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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1954)
FOR SALE FOR SALE: McCormick 6-ft. model No. 62 combine with motor, used 3 seasons, 1951 yr. —James KJasna, Spencer, ph. 2771. 10p35 SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SEE US or write to us if inter ested in Sprinkler Irrigation. We will be glad to figure your system for you, with the help of qualified' irrigation engi neers, at no obligation. Call or Write— WM. KROTTER CO. O’NEILL, NEBR. “DEALERS IN A-M SPRINKLER IRRIGATION” FOR SALE: 10-ft. double-duty meat case with compressor, running condition, %-hp elec, motor, cheap — only $150. — George Janousek, Fourth St. Market. O’Neill._10c FOR SALE: 500-gal. propane tank. Several good small tractors especially good for hay country. — John Beuck Implement, Hartington, Nebr., phone 377.10-13c FOR SALE: 1950 Studebaker Champion, 2-dr., regal deluxe, condition like new.—Fred Sal ak, phone 553-J, O’Neill. 9tf NEW MACHINERY 12 IHC hay rake. MM and New Idea side delivery rft kps. mm and New Idea mowers. SC Case tractor and cultivator. MM tractors (all sizes). USED MACHINERY 12’ Case hay rakes. Case SC tractor. Farmall reg. tractor. Cultivators for all makes. Cultivator to fit Farmall Reg. or F-20 Cultivator to fit Case SC. Semi-Mounted MM Mower for any tractor WM. KROTTER CO. West O’Neill Phone53l FOR SALE. Cottonwood lumber. —Victor Snyder, Atkinson. 9-10p50 FOR SALE: Fat fries—Leghorns 75c; Rock hybrids $1, and ca pons $1.25. Contact H. W. Mc Dowell, 1 mile east, % mile south of Spencer dam, high way 281._9-1 Op HOOVER Sales & Service BIGLIN’S Phone 38 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Two good in side yellow’ pine doors, regu lar size.— M. H. Horiskey, O’ NeilL 8tf FOR SALE: Overshot stacker, in good condition.— G. Rzeszo tarski, Emmet. 9-10pC0 FOR SALE: 1936 Dodge truck sweep, complete. —Ed Boyle, rt. 1, O’Neill.l£p New Machinery No. 25 and 55 J-D combines. 9-, 12- and 16-ft. windrowers. 12-ft. Easy Flow fertilizer spreader. J-D spreaders. 10. 12 and 14-ft. J-D rakes. No. 5 J-D mowers. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable. Plymouth baler and binder twine. Used Machinery 1949 John Deere A tractor, fully equipped. 1948 John Deere B tractor. 1946 H John Deere. 1944 John Deere B. 1942 B J-D tractor, S & L. 3939 F20 IHC tractor. 12 - Ft. Case windrower with transport trucks. J-D 4-wheel spreader. No. 5 J-D mower. JD tractor cultivator. IHC No. 238 tractor cultivator. Hydraulic manure loader. Used Farmhand. 1950 John Deere A tractor, fully equipped. J-D 8-ft. grain binder. We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in * and see us! Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill IRRIGATION WADE RAIN’S Free Planning Service for sprinkler irriga tion. If interested see us or write us. A special Wade Rain field technician will gladly call and help you plan the right layout for your soil and crops. There is no obligation to you in connection with any part of Wade Rain’s planning. «t's a service we are glad to render in the interests of bet ter farming everywhere. J. F. BRADY CO. , Atkinson Nebraska 5tf SEE OUR line of medium and low-priced luggage.—Gambles, O'Neill. 9-10c USED WASHERS & APPLIANCES USED MAYTAG WASHING MACHINES I—Used round tub Maytag wash er (new tub). 1—Square tub Maytag, alumi num. 1 Used Maytag Automatic (Likt New) 1—Used Maytag model R. All our used appliances are com pletely reconditioned, and carry a 90 day guarantee against parti and workmanship. WM. KROTTER CO. MAYTAG SALES & SERVICB West O’Neill Phone 53] FOR SALE- 48x72-in. loop shag rugs. Regular $9.79, now $6.8( each.—Gambles, O’Neill. 9-10< FOR SALE: Fryers, $1.—Nina Burival, 4% mi. N., % W Bazelman’s Station, O’Neill. 9tJ BOR SALE; 3 to 4 lb. spring fryers, $,1.—Clifford Sobotka 3V4 mi. E. of C Bar M ranch oi 1% W. of Inman. 9-llc USED CARS 1953 Pontiac Catalina Custom “8.” “A demonstrator loaded with extras.” 1953 Ford V-8 Custom 4-Dr, “Like new car at a used-cai price.” 1950 Chevrolet 2 - Dr. Dlx “Shines like new from bumpei to bumper.” 