Mrs. Lucian Loock, Anoka; Mrs. Chris Neu "i miller, Naper; Master Pat Os born (9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborn), Portland, Ore.; Mrs. A. J. Pritchett, Lynch; Mrs. Kermit Rhodman, Gross; Mrs. William Shelden, Spence;; M. A. Shelkopf, O’Neill; Lloyd Spen cer, Lynch; Mrs. Walter Wesche, ^ynch. Dismissals: July 13—Mrs. C. J. Sinclair Lynch; Carol McGraw, Niobrara. 14—Mrs. Oscar Beh rent, Butte; Baby Daniel Watson, Chambers; Shirley Holmberg, Bristow; Mrs. Jerry Kirwan, Spencer. 15 — Ernest Peterson, Bristow. 16 — Charlie Malcom, Spencer; Mrs. Neil Bjomsen and baby, Lynch. 17—Robert Cave, Niobrara; Mrs. W. G. Obermire and baby. 18—Danny Mulhair, Lynch; Otto Frisch, Anoka. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: July 13—Mrs. Rob ert Slaymaker, Atkinson, obstet rical; Harry Keller, Atkinson, surgical; Mrs. Gene Gesiriech, j Atkinson, surgical. 14—Mrs. Fred Swanson, Stuart, surgical; Mrs. Floyd Gettert, Atkinson, obstet rical. 15—Mrs. Anton Dobrovol ny, Atkinson, medical. 16—Mrs Albert Henning, Atkinson, ob stetrical; Frank Keating, Atkin son, medical; Roger Lee Spence, Atkinson, medical. Dismissed: July 12—Mrs. Cora Tasler. 13 — Eva Addison. 17 — Harry Keller. 18 — Mrs. Robert Slaymaker and son. Hospitalized: Mrs. Mattie Johnson, Mrs. Anton Dobrovol ny, Mrs. Gene Gesiriech, Mrs. Fred Swanson and son, Frank Keating, Roger Lee Spence, Mrs. Floyd Gettert and son, Mrs. Al bert Henning and son. Miss Condon Leaves for East— Miss Catherine Condon was honored at a breakfast Wednes day given by her mother, Mrs. Hope Condon. Six friends of Miss Condon attended. She departed for New York City to join two sisters living there. She expects to study mu-1 sic in the near future. Mrs. Osenbaugh Hostess— The Merri-Mix club was en tertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and Mrs. L. F. Becken bauer were guests during the af ternoon. High score at bridge was won by Mrs. Paul Shierk. Mrs. Schaffer had the guests’ high score. Leaves for Washington— CLEARWATER— Pfc. Jerome Tuttle left for Seattle, Wash., on Sunday after spending his leave with home folks. He will be sta tioned at Ft. Lawton in the fu ture. Mrs. Grady in Charge— There will be a dinner between the hours of 6 and 7:30 o’clock Sunday evening at the Country club. Mrs. J. B. Grady is the chairman in charge of the dinner and reservations. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paul of Lin coln and Mrs. Joe Bend of Lin coln were Sunday and Monday guests of-Mrs. Tess Murray. Mrs. Pauline Paul of Toledo, O., re turned to Lincoln with them, i where she will visit for a week j before returning to her home. ' CHURCH DINNER Church of the i Epiphany EMMET, NEBRASKA Sunday, July 25 Serving Starts at 4 One of Nebraska t Richest Marketing Areas i 1 served by North Nebraska's fastest-growing newspaper * O’Neill is North-Central Nebraska’s largest city (pop. 3,050). It is situated at the gateway to the sandhills and is the biggest re tail, wholesale, communica tions, hay, bluegrass and farm produce center in all . North Nebraska; also one of the ranking cattle and hog markets in the stale. The FRONTIER’S circulation has been grow ing by leaps and bounds, because of its well edited news and edi torial policies and because, in a single year, it has published more pictures than many other papers in the area combined! Your message in The FRONTIER will enter ranch, farm and city homes whe-e folks enjoy far-above average' purchasing pow er .. - where your story is welcomed and wanted. •Biggest ABC circulation in nina counties. Details, marketing in formational and promotional as sistance gladly furnished. / The Frontier’s ABC Record: 1st Qtr. 1948 - 804 1st Qtr. 1949 -1.141 1st Qtr 1950 _1.634 1st Qtr. 1953 -2,200 1st Qtr. 1954*-O O B (Nearest rival—2,030) m g Nebraska Boy Designers Win STATE WINNERS in the annual model car competition of the Fisher Body Craftsman’s Guild are William Rosenbrook (upper right), of Omaha, who took first place honors in the Junior Division (ages 12 through 15), and Floyd Hillman of Lincoln, whose beautiful model car won first in the Senior Division (ages 15 through 19). Each received a cash award of $150. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—George C Robertson to George C & Esther Robertson 7 9-54 $1- NVfe lot 1 Blk 30- O’ Neill and NEVi 7-30-11 WD—Hugo Schefflette to El vira Smith- no date- $100- Un divided Interest in Lots 12 & 13 & 14 Blk 10- Halocks 2nd Add Stuart WD — Pat Schefflette & Fred Shefflette to Elvira Smith- no date $200- Undivided Int in lots 12- 13 & 14 Blk 10- Hallocks 2nd Add- Stuart WD—Mary Ellen James to Al fred O James & wf 2-3-54 $7000 N% and N%S% 14- Ny»NWy4 13- 26-15 WD—Lloyd L James to Alfred O James & wf 2-3-54 $1- & ex change of lands % Int in S^ Nwy4- Nwy4swy4- swy4NEy4 swy4sEy4- s%swy4 13- sy-sy. 14- N%N% 23-26-15 WD — Anna R Van Horn to Eileen L Spittler 2-25-53 $300- So 85 ft lots 13-14-15 & 16 Blk 15 Hazelett’s Add- O’Neill WD—James E Ramsay to John Kramer Sr & wf 7-9-54 $4325 Lots 10 & 11 Blk 3- Stuart WD — Anton Klein to Louis Kliment & wf 2-19-54 $4000- Lots i-2-3-4 Blk 2 Dyson’s Add At kinson WD—Laura V Kvam to Norma H Nelson & Charles C Harris 4 1-52 $1- Lot 11 Blk 7- Hallocks 2nd Add- Stuart WD — Harold A Humrich to Alton B Hoffman & wf 7-10-54 SI- Part of Outlot N- Hallock’s Add- Stuart 120 ft by 120 ft WD—F P Gilg to Cecil W Bak er & wf 5-22-54 $1000- Lots 3 & 4 Gilg & Swenson’s Subdivision O’Neill Visitors Here— Mrs. Gary Lech and Gary Lee of Atkinson spent Friday and Saturday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cavan augh, sr. Child, 5, Struck by Runaway Tractor Eugene, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Storjohann of the Phoenix community, narrowly escaped death Tuesday morning, July Ii3, while playing at his father’s home. The clutch on his father’s trac tor stuck in reverse. All efforts of the father failed to stop the tractor. The youth was playing near a tree, and was not aware of the coming danger until he was struck and pinned to the tree. He suffered many lacrations, bruises, and shock and a sharp object used on a spraying device entered his body. But he is recov ering. The child was unable to talk for two days. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hood of the Meek community. Balloting for Hay Queen Is Underway ATKINSON—Balloting for the 1954 Atkinson hay days queen got underway Saturday. Out-of town judges will select the offi cial queen from three finalists at a pre-hay days dance. Twenty nominees include; Misses Joan Berigan, Mary Ann Bonenberger, Marlene Brooke, Hilda Deseive, Delores Dobrovolny, Carole Enbody, Ruth Goeke, Frances Gotschall, Mary Catherine Jansen, Kay Johnson, Sharon Kokes, Jaralyn Martens, Connie Miller, Elsie Poorney, Verla Rothchild, Gayle Siebert, Leona Schmit, Gloria Wahl, Marilyn Wallinger and Demarus Wefso. Final competition for a trip to Hollywood, Calif., will be held during a hay days beauty pag eant. Hay days dates are August 23 and 24. Bemie Wilson, drug gist, again is in charge of the hay days parade committee. INFANT DIES PAGE—Kenneth Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zempel of Shelby, Mont., was born Wed nesday, July 14, and died the following day. Graveside services were held Saturday. He is sur vived by his parents and one sister—DeLilah; grandparents — Mr. and Mvs. Orville Kemper of Page; grandmother—Mrs. George Fink of Grand