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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1954)
Future Subscribers WALES—Mr and Mrs. Dale Wales of San Leandro, Calif., a daughter, weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces, born Friday, May 28, in San Leandro. Mrs. Wales is the former Gwen McKim. 'The ma ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. MeKirn of O’Neill. MAHON Y — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mahony of O’Neill, a son, Kevin Joseph, weighing 8 Mounds % ounce, born Thursday, May 27, at St. Anthony’s hosp ital, O’Neill. t>TRONG—Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strong of O’Neill, a son, James LaVem, weighing 8 pounds 6V4 ounces, born Friday, May 28, at St Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. BLY— Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Bly of Amelia, a son, Dennis Dean, weighing 7 pounds 3% ounces, born Friday, May 28, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. SLADEK—Mr. and Mrs. Ste phen Sladek of Atkinson, a son, weighing 8 pounds 5% ounces, born Saturday, May 29, at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. HUCKINS — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Huckins of Onida, S.D., a daughter, Rae E d a Pauline, weighing 5 pounds 11% ounces, born Sunday, May 30, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. KRAMER—Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kramer of O’Neill, a son, weigh ing 9 pounds 13 V4 ounces, born Tuesday, June 1, at St. An thony’s hsopital, O’Neill. BELLAR — Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Bellar of O’Neill, a son, weighing 7 pounds 4 *4 ounces, bom Tuesday, June 1, at St. An thony’s hospital, O’Neill. KAUP — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kaup of Stuart, a son, Philip v1 incel, bom Saturday, May 29. in Atkinson Memorial hospital. CAR DAMAGED Blake Benson damaged his car Wednesday night, May 26, when it overturned in a ditch north of O’Neill. The mishap was blamed on slippery roads. Too Late to Gassify TOR SALE: One 20-ft. Travelo trailer home, good condition. Cheap.—See Richard Doty, 20 mi. north and 3 west of O’ Neill. 5p35 FOR SALE: White saddle horse, j 5-yrs.-old, well-broke, will sell j at O’Neil’ Livestock Market i Thursday, June 10.—Emil Col-1 fack, Atkinson. 5p40 RANCH WANTED MUST HAVE good location, good buildings, able to run 60 70 cows year around. Please include all particulars in re ply. Box K. c/o Frontier STRAYED TO my place a white face heifer Saturday night— Jim Kelly, O,Neill, phone 145- J 5c Mrs. Sauers Is Luncheon Honoree— On Saturday, May 29, Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh and Mrs. H. S. Moses entertained 20 ladies at a 1 o’clock luncheon at the Osen baugh home honoring Mrs. Roy Sauers of California. A f t e; luncheon cards were played. Mrs. C. E. Lundgren won high; Mrs. Harold Lindberg, second high, and Mrs. L. F. Becken hauer, all-cut. Mrs. Sauers was presented a gift Sick & Injured STUART—Mrs. B. C. Engler, daughter Bernelda, and mother, Mrs. Mary Laible, accompanied Mrs. John Shald and son Dick to Grand Island on Thursday, May 27, where they visited John Shald and Don Engler at the Veterans hospital. Mr. Shald ex pects to return this week. Mr. Engler is in a wheel chair and will be hospitalized two more weeks. REDBIRD — Fred Truax, sr., spent a few hours at