Captain Craig Dies Unexpectedly Relatives received word of the death of Capt. Glenn Craig, who has been stationed at Boblinger, Germany. Death was due to a heart ailment. heart ailment Captain Craig is known at Lynch. Other Lynch News Tommy Courtney r e tu r n e d home Sunday having spent two weeks in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Christenson of Newton, la., visited last week at the Lewie Christensen home here; also at the Fred Baker home in Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sixta at tended the recent Spencer alummi banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minerts of Council Bluffs, la., visited at the Josephine Boska and Deloss Malccim homes last week. Mr. and Mrs. John McDermott of West Point spent last week end at the M. P. Stenger home. Harold France of Ainsworth spent the weekend here with re latives. Ray Long returned home from Gibbon Tuesday; where he at tended the funeral ctf a relative. Donna Greene of Lincoln and 1—- - Mrs. Stanley Greene of Scotts bluff visited last week at the Bus Greene home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhair, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mulhair, Pauline Mulhair and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Moffett attended the funeral of Jonas Johnson at Spencer Tuesday, June 1. Leo Sedlacek of Ft. Bragg, N. C., is here for a 20-day furlough with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Sedlacek and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Scheinost and family of Butte visited Lynch relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glaze of Rapid City, S. D., visited here the past week. Kate McDermott of Omaha is here visiting her sister, Mrs. M. P. Stenger, and family. Ludwig Placek and son, Will ard, were Spencer visitors on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Mahlen dcrf and Josephine were Friday evening guests at the Louis Nov ak home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sixta and family of Omaha spent the past week at Lynch visiting relatives. Lona Sedivy was a business visitor in Butte on Friidy. Henry Noll of Omaha and Chris Johnson of Creighton visit ed with the Ludwig Placek fam ily Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ching Davey of Norfolk visited relatives here ” —-\ 7d$/i/e wM pride on 111 See our selection of gifts! Electric Shavers . . . SUNBEAM, REMINGTON, SCHICK Leather Billfolds . . . Genuine leather__•_ $3.50, $5, $7.50 and $10 Other Suggestions . . . Ball point pens, pipes, tobacco pouches, cigarette lighters, —Zippo and Ronson. cigarette holders, Parker and Ever sharp pens and penciis. For Trip or Picnic I We have fine VACUUM JUGS to take on that fishing If trip or picnic. Take along a barometer. It'll tell you E whether or not you'll be caught in the rain. I Shaving Sets . . . Old Spice, Seaforth, Tawn . . . and all-leather kits in which to carry them. First Aid Kits_ $1.35 to $2.50 If you are going on a tnp or an outing take along a first aid kit. Elkay's AEROSOLS Mothproofers. One spraying lasts a year; also insecti cide for plants and roses. For that itchy, aching sunburn— Elkay's NEW AEROSOL A little goes a long way — and what relief! Like a cool lake breeze. We carry a complete line of BABY PRODUCTS ... to make the little one contented and happy. Stork bottles and nipples. For those hot artd aching gums, ask about our teethers . . . can make ’em ice cold. SMA _ 32c Can (By the Case) No cheaper in town GILLIGAN'S rexall drug Phone 87 — O Neill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H^vranek and family of Spencer visited at Joe Halva’s last Sunday. Mrs. Elmer Christensen return ed home Sunday from a week’s stay with her daughter, Mrs. El mer Collins, and family at Bro ken Bow. Maxine Jehorek of Omaha spent memorial day at the Mar in Jehorek, sr., home. Mrs. Henry Vonasek and daughters of Verdigre visited at the Haselrorst home Sunday, May 30. Rev. and Mrs. Ray Haun of Ainsworth visited Lynch relatives the first of last week. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD—Louis T Genung to Char les E Lamb & wf 1-12-54 $5500 Lot 4 & So 23 ft lot 3 Blk 30 Bitney’s Add- Atkinson WD— M Genevieve Harty to Felix Hendrick 6-1-54 $1- NWyj 28-29-11 WD—Louisa M Kobarg to El ma A Peacock, et al 6-1-54 $1 All of Out Lot E- Stuart DEED—George Reichert, et al to Christian F Reichert 2-5-44 $1- NEVi 31- WMi 32-30-10 & swy4 4- NVfe & sEy4 5-29-10 WD—James B Grady to Fred Appleby & wf 5-27-54 $1 lots 1 & 2 Blk C- Fahy’s 2nd Add- O’Neill QCD— Ralph Bower to Flor ence Norton- no date- $10- Lots 1-2-3-4 Blk 17 Kimball & Blair’s Add- Stuart WD—Cecil W Baker to Lowell E Nesbitt &. wf 6-2-54 $7800- Lot 11 and So 10 ft lot 10- Gilg & Swenson’s Subdivision- O’Neill QCD — John F Schrunk to Francis T & Ralph R Schrunk 2 8-54 $1- swy4 sec 31-31-14- re serving life estate QCD—Helen A Krohn to Lou is Pofahl 5-26-54 $1- NWy4NEy4 s%NEy4- w1^- w%SEy4 31-25-9 and land in Wheeler & Madison Counties QCD—Jesse C Wills to Alvin Kloppenborg & wf 5-19-54 $1 Fart of NEy4NWy4 Sec 23-29-13 Mrs. Kreymborg Honored— Mrs. Helen Kreymborg, Holt county home agent for the past three years, was honored at a farewell tea Tuesday afternoon at the Harry E. Ressel home. The surprise affair was arranged by Holt county extension women. ___I ———— Royal Theater — O'NEILL. NEBR. — Thurs. June 10 Family night . . . big double bill . . . Robert Ryan in ALASKA SEAS Vigorous fight scenes over shadow character portrayal in a melodrama with an unusual set ting. — also — TERROR ON A TRAIN Starring Glenn Ford, Anne Veron. A beautiful girl. A call in the night. Suspense that’s spine-chilling. A thrilling sur prise finish. It’s terrific. Family $1; adults 50c; children 12c Fri.-Sat. June 11-12 MARTIN LUTHER With Niall MacGinnis as Mar tin Luther . . . the man who changed the world—forever! “I cannot ... I will not . . . recant! . . here I stand!” These were Martin Luther’s words—as they roared across Europe and the world to break the shackles binding the conscience of man. Adm.: $1.10; children 25c Mat inee Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. June 13-14-15 They faced the savage challenge of the SASKATCHEWAN TERRITORY Actually filmed in the rugged grandeur of the Canadian Rock ies. Starring Alan Ladd and Shelly Winters. Color by techni color. --—-—-------- ---—--— __—Jill,. II..... -,.smm. T.V- ---" ~1 j ... **■■/■■■ - ■ ■ : __ ____. __ . J Winning a new customer every 31 seconds Every 31 seconds—day and night— ness “aged-in.” It’s an unusually re another beer drinker switches to freshing flavor which we have captured Hamm’s. What attracts all these folks? here in the land of sky blue waters. They tell us it is Hamm’s special kind Won’t you be curious? Just once, try of crisp, clean-cut taste, with smooth- Hamm’s Beer. Tkeo. Hamm Brewing Co., Si. Paul, Minn. the beer Irom the ^ land of sly blue waters Replanting Corn is Necessitated Cutworms a t Work Near Ewing RIVERSIDE — Some farmer* are "replanting corn due to cut worm damage. The strong wind Sunday night and Mctiday morn ing did a great deal of damage to many corn fields. Other Riverside News Friends and relatives enjoyed a party at the Ralph Munn home Friday afttrnoon honoring the birthday anniversary of Rita Naper and Norma Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McDaniel and children were supper guests of the Dan Larson’s Wednesday, June 2, in honor of Don’s birth day anniversary. Members of the Conway Christon wedding party stayed at the following homes: Z. H. Fry, Ralph Shraaer, Wilbur Ben nett, Rev. W. J. Bomer, J. A. Larscin, Joline Smith and Carl Chris ton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scholl meyer and famly of Crofton spent several days visiting at the Johnny Miller home. The ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and Mrs. Edna Lofquest attended the Sunday evening wedding of Betty Dickenson and John Lor enzen at Madison. Betty is a grandaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Browning. Sharon Mott is spending the weekend with her Grandma Mott at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fleisch man of Ashland visited Friday at the Carl Christon home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jensen, Lowell and Neil were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family visited her parents at Ainsworth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur M. Napier observed their 37tn wedding an niversary Sunday, June 6. They were guests for dinner at the Glenn Harpster home. Other guests were John and Russell Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hadduck _a l-: i j _ _ auu \_uiiuicu wi vanuu Colo., are visiting at the Ho ward Miller home. Tuesday even ing, June 1, they were supper guests of the Walter Miler’s and Friday evening guests of Leo Miller’s. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Snider of Ainsworth spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink. Sunday evening Mrs. Fink’s bro ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Lord of Burbank, Calif., arrived for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Gunter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rollanr Hord. Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daugh ters called on Mrs. Marcellus Chaas of O’Neill Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer and Elayne were Sunday dinner guests of the Carl Christon’s. Mrs. Charles Shrader of Gering has been visiting Mrs. Mary Shrader and other relatives the past two weeks. Sunday dinner guests of the DeWitt Hoke’s were Mrs. Kittie Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nap ier. