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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1954)
• O v A * "Voice of The Frontier" I uiina^ section2 . JwT ^ • , Mon. — We<i. — Sal. 9:45 A.M. — 780 k.c. * North-Central Nebraska’s BIG Newspaper Volume 74.—Number 12. O’Neill, Nebraska, Thursday, July 22, 1954. .. .. , _ ■■ — ■■ ---- ----- Rock Falls News _ t Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Drueke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derick son and Russ were Monday even ing, July 12, callers at the Lou Brown home. Homemade ice cream was enjoyed. Marie Lewis and Henry Claus sen spent Sunday at the Bill Claussen home. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Brown, Terry and Cindy were Sunday dinner guests at Arlan Brown’s at Atk inson. Mr .and rs. Dan Rakes called at Floyd Johnsons Sunay. Fritz Yantzi, Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yantzi, Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi, Peggy and Stevie, Mr. end Mrs. Sam Derickson and Russ were Monday dinner and supper guests at the Levi Yantzi home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Butterfield and family called Sunday even ing at the Lou Brown home. Mrs. Sam Derickson and Russel called Thursday, July 15, at the Lloyd Gallagher home. Regina Hynes is spending a few days at the Don Hynes home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and Russel called at Floyd John sons Sunday evening. Mrs. Roy Hegler and sons, James and Douglas, left Thurs day, July 15, for Grand Island after visiting relatives here a few days. Mr. and Mrs Bill Claussen call ed Sunday evening at the Levi Yantzi home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi, Peggy and Stevie of Chadron left for their home Monday .July 19, after spending the weekend here visit ing relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Marg ritz and girls were Sunday even ing callers at Jim McNulty's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda attended the stock car races in O’Neill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and : girls called Thursday, July 15, at Frank Schultz’s Mrs. Elwin Benson of Omaha spent the weekend here visiting at the Blake Benson’s. Ed Hood recently did some re pair work at Fred Ernst. Ray Johnson helped Levi Yantzi a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moler and family called at the Dave Moler place Friday evening. Saturday dinner guests at the Levi Yantzi home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi, Peggy and Ste vie of Chadron. Fritz Yantzi and Joe, Mrs. Bob Yantzi and Gene, Ray Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Derickson and Russ. Mrs. John Turner and Janice •called at Levi Yantzie’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walker call f ed at Blake Benson’s on Sunday, July 11. Jack Moler arrived Friday from Summerville, Mass., with him was his nephew, Jim McCar thy. A picnic dinner was held Sunday in their honor. Mrs. Don Drueke and family of Spencer visited Thursday, July 15, with Mrs. Inez Paulter. Clim Moler called Wednesday, July 14, at the Fred Ernst home. Linda Johnson called Sunday evening at the Blake Benson home. Mrs. Louie Vitt and girls were Sunday callers at Fred Ernst. Jim Klench of Verdel was a dinner guest at Floyd dinner dinner guest at Floyd Johnsons on Wednesday, July 15. Bonnie Burns of O’Neill spent from Sunday until Tuesday, July 20. visiting Frances Ernst. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Thorsen called Thursday evening, July 15, at Lloyd Gallagher’s Register for Off Campus Course— An off-campus class from the University of Nebraska will meet for registration Monday, August 2, 9 a m., at the O’Neill public school. The class is education 52 oc, “Every Teacher’s Problems,” a three-hour course which will meet every day for three weeks. Doctor Childs will be the in structor The teaching of arith metic is to be stressed in this class, according to Miss Alice French, Holt county superintend ent of public instruction. The tessting for kindergarten children who will be 5-year-old sometime between October 16 and January 1, 1955, is to be done in Holt county during the week August 9-13. Application cards may be obtained at the office of the county superintendent and these should be returned as soon as properly signed. Remember, there is no test for the first grade so if your child is in this age group (and you want him tested) the testing must be taken care of for kindergarten, Miss French explained. Tractor Burned on Farm Near Bristow— BRISTOW—A tractor belong ing to E. H. Wenke was burned about 4 p.m., Friday at the J. E. Lighfoot farm when fuel oil spilled on motor wires ignited. A1 Hargens had taken the trac tor to an alfalfa field for refuel ing. The spilled fuel ignited when Hargens attempted to start the motor. He was not injured and none of the alfalfa burned. The two front tires and one of the rear tires were badly burned. The Bristow fire department was called. Townsend Family Holds Reunion— BASSETT—The reunion of the Roy Townsend family of Bassett, held Sunday at the O’Neill park, was attended by 40 persons. Relatives were present from Bassett, Elgin, Albion and Ains worth. After the picnic dinner the aft ernoon was spent swimming. DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phone 2101, Spencer, Nebr MAINE OIL SARDINES «2. 25c RE ALE MOM PURE ^ ^ LEMON JUICE CONROY'S ICE TEA BLEND—_s? 33c Footed Tumbler Free With Each Package SUPREME OR MANCHESTER LEMON CREME COOKIES _ 33c 4 th St. Market Phone 93-W . . . We Deliver Meat Department Tender Beef RIB STEAKS_Lb. 55c Cervelal Summer SAUSAGE Lb. 55c All-Meai MINCED HAM ___ __ Lb. 39c Old Fashioned RING BOLOGNA ... Lb. 45c Frozen Foods Stokely's Sliced lOVi-Oz. Pkg. STRAWBERRIES _29c Welch's Frozen Grape Juice 6-Oz. Can CONCENTRATE_23c Fillels of CATFISH ... 