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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1954)
Mrs. Dewayne Borg, neg Maxine Bauer ... to reside in C Neil]-O'Neill Photo Co. -—-—-. . 338 Seated at Page Alum Banquet PAGE — The fourth annual Page high school alumni ban quet was held Saturday evening, May 29, attended by 238 persons. Theme of the affair was '‘School Days.” Mrs. Glenn Stewart, ’29, issued the welcome, and her son, James. ’54, offered the response. Others on the program were Raymond Heiss, C. E. Walker, Mrs. L. Copple, M^rie Heiss, ’24, Mrs. Robert Robinson, Delbert Clark, ’29, Mrs. Harold Kelly, ’54, Thelma Stevens, '54. Among those from a distance attending were: Mrs. Clay Zuber bier of Oakland, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sinnard of Lawton, Okla.; Mrs. Ross Fink of Wichi ta, Kans.; Mrs. Gertrude Deaver of Des Moines, la.; Mrs. Thelma Jaynes of Dead wood, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Knudsen of Manning, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Asher of Woodbine, la.; Mr and Mrs. Dale Asher of Logan, la ; Mrs. R. H. Robinson of Col orado Springs, Colo.; Mr. and MrS. C. II- Undine of Sioux City: Virs. Sidney Rhoades of Scotts bluff; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nis sen. of Sidney; Mrs. Albert Kos micke of Bridgeport; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray of Blue Hill. Mrs. Kenneth oraaaocK, Mrs. Dean Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. L. Copple and Dale Braddock, all of Omaha; Miss Mary’ Louise french of Stromsburg; Mrs. Les ter Hart of North Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Keitn Weyer of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Murfin of Cairo; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heiss of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Rov Snyder of Ainsworth; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kennedy of Ainsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Foy Clark of Norfolk; Mrs. Lois Jean Leist of Lincoln; Mr. jind Mrs. I orrtst Ludington of Grand Is land; Mr. and Mrs. William Riege of Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lichty of Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pappas, of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker and Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, all of Norfolk; Mrs. Melvin Lund of Scotia; Jimmie Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Don Summers, Miss Jovee CLasev and Miss Marlene Kellv, all of Lincoln; also Mr. and Mrs. John Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Metcalf. Special honors were given the class of 1929 celebrating its 25th anniversary. Also honored were the classes of 1924, 1934, 1944, and 1954. Donald Metcalf, spon sor of the class of 1929, was present. Mrs. Clay Zuberbier of Oak land, Calif., came the greatest distance to attend. The Leonard .t :-s family had the largest number of graduates attending. K K w Bauer-Borg Nuptials in Ewing Church EWING — Gladioli, mums, large daisies with ferns and candelabra decorated the altar of St. Peter’s Catholic church in Ewing for the 9:30 a.m., double ring nuptial ceremony which united in marriage Miss Maxine Bauer of Ewing and Dewayne Borg of O’Neill. Rev. P. F. Burke, church pas tor, officiated. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Joim Bauer of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg of O’Neill. Sister M. Flores of St. Mary's academy, O’Neill, presided at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Jar* Lynas of Winner, S.D., sang “Ave Maria,” “On This Day” and “Panis Angelicus.” The bride appeared in i gown of white satin with triple layers of brocaded nylon. The gown featured a deep ‘V” neck ne. The long sleeves were pointed at the wrist and the skirt was full wiih a three-yard train. Her bouquet was of stephanotis centered with a white orchid. The only jewelry she wore was a three-strand crystal necklace —a gift from the bridegroom. Miss ixaiiue Dduci ui n»wni^, rriaid-of-honor, wore a strapless gown of white net over taffeta, oallerina length, with a lace bolero jacket. Bridesmaids were Joan Bauer and Patty Bauer, both of Ewing, Beverly Jewell of Dallas, S.D., and Belva Tech, of Salt Lake City, Utah. They wore govt ns identical to the maid-of-honor. Each carried a bouquet of daisies with pastel ribbons. The bestman was Harold Elk ins of Chambers. Ronald Borg, Donald Borg, Russell Borg and Larry Pribil, all of O’Neill, ush ered. Dinner was served at the country home of the bride s par ents. Ladies assisting with the serving were Mrs. Joe Thoendel, Mrs. Frank Bolwitt. Mrs. John Bollwitt and Mrs. Ed Urban. As sisting were Bemadine and Sharon Rotherham, Helen Roth erham, Rosalie Spittler, Joan and Yvonne Mlnarik, Nancy Paul and Mary Miller. Three hundred guests attended the afternoon reception. Mrs. Ralph Beaudin of Omaha was jn charge oi the guest book. The gift book and gift table were in charge of Mrs. Stanley Bartak of Ewing and Mrs. E. W. Ros bury of Deadwood, S.D. The decorated wedding cake was