home Sat urday but became quite ill and returned to the hospital that evening. Ray Wilson called on Mr. Truax and George Syfie at the Lynch hospital Sunday eve ning. . . Donnie Wells, 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells, fell from a swing and broke his arm last Thursday. EWING—Cpl. Lewis L. Van dersnick, B-10, station hospital, Camp Chaffee, Ark., underwent surgery recently and would en joy hearing from some of his friends. His condition is satis factory. . . Mrs. Nellie Komer, who has been a surgical patient in an Omaha hospital, was able to return to her home in Ewing on Friday. AMELIA — Jackie Doolittle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Doo little, was a patient in the At kinson hospital several days last week. He had his tonsils remov ed and is feeling well enough to r.ttend Bible school this week. DELOIT — E. L. Sisson was able to leave the Neligh hospital where he had been hospitalized after a fall. . . G. A. Bauer has been receiving medical attention in Omaha. ATKINSON— Several stitches were required to close a hand wound suffered Wednesday, June 2, by Leroy Maring while setting pins at the new bowling alley. O’NEILL — J. J. Harrington, who has been ill at his home here for several years, was trans ferred by ambulance Friday to St. Vincent’s hospital, Omaha. CELIA — Mrs. Joe Hendricks returned home Saturday after noon after a week’s stay at St. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. EMMET — Mrs. Gilbert Fox returned home Saturday from the hospital after undergoing an operation. LYNCH—Earl Pritchett is a gain at his job at the F. U. ele vator following hospitalization in Omaha recently. Tune in . . . “Voice of The Frontier.” Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: May 26 — Ralph Spelts, jr., Lynch; Rev. Kenneth Carl, O’Neill; Mrs. Steve Sladek, Atkinson. 27—R. G. Clinkscales, O’Neill; Adolph Zahl, Stuart; Mrs. Glenn Miller, O’Neill; Mi chael Perry, O’Neill; Mrs. Char les Mahony, O’NeilL 28— Mrs. Earl H. Strong, O’Neill; Mrs. Dwayne W. Bly, Amelia; Mrs. M. A. Wood, Bassett. 29 — Mrs. Harold Benson, O’Neill; William Zimmerman, Ewing. 30—Daniel Gilstrap, O’Neill; Marion L. Jen sen, Stuart; Mrs. Ralph Huckins, Onida, S.D.; Alice Scofield, O’ Neill. 30 — Mrs. Joseph Bellar, O’Neill; Allen LeRoy Hall, Page; Mrs. Harold Summers, Venus; Ed Harvey, Chambers. June 1— Mrs. E. W. Kramer, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Donlin, O’Neill; Mrs. Har rv Mitchell, Atkinson; Mrs. Frank Sullivan, O’Neill; Johnny Oetter, O’Neill. 2—Joellen Ken nedy, Page. Dismissals: May 26—Mrs. Don Myers, Stuart. 27—Mrs. Wesley Riffey and baby girl, O’Neill; ; Mrs. Gilbert Fox, Emmet. 28 — Mrs. Fred Lorenz, Inman; Joe | Niezgocki, Atkinson. 29 — Rev. Kenneth Carl, O’Neill; Herman W. Block, Venus. 30—Mrs. Earl H. Strong, O’Neill; Harry Lans worth, O’Neill; R. G. Clinkscales, O’Neill; Michael Perry, O’Neill: Adolph Zahl, Atkinson. 31—Mrs. Leonard Fox, Orchard; Daniel Gust rap, u Weill. June 1— Mrs. Charles Mahony and baby boy, O’Neill; Mrs. Dwayne W. Bly and baby boy, Amelia; Mrs. Har old Benson, O’Neill; Mrs. Glenn Miller, O’Neill; M. J. Wallace, O’Neill; Mrs. Harold Summers, Venus. 