1950 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Dlx. “Pow erglide, radio, heater.” 1950 Pontiac 4-Dr. Dlx. “8” Hy dro. “Everything is smooth except the tires.” 1948 Ford V-8 Club Coupe. “A hot-rod with fenders and glass.” iQda Plvmnnth Club Coune. “All it needs is new paint.” 1938 Oldsmobile Coupe. “The cleanest two pre-war ears in town.” Buy Any of the Above on the Friendly GMAC Plan No Doubt Your Present Car Will Make the Down Payment WM. KROTTER CO. PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE West O’Neill_Phone 531 FOR SALE- Several used elec tric water heaters.—O. E. Da vidson, O’Neill. 9-lQc FOR SALE: 2-pc. blonde bed room suite. Large double dresser and bed with bookcase headboard, $77.88. —Gambles, O’Neill.9- 19c New ’54 STUDEBAKERS Passenger Cars and Trucks — On Display USED CARS 1953 DeSoto club coupe. 1950 Ford tudor, custom, with overdrive. SMITH MOTOR CO. “Home of Studebaker” Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf ROCK OF AGES MONUMENTS To Grow More Beautiful with the Passing Years POTTHAST Monument Company NORFOLK FOR SALE: IHC binder, power takeoff, almost new. — Floyd Fuller, Stuart, Nebr. 8-10p85 Get a Better Used Car for your vacation — travel in style, added safety and com fort. Come in and take your pick of these reconditioned, guaranteed ALL SQUARE USED CARS now! Save hundreds on this ’53 Buick Super Riviera. Practically new, onlv 12,000 miles. Beau tiful two-tone black and red finish. Smooth, silent, 180-hp. V8 engine. Completely equip ped. We’d like you to see and judge for yourself. Buick, ’51 Special four-door. This one in perfect shape in and out. No shifting — Dynaflow. Radio, heater, etc. Guaranteed. Only $1186. See it today. Dodge, ’51 Coronet four-door. Radio, heater, seat covers. A real beauty, gleaming green with snappy whitewalls. Down payment at low as $350. 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe four-door sedan. Radio and heater. Only one previous owner. Monthly payments low as $20. You Get a Better Used Car from a BUICK DEALER A. MARCELLUS Phone 370 Try Frontier want ads! rarm Machinery New MTA Diesel. ; IHC 141 self-propelled 14-ft demonstrator combine. 1944 Case combine, 6-ft., wit! motor. Good used 50-T. baler, with mo tor. Case windrower. Good used trucks and pickups 1947 gas M. 1953 gas H 1941 fuel H 2—Farmall 20’s. Garden tractor. McCormick-Deering 10-20, guar anteed to run. Bargain _ $2! 12-Ft. rakes. 14-Ft. rakes. No. 5 John Deere mower. - No. 16 IHC mower. F-12 mower. F-20 mower. ; 45-T. IHC baler. Allis Chalmers B tractor. Model A truck sweep. Innes pickup. New underslung wagon. New Idea side delivery rake. Reversed F-20 sweep. Overshot stacker. Handlift cultivators for H an; M and F20, $50 each whilt they last. See Us Before You Buy! Shelhamer Eqpt. Co O’Neill NOTICE ! Check These Prices on — Home Freezers Save from $110.45 to $270.45 — DELIVERED PRICES — Regular $399.95 FREEZER 13.3 Cu. Ft. Now _ 289.50 Regular $459.95 FREEZER 15-Cu. Ft. Now _ 299.50 Reg. $629.95 Double-Door FREEZER 20-Cu. Ft. Now__ 369.50 Regular $649.95 Upright FREEZER 18-Cu. Ft. Now__ 379.50 Brand New — Guaranteed 5 Yrs MIDWEST Furniture & Appliance West O’Neill 10-13c FOR SALE: 2-pc. blonde bed room suite with “Rel-Var" mar-proof finish. Double dresser and bed, $77.88.—Gam bles, O’Neill. 9-10c FOR SALE; 2-pc. bedroom suite with light “Malta’ finish. Six drawer dresser and full size bed, $77.88.—Gambles, O’Neill. , 9-10c BEST BUYS! 1951 Ford club coupe, custom, radio, heater, overdrive, good rubber_$965 1950 Plymouth club coupe, radio, heater_$785 1950 Ford fordor, custom, radio, heater, overdrive, motor com pletely overhauled, good rub ber. Bargain_$745 1949 Chevrolet 2-dr., good clean car_ $695 Savoy 4-door, fully equipped, on the floor. 1948 Ford 4-door, mechanically perfect, good tires, bargain, only_$250 1953 Ford 4-door, Crestline. COME IN AND SEE US! We like to trade!! Shierk Motor Co. 230 South 4th — O’Neill WANTED WANTED: New and used car salesman. Experience prefer red but not necessary. Contact —A. Marcellus, O’Neill, phone 370-4tf WANTED: A trail mower bar to fit F20. Write or see Bennie Johring, Redbird. 