cut and served by Mrs. Mel vin Rexine. Mrs. Borg chose for her going away costume a rust linen red ingote with beige accessories. After an extended wedding trip to California, the young couple will be at home in O’Neill. Mr. Borg is employed by the Lohaus Motor Co. AUCTION SALE L. B. Nelson Property In Baxllelt Formerly the Ivan Briggs Residences House No. 1— . . Four rooms, bath, large closet, full basement, shower, hot water heater, automatic gas heat. \.t. ’ .4 > * House No. 2— Five rooms, bath, utilities, hardwood floor, modern ex 'cept heat, THESE PROPERTIES SELL AT AUCTION Wednesday, June 16th — 2 P.M. Watch for Terms and Complete Description Next Issue L B. Nelson, Owner HERMAN CUMMINGS REALTY CO. Auctioneers Contact: C. L. Bushop, Realtor Bartlett, to inspect these properties v I Newlyweds Will Live in Alaska SPENCER — Janet A 1 e n e Christensen and Reginald B. Pinkerman were united in mar rige at a quiet double-ring cere mony at Spencer Friday evening, May 14. Rev. Marjorie Johnson, pastor of the Methodist church, officiat jed The bride appeared in a waltz length gown of nylon net and lace over taffeta and nylon lace mitts. Her fingertip veil was of nylcn net trimmed with illus ion lace and was held i n place by a coronet of seedpearls. Her only jewlery was gold and rine stone earrings, a gift from the bridegroom. She carried a bou quet of white carnations. The bridegroom wore a suit of conventional blue and a sil ver tie bar, a gift from the bride. His boutonniere was a white car nation. The bride is ..the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vigo Christensen of Monowi. For the past three years she has been a teacher in a Boyd ccunty rural schools. The bridegroon is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker [ man of Redbird. He entered the 1 armed forces in February, 1953, and is now stationed at Ft. Rich ardson air base near Anchorage Alaska. The voung couple were chari varied by a large crowd of neigh bors and friends Monday even ing, May 17. Treats of candy and cigars were distributed by the newlvweds. On Wednesday even ing. May 19, they staged a free wedding dance for a large crowd at the Lynch ballroom. The Pinkermans departed Wed nesday. May 26 on their wedding trip to Ancorage, Alaska, where they will make their home. For traveling the bride wore a suit of navy blue with red accessor ies. i-— Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinkerman . . . wed in church cere mony al Spencer.—O'Neill Photo Co. There’s nothing like a salad to add zest to a meal ... to make it more enjoyable . . . and there is such an endless variety you can prepare. So serve them often for variety in your meals . . . for the health they give . . . and for the big savings you get now at the peak of the produce season! I LEAN MEATY PORK STEAK»491 mincE0HAnt3^$i PORK IVER2 ag lentonsos. 371 _._ Lb. 33c IKOOL-ADE.... 6 pkgs. 25c LIBBY PEAS.2 303 cans 37c STARK 1ST TUNA.Can 3$c SWEETHEART SOAP.4 bars 29c BREEZE.Pkg. 27c PT ANTPPrQ PEANUT BUTTER, jr. 29c CUDAHY'S TANG... Can 49c STOCKTON TOMATOES.... 2 cans 29c § • o o o o □ i ( i Carson Family Holds Reunion— Mr. and Mrs. Otis Carson and Jess Carson of Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Red Cloud departed for their homes Sunday afternoon, having attend ed a family reunion at the Ed ward Carson home. Mrs. Lottie Clabaugh departed Thursday for her home at Arvada, Wyo. This is the first time in seven years that all the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Edward Carson could be together, the previous reunion beiing held in Missouri in 1947. $110,000.00 — $110,000.00 — $110,000.00 — $110,000.00 $110,000.00 In the Past % Days! DR. EASON HOME in O’Neill MARION MYERS ACREAGE in Chambers ELMER KRUEGER HOME in Inman MULLEN QUARTER Near O’Neill HENRY SLADEK 520-Acre Farm EVERETT GORGEN 320-Acre Pasture YERLE DAVID HOME in Inman SUMMERLAND PAVILION Near Ewing henry McDowell 1,020-Acre Pasture THAT’S our real estate sales record completed by our firm since March 1, 1954. If you have real estate which you de sire to SELL, list your property with a firm that’s SELLING real estate continuously . List Your Property Today with: THORIN-BOWKER AGENCY - rhone ZU/ O’Neill $110,000.00 — $110,000.00 — $110,000.00 — $110,000.00 BROWN or POWDERED SUGAHS' /(?*" HAPPY HOUR COFFEE cl 99* J SLLO3pkgs.i 91 | COMO . TISSU€l23t I HOMOGENIZED SPHY3\t83i ..Vx: x xvXvX .. . . .. ....•••.;. .; x:x : •. x- x-x:x x:x .: ' x ' . •; x x:x< <. ' ' •• ♦* “* • % , _ RED DART PEACHES 4c“2 11 GERBER'S BABY FOOD /2c- I DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIX 3Fta.. 1 m mm REX OLSO 5lkit BEEF HUSH 5? I P0RK&BERI1S-J -r f: I ^ s ^ * !» g ^ .•<. . - " v. " ' mKmA PINK Grapefruit >« f«r 39c SLICING CII KES 3for 10c VINE RIPE Cantaloupe 19c EVER FRESH 2 PRGS. PEAS & CARROTS .... 25c LIBBY'S 2 CANS ORANGE JUICE.35c OCOMA CHICKEN PIES.. Pkg. 29c Among the collegians hcrne c<_ for the summer or a short stay are Mary Lu Head, Marde Bir mingham, Elizabeth Schaffer, Marilyn Johnson, Jack Gatz, Robert Hynes, Lorraine Simon son, and Helen Harty. _ c