Island. - ~ —■— Dirt Fails to Detract from Races Spencer Gal Winner of Puff Race An estimated one thousand fans attended Sunday’s stock car speed show at the O’Neill airport speedway. An east wind and dry tiack made for excep tionally dirty conditions, but un daunted race fans, hundreds of them, weathered the elements and witnessed the 25 competing cars. Bob Kersch and Chet Fees both rolled their machines. Chet's new No. 3 presented a sharp appearance and is ex pected to be a winner in fun fests coming up. Another new comer is the Harry R. Smith Implements entry. A new 1,500 - gallon water wagon will be brought into use for the next race—Sunday, July 25. An added attraction Sunday was a powder puff ambulance driver—Mary Jewel Schlueter. Powder puff prizes were: Mid * west Furniture, $9.95 shadow box; Outlaw Grocery, Scotty portable grill; Nu-Way cafe, two chicken dinners; Wilson’s Texa co, oil change and grease job. Trophy dash winner: New Deal Oil company, additional prize, two cases Uni-Penn oil. Results: First heat race: First— Frank Ertz of Butte; second—Chet Fees of O’Neill; third—Don Davis of Fairfax, S.D. — . i i n:_— x. TT*_— OCCUIia IlCdt late. A XXO^ ett Westerman of Norfolk; sec ond—Ron Borg of O’Neill; third —Joe Adkins of Atkinson. Third heat race: First — Jim Gill of Stuart; second — John Bradley of Ainsworth; third — Chuck Fox of O’Neill. Fourth heat race: First—Paul Shald of Stuart; second—Robert Kersch of Lynch; third— Dean Ratliff of Atkinson. Consolation race: First — Dwayne Landis of O’Neill; sec ond—Dwayne Borg of O’Neill; third — Bob Fox of Ainsworth; fourth— Bob Ford of Atkinson; fifth—Wayne Fox of O’Neill. Feature race: First — Everett Westerman of Norfolk; second— Paul Shald of Stuart; third — Joe Adkins of Atkinson; fourth —John Bradley of Ainsworth; . fifth—Chet Fees of O’Neill. Trophy dash; First— Everett Westerman of Norfolk; second— John Bradley of Ainsworth; third —Paul Shald of Stuart. Powder puff derby: First — Jolene Micanek of Spencer; sec ond — Nadine Fees of O Neill; third—Ida Schmuecker of Atkin son; fourth — Phyllis Forbes of Atkinson._ O'NEILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs.R. E. Hendershot of Turner, Ore., are Wednesday and Thursday (today) guests of Mr and Mrs. Howard D. Manson. Miss Pattie McKenzie is visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie, sr., in Lynch this week. The O’Neill rural youth held the annual picnic at the Harold Coburn ranch Sunday. There were around 20 members present Mr. and Mrs. Keith Whl^®r and Karen of Tilden were Sun day afternon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Weston D. Whlt™fT, . Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Halstead nf Paee were Saturday supper l^eX of Mr and Mrs, Roy Lan m Mrs. Parnell Donohue and fam ily of Bonesteel, S. D., were last Thursday guests of her sister in-law, Mrs. E. M. Gleeson. The eyes of bees are not sensi tive to red although they regis ter a number of other colors. Wilcox - Bindara Rites at Tacoma CHAMBERS — Miss Barbara Jean Wilcox of Los Angeles Calif., daughter of Mrs. Pauline Masterson of Chambers, and Kenneth Charles Bindara of Ta coma, Wash., son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bindara, were united in marriage on May 21. The double-ring ceremony was performed at the First Congrega tional church in Tacoma by the pastor, Rev. Chester B. Fisk. The bride was given in mar riage by her cousin, Otto Green "treet of Sedro Woolley, Wash formerly of Chambers. She was attended by Mrs. Du ane Leatham, sister of the bride groom, with Jean Lehman and Viana Puppuleas, friends of the couple, serving as bridesmaids. The bestman was Jerry Pap puleas. The bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace over net in bal lerina length with a scoop neck ime, tight bodice and full skirt. She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift from the bride groom. Her shoulder-length veil was held by a tiara of pearls and iridescent sequins. She carried a white orchid on a white prayer book. The bridegroom wore a navy biue suit with a white carnation boutonniere. Miss Peg Ashford of Seattle, Wash., a friend of the couple! sang “Because” and "The Lord’s Prayer.” Following the wedding a re ception was held in the church parlors. The bride was graduated from Chambers high school with the class of 1953. Until her marriage she was employed by Robert R. Sheualter, CPA, in Los Angeles. The bridegroom is an electron ics technician, 3rd class, in the navy. He is presently stationed aboard the USS Prairie at San Diego, Calif. After spending a few days at the home of his parents, the cou ple left for San Diego, where they will make their home until his service in the navy is com pleted. Picnic Dinner— Mrs. Tess Murray entertained at a picnic dinner Sunday. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paul, Mrs. Joe Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wettlaufer. Mrs. John Schmidt and Andy, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beeleart and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strong. O’Neill Juniors Win and Lose iThe American Legion Juniors played two games in the past week, losing one at Orchard Fri day night and winning one from Stuart at Stuart Sunday. O’Neill’s six errors, copleted with Boelter s one-hit pitching brought defeat to O’Neill by the tune of 12-0. This was a far cry from the previous game in which 'Orchard had to go to an extra inning to defeat the O’Neillites. Kelley, Couch, Neimeyer and Kelley were batteries for O’Neill; Boelter and Hemenaway for Orchard. Hits off Kelley-4; Couch-3; Boelter-1. Strikes outs by Boelter-lil; Kelley 2 in 2 innings; Couch 4 in 5 innings. Sunday the Juniors journeyed to Stuart where they won 8-1. An excellent one-hit pitching jog by David Schaffer, coupled with Kelley’s homer and Couch’s single, double and triple, spelled defeat for the Broncos. Only two errors were chalked up against the O’Neill team. Batteries: O’Neill—Schaffer and Kelley; Stuart—Hytek and Brewster; hits off Hytek—7, Sch affer—1; strikes out by Schaffer —7, Hytek—5 Stuart plays here Sunday after noon, July 25. 10 Guests— Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka and Dor othy Knight entertained at a picnic supper at the Country club Sunday honoring Winnie Barger. Bernice Elkins and Jerry Striefel on their birthday anni versaries. There were 10 guests present. Traces of fire appear among the earliest human relics. ■ ■ DANCE ■ • AT O’NEILL American Legion Auditorium & BALLROOM Saturday, July 24th ACES OF RHYTHM ORCHESTRA MISS O’NEILL CONTEST Help Pick an O’Neill Entry for the Atkinson Hay Days Beauty Pageant! Adm.: Adults $1; Students 50c f■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■~ t THE FRONTIER ELECTRIC Continuous supplyI You take cubes out— Servel puts ’em back! Keeps refilling the basket as long as you need cubes! All auto matically! Just pick 'em out! Take one or a handful—cubes are loose! No messy ice trays! Super-cubes! Dry, super-cold IceCircles! Extra-big—longer lasting! Won’t stick together — even during automatic defrosting! PLUS ALL THESE FEATURES! • Door Shelves • Butter Keeper o Stop-Savor A m .s.".:,... iisssss* 2.64 ... . u. ■ O New! Electric • I 2 Compression Per Week • I O Motorless Special Seasonal | O Electric Models! Terms to Farmers and Ranchers Sensational Value! . . . Come in Today! | SBORNE’g Phone 415 — 112 So. Fourth St.