2 — Bonnie Burival, O’ Neill; William Zimmerman, Ew ing; Joe Schwartz, Spencer. Hospitalized: Johnny Oetter, O’Neill; Ralph Speltz, jr., Lynch Allen LeRoy Hall, Page; John O’Conner, O’Neill; Mrs. Lois Ad ams, Chambers; Mrs. Mary Gra ham. O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Mullen, O’Neill; Joellen Kennedy, Pago; Mamie Shoemaker, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Donlin, O’Neill; Mrs. Jo seph Bellar, O’Neill; Mrs. Ralph Huckins, Onida, S.D.; Homer Asher, O’Neill; Mrs. E. W. Kra mer, O’Neill: Mrs. Edward mpbell, O’Neill; Mrs. Steve Sladek, Atkinson; Ed Harvey, Chambers; Alice Scofield, O’ Neill; Mrs. Frank Sullivan, O’ Neill; Mrs. Harry Mitchell, At kinson; Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. M. A. Wood, Bassett; Mrs. Elmer Michaelis, Inman. SACRED HEART (Lynch) Hospitalized: Mrs. Frank Kahl, Spencer, medical, satisfactory; Mrs. Kermit Rhodman, Gross, medical, satisfactory; Carl Keel er, Anoka, medical, good; Fred T r u a x, Redbird, satisfactory; Lloyd Mills, Lynch, good; Jerry Kaplan, Verdel, good; Marion Borrall, Butte, satisfactory; Mrs. Emma Theissen, Lynch, satisfac tory; Master Gregory Nolan, Ni obrara, surgical, good; Mrs. Vin cent Jehorek, Lynch, medical, good; Mrs. Henry Eilers and ba by boy, Spencer, good; Mrs. Ed Whetham, Lynch, medical, sat isfactory; Mrs. Francis Schrunk, Lynch, medical, surgical, goou; Mrs. Christina Klein, Bonesteel, S.D., medical, improving; Mrs. Chris Neumiller, Naper, medical, satisfactory. Dismissals: Albert Reed, Vet del; Mrs. James Wiley, Dorsey; Mrs. William Sholes, Buhl, Ida.; Mrs. Albert Schindler, Monowi; Mrs. Joseph Pfeifer, Spencer; Mrs. Frank Gehlsen and baby girl, Lynch, Mrs. Harold Haun and baby boy, Spencer; Master Leo Schulte, Fairfax, S.D.; Mis. Anna Hansen, Tilden; Will Hoff man, Bristow; James Wiley, Dorsey; Miss Marvene May, Monowi; Herman Ellermeier, Spencer; Mrs. Adolph Soukup, Bristow; George Syfie, O’Neill; Lawrence Burley, Spencer; Mrs. W. W. Kubena and baby girl, Butte. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admissions: May 2b--Mrs. Ag nes Schmit of Atkinson; Miss Patricia Seger of Atkinson. 27 Ivlrs. Herman McDaniels of At kinson. 28—Mrs. Dean Funk. 29 Mrs. Paul Kaup of Stuart. 30 — Herbert Stevens of Atkinson. 31 —Donnie Skrdla of Atkinson; Charles Deermer of Atkinson. June 2—Mrs. Leonard Olberding of Stuart. Dismissals: May 27—Mrs. Art Schroetlin and son of Butte. 28 —Mrs. Mary Schmit of Atkin son. 29— Patricia Seger of At kinson; Mrs. Joe Hendricks of Atkinson; Mrs. Victor Chisholm of Atkinson; O. R. Colwell tf Long Pine. 30 — Mrs. Russel Jleuton of Atkinson. 31 — Mrs. Amelia Hoffman of Atkinson; Mrs. Nick Bonenberger and daughter of Atkinson. June 1 — Donnie Skrdla o f Atkinson; Charles Deermer of Atkinson. MARRIAGE LICENSES Charles L. Hartgrave, 24, of Ainsworth, and Margie J. Bux ton, 17, of Long Pine, May 28. They were married by County judge Louis W. Reimer follow ing issuance of the license. Alta Case of Long Pine and Morris Sherman of Ainsworth were the witnesses. Harold J. Grof, 31, of Atkin son, and Josephine Wewel, 20, of Atkinson, May 27. Gene W. Roberts, 27, of O’ Neill, and Ellen May Burda, 19, of O’Neill, May 28. James Bryson Scott, 23, of Lincoln, and Mary Augusta Ob ermire, 19, of Stuart, May 28. Dewayne Borg, 21, of O'Neill, and Maxine Bauer, 22, of Ewing, May 29. . James Floyd Conway, 22, of Cleveland, O., and Sally Ann Christon, 20, of Ewing, June 1. Omahans Here— Mrs. Nora Quilty and daugh ter, Grace, of Omaha visited over the weekend with Miss Elizabeth O’Malley and other relatives. Mrs. Quilty and Miss