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and and daughters were Sunday din ner guests of the A. C. Gibson’s. Walter Miller took the boys of his Sunday-school class on an overnight camping trip Monday. Mrs. Jim Furley and danghter of Madison, Mrs. Lizzie Angus and Mr. and Mrs. John Angus called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry Sunday evening. Lou Ann Fritton Competes at Lincoln Miss Lou Ann Fritton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Fritton, represented O’Neill at the state “Miss Nebraska” contest held in Lincoln during the weekend. Pre ceding the actual contest, which was held at the Turnpike ball room and where the entries were judged in swimsuit and in evening dress, the participants were dined at the Italian Village. Basis of judging in the contest was beauty of face and figure, charm, poise and personality. Besides the coveted trophy, the winner received a wardrobe. She will go to Long Beach, Calif., on an expense paid- trip July 15 through 25 to participate in the “Miss Universe” contest being held; there then. Miss Fritton placed fourth in i the group of 24 entries. ! EDW. M. GLEESON DENTIST 2d Floor Gilligan Rexall Bldg. Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5 FREIGHT CAR DERAILED A freight car on an eastbound freight train was derailed early May 28 about three miiles east of Clearwater, tying up mainline Chicago & North Western rail road traffic eight hours. No one was hurt. A washout near Stant on Sunday, May 30, caused a six hour delay for the Monday morning westbound passenger mail train due here at 6:30 o’ clock. O’Neill News Mrs. Carrie Borg was honored at several gatherings last week celebrating her birthday anni versary. Thursday guests were her sons ar.d their families, Rev. and Mrs. C. M. Hubby and fam ily of Wayne and Mr. and Mis. William Hubby of Neligh. Other guests were Miss Shirley Mord of Sioux City, Mrs. Ida Moore of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hub by, Mrs. Addie Rouse and Lloyd and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse and Wayne. Friday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lind burg and Mrs. Fay Puckett. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Godek of Omaha were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Bazelman. They returned to their home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain went to Lincoln Saturday and returned Sunday. Their son, Wil liam, student at the university, returned to O’Neill with them. Sgt. Norbert Blum left Friday for his home in Ohio. He has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Everitt for the past two weeks. Karen Donohoe, Lu Moss and Jo Ann Langan left Sunday for Wayne where they will attend summer school at Wayne Stale Teachers college. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O' Neill, phone 139-J. 37 ti Mr. and Mrs. William Curnyn and daughter, Donna Marie, left Sunday for Denison, la., after spending the weekend with Bev erly McCarthy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy. They attended the first mass and reception of Mrs. Curnyn’s class mate, Rev. Thomas De Backer. Mrs. Curnyn is the former Mar ita Vanderheiden. Legal Notice (First pub. June 10, 1954) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 3938 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ROBERT H. JOHNSON, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on Jund 30, 1954, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c (First pub. June 10, 1954) Julius D Cronin, Attomev NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 3942 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF FRANK CALK INS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on June 30, 1954, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. V.COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c (First pub. June 10, 1954) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Eslate No. 3971 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 7, 1954. In the Matter of the Estate of Minnie C. Gamel, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Lester A. Gamel as Adminis trator of said estate, and will be heard July 1, 1954, at 10 o’clock A.M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c COMBINE SMOKER; WE KNOW that you're very busy at this time of the year, but we would like very much to have you attend our McCor mick Combine Smoker, beginning at 8 p.m., on FRIDAY, JUNE 18. YOU WILL hear, as well as see, in film an interesting story : on the new models and changes in McCormick Combines. We certainly would appreciate your attendance. The newest in self-propelled combines will be on display. REFRESHMENTS will be served. SHELHAMER EQUIP. CO. O'Neill. Nebr. IL^— Emmet News Mrs. Paul Newton and children called on Mrs. Dean Perry and children Sunday morning, June 6. Leslie Perry and children of Bird City, Kans., visited Mr. and Mrs. William Newton Monday, May 24. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaaf and family spent Sunday, June 6, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ram old. Mrs. William Newton called on Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and family Saturday afternoon, June 5. Mrs. Clifford Anderson and family of Omaha spent Saturday and Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McMillan. Mrs. Cecil McMillan returned home Saturday after spending a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom Strong, jr., and family and Mr. Mrs. Clifford Anderson and fam ily at Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen and family were dinner guests at the Jerrold Dusatko home on Tuesday, June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Gecrge Hartford of O’Neill were guests at the Guy Beckwith home Thursday even ing. Mrs. Bessie Burge and June visited Mrs. Arnie Mace at O’ Neill Tuesday evening, June 1. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Beckwith and Gary called at the George Shopec home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Mills of Lynnwood, Calif., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith Tuesday and Wednesday, June 1 and 2. Miss Leona Fern Beckwith spent the past week visiting Miss Alice Kuhl at Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. George Brainard and children of Grand Island were Monday -evening, May 31, supper guests at the Gilbert Fox home. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Young of Neligh, Kenneth Ruggles 0 f Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Mills of Lynnwood, Calif., Mrs. Thomas Wyant of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Deraid Graham cf O’Neill were supper guests at the Leon Beckwith home Tues day evening, June 1. Jerrald Dusatko called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benze home at O’Neill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart Babl and daughter of Holdrege recently visited relatives. Mrs. Guy Beckwith spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Vera Hickman, near Atkinson. They attended the memorial exercises during the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and family, Mr. and Mrs.Merwin Kee of Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Pre mius of Tilden were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Kee. Jeanie Kay Foreman spent Sunday afternoon at the Wayne Bate? home. Miss iNancy Sipes of O’Neill returned home on Saturday. She spent a week helping Mrs. Gil bert Fox who recently returned home from St. Anthony’s hosp ital following surgery. Mrs. Frank Foreman and Mrs. Agnes Gaffney visited Mrs. Guy Beckwith cn Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geary Enbody SECTION 2 — PAGES 11-14 FrontiIr O'NEILL, NEBFL, THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1954, went to Clilnton on Saturday to spend the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Swick and relatives. Mrs. Swick and Mrs. Enbody are sisters. ATTEND MARKET Bernice Elkins and Winnie Barger, owners of the Apparel Shop, departed late Saturday for Omaha. They planned to devote three days to buying fall and winter merchandise for their new, enlarged ladies’ fashion store. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz spent Sunday and Monday in Lincoln. L. G. Gillespie departed Mon day evening for Omaha to at tend the annual meeting of the grand lodge, AF&AM. The grand lodge was in session Tuesday and Wednesday. DRS. BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray The WORLD’S FINEST , °Q LIVESTOCK INSECTICIDE APPLICATOR *• j, ttv* - f . »• » .r.&n?-' i K; * . Thousands of stockcr.en say—"THIS IS THE ANSWER TO THE AGE-OLD LIVESTOCK INSECT PEST PROBLEM" Give the cattle a chance to take care of their own skin irritations by doing what comes naturally! "LET THEM ITCHIT" Fill the time-proven ITCHIT with 30 gels, of oil base insecticide and place near salt lick and watch your stock rub and scratch — Killing Flies • Grubs • Lice • Ticks • Mange and other insects. Rigid Construction INSURES Years of Fool-Proof Performance! Manufactured by THE CALDWELL MFG. CO., KEARNEY, NEBR. WM. KROTTER CO. Phone 531 — West O’Neill They tore down the "Big 3’’ low-price cars and proved Plymouth your best buy ! The hottest news to come out of Detroit in a long, long time—that's what we have to tell you! We'll give you documented proof that Plymouth is your best buy. We'll show you what Plymouth engineers found when they actually tore down brand-new models of each of the "Big 3" cars in the lowest-price field. _ _-- \ r you'll see factual comparisons of safety, con venience, comfort, power—dozens of impor tant features—in a just-published 8-page book. Visit us today. Get your copy of the fact book ... then get behind the wheel of the new '54 Plymouth. You'll soon be convinced that Plymouth is your best buy. FREE! Get this 8-page book from us today I It’s your buying guide to real best-buy value. Read it before you buy ANY car. o SHIERK MOTOR CO. ‘ 212 S. 4th St. — O’Neill