The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 15, 1954, Page 3, Image 3

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    Legion, Auxiliary
Attain Member Goals
64 Attend Meeting at
EWING— Sixty-four members
of the American Legion and
auxiliary from Atkinson, Page,
O Neill and Ewing were in at
tendance at a district meeting
held at the auditorium of the
Ewing public school last Thurs
day evening.
Sanders post 214 presented the
colors. Commander Ralph Munn
introduced Mrs. Lewis Carter,
president of the American Le
gion auxiliary of unit 214. She
had charge of the following
Larry Williamson played his
guitar acompaniment and sang
“You Just Better Not Do That”
and "I Get So Lonely.” A report
on Cornhusker girls’ state was
given by D'ana Baum, who rep
repsented Ewing this year spon
sored by the auxiliary. A read
ing, “How I Learned to Play the
Pianny,” featuring “Three Blind
Mice,” also was presented by
Miss Baum.
Miss V 1 a n d a Biddlecome
staged a pantomime solo, “I Des
Dotta Doe.” District Vice-Com
mander Charles Chace, introduc
ed by Commander Munn, told
of the progress of the county Le
gion and auxiliary. Ewing is one
of the six units.
The next district meeting is be
ing planned in September at
Plainview—the date to be set.
District Commander Jerome
Henn of Petersburg told of the
program planned for the depart
ment convention, which will be
held in Omaha August 1, 2 and
3. He also mentioned this as be
ing his 52nd appearance at dis
trict meetings since becoming
district commander.
Holt county has reached its
membershin goal for this year.
On retirement of colors, the
group adjourned to the Le
gion club where auxiliary mem
bers of unit 214 had prepared a
buffet luncheon of barbecue
sandwiches, potato chips, pickles,
coffe and iced tea.
Rural Topic at
WSCS Meeting—
EWING—“Women and the
Rural Community” was the topic
of the lesson for the Women’s
Society of Christian Service when
the group met Wednesday after
noon at the parlors of the Ewing
Methodist church. Mrs. Anna
Pollock was the leader. The ses
sion was opened by Miss Anna
Van Zandt with a poem “Peace”.
The devotional period was con
ducted by Mrs. Earl Billings.
Mrs. R. G. Rockey presided at
the short business meeting, con
sisting of routine affairs.
Guests were Mrs. Ed. Urban,
Mrs. Lee Brigdon and son, Miss
Iris Van Ostrand. Hosteses were
Mrs. Jessie Angus and Mrs. Sis
Ebbengaard. Refreshments were
served. Bouquets o f garden
flowers decorated the table and
the dining room.
Karen Tuttle Feted—
EWING—Karen Tuttle, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tuttle,
celebrated her 13th birthday an
niversary on Thursday, July 8.
In honor of the occasion, several
boys and girls were invited to
an afternoon party. Outdoor
games were played. Gifts were
also presented to Karen. Two
birthday cakes baked and decora
ted by her mother were served
with ice cream and coolade for
Birthday Cake
Resembles Train—
Terry Liedtke, 3, entertained
eight friends at a party Saturday
afternoon, observing his birth
day anniversary. His grandmoth
er, Mrs. John Kahler of Meadow
Grove, brought him a five-piece
cake baked and decorated to re
semble a freight train.
Mrs. Kahler returned to her
home Sunday.
Miss Lucille Neth of Clarks
visited from Friday until Mon
day in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
R. G. Shelhamer.
Riverside News
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emsic and
children of Omaha visited Satur
day night at the Z. H. Fry home.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen and
girls of Newman Grove were
also at the Fry home. Deanna
Emsic went home with the Jen
sens to spend a few adys. Phyl
lis Jensen had recently under
gone a tonsilectomy.
Billie, Cheryl, Joanie, Dickie
and Peggy Emsic are visiting
‘ Grandma” and “Grandpa” Fry
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott and
children attended the rodeo at
Stuart Monday night, July 5,
and also visited relatives in Stu
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Closson
and Bruce Koehler of Gilcrest,
Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koeh
ler and children of Norfolk and
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry enjoyed
a picnic with Mrs. Anna Koehler
at Neligh the Fourth of July.
