Legal Notice ORDINANCE NO. 280-A « “AN ORDINANCE CREAT ING STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER SIXTEEN IN THE CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA; DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR THE o CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS THEREIN.” BE IT ORDAINED 3Y THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA; Section 1. There is hereby cre ated within said City of O’Neill, Nebraska, Street Improvement District number Sixteen, which shall have the outer boundaries and area described and estab lished as follows; Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 12 in Block 34 Or iginal Town of O’Neill, running thence North to the Northwest comer of Lot 4 in Block 27 of -Original Town of O’Neill, thence s Northwesterly to the Southeast o comer of Lot 28 in Block 22 of Original Town of O’Neill, thence a North to the Northeast corner of ° Lot 21 in said Block 22 of Or iginal Town of O’Neill, thence North to the Southwest comer ° of Lot 8 in Block 22 of Original Town of O’Neill, thence East to the Southeast comer of Lot 1 in oBlock 24 of Original Town of O’ Neill, thence North to the North east comer of Lot 16 in Block 13 of the Original Town of O’Neiil, thence West to the Northwest comer of Lot 12 in Block A of O’Neill & Hagerty’s Addition to “the Town of O’Neill, thence South to the Southwest corner oi I&t 16 in, Block 39 in Rigg s Addition to the Town of O’Neill, thence East to the Southwest corner of Lot 8 in Block 21 of Original Town of O’Neill, thence Southeasterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 21 in said Block ?1 o of Original Town of O’Neill, -thence oSouth to the Southwest o corner of Lot 28 in Block 21 of Original Town of O’Neill, thence Southwesterly to the North o-v-est corner of Lot 4 in Block p28 of Original Town of O’Neill, 3 tfence South to the Southwest comer of Lot 13 in Block 28 of Ongial Town of O’Neill, thence Southeasterly to the Northwest < orner of Lot 1 in Fahy’s Sub o division of Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16 in Block 33 of Original Town of O’Neill, thence South to the Southwest comer of Lot 14 in Fahy’s Subdivision of Lots 1, 2, 3, 14, 15, 16 in Block 33 of Or ° iginal Town of O’Neill, running thence East to the point of be ginning. The streets t8 be improved -within said District are Fourth o Street from the North line of Grant Street to the North line orf Douglas Street; and, Douglas Street from the West line of Seventh Street to the East line Harrison Street. o The improvements which will be made in said District will consist of grading, curbing, re eurbing, guttering, reguttering, paving, repaving, widening ex isting paving on streets and al leys and intersections, or parts thereof, construct sidewalks, and improve the sidewalk space, and other incidental woTk thereto, and otherwise improving said streets, in accordance with plans and specifications to be adopted by the Mayor and City of said City. Section 2. Said street improve o ments in said Street Improve ment District No. 16, shall be made at public cost, but special assessments will be levied on the property especially benefited thereby, proportionate to the benefits, as provided by law. Section 3. It is hereby found, determined, and declared that the said Fourth Street and the said Douglas Street, and the por tions thereof included in said District, are the main thorough fares in the City of O’Neill, Ne braska, and that the said Fourth Street and the portion thereof contained within said Street Im provement District No. 16, in its entirety forms a part of the State of Nebraska Highway Sys tem, being a part of State and Federal Highway No. 281; and, that the said Douglas Street and the portion thereof contained within said Street Improvement District in its entirety forms a part of the State of Nebraska Highway System, being a part of State and Federal Highways No. 275 and No. 20, and that bcth the said Fourth Streets and Douglas Street connect with and form a part of the State of Ne braska Highway system on each of the ends of the portions of said Streets which are to be im proved hereby. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage according to law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of April, 1954. J. E. DAVIS Mayor. Attest: O. D. FRENCH City Clerk. (SEAL) NOTCE OF BOND ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the School District of the City of O’Neill in the County of Holt in the State of Nebraska, that by the consent of a majority of the members of the Board of Educa tion of said District, an election has been called and will be held on May 18, 1954, at which elec tion there will be submitted to the qualified electors of said District the following proposi tion: “Shall the School District of the City of O’Neill in the County of Holt in the State of Nebraska, issue the bonds of said District in the amount of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80, 000.00) for the purpose of building a school house and lurnishing the necessary fur niture and apparatus for the same for said District; said bonds to become due at such time as may be fixed by the Board of Education at tne time of their issuance but m not exceeding ten (10) years from their date, provided, however, any or all of said bonds shall be redeemable at the option of the District at any time on or after five 1 vears from the date of issue, said bonds to bear interest from their date of issue at not to exceed the legal rate, pay able one year after date and semi-annually thereafter, and “Shall the Board of Educa tion of said District cause to be levied and collected an nually against the taxable property of said District a taK sufficient foT the payment of the interest and principal of said bonds as the same become due?” _ -—-1 GILLIGAN'S X With One Purpose: To Serve You INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL | Purse Packs-Reg. 2.25 NOW 1.25 Includes Deodorant Stick and Cologne Stick 3 Springwood — Cara Nome — White Mink O _ rv. .. "" FUNGI-REX.For Athlete’s Foot Effective relief for this discomfort PICNIC SUPPLIES We have a full line of picnic supplies, including vacuum bot ! tii anT jugs ... in pint, quart, half-gallon and gallon sizes ° The Swimming Season Is Close at Hand WE HAVE A NICE ASSORTMENT OF Goggle* — Swimming Fin* 0° Nose & Ear Plug* l^riced Right! _____ ----— - -———l^—————»A Mr. Farmer & Rancher! I D |||| We have the new CABLE OILER for controlling » horn flies. Shows you an illustration on the label M and gives you complete directions for building your || oiler. ■ Come in and Ask About... THE KILLER An entirely new way of controlling flies and other pests - the home, farm buildings and milk sheds. Works off any 110-v. outlet. o __ MR. HOG GROWER! We have AUREOMYCIN T.F. 3oo Contains aureomycin with the B-12. One of the important 0 vitamins for growth and blood builder. Helps prevent scour ing heavier pigs at weaning time and faster growth. Helps rr"ke pigs out of runts. Ofily _*0'— - 2.25 Lb. We have ointment that is very useful for keeping flies off open wounds and stops livestock from biting their owri wounds. o o ————————————■ 111 The ballots to be voted upon and cast at said election shall have printed thereon the forego ing proposition, followed by the words: FOR said bonds and tax ( ) AGAINST said bonds and tax ( ) Qualified electors who desire to vote in favor of said proposi- j tion will indicate the same by | marking an "X” in the square1 following the words "FOR said bonds and tax.” Qualified elect ors who desire to vote against said proposition will indicate same by marking an “X” in the square following the words “AGAINST said bonds and tax.” The polling places for said election shall be in the regular voting places in the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska, as follows: FIRST WARD — Assembly Room of the Court House. SECOND WARD— Marcellus Garage. THIRD WARD—City Hall. Voters of the School District who reside outside the city lim its shall vote at the First Ward in the Assembly Room of the Court House. The polls shall be open con tinuously from eight o’clock A.M. to eight o’clock P.M. The Secretary of the Board shall furnish to voters request ing the same, ballots to be voted by mail as provided by law. By order of the said Board of Education, this 20th day of Ap ril, 1954. H. J. LOHAUS President IRA H. MOSS Secretary 51-2c (First-pub. Apr. 22, 1954) William W. Griffin, Att’y NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 3886 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF WALTER SPANGLER, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship,, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of fi nal account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on May 12, 1954, at 10 o’ clock, A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 51-lc Sunday-School Sponsors Easter Egg Hunt— CHAMBERS — Forty - eight children, teachers and substitute teachers of the primary depart ment of the Methodist Sunday school enjoyed a party and Eas ter egg hunt at the church par lors Saturday, April 17. Games and contests of various kinds constituted the afternoon’s entertainment. The tables were nicely decorated in the Easter theme. Each child was served a cup cake with ice cream and a chocolate rabbit. Other Chambers News Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Hansberry drove to Ong Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr. Bry ant, who went to his home at Carlton for a short visit. Mrs. Naomi Wilson and son, Douglas, of Chadron were week end guests of her uncle and j aunt, Mrs. Andrew Gilbert. < Ewing News Mr. and Mrs Walter Tressler and family of Ogaialla bi ought ner lamer, M. H. Dierks, to nis home in Ewing on Friday and re mained to spend the holiday weekend with relatives. l-vi. and Mrs.