O’Malley are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steskal and their daughter went to Norfolk Sunday and returned home Tues day night. * Minnie Gamel, 56, Dies from Injuries (Continued from page 1) ty from Bloomfield in 1917. Survivors include: Sons—San ford H. of Cedar Rapids, Lester of Ewing, Pat Earl of Winner, S.D., Edwaid William of Stant on; daughters—Mrs. Ralph (Et ta) Van Buren of Wisner; Mrs. Jerome (Frances) Ford of O’ Neill; Mrs. Fred (lone) Howard of Stanton, Mrs. Robert (Shirley) dart of Page; brothers— Elmer and Walter Buskirk, both of San Bernadino, Calif., Carl Buskirk of Bayard, William Buskirk of Creighton, John Buskirk of Lin coln; sisters—Mrs. Joe Ballard of Center, Mrs. Otto Apking of j Randolph; Mrs. Fred Tweedy of I Creighton, Mrs. John Lucas of I San Bernadino, Calir.; 36 grand hildren. Pallbearers were Harvey Cu1 len, Soren Sorensen, Elmer Cla sey, LaVeme Van Connett, Her man Dimmitt and Glenn Stew art Dance Recital Is Planned— A dance recital will be held on Friday, June 4, at the O’ Neill public school auditorium under the direction of Mrs. W. D. Melena. Fifty children will take part in the program. The program will feature box shoe, tap, Irish, clown, Negro, military and novelty dances. The dancers will appear in cos tume. The proceeds will go to the Brownie scout troops of O’Neill. DRIVER'S DATE Next date for issuing driver's licenses at the Holt county courthouse is Tuesdav June 15. Young Winner of Alternate Award Miss Alice Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young of O’Neill, failed to receive the cov eted $150 scholarship in 4-H club timely topics statewide speech competition at Lincoin. But she received the first alter nate award for girls. Miss Young and Gary Hoi comb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Holcomb of Chambers, dis trict speech winners, competed during the 4-H club week activi ties. Caroline Skopec won a trip to club week on her food preserva tion project work. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Skopec of Stuart. Kay Dvorak won a trip by virtue of her work on a health project. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Dvorak of Atkinson. Family Reunion Held at Kirkland Home— Mr. and Mrs. R. Zimmerle and son, David, of San Diego, Calif., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kirkland, ror two weeks. They left for their home last Thursday. While they were here a family reunion and noon dinner were held at the W. S. Kirkland home on Wednesday, May 26. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. f>. Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs. R. Zim merle and David, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Kirkland and Lucille of Atkinson, Mrs. Kate Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cochrans and Nancy of Atchison, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Den nison and Delene of Albuquer que, N.M. Mrs. Kate Kirkland is H. V. Kirkland’s mother and Mrs. Cochran and Mrs. Dennison are his daughters. Young Men Failing to Register— Young men reaching the age of 18 years are required by law to register at the selective service board office within five days after their 18th birthdaycanniver sary. This was pointed out this week by Mrs. .W. H. Harty of O’Neill, chief clerk for the Holt county board. Failure to register may result in penalties. The Holt board on Tuesday, May 