The Johnny Miller family vis
ited the Charley Rotherham
family Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hall and
children came from McPherson,
Kans., the latter part of the week
to get their daughters, Gayle
and Sheila, who had spent al
most twro weeks with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Switzer
and children were guests at the
Ora Switzer home for Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Don Starr and
Elizabeth and Carl Christon were
guests of the Don Larson family
Duane Norden of Ansley was
a weekend guest of Sonny Hand.
Walter and Alice Miller visit
ed Sunday at the Richard home
north of Bartlett.
Thomas Wendell Jacobson and
Leonard Miller were Sunday ]
guests of Larry Hand.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink spent
Sunday with the Elmer Trow
bridge family at Page.
Marietta and Mema Miller
were Sunday guests of Altha Lou
Mr. and Mrs. Don Jewell and
sons, Douglas and David, of
Randolph called at the Z. H. Fry
home Sunday.
Mrs. Carl Christon and Tom,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson and
Mrs. Henrv Reimer spent the
weekend visiting the Leonard
Larsons and other friends in Lin
Miss Anna Van Zandt observ
ed her birthday anniversary Sat- I
urday, Julv 10. In honor of the j
occasion, she was the special ;
guest at a supper at the Carl
Christon home Friday evening.
Other guests were Mrs. Florence
Butler, Mrs. Jessie Angus, Mrs.
Sis Ebengaard and Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Larson.
To Norfolk—
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Wichman
and family visited over the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Stasse and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Wichman in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka,
Jerry Striefel, Mrs. H. W. Starlip
and Winnie Barger spent Mon
day in Omaha.
-'mm mmmmam i mum -"^mn
Read this free book...
It’s a revealing, part-by-part comparison between
Plymouth and the “other two” low-price cars.
8 big illustrated pages. Just ask for your free
copy at our showroom.
...then drive a Plymouth.••
A few minutes at the wheel proves it: here’s
the smoothest ride in the lowest-price field! And
try great new PowerFlite—no shifting because
there’s no clutch I
-j I
...and you’ll see why
your BEST BUY in the
lowest-price field is
Jully automatic PowerFlite no-clutcn transmission optional at low extra cost
Engagement Told
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aeheson
of Vancouver, Wash., have an
nounced the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Donna
Rae (above), to John E. Bauld,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld,
sr., of O’Neill. No date has
been set for the wedding.
Rural Youth Group
Tours Bank—
The regular meeting of the
O’Neill Rural Youth was held on
Friday, July 9, at the court
house assembly room with 18
members present.
We wish to thank F. N.
(“Chick”) Cronin for allowing us
to tour (he O’Neill National
bank that evening.
After the tour, we had our
business session. A. Neil Dawes
introduced his new assistant,
Harry Stokely.
We received our year books
which are made out to December
Our annual picnic, which was
to be held last month, was post
poned on account of rain. The
new date set is July 18 at Har
old Colburn’s place. Everyone is
to bring a covered dish for an
evening meal.
We discussed plans for state
camp which will be held at
Chadron July 30, 31 and August
1. Those planning to go should
have arrangemetns made bv
July 18. *
The meeting adjourned and
we enjoyed square' dancing.
Later in the evening a lunch was
served by Harold Colburn.—By
Mary Belzer, news reporter.
Miss McCullough on
European Tour—
Mrs. Howard D. Manson re
ently received word from Miss
Elja McCullough, former Holt
county superintendent stating
that Miss McCullough is conduc
ting an academic tour of Eur
ope. The tour is sponsored by
Dana college at Blair and the;
University of Omaha.
The group of 10 on the tour
leave New York bv plane today
(Thursday) and will visit nine
countries — Ireland, Scotland,
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Hol
land, Germany, Austria, Switzer
land, France and England—before
returning to New York August
Miss McCullough is now a pro
fessor in the English department
at Dana college.
Dillard Reichow, driver for
Norfolk Cereal and Flour mill,
overweight on capacity plates,
dismissed, July 8, Kenneth W.
Boyd Edward, driver for El
mer E. Eickstrom, fictitious num
ber plate, dismissed by R. L.
Gude, July 12, R. L. Gude.
Tune in! Voice of The Fron
tier” . . Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 a.m.
WJAG (780 k.c.)
