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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1954)
Burial at Ewing for Gordon Smith Funeral services were conduct ed from the Methodist church in O’Neill Thursday, July 1. for Earl Gordon Smith, 52, who was found dead in his room at Sibley, la., on Sunday, June 27. Death was caused by coronary throm bosis. Burial was in the Ewing cem etery under the direction of Biglin’s. The late Earl Gordon Smith was bom August 14, 1901, at Ewing. He was a construction worker all ms life, having helped to build most of the roads around O’Neill. He worked for numerous con struction companies, including Theissen Bros, of Osmond. He was working for Green and Goosebeck of Des Moines. Ia., when he died. He was well - known around O’Neill, Inman and Ewing. Survivors include: Mother — Mrs. E. Kate #5mith; sister — Esther Smith Boies of O’Neill, brother—Claude Smith of Pen- ; die ton, Ore; two nieces—Carol and Shirley Boies of O’Neill; nephews—Gene Roberts of Pil-. ger, Richard Roberts of Sioux City, Marvin Smith of Pendle ton, Ore. Bridge Party Is Postponed— The bridge party to have been held Wednesday afternoon for the ladies of the O’Neill Country Club has been postponed until next Wednesday, July 14. A dinner will be held at the Country club Sunday. Mrs. D. E. Nelson is the committee chairman in charge of the evening event.. Frontier for printing! — — — — — — — —~ Stuart News Miss Maureen Batenhorst, student nurse in St. Joseph's, hospital Omaha, spent the week end with homefolks. Miss Helen Rizzie and Orville Gupen of Alliance spent the July 4 weekend with his mother, Mrs. Ellen Gilpen. Miss Vesta Mitchell of Butte and Lucille Mitchell, student in Wayne State Teachers’ college were home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gettert and daughter, Diane, of Norfolk spent the July 4 weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGrew. Mrs. Gettert is a daughter of the McGrews. S/Sgt. and Mrs. Wayne Olfent and sons, Ricky and Randy, left for their home in Oklahoma City, Okla., Friday July 2, after visit ing here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGrew. Miss Faye Moses of Omaha, Miss Barbara Moses of Wayne and Tony Mata of Wayne spent the July 4 weekend with the Charles Moses family. Mrs. Blanche Mollohan, Mr. and Mrs. Verlan Davis and fam illy of Bellville. 111., and Mr, Dowl West of Moulton. la., are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman. Mrs. Mollo han is a sister and Mrs. Davis is a neice of Mrs. Coffman. Lt. and Mrs. Rex Coffman and daughter, Kristen, of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Knotts of North Platte, were July 4 weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman. Mrs. G. L. Obermire and child ren and Mr and Mrs. Erwin Van Cleave and family enjoyed a pic nic dinner and the rodeo at Fair fax, S. D., on Monday, July 5. Mr. Obermire had supplied stock for the rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Harl Anderson of Newport were July 4 visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clements. Schaffer Girls Return Home— Miss Rose Ann Schaffer, daughter of Mrs. Clara Schaffer, is home on a month’s vacation from Chicago, 111. Her sister. Miss Frances, spent the four day weekend holiday in Omaha with Miss Pat Berger, formerly of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoemak er and family returned Tuesday from Omaha, where they had visited relatives for several days. Blanket Real Estate Reductions Are Made Holt county’s board of super visors in session recently made blanket reductions in real estate values for 1954 assessment pur poses in this county. The board approved a blanket 30 percent reduction on all farm real estate in the county, and a blanket reduction of 20 per cent on all city and village real estate. The reductions were made, a board spokesman said, because it was felt that real estate values in Holt county were among the highest in comparison with oth er counties, since the blanket raise made last year by the state, board of equalization. He said that the reductions will be in force for this year’s assessment unless the state board of equal ization annuls them. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter left Sunday for Lincoln where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Matthews who ac companied them to Sheridan, Wyo. At Sheridan they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams. The group is spending a week in the Big Horn mountains. -- Tune in “Voice or Tne Fron- | tier”, thrice weekly! Celia News Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry were Wednesday, June 30, din ner guests at the Frank Kilmur ry home and were afternoon vis itors at the D. F. Scott and O. A. Hammerberg homes. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg and Diane and Carla Samms took the Hammerbergs’ daughter. Mrs. William Maloun, and son, Bobby, to 0’Heill Friday morning. They left by bus for their home near Florence, Kans. Alex Forsythe, Emil Colfack and son, Denton, and Gene Liv ingston were Monday morning, July 5, visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Tuesday evening callers at the Wilford Arp home. Saturday visitors at the O. A. Hammerberg home were Frank Kilmurry, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and family and Mrs. D. F. Scott. _ . Markita Hendricks attended Bi ble camp at Maxwell for a week, returning home Saturday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Steele and three sons of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived Friday, July 2, for several days’ visit with his sister, Mrs. Lawrence Smith, and family. Mrs. Stanley Johnson helped Mrs. Ed Bausch dress chickens for the locker Wednesday, July 30. Linford Sweet has been put ting in a water system at the Frank Kilmurry home. A/3c Dwayne Greenwood and a friend, A/3c William A. Senna, from Chanute Field, 111., arrived Saturday morning for the July 4 weekend, at the home of Dwayne’s uncle, O. A. Hammer berg. He also visited several friends while here. They left by auto Monday noon for camp. ; Earl Schlotfeld helped Emil Colfack break a horse to ride or Saturday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricki ® party at their home Iasi Ihursday evening. Those presenl were Rev. and Mrs. Charles Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and family, Mr. and Mrs Ray Pease, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel, Mrs. Omei Poynts and Mrs. Alice Peabody of Dallas, Tex. Fourth of July weekend guests at the Hans Lauridsen home were her brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Johnson or Hastings, and his son. Joe Johnson of Chicago, 111., who came Saturday and left Monday, taking Bobby Knutson home with them for a visit. On Sun day the Lauridsens and their guests, also Jim and Louie Lauridsen and family took pic nic dinners and visited Picks town, S.D., and the dam. They also visited the White Horse ranch. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg, Mrs. William Maloun and Carl Samms attended Circle IV tea with Mrs. Ray Pease as guest speaker The affair was held at the Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon, Three cars of women from Bas sett were guests. . Mr. and Mrs. Randall Brownell °f Anaheim, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Benson of Norfolk were Wednesday. June 30, vis itors at the Stanley Johnson home. Randall and his parents were neighbors of the Johnsons more than 30 years ago. Albert Johnson of Lyons was a last Thursday overnight visit or at the Stanley Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack were business callers in O’Neill last Thursday. Sunday afternoon callers and supper guests at the Emil Col fack home were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colfack and family of O’Neill. Evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Arp and family and Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mitchell and family of Butte. Diane Samms spent Wednes day, July 30. with Mary Cath erine and Patricia Kilmurry. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smitn and family and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Steele and sons of Minneapolis, Minn., attended a July 4 picnic at the Merrill Smith home. Others present were Mrs. Charley Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and family were Wednesday evening, July 30, visitors at the Earl Schlotfeld home. Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn and daughters were Friday dinner guests at the Mark Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks were Tuesday evening, June 29, supper guests at the Omer Poynts home. Mrs. Alice Pea body and sen of Dallas. Tex., were also guests at the Poynts home. Bobby stayed Wednesday and Thursday, June 30 and July 1, at the Mark Hendricks home. Sunday evening visitors at the Hans Lauridsen home were Mr. ! and Mrs. George Syfie, sr., and Mrs. George Syfie, jr., and daughters, also Mrs. Russell An gus and children. Joe Hendricks and children were Friday evening supper guests at the Mark Hendricks home. Raymers Honored on Silver Wedding ATKINSON — Many relatives and friends called at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Raymer, located six miles from Atkinson, on Sunday, July 4. The Raymers were celebrating their silver weding anniversary. Claude Raymer and the former Marguerite Nansel of Monroe were married at St. John’s church 1 near Monroe on July 4, 1929. A short time later they came tc Atkinson and rented the place they are now situated from the late Thomas Richards. They have continued to live there since that time having later purchas d the place from Le Roy Richards. The Raymers have seven child ren: Donald of Denver, Colo., Bill, Marilyn, Claudine, Frances, Robert and Harold, all at home. A family dinner was served at noon and out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Will Nansel and family of Genoa; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Nansel and family of Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Galus and family of Omaha; Mrs. Ed Thayer or Os mond; Donald Raymer and Miss Koop of Denver. Open-house was observed from 2 to 4 at which time the anniver sary cake, baked by a sister-in law, was served. The cake was topped by the same ornament used at the celebration when Raymers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Nansel, sr., observed their 50th wedding anniversary. Miller with 'Rock of Marne' Outfit— ATKINSON—Sgt. William B. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art hur Miller of Atkinson, is serving in Korea with the third infantry division. The “Rock of the Marne” divis ion, which bitter fighting in the Iron triangle and at “ Outpost Harry.” is now training as part of the U. S. security force on the peninsulla. Miller arrived in tvorea during April, .1953, and served with the 40th infantry division until his present assignment. He entered the army in September, 1952. Visiitng in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike London are Mr. and Mrs. Francis London and children, Ronnie and Joyce, of Wichita Fails, Tex. Also visiting at the London home from Oma ha is a granddaughter, Kathy McGovern. M HOTEL Kohaht ,$gm^^M III ^1 * 1 A I I I T f ,U«,J|i jar ¥^w jBrij-, r*EE! FREE! FREE! 1 Oil 11 nOITII’C ICED THE KIND THEY I " VfllLVIfCIl 0 UCCr CAN RIDE IN! I 1 - OUTDOOR BARBECUE SET t - COMPLETE PICNIC SET_ ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GUESS 1 THE WEIGHT OF PORKEY I YOU FARMERS SHOULD BE GOOD AT GUESSING THE WEIGHT OF I A PORKER!! I NOTHING TO BUY! JUST MARK DOWN THE POUNDS AND 1 OUNCES YOU THINK PORKY WEIGHS. CONTEST ENDS NEXT I SATURDAY, JULY 17. NO CHILDREN ENTRIES, PLEASE. % BAKERITE 3-LB. CAN SHORTENING 79c METRO'S CORNED BEEF HASH.2 300 cans 39c RIP RAP WAX PAPER..Roll 15c DICED BEETS £2 /0f STOKELY'S HONEY POD PEAS.2303 Cans 39c KOOL-ADE..6 pkgs. 25c BEET SUGAR 10 u* 98i ROYAL RED COOL SPRING TOMATOES • CORN 2sl 25? JELLO Pki.-.5f HI - C <»afcUiew «om|4* ORANGEADE s,0- 27f Pummel. Lc<kU NORTHERN —-^ TISSUE 4 Ms. . 2§f You can be. and look as leisurely as the lady pictured in this ad! Just stop by . . . see the easy to prepare foods that we are featuring . . . see the low prices we offer you . . . the high quality of our foods. Then you'll see why this is the perfect place to shop! Save time, energy and money . . . shop here NOW! * .. .. ;, # CAKE MIX CINCH 3 ft 98 f -iipourcs PerU). 9 I ^ lEvnons Lt i5i | UURTERH1ELOR5 *3 f U.S. NO. 1 BING CHERRIES _ Lug 2.79 ELBERTA PEACHES Lug 1.99 1 PER LB. PICNIC HAMS 391 ™!P 239c I PERCH FILLETS - Lb. 35c PEARS £ 303 CMS 43c I PER LB ROCHESTER ■ BACON SNOB 251 "!!,LK2“s27c j AMERICAN or LONGHORN CHEESE .... Lb. 45c TISSUE 2 pkgs. 49c € prn j d DANDY J PORK CHOPS 451*11° 4 M5c BEEF or PORK HEARTS ... _. 2 lbs. 39c TANG. J2-0Z. CM 45c f