The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 08, 1954, Page 4, Image 4
ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O’Neill) Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor Saturday, July 10: Street meeting on corner of Fourth and Douglas streets, 8:30 p.m. Sunday, July 11: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship hour, 11 a.m.; baptismal service, leaving from the church at 2:30 p.m., children’s story time, 7:30 p.m.; evening rally, 8 o’clock. Tuesday, July 13: Young peo ple’s meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 14: Bible study and prayer meeting at 8 pjn. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Pro. 28:13. We invite you to worship with us and feel the presence of Jesus in a real way. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Thursday, July 8: Missionary prayer meeting, 8 p.m. Sunday, July 11: Sunday-school at 10 a.m.; worship at 11 a.m. Missionary offering. Our con ference year closes July 15, so let us make this a good mission ary offering. Evening service at 8 o’clock. Junor Sunday school class will be in charge of the devotional period. BETHANY PRESBYTERIAN Sunday, July 11:. Worship. 9:30 a.m. At this service Mark Gribble will give a report of the general assembly meeting in De troit, Mich., which he attended in May. Sunday-school follows the worship service. There will be no family night meeting this month. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Prayer meeting every Wernes day evening at 8 o’clock. Sunday, July 11: Worship at 10 a.m.; Sunday-school at 11 a.m. Young peoples service and Bible study at 8 p.m. You are always to our ser vices. \FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Sunday, July 11: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m., Dr. Frank S. Hewitt, who is professor of English at Hast ings college, will supply the pul pit on this date. He will speak upon the subject, “An Ancient Solution to a Modem Problem. METHODIST (Emmet) Rev Wallace B. Smith, pastor Sunday, July 11: Child church school, 9:45 a.m.; adult-youth church school, 10:45 a.m., Rev. J. L. Jay will preach. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. J. Myrl Hodgkin, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Eu gene Baker, superintendent; worship, 11:30 a.m. I METHODIST (Page-Inman) Rev. Lisle E. Mewmaw, pastor Thursday, July 8: Inman WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m.: choir practice in both churches at 8 p.m., followed by MYF at Inman. Sunday, July 11: Inman wor ship seivice at 9:45 a.m., with report on youth camps, followed by church school at 10:45 a.m. Karl Keyes, superintendent; by church school at 10:45 a.m.. Dale Stauffer, superintendent: Page worship service at 11 a.m.; Inman church-wide fellowship supper at 6:30 p.m. Let’s all be there! Page MYF at 8 pm. Thursday, July 15: Page WSCS meeting at 2:30 p.m. We welcome you! METHHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor Thursday. July 8: WSCS at the church, 2 p.m. Sunday, July 11: Cherub and junior choirs, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, now 8:30 a.m., Rev. J. L. Jay will preach Needlers Enjoy Sack Lunch— PAGE — Nine members and three leaders of the Nifty Needl ers 4-H club of Page were pres ent June 29 at demonstration day in O’Neill at the courthouse annex. The girls gave three demonstrations: Coconut bars by Donna Crumly, setting the table by Dixie Nissen, making snick erdoodle by Kay Nissen and Connie Riege. Miss Harriet Adams from the agricultural college at Lincoln discussed the demonstrations and gave Doiriters. The girls en joyed a sack lunch in Ford park. On June 30 the Nifty Needlers met with Vivian Ragland, with Marlene Frahm assisting. The girls and their mothers served a picnic lunch across the road in the Merwyn French, sr., yard. Nineteen girls answered roll call. Visitors were Linda Harri son of Lincoln, Jaunita and Roy ben Ragland, Miss Bette French and Mrs. Jesse Kelly. Plans were made to attend the i judging day. July 8, at O’Neill. Ruth Kelly demonstrated an-i baked combread. The next meeting will be July 14 with Dixie and Kay Nissen. — By Connie Riege, reporter. Jugler Kin in Reunion— A reunion was held in the i.ark at Norfolk for relatives of the Maynard Martins of Clovis, N.M., Sunday, June 27. Those at tending were the Maynard Mar tins. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin, Mrs. Emma Martin, Mrs. Alice Anderson of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jugler and Leo of Fremont, George Jugler and Mrs. W H. Laposky of Cherokee, la. Ear Ring SPECIALS Now Being Offered: Reg. 1.10.NOW 75c Reg. 1.25.NOW 85c Reg. 1.40..NOW $1 McIntosh Jewlery Phone 166 O’Neill "Where Price & Quality Meet" The following O’Neill firms and individuals have sponsored CHILDREN’S GUEST TICKETS To the Third Annual Shrine Circus To be held in Norfolk, Nebr., on SATURDAY - SUNDAY - MONDAY July 24, 25, 26 Spells-Ray Lbr. Co. Lew White Motor Co. Kansas-Nebraska Natural M&M Cafe 8c Bakery Gas Co. Golden Hotel Dr. George Richard Cook Petersen's Clothing < O'Neill National Bank Coast-to-Coast ’ Elkhom Flower Shop McDonald's McIntosh Jewelry Fred Appleby T. M. Harrington Shelhamer Foods O'Neill Cleaners Shelhamer Equip. Rubeck Standard Station Hugh Benson McCarvilles n _ _ . . , C. E. Jones C. E. A. Johnson Gale Dierberger New °utlaw Store Apparel Shop *“* Neill Auto Supply Coyne Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mr. Paul Shierk has a few children’s tickets available for the asking, at the Shierk Motor Co. Sunday afternoon bus trans portation is available but reservations must be made in ad vance by contacting Mr. Shierk. Pontiac Produces 5,000,000th Car •>• - ^^r^v^^irry-vv-vy-r^^v~' •-7>v--^;.;----- ;♦?;••« ' T The fire-millionth Pontiac car, a Star Chief Custom Catalina, roiled off the assembly line June 18. The first Pontiac was produced 28 years ago. Robert M. Critchfteld (left). General Manager, Pontiac Motor Division releases the production-milestone car to H. E. Crawford, General Sales Manager of the Division. Chambers News Guests on Thursday, July 1, in the E. R. Carpenter home were his sister, Mrs. E. C. Bourne, and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bourne, Gwy ne, Erwin and Vernon, all of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Mrs. Donald Grimes and daughter, Bonnie, of Eaton Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Dean V. Stevens. Cher lyn and Terry of Atkinson. Attending a family reunion at Long Pine were Mr. and Mi’s. Bob Beed and son of Lincoln; BT2 and Mrs. Erwin Hoerle and son, Stevie, of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beed and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Grimes, Edythe and Richard, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoerle, Betty and Bonnie Jean of Chambers. Attending from Long Pine were their parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Russell and brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Rey nolds and family. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and daughter, Pamela, drove to Cherokee, la., Sunday to attend the wedding of a cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Frady of Bremerton, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frady of Miekelteo, Wash., are spending a few weeks visiting Mrs. Ned Frady’s sisters, Mrs. William Reninger and Mrs. Clarence Wyant and other rela tives and friends. Following their vacation shortly after July 4, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frady will go to their new home in California where he will complete his col lege work. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Newhouse ana xamiiy or x_.incom visneu over the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. New house and Katherin. Mrs. Elmer Wandersee came from York Friday where she is attending college to spend the the weekend at her home and to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and children. Marilyn Walter, who is attend ing school at Seward, spent the Fourth of July weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter and Mrs. Donald Grimes and Bonnie drove to Sioux City Fri day. iThe latter remained for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Hi Conley are visitin gin the Clair Grimes home. Mss Neva Jarman, who is em ployed in Norfolk, spent the three-day weekend in Chambers. Her mother, Mrs. Richard Jar man, took her back on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Turner spent Sunday and Monday in Grand Island with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Grimes of Omaha were weekend guests in the Clair Grimes home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoge and family returned Tuesday, June 29, from a two weeks vacation. They visited relatives at Denver, Colo., Springfield and Portland, Ore., and Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wink and family spent July 4-5 at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Edw;n Hutchin son of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. K. Miller of Neligh were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gisch and children and Myron Shavlik of Lincoln spent the weekend of July 4 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howder and i daughter, Kay, and Bonnie Sch atz of Vivian, S. D., and M. E. Carpenter of