Ed Whetham, Wife
Wedded 55 Years
22 Grandchildren at
July 4 Event
LYNCH — Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Whetham celebrated their 55th
wedding anniversary Sunday,
July 4. All but two of their chil
dren were present, also 22 grand
children and nine great-grand
OlheT Lynch News
Mrs. Dick Ross of Washington
state is here visiting relatives
and old time friends.
Maxine Jehorek returned to
her work in Omaha on Monday,
July 5, having spent the holiday
weekend at the parental home.
Cpl. Lawrence Kalkowski re
turned to his army camp at Ft.
Riley, Kans., having spent a
three-day pass at his parents’
Mr. and Mrs. George Svatos
and grandson, Ronnie Svatos, of
Lake Andes. S.D., spent Sunday
evening, July 4, at the Albert
Kalkowski home.
Ernest Vomacka of Gregory,
S.D., spent the holiday weekend
at the Martin Jehorek home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer
of Rapid City, S.D., visited with
Mr. and Mrs. William Stouffer
Sunday, July 4, also with their
daughter, Mrs. Gene Harris, and
family. They returned to their
home early Monday morning,
July 5.
Aitnea and Donelda Hairimon
are in Idaho visiting relatives.
The Carroll Bjomsen children
of Sioux City spent the past two
weeks with their grandmother,
Mrs. Nata Bjornsen, while their
mother was recuperating from
Mrs. Kate McDermott of Omaha
accompanied Irene and Margaret
Stenger to Petersburg last Thurs
day where Mrs. McDermott vis
ited her niece, Mary Stenger, a
few days.
C. G. Pratt of Bristow was a
business visitor here last Thurs
Joe Boska was in Minnesota
last week to attend the funeral
of an uncle.
Mrs. Inger Levi of Norfolk
spent last week visiting rela
tives in this community.
The Kenneth Fish family spent
Sunday at Lake Andes, S.D.
The Gene Spencer family of
Grandview, Wash., visited rela
tives here the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta
and Evelyn of Dorsey were in
Lynch Saturday.
Mrs. Art Stewart is in Califor
nia for an extended stay with
her children.
Tony Kriz of Weston and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Kriz of Grand
Island spent the past week vis
iting Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Kriz
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sixta vis
ited Spencer relatives Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Long and
Mi. and Mrs. Earl Moody are
visiting relatives in Oregon.
Billy Dick Alford of Omaha is
here visiting his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Jorgen Jurgen
son of Norfolk spent several days
visiting relatives here.
2 Visitors Honored—
Mrs. H. J. Birmingham enter
tained at a coffee Saturday after
noon honoring Miss Libby Latta
of Omaha and Mrs. Delbert Lar
son of Northbrook, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McDer
mott and family of Petersburg
visited Sunday at the Dorn Mc
Dermott and John Underwood
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Rob
ertson left Sunday for a month’s
vacation in the Pacific coastal
The Heat Is On! I
Don’t Be Half-Safe
Shop Lew White and Be Sure!
Written OK Warranty GMAC Terms
1953 Chevroleis, three to
choose from. Four - door,
two-door and club coupe.
Near new and fully equip
ped. As low as_ $1,395.00
1952 ChevTolets, 3 to choose.
Immaculate cars in and out.
Prices start at_S895.00
1947 Chevrolet L.W.B. 34-ion.
Motor is tops. Never had
rough use. Ready to go to
work for__ $295.00
1951 Mercury four-door sport
sedan. Loaded with acces
sories and very sharp.
1947 Ford club coupe. Motor
runs good, exceptional fin
ish that shines and an all
around good buy_$365.00
1950 Studebaker Vi-ion pick
up. A little work horse for
only - $395.00
1950 Plymouth four-door se
dan. One original owner
and shows it's had the best
of care. Only _ $745.00
1950 Kaiser. A big, black
beauty with low mileage, j
Has lots of equipment, in
cluding overdrive. You can't
go wrong at _ $445.00
1951 Oldsmobile 98 four-door
holiday sedan. Has radio,
heater and Hydramatic.
This is the big Rocket for
1951 Dodge Coronet four-door
sedan. Less than 'zo.OOO
miles and spotless. Original
dark blue finish.
1949 Chevrolet ‘/2-ton pickup.
Has heater and 4-speed
transmission. Thoroughly
1950 Oldsmobile Rocket 88
four-door sedan. The fleet- .