10p35 RESPONSIBLE male or female, from this area, wanted to ser vice and collect from automat ic vending machines. No sell ing. Age not essential. Car, ref erences, and $400 working capital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets to $300 monthly. Possibility full time. For local interview give phone and full particulars. Write P.O. box 188, Lake St. Station, Minneapolis, Minn. 10c WANTED TO RENT: A 2 or 3 bedroom house. Will furnish references.— Call Helen Mul len, phone 84, O’Neill. 8tf ARE YOU satisfied with your present job and i n c o in a ? Would you be willing to really put in time and effort if you knew you would be amply re paid? We have a sales job in your immediate territory that can bring these results if you have the qualifications. No sales experience necessary but ambition and willingness de manded. If you have faith in yourself and really want to better yourself, write us giv ing name, age and qualifica tions. Must have a car. Write Simpson Company, box 11, Norfolk, Nebr. 8-10c uignt trucKing and drayage, all kinds. — Archie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ I or 125-J. 37ti i WANTED: Custom baling, square bales, 12 cents each. — Lloyd Porter, phone 20-F04 Orchard. 6-13p . WANTED: Baby sitting, nights only.—Mrs. Herbert Timm, O’ Neill, phone 513-J. 10p3£ WANTED: Custom combining.— Otto Lorenz, phone 18-F11, O’ . Neill.10-llp * WANTED: Hay or alfalfa tc bale, shares or cash. Round baler.—K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 3ti REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Schoolhouse, dis trict No. 103, approximately 14 x 20. Sealed bids will be accept ed up to July 29, at which time bids will be opened, with res i ervations to reject any or all bids. Mail bids to county supt office, O’Neill. Please mark envelope. 10-12c FOR SALE: 4 good dwelling lots, east of the Brennan park and north of the hospital, ir block 8, McCafferty’s annex.— P. C. Donohoe, O’Neill. 9tj FOR SALE: 2-bedroom, all mod ' em home, full basement, ol furnace. Garage, paved drive way. Fenced yard. — Lloyd Liedtke, 608 E. Benton, O’ Neill, phone 556-M. 5ti RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES FARMS RANCHES We Always Have Listings! We Can Usually Find Buyers! TO BUY or sell any kind of real or personal property — pri vately or at public auction — call the THOR1N - BOWKER AGENCY ; — O’Neill — FOR SALE: Two lots in block No. 43, Rigg’s addition.—P. C. I Donohoe, O’Neill. 9tf i FOR SALE: Six - room house, part modem, full size lot, on East Benton street, two blocks from school and church, fine residence site.—See P. C. Don ohoe, O’Neill. 6tf FOR SALE: 320-acre farm, 7 miles out, 140 cultivated, fair bldgs., 60 meadow, 120 pas ture. Price, $35 per acre. —R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 5tf FOR SALE: Modem residence and large lot. $4,500 will buy it. All modern. — See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf THE DURRE 480 ACRES IMPROVED wet hay and pas ture land on Cache Creek SE of Chambers. Has 3 flowing wells. Priced for quick sale at $70 an acre. Fisher Realty Co. _Norfolk, Nebr. 9tf If OUSE FOR SALE to be moved. Contact Ann Asimus, O’Neill! _7tf I HAVE unlimited insurance money to loan on big ranch es. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. • sotf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Sleeping rooms, close in. Contact Edna Coyne, O’Neill, phone 535-W. 9tf FOR RENT. Business bldg., 116 So. Fourth st. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: A small apartment, available July 1. Contact Mrs. Etta Shriner, O’Neill, phone 136. w 9c ---1 BUILDING FOR RENT: For storage.—Ann Asimus, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Furnished 3-room apartment with kitchenette and bath.—Hagensick Ladies Wear, O’Neill. 