Oakdale spent Sun day night and Monday in the E. R. Carpenter home. Mrs. Howder i and Mrs. Carpenter are sisters. Clarence Richards of Powell, Wyo., has been visiting his fa ther, Walt Richards. Mr. and Mrs. William Renin ger left recently for Columbus, O., to visit their son, Norman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Langdon and three daughters of Fairbury vis ited from Saturday until Monday in the Keith Sexton home. 3 GAMES FEATURED CHAMBERS—A large crowd attended the celebration at Beth any Saturday, July 3. The main j attraction was the three baseball I games in the church league. The Chambers Lutherans defeated the Chambers Methodists: Beth any won over Amelia; Ballagh won over the Memorial Baptists. Frontier for printing! Mrs. Charles Chace New Aux President ATKINSON—Officers for 1954 and 1955 ctf the Atkinson unit of the American Legion auxiliary were installed Thursday eve ning, June 24, as follows: Mrs. Charles Chace, president: Mrs. Opal Keating, vice-presi dent; Mrs. Irvin Parsons, secre tary; Mrs. Willard Linville, treasurer; Mrs. Peter Tushla, chaplain; Mrs. Harvey Wahl, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Ed De sieve, flag-bearer. Installing officer was Mrs. M. Coday. Norma Dexter served as presiding officer during installa tion. A report of girls’ state was given by *he unit’s representa tive, Miss Sharon Kokes. Meetings for July and August are to be held on Thursday eve nings at 8:30 and only OQe meet ing will be held each month. The date will be the same as that of the American Legion meetings. The annual state convention will be held at Omaha on August 1, 2 and 3. Page News Mrs. Dick Woods and daughter, Christine, of Battle CreeK came Friday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes and Mrs. Woods was to return to Battle Creek Wednesday. Chris tine will remain with her grand parents for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fussleman left Thursday night for Omaha r_A. 1 ____ A. A. _ A 1 I ilUJil Ul«_x V_ VliUJ VVV.1U IV XX1V,AUW dria, Va., to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Asher. Mr. Asher will receive his discharge from the army July 9. They will return to Page next week. Charlen Fussleman is staying at the Kenneth Braddock home in Omaha during her par ents’ absence. Vicki is staying at the Melvin Smith home in Page. About 30 ladies attended the prenupital shower for Miss Doro thy Zellars at the Methodist church parlors Wednesday even ing, June 30. Contest games formed the evening entertain ment. Mrs. Merwyn French, jr., sang “Through the Years”. Mrs. Richard had charge of the gift book and Mrs. J. C. King assist ed with the gifts. Lunch was served by the committee. Mrs. Ellen Rose of Brunswick entertained at a dinner Sunday in honor of the following birth day anniversaries in July: Mrs. Lynn Rose, Ralph Gray and Kathleen and Larry Walker. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker and family and Mrs. Evelyn Gray, all of Page: Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Rose and family of Brunswick; and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray of Blue Hill. Mrs. Gene Baber and Bonnie of Plain view called at the Rose home in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge and family and Mrs. A. O. Weber drove to Pickstown, S. D., Sunday. They took a picnic din ner. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gray and son, Jerry, and wife of Lodi, Calif., came Sunday afternoon to visit Willard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Gray, and his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and Veldon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin . Lund and sons of Scotia also came Sunday for a few days visit at the Gray home. Mrs. Lund is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Gray. nnterlain Guests— Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Nelson had as weekend guests his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Nelson, and Douglas of Lincoln. The group spent Mon day at Pickstown, S.D. D. E. Nel son returned to Lincoln with them Monday evening. He is at tending summer school at the University of Nebraska. Mrs. Larson Feted— Mrs. Frank Froelich and Mrs. Henry Lohaus entertained at a luncheon at the M&M Wednes day honoring Mrs. Delbert Lar son of Northbrook, 111., Mrs. Rob ert Berigan of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. 3. E. Wanser of Hart ington. Altar Society to Meet— The Altar society of St. Pat rick’s Catholic church will meet at the Knights of Columbus hall Thursday, July 15, at 8 p.m. St. Catherine’s guild is in charge of the program. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach spent the Fourth at McDowell, lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Jugler of i Fremont visited Monday eve ning, June 28, with his brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin. Mrs. Dona Laposky has been visiting since Sunday, June 27, in the Walter Martin and Mrs. Emma Martin homes. Elsasser - Carson Nuptials Are Read LYNCH — Deloros Elsasser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Elsasser of Lynch, and Ron nie Carson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson of Lynch, were married at the First Methodist church Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock. Rev. Anna Nelson per formed the ceremony. The bride wore a white bal lerina-length dress. The brides maid was her sister, Miss Ilia Elsasser, who was dressed in yellow. Kent Soulek was bestman for the bridegroom. A reception for relatives was held at the home of the bride groom’s parents. Return to Wayne— The Misses Barbara Moses and Lucille Mitchell returned t o Wayne Sunday evening, June 27, | after spending the weekend with; home folks at Stuart. .. Riverside News Mis. Lloyd Small of Small, Ida., and her sisters, Louise and Karen Bennett of North Fork, Ida., brought their aunt, Ina Bennett, to ner home in Swing and were visiting relatives here for a few days. Le Roy Napier has been stay ing with the W. M. Napier and Glenda and Dennis have been staying with the Rol Hords while their mother was in the hospital. Mrs. Gerald Hadduck and children of Canon City, Colo., returned home last week after a 21-day vacotion with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mil ler. Rev. William Bomer, Mrs. Carl Christon and Tom Christon returned home recently from the United States Presbyterian youth conference held in River side park near Milford. Rev. Bomer and Mrs. Christon acted as counselors for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kalhoff and family of Clearwater called at the Johnny Miller hpme Sunday evening, June 27. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Audiss of Berkely, Calif., visited the James Pollocks a few days recently on their return trip from Savannah, Mo., where Mr. Audiss was re ceiving treatments. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke left recent ly for a visit with the Lester Fry family at Hinkley, Minn. Debbie Pollock of Neligh visit ed her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock over the week end June 26-27. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and Jackie enjoyed home made ice cream and cake at the Willie Shrader home Thursday, June 27, in honor of Lee's birth day. Mrs. Paul Johnson and son of Mound Valley, Kans., visited a few days at the home of her sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Johnson and son went to Ericson June 28 for a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier spent June 26-27 at Newman Qrove visiting the Duane Jensens. Mrs. Rol Hord, Mrs. Lyle Swit zer, Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Mrs. Mike Cronin visited Mrs. Alfred Napier in a Norfolk hospital Monday, June 28. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cronin and family of Denver, Colo., are visit ing relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink drove to McPherson, Kans., June 26, returning Sunday with two of their granddaughters, Gayle and Sheila Hall. They will spend a few weeks with them whie their mother is recuperating from a recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar of Atkinson visited wdth the Harold Mlinar family June 26. _ Visitors frem Southwest— Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Martin, Bobby, Rhonda and Carla Jo of j Clovis, N.M., spent the past two weeks visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin. They left for their home over the weekend. Lamb-Thomas Rites in Wayne Church WAYNE—Before an altar ap pointed with red roses and can delabra, Miss Ethel Lamb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamb of Wayne, and Pvt. James W. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas of Dixon and formerly of Page, were united in marriage at the Wayne Wesleyan Methodist church. Rev. W. B. Lamb of O'Neill, assisted by Rev. G. M. Hubty of Wayne, officiat ed at the double-ring rite. The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a ballerina length gown of tulle over taffeta featuring a fitted jacket with a lace-edged peter pan collar and cuffs. Her fingertip illusion veil fell from a tiara of orange blos soms. She carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations and red roses. Miss Jeanette Lamb was maid of-honor for her sister. She was gowned in a full-skirted dress of oastel green net over taffeta with a fitted bodice and peter pan collar. She carried a white lace fan decorated with red roses. Miss Judv Lamb was the flow er-girl for her sister and Sharon Prescott of Dixon was the can dle-lighter. They wore dresses of pink and green nylon net respec tively, carrying out the bride’s colors. Edward Thomas of Dixon was bestman for his brother. Melvin Lamb and Arthur Jensen, both of Wayne, were the ushers. Ivan Meyer of Atkinson was soloist, accompanied by Miss Bonnie Hubby of Wayne, organ ist. A reception was held in the church parlors immediately fol lowing the cd-emony. Mrs. Allen Prescott of Dixon was in charge of cutting and serving the cake. f bad baked it and decorated it for her niece. Mesdames Louis Prescott, Leonard Hamilton and Irene Hamilton also assisted at the reception. Miss Janet Ander son and Miss Ruth Thomas were Mi«ha/ge °f *he Sift table and Miss Joyce Thomas the guest Mrs. Thomas graduated from Wayne high school in 1953 She I-— attended the O’Neill high school in 1951 - ’52. Following high school she attended Miltonvale college, Miltonvale, Kans., and lj now employed by the Bell Tele- „ phone company in Wayne. Pri vate Thomas graduated from Dixon high school in 1951 and is in the armed services station ed at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Ewing News Mrs. S. D. Murphy of Omaha came last Thursday to spend the holiday weekend at the home of Mrs. Clara Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden ac companied by Miss Patricia Mul len of O’Neill returned from Winner, S. D., where they had spent the weeknd with Mrs. Pruden’s sister, Mrs. P. B. Cooper and family. Miss Minnie Neiderheide of Clearwater was a guest on Sun day at the George Jefferies home. Mrs. Telford Grim of Verdigre ! visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim on Monday. Mrs. Eva Kaczor spent Sunday at Plainview visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe KmiceK. and familv. Mrs. Martha Hill moved her stock of goods from the Hill's variety store to the building re cently vacated by Curly’s market. This is a larger building which will enable Mrs. Hill in better display of merchandise and a'so < add to her stock. Mrs. Ray Gemmill, who has been visiting relatives in Iowa for the past several weeks, re turned to Ewing on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanders and children of Dixon spent the holiday weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee, and other relatives. Mrs. J. H. Gibson and daugh ter, Rose Marie, were callers on Friday at the William J. Harris home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Black and family spent the holiday week end at their home in Ewing. The Black family are spending the summer near Dana college where Mrs. Black is taking a summer course. She is a teacher in the grade school. 200 Cattle Expected Today • We axe expecting around two hundred head of cattle for our regular weekly sale today (Thursday). This will in dude cattle of all kinds, stocker-feeder cattle, and about 50 percent of the offering will be cows. • There'll probably be several hundred head of feeder pigs and between four and five hundred fat hogs. The market is always good, the best in the West so bring in those fat hogs today. SALE EVERY THURSDAY AND ALWAYS A GOOD MARKET AT O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 2 — O’Neill Enjoy your Screened Porch or ^T/A m Shady Back Yard this summer tutth. Jl/fj USmSmlo * ^aluminum I FOLDING i CHAIRS jggg^ ( flERSHEY CHOCOLATE 5yRUP«<»<™2I* u!msjk. Superbl?eo SockEYE Salmons 47* '-C**1” Domestic Oil Sardines 3&& 22* -JmLJ | 1 Prices in this ad for July 9 th & /Oth. - WE RESERVETHE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTlflESTI 3 SUGA > moo FlOUR^^MS^W* Tomato Juice ^sccan..23< SPECIALSAIF LASTS THRU JULY 171h. P/LLSBURY ANGEL FOOD. CAKE MIX _ I «-1 | BLUE RIBBON D LED i FREE^FABxxf- 2WUAX-25* i VE L FAB LARGE PACKAGE 29<, GIANT PACKAGE.. 69* PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3«**«* 23*,2£?23« i CASHMERE BOUQUET • 3 3aS* 23*,2f^23* PORK LOIN ROASTS a>.d CHOPS RIB ,1 LOIN A __ END END CENTER Afp CUTS CUTS CUTS foH LB. LB. LB. VV - —:--— - R,VAL oat SLICED BACON Oil SL'CED 4 AC PORK LIVER u, Ilf PREMIUM NUTWOOD JELLIED “ Shorties" CORNED SUMMER BEEF LOAF SAUSAGE Lb 49c Lb. 49c coa*** om pihr n* RING BOLOGNA, lb.396 • FROZEN FOODS • ADAMS BOOTH'S ORANGE PERCH JUICE HLLETS OONt*fIT*AT* TASTTLODfS 2^25* ££“39* Plymouth Maid ICE CREAM LUSCIOUS PINK MEAT CANTALOUPE u . | CAJUTOSSIA EARLY ELSERTA PEACHES 2-35* V 3 Ho. 1 RD NEW NOW IS THE POTATO£S TIME TO 10 “ CAN ’EM 63* /UMBO PASCAL _: CELERY,,^ 17‘ Vanilla — Neopolilan .. 1-Gallon 65c