- George Pick of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., were guests on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davies and daughter, Mane, spent Eas ter day at Plainview visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and daughters, Leola and Nila, at tended the Easter sunrise service held on the hillside facing the east, aoout nine miles from Butte. Rev. Vance Anderson was in charge. Special musical select ion were given by a quartet. The Carys were breakfast guests at the home of Rev. Chester Ander son following the services. Mrs. Nellie Komer was hostess at a family dinner held at her heme on Easter Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler, Richard and Rosalie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan and sons. J. B. Spittler spent Easter day with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. King Spittler and family at Wisner. Easter Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle were her mother, Mrs. Vera Anson and Lyle of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Anson and Dennie, Mr. and Mrs. Vance But ler and family, all of Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel have purchased the Gail Boies property now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and fam ily. Possession will be given after school is out. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gibson and family spent Easter at the home of her brother, Herbert Nielson at Inman, where a family party was held honoring their son, Pvt. Harold Neilson, who is home on furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King and family left for their hcme at Aurora, 111., on Tuesday after spending the holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Grace Briggs. Recent guests at the John Arc her home were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Archer, and family of Grand Island. They also called at the Ralph Munn home. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Gunter and children and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shrader and family were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and family. Miss Ina Bennett and her guests. Mrs. Ruth Waples and daughters and Mrs. Mrs. Ruth Ann Groski and daughter of Lin coln, were entertained Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett. Other guests were Mrs. Flora Young and Wilmer and James Bennett, all of Orchard, Mrs. May Shrader and Wayne of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Ut terback of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tressler of Ogaallala &nd Mrs. Wilda Carr of Holdrege were 6 o’clock dinner guests of Mr. Joe Gallagher in O’Neill Saturday evening. The Misses Fern Pruden and Ina Bennett served refreshments at the Jepthath chapter EOS meeting Tuesday, April 14. Merton Dierks and sister, Sandra, went to Omaha Saturday to get Miss Mary Alys Dierks, who had a day off from her dut ies at St. Catherine’s hospital Pvt. Robert Pruden is home on furlough from Ft. Riley, Kans. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and sons and Miss Marilyn Weyhrich were guests for Easter dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yellie and family. On Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pollock and daughter, Patsy, Mrs. James PcJlock and son, Norman, were 1 o’clock dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum. Guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Bomer are his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bomer, who are enroute to their home at Des Moines, la., after spending the last five months at Cental City, Tex. Rev. W. J. Bomer gave the ser mon at the 6:30 o’clock sunrise service on Easter Sunday held at the Evangelcal United Brethen church at Orchard. During the devotional hour, Miss Sally Christon. also of Ewing, gave a rhalk talk on the “Resurrection”. Breakfast was served following the service. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard, who have spent the winter in Florida, arrived in Ewing on Wednesday, April 14. While vacationing, they made their home in a trailer house which they brought with them. Miss Jennie Brown left Monday from Grand Island for California where she will visit her aged mother and other relatives for an indefinite period. Before leaving Nebraska, she visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Funk and family near Ewing and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jce Hintz and other relatives. Mrs. Harriet Welke had as her guests on Easter Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke and family of Page. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Schmiser and family, all of Ewing, and Miss Vaulda Welke of Holdrege. Mrs. Anna Smith Is Hostess— INMAN— Mrs. Anna Smith entertained the Inman Coffee club at her country home on Wednesday, April 14. Mrs. F. E. Keyes and Mrs. E. E. Keyes and daughter, Donna, of Valentine came for the occasion. Mrs. Keyes was assistant hostess and a covered dish luncheon was en joyed. Mrs. W C. Kelley had charge or a short business session fol lowing dinner, after which a so cial time was enjoyed. JOINS ANGUS GROUP Virgil L. Laursen and sons of O’Neill have been elected to membership in the American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders’ as sociation at Chicago, 111., accord ing to Secretary Frank Richards. Mr. Laursen and sons were cine of five purebred Aberdeen - An gus breeders from Nebraska elected to membership during the past month. Visit Emmet. Inman— Al/c and Mrs. Charles Marsten and daughter were guests Sat urday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Conard in Emmet. Saturday night they visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ho mey South and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Davis in Inman. —- — Kebekahs Convene— INMAN — Arbutus Rebekah lodge met Wednesday evening, April 14. at the IOOF hall for a regular meeting. Mrs. Verle David, noble grand, was m charge. Frontie- lor printing! ■ I ♦♦ i I Aft r-Easter SALE! | New Fashions . . . Prices Cut to Sell Out Fast! | COME EARLY! Ladies' DRESSES ONE GROUP..$4 ONE GROUP.$7 ONE GROUP.:. $9 [ Ladies'Spring COATS & TOPPERS E ONE GROUP.$12 | ONE GROUP.$16 1 ONE GROUP.$23 j Ladies' SUITS I SI I ONE GROUP.$16 ONE GROUP.$23 I ! ft tt ! !♦ tt Stuart Nips 3 Other Holt Foes -■ — — j , Balers Press Closely in Quadrangular STUART—Stuart high school was winner in a quadrangular track meet here Thursday after noon, April 16, by a one-half point margin. The scoring: Stu art, 41.5; Atkinson, 41; Ewing, 35; St. Joseph’s hall (Atkinson), 8.5. Individual results: Broad jump — Shald, Stuart, first; Peterson, Stuart, second; Pruden, Ewing, third; Frickel, Atkinson, fourth. Distance— 17 feet IVz inches. High hurdle—Frickel, Atkin son, first; Anderson, Atkinson, second; Lee, St. Joe, third; D. Brewster, Stuart, fourth. Time— 18.9. 100-yard dash — Gibson, Ew ing, first; Withers, Atkinson, second; Hobbs, Ewing, third; Phipps, Atkinson, fourth. Time —10.9. 180 low hurdles—Frickel, At kinson, first; Lee, St. Joe, sec ond; Anderson, Atkinson, third; D. Brewster, Stuart, fourth. Time—2.3. Shotput—Hobbs, Ewing, first; Schmaderer, Stuart, second; Gibson, Ewing, third; Wewel, Stuart, fourth. Distance—39 feet 10 inches. 880-yard— Timmermans, Stu art, first; D. Brewster, Stuart, second; Spes, Ewing, third; Purtzer, Atkinson, fourth. Time —2:05.4. 220 - yard — Gibson, Ewing, first; Withers, Atkinson, second; Phipps, Atkinson, third; Koenig, Ewing, fourth. Time—24.9. High jump — Wewel, Stuart, first; Brewster, Stuart, second; Small, Atkinson, third; Miller, St.m Joe, and Shald, Stuart, tied for fourth. Height 5 feet 3 inch es. Discus— Gibson, Ewing, first; Mulford, Atkinson, second; Schmaderer, Stuart, third; We wel, Stuart, fourth. Distance — 109 feet 10 inches. Mile — Timmermans, Stuart, first; A. Brewster, Stuart, sec ond; Reber, Atkinson, third; Henneson, Ewing, fourth. Time —5:23.9. 440 - yard — Pruden, Ewing, f'l'st; Bouska, St. Joe, second; Garwood, Atkinson, third; Hobbs, Ewing, fourth. Time — l 59.3. Relay—Atkinson, first; Ewing, second; Stuart, third; St. Joe, fourth. Time—1:43. Emmet News Mr. and Mrs. William Newton and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Clouse of ONeill. Misses Leona Beckwith and Vesta Colter of Chambers, Kenny Ruggles, and Ray Angus of Clearwater went to Sioux City to attend the ice show. Gary Buckmaster of Fremont was a Sunday dinner guest at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and family. Tage Young Set Home for Easter— PAGE—Many of the young people of Page who are attending college or have employment a way from here returned to Page for their Easter vacation. Those who came from Lincoln included the Misses Jo Anne Braddock, Joyce, Elaine and Lor raine Clasey, Roxana Simmons and Marlene Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Summers