10tf Donald. Raymond Harmon Visit Here— Sgt. Donald Harmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon, ar rived home this week after ser ving 16 months in Heidelberg, Germany He received his dis charge at Ft. Sheridan, 111., Raymond Harmon arrived Sun day, July 4. He has been station ed at Bremerton, Wash., on the USS Quincy since March. He has a 14-day leave after which he will report for an assignment to Alaska. MISCELLANEOUS L-O-A-N-S 4% Federal Land Bank Long Term Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N O’Neill, Nebr. SELLING is our business: Will arrange for advertising, selling and clerking at your sale, pri vately or public auction.—Ed Thorin and Bill Bowker, O’ Neill, phone 207, licensed real estate auctioneer and brokers. 13tf WHAT? Baler club old time cos tume dance. Where: Atkinson Legion club. When: Friday, July 9, 8:30 to 12:30. Free to Baler club members. Others: Admission, $1. 10p50 L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding I HAVE just returned from a trip to Florida, and will be in my office from now on. I have plenty of Eastern money to loan on farms and ranches.— See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. _ 50tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run- Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill IF YOU WANT a loan on your residence or business building, I can furnish the money, eith er on monthly payment plan or on straight yearly payment plan.—See R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr.50tf NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Sales and Service We repair all makes. Let us give you a free estimate on your repair work. Midwest Furniture & Appliance IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured.—See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf LET’S GO GET A “Travel Accident Policy” for yourself and family cover ing death and medical ex pense, at low cost. Contact: Geo. C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 3tf Real Estate Loans WE have unlimited funds to loan un Ranches. If you anticipate needing a loan, CALL US TO DAY. Ernie Weller Associates Phone 6231 or 5141 — Atkinson HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters I Next door Asimus Motors) of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf AT STUD: Chestnut sorrel Mor gan stallion. Terms, $15.00 for colt.—R. B. Geary, % mi. E. 5 [ so. Inman. 9-llp85 I HAVE unlimited insurance money to loan on farms. — See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’NeiH HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf O. E. (‘•Oakie") DAVIDSON Plumbing & Heating “The Best Work for the Least Money” GAS WATER HEATERS & FURNACES Phone 126 — O'Neil! CARDS of THANKS WE _ WISH to thank all our friends and relatives who of fered sympathy and prayers and sent cards and flowers during the loss of our dear baby, Rhonda Sue. Your kind ness will never be forgotten.— Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Borg and Darryl, Mr. and Mrs. August Kramer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg and family. 10p50 HAVING HAD the nicest thing in the world happen to us, we wish to thank everyone who in any way helped to make our blessed event even more gold en. — Parents and brothers of Little Marian Margaret Dusat ko. 10p50 WE DEEPLY appreciate the many acts of kindness by our neighbors and relatives since the tornado at our place fa ther’s day evening. Especially the men for cleaning up and the ladies for bringing food and serving. Many thanks ko all from the bottom of our hearts.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Urban apd family. 10c50 WTE WISH to thank all our rel atives, friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses and the sympathy shown us and for the floral offerings at the time of the death of our hus band and father, Joe Scholl meyer.—Mrs. Joe Schollmeyer, the Schollmeyer children and families. 