5-Lb. Pkg. 1.89 Picnic Specials CANNED POP __ 6 Cans 59c Stokely's Fresh-Pack DILL PICKLES _ Qt. Jar 31c mmsits U.S. NO. 1 CALIFORNIA TOMATOES TUBE 2fr U.S. NO. 1 GREEN 10" U.S. NO. 1 GREEN 5C Golden Ripe. Firm BANANAS_Lb. 15c I TUXEDO UC4IT4N9 MRK Mill Rough stones sliced, polished and arranged for display. These ilems of coslume jewelry and cabochons were done al O'Neill's bedside lapidary.—The Frontier Photo. Lengthy Illness for Mrs. Nickolite EWING—Mrs. Gertrude Nick-1 olite, 89, mother of a Ewing man, died Monday at Columbus fol lowing a long illness. Mrs. Nickolite is survived by two daughters—Mrs. Tony Sloan of Columbus and Mrs. Hubert Clark of Chicago, 111.; five sons —Edward of Lincoln, chief in spector for the state liquor com mission; Michael, Charles and Lou, all of Columbus, and Anton of Ewing. Services will be held at St. Bonaventure church in Colum bus today (Thursday). Mrs. Leon Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. John Zahradnicek and Mrs. Charles Peterson and Barbara were Tuesday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser. Riverside News Mrs. Don Larson was hostess ! to the Seek & Share club Tues | day afternon, July 13. Mrs. Bill Fink and children of Denver Colo., spent Thursday and Friday with Bert and Lee I Fink. Mrs. Dan Robbins and children returned to Rochester, Minn., Saturday after a two we&S£ vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer. Saturday dinner guests at the Ora Switzer home were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robbins and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and children and Mr. and Mrs. Wen dell Switzer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pollock and Phil of Omaha spent the weekend at Dave Pollocks. The Happy Hollow 4-H club met Friday evening at the Leo Cleveland home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montgom ery of Glendale, Caif, visited . recently with Mr. and Mrs. Vet Schlotmany and the Montgomery families. They also visited her parents at Vaparaiso. Anna Marie and Janice Jen sen were guests of the Dale Nap ier’s a few days while their par ents attended an auctioneer’s convention at Omaha from Thurs day until Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. Edgar Jensen of Newman Grove spent a week fishing at the lakes in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson attended a Lar son family reunion at Pickstown Sunday. The United Presbyterian Miss ionary society met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Carl Christon. Mrs. Lionel Gun ter had charge of the lessons and Mrs. Ora Switzer was assisting hostess. The Free Methodist Missionary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Melvin Napier Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family went to Ainsworth Thurs- I day and brought her father, James Henderson, home with them for a visit. On Sunday they took him to Dakota City to visit the Ward Henderson family. Mr. Henderson is convalescing from a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and family stayed overnight with Mrs. Kittie Fry Saturday and were also Sunday dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Shepherd 1 and three sons of Omaha visited Friday and Saturday at the Har old Mlinar home. Mrs. Shepherd is Mr. Mlinar’s sister. Frances and Lucille Rother ham were Sunday dinner guests | of Bill Lofquests. Rev. F. A. Hand is doing car penter work at Sargent this week. Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Try were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brandt of North Platte, Mr: and Mrs. Bud Fursteneau of Neligh and Rich ard Spittler and Christine Baum of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brockman and family of Emmet were re cent guests of the Harold Mlinar family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Herting and family visited at the DeWitt Hoke home recently. Mrs. Nell Herting of Salem, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Herting of San Francisco visited the DeWitt Hokes last weekend. The Hoke family reunion was held at the Country club at Plainview Sunday with 31 Iowa Hokes present and 27 attending from here namely Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Mr and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pam, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Rol Hord and Duane, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and children, Paul and Levon Gun- I ter and Mr. and Mrs. Verdel Gunter and children of Geneseo, 111., Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gun ter and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter were afternoon guests of > "—— " • ' - the group. Sunday evening callers at the Richard Napier home were: Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, the five Emsic children, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and girls. Richard Napier had the mis fortune of having his combine bum Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and Russell were Sunday dinner guests of the Glenn Harpster family. Mr. and Mrs'. Roy Lanman were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor. Plans Group Meeting— The annual Sunday - school group gathering of the American Sunday-School Union will be held at the Homer Ernst farm Sunday, July 25. All-day services and a program have been plan ned. Donald McFarland, a South Dakota missionary, will be the featured speaker. Everyone is welcome and all are to bring a basket dinner. ; Stock Car Races ; ! AIRPORT SPEEDWAY - O’NEILL ! w t - » | Sunday, July 25th J * Another Powder Puff Derby by Request ® Races Starts at 2 P. M. ■ > - \ * 15 to 30 Cars Competition * » » ) THRILLS — SPILLS — CHILLS » ----J H0TP0INT1 ■ MODEL EA 98 I LOOK AT THESE FEATURES I I Before You Buy ANY REFRIGERATOR 1 I ! ^ • 1954 Model • Full 10-FT. Size • BIG Freezer Top ® Beautiful Exterior (• Freezer Unit Encloses Freezer • Keeps Ice Cream Indefinitely • Hotpoint Quality Throughout *249-95 KV' \\ H Model EA 98 not exactly as above. EA 98 has different door shelves and fixed refrigerator shelves SPECIAL TERMS FOR FARMERS I AND RANCHERS I -. LOW COST GENERAL ELECTRIC CREDIT COUP. TERMS TO ALL I PlSBORNE’C "LsS£££St I IhhJ Phone 415 I c 4 /