®st car on the road. Has ra
dio, heater and Hydramatic.
Rocket away for _ $1,095.00
Hot Rods—We have two. A
1939 Lincoln with a Mer
cury engine_$75.00
A 1941 Ford 2-door. Runs
good-$95.00 !
_ !
“The Showplace of Quality Automobiles’’
Phone 100 O'Neill
O’Neill News
__- .
Mrs. Marvin Miller and sons
returned from Kansas City, Mo.,
Sunday. They had visited since
Saturday, July 3, at the home of
her brother-in-law and sister, Dr.
and Mrs. R. L. Owens.
Marion Olson of Iowa City, la.,
arrived Monday and will visit
for two weeks at the home of her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Martin J. Walter.
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Nelson and
sons of Lincoln were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nel
Mr. and Mrs. John Osenbaugh
and sons of Burwell were Sunday
guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. Sandra re
turned to Burwell with her par
ents. She had been visiting her
grandparents for a month.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Land
don left Sunday for a three weeks
vacation at Banff national
national park, Alberta, Can.
Donald Braun of Omaha was a
weekend houseguest of Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Lohaus.
Monuments of lasting beauty
made by skilled craftsmen oi
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu
ments from the factory to the
-onsumer. — Emmet Crabb. O'
Neill. phone 139-J. 37H
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons
left Saturday, July 3, for Twin
Valley, Minn., where they are
visiting his father, Donald O.
W. L. DeHart of Ord spent the
weekend visiting at the home of
his son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry W. Lofflin.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Man
son spent Saturday and Sunday
in North Loup. They attended the
25th wedding anniversary cele
bration honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Briggs, held there Sunday.
Miss Beverly McCarthy of
Omaha spent from Saturday until
Monday visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George M. McCarthy.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville,
sr., and Mrs. R. J. Gobeil and
family of Wilmington, Del. spent
Sunday in Albion visiting rela
tives and friends.
Venetian blind*, prompt deliv
ery, made to measure, metal or
i wood, all c*lors.—J. M. McDon
, aids. tf
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mc
Intosh and family visited Sunday
at th home of Mrs. Maude Mc
Intosh in Meadow Grove.
Mrs. Alice Didcott and sons of
Denver, Colo., visited from Wed
nesday, July 7, until Monday at
the home of her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hopkins
and daughters visited Sunday at
the home of her mother, Mrs.
Alta Meyers, in Ewing.
Mrs. Iver Lee and daughter,
Mrs. I. L. Pigsley of Covena,
Calif., are visiting at the home
of Mrs Lee’s son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Eberle of
Buffalo, N.Y., arrived Wednes
day and will visit for a week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Harbottle. Mrs. Eberle is the
former Magel Harbottle.
Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss
left for Park Rapids, Minn.,
where they will spend a week
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik, Mr.
and Mrs. George Winkler and
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kemper of
Norfolk were Sunday, July 4,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gal
lagher in Inman.
Our Prices on DRESSES have been
Now is the time for you to fill your hot
weather and vacation needs!
Dresses from our leading makers, exclusive with us, to go in
this Summer Clearance . . . Gay Gibson, Jonathan
Logan, Carole King, Nelly Don, L’Aiglon
All Sales Final — No Alterations
No Lay-Aways
DRESSES »ow 10.951
DRESSES ST* n.w 8.95
DRESSES^"' _ n.w (.95
DRESSES^.. Now4.95
Don’t Miss This Big
Hat Clearance
^ 1 and $2
Former Values to 12.95
All to Go at This Low Price!
A. V V V ^ ~V r 'y
I Pure Vegetable Shortening £1 fN^N O 1 k I
! ' LanS*N B=,h © Ct MONO
l 3-LB. CAN . . r- © a COFFEE_
my comas “27/
speoal/ 1 La u irTT^f'
HONOR &M**t>*
PPA*^’ SLAB BACON a-_59c
•Mttp vRfti: PORK LIVER_23c
«&• •* COOKED SALAKI_49c
Sro juice &.29
Kleenex, 300 Size.. 21c
Van Camp's No. 2 Cam
Pork & Beans, 2 for 35c
Calif. EIberia
Peaches.2 Lbs. 27c
(Best prices by the lug)
4th St. Market
We Deliver — Ph. 93-W