25, attended a regional in structional meeting held at Nor folk. L Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bredehoef were their daughter, A /2c Lois M. Brede hoeft of Maxwell AFB, Alabama, and their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tomlin son of Grand Island. Only One More Week! ^954 MODELS/" I Greatest Saving Opportunity in ELGIN'S 90-Year History ENDS SOON I Buy Now For Gift Giving and SAVEI Offer good only until Juno 5 VAIEINE lord tlqin ALDRIDGE DONORA 17 jewels. Nylon cc'd. 21 irwels. 14* eold tilled. 19 jewels Hk gold Regular Price $37 50 Reg. oner $71.50 (regular Price $71.50 MOW ONIY $3000 NOW ONLY $5720 NOW ONLY $5720 IfflfflT*1 P1" " " 1 .R— SHIIIY FERN f AIRIANKS 17 jewels. Curved crystal 19 jewels. Nylon eerd. 17 tewers Sell-winding. Regular Price Si. 50 Regular Price J71.50 Regular Price J69.50 NOW ONLY $3<JOO ' NpW ONIY $5720 NOW ONIY $5560 Pricer ind. Fed. To* __ McIntosh Jewelry — O’Neill — o EVERY ELGIN hat Guaranteed DURAPOWER MAINSPRING Tht Heart That Never BreaAs I DON’T FORGET TO COMPARE THESE — t? •* « n H | 1 : a i jj g ; ii lx if 1 H :: • M m JJ ♦♦ It M it PICNIC SPECIALS SUM - R - AID ALL FLAVORS 8-0z, Bottle..29c OUR FAMILY .... SWEET PICKLES 8-0z, Jar... 23c OUR FAMILY PEANUT BUTTER 14-0z. Jar.35c H DIAMOND | PAPER PLATES | Doz. IS0 SILK - PAPER | NAPKINS.Pkg. 15c ♦♦ - ^ ™ QUALITY MEATS BEEF STEAK 2 lbs $1.00 ALL MEAT WIENERS 3 Lbs. for.51.00 WHITINO 2 Lbs... 29c IQ Lb. Bx..... $1.35 BACON Lb. 55c FRESH, ICE-PACKED FRYERS 8» i. $1.091 SNACK BAR SPECIALS RICH. CREAMY MALTED MILKS ALL FLAVORS U Only.Ea. 20c 1 ♦♦ ALL FLAVORS SUNDAES.Ea. 20c j SNO - CREME 25c Pc 50c Qt. 1 CONES.5c - 10c 0 COLD MEAT or SALAD SANDWICHES Only.. Ea. 25c I ICE COLD POP, All flavors.8C I 1 GOOD QUALITY MINCED HAM I 3 Lbs- ^ ... $1.00 u BULK VANILLA I g ICE CREAM | lh Gallon Only .59c | 3 CANNED FOOD SPECIALS OUR FAMILY FRUIT COCKTAIL ! 2 No. 303 Cans..49c » GOLDEN VALLEY APRICOTS | 2 No. 2i Cans.§9C : GOLDEN VALLEY ! PEAS.... 2 No. 303 cans 29c J OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT JUICE j 2 46-Oz. Cans.49c FRESH TOMATOES 2 Lbs for.35c DELICIOUS CANTALOUPE Only 19c Each SNO-CROP FROZEN PEAS or CORN 2 Pkgs, for..39c DELICIOUS APPLES 3 Lb. Bag..49c WEEK END SPECIALS SUGAR.5-lb. bag 49c SOUTHERN MAID OLEO. 3 lbs. 69c y PLEAS - MOR \\ MARS* 2 Pkgs. for NORTHERN TOILET TISSUE 3 Rolls for.25c DOUGH BOY FLOUR 25 Ub. Bag.$1.89 « Grocery Phone No. 593 mm pp pg p^ pp Prices Effective June 3-4-5 NUTRENA p F F D S FOXBILT I For Your Poultry Hogs and Cattle A Complete Line of QUALITY FEEDS Priced to Sell tt - 1 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR FEEDING COSTS H POULTRY FEEDS I CHICK STRARTER CRUMBLES PULLET GROWER CRUMBLES 20% EGG CRUMBLES 27% BALANCER CRUMBLES 8 CHICK & HEN SCRATCH GRAINS STOCK-GRO — PILOT OYSTER SHELL HOG FEEDS CREEP 20 PIG STARTER SHOAT 40 PELLETS REGULAR 40% BALANCER PELLETS TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL BRAN — SHORTS — MINERALS SEMI-SOLID and POWDERED BUTTERMILK CATTLE FEEDS CALF STARTER PELLETS CALF GROWER PELLETS g 16 & 22% BEEFCAKE PELLETS SOYBEAN MEAL — PELLETS g 16 & 32% DAIRY MIXING FEEDS CUDAHY ALL-PURPOSE MINERAL g H _ We Offer You a QUANTITY DISCOUNT on All Our Feeds | ♦♦ ^—————————————-- . _ H • * CASH FOR H ■ ■ ■ M ■■ ■ 0* CASH FOR I ™ SHELHAMERS P0™ I E«S SUPER MARKET I H trtttttttttttttt ................ttTTT.Tfttrr.ftt . U