10p50 Legal Notice (First pub. July 8, 1954) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Holt County Board of Supervis ors will hold a Hearing on July 28, 1954 at 1:30 P.M. and pass on a Motion as to whether the fol lowing road will be incorporated as a part of the “County Road System” of Holt County: Commencing at the SE corner of Sec. 28, Twp. 30, R. 13, run ning thence north on the section lines a distance of 6 miles to the SE corner of Sec. 28. Twp. 31, R. 13 and running thence due west on the section lines a distance of three miles to the SW corner of Sec. 30, Twp. 31, R. 13 in Holt County. Any objection to this action will be heard at this hearing or a complaint may be filed with the County Clerk prior to that time. RUTH HOFFMAN BAKER County Clerk 10-12c (First pub. July 8, 1954) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETIIION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3976 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 6, 1954. In the Matter of the Estate of Nora Jolly, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Harry Jolly as Administrator of said estate, and will be heard July 29, 1954. at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’ Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 10-12c (First Dub. July 8, 1954) RESOLUTION Whereas, it has been made to ; appear to the Board of Supervis ors of the County of Holt, Ne-' braska, that it may be advantag eous and for the public welfare, j that the Township of Shields, in , the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, shall be by appropri ate action of the Comity Board, divided and made into two Townships, each separate and apart from the other, and into separate political subdivisions of the County and State, by divid ing the same into two areas of thirty-six square miles each, be ing in the form of a square, and one comprising the east one-half of Shields Township as now formed and constituted, and the other comprising the west one half of Shields Township as now constituted, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Su pervisors of such County pro poses to take such action as may be required to divide said Shields Township and re-consti tute the same into two separate political Township sub-divisions, and deeming it necessary that notice of the same should be given to persons interested NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Holt, shall on the 28th day of July, 1954, at the hour of 11 A.M., hold a hearing in the Su pervisors room in the Court house in O’Neill, for the purpose 1 of hearing all persons who may be interested in said matter, at which time the Board may take such further action in the prem ises as may seem necessary to divide said Shields Township, or to permit the same to remain as now constituted and formed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution shall be published for three weeks in The Frontier, a legal newspaper, prior to said hearing. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chace of Atkinson left Friday. June 25 for a two-week vacation through Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio. PONTON INSURANCE Florence Ponton, Prop, Insurance of All Kinds & Bonds Phone 106 — Golden Bldg. .. REX W. WILSON, M.D. ROBT. M. LANGDON, M.D. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS 128 W. Douglas St, O’Neill Phone 138 1 , , , - ■ | . , ■ Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. Cobb Olson and family of Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. John Conard went fishing south of Valentine on Sunday and returned home Tuesday. Bob McNally of Detroit, Mich., is staying at the Tom Malloy home this summer. The McNal ly’s formerly lived west of Em met. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock and sons went to Oakdale Sun day afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lowery. The Pea cock boys are spending a week visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Richards and family and Mr. and Mrs. An thony O’Donnell of O’Neill spent the Fourth at Holt creek where they enjoyed a picnic dinner and swimming, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole went to Omaha Tuesday, June 29. They also went to Lincoln, re turning home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Newton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton and family were guests at the Bob Fox home Sunday. Mrs. Bob Cole and sons spent Friday visiting the Lawrence Skrdla and Donald Skrdla fam ilies of Stuart. Mrs. Arthur Humpal and Mrs. Frank Schaaf and baby daugh ter, Sheryl Lynn, of Atkinson were visitors at the Bob Cole home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smidt and sons of Hastings were Sun day guests at the Henry Klop penborg home. The Bob Cole family attended the O’Neill Country club dinner Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strong and family of Omaha came Fri day ngiht to spend the Fourth of July visiting relatives at Em met and Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wills spent Saturday night and Sunday in Norfolk. Mrs. Frank Foreman and Mrs. Jesse Wills and Frances Knapp of Atkinson were Friday evening guests of Mrs. James O’Connor and Marybelle. Donald Kloppenborg spent the holiday weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klop penborg. and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and daughter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Max Grenier, Mrs. Mabel Tom linson, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Ste o vens and sons of Rapid C$y. S.D., were Wednesday, June 30, supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tomlinson at Star. They cel ebrated the fifth wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox of Alamogordo. N.M., arrived on Saturday to spend a furlough visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of O’Neill, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seger of Stuart, and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMillan and daughter of Newport were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc Millan on Monday. Need Hay Hands? Contact Ressel or Wink— Ranchers who will be needing hay hands and hay hands seek ing work should contact Harry E. Ressel of O’Neill or Edwia Wink of Chambers, who are the volunteer farm placement repre sentatives in their communities it was announced by Walter A Steffen, manager of the Nebras ka state employment service at Norfolk. Mr. Ressel and Mr Wink will have information about job openings and job seek ers in their communities as well as the surrounding area. The farm placement representatives play an important part in co ordinating the movement of workers from areas of surplus to areas of shortage. There is no charge for this placement service and wages are negotiated by the employer and job applicant. WHY IT PAYS TO OWN mstmm- Iiimiim ■mi mi ■ i KZSUK2X&-w’tvmm a ROTO-BALER 1. Keeps More of Your Hay Quality — Only round bales give hay “thatched-roof” protection. 2. Round Bales Handle and Feed Easily—Self-Feeding round bales are self-locking on wagon or truck ... in haymow or stack. Won’t buckle or come apart. 3. Simple to Operate ... Easy to Handle —Two simple adjustments control size and compactness of bale. One man easily handles the big-capacity ROTO-BALER RnlT°nWplr^pkeep “ Simplicity is the mark of the nui u-tJALER — farmers report years of service with little or no upkeep. Pncec* f°r Home Ownership — and to Save You Money. Save hundreds of dollars ... bale highest quality hay. Sas now 11 standard of the home harvest... It’s the great new Six-Foot ALL-CROP Harvester with many advancements that bring still more profit at harvest time. In the new Model 66, you’ll find all the desired fea tures that have made the ALL-CROP Harvester the choice of farmers the wond over plus these features you’ve al ways wanted: • New SIX-FOOT header • New, sturdier SIX-BAT reel for smoother feeding action • New STEP-UP strawrack — more capacity; faster, cleaner separation • New rotary flail-type Straw Spreader — optional extra equipment • New Center Suspension Spring for header mounting — with quick-opening clean-out door under lower draper • Hydraulic header lift, controlled from tractor seat Be ready when harvest time rolls around with your own ALL-CROP Harvester built only by Allis-Chalmers See us about an early order. Aii-ctor i> on Aiut-OMiiMn t. Tune in s " """"" ( fHLIS'CHflLMERS ) Ev.ry Saturday — NIC V SALIS AND SIKVICt M MARCELLOS IMPL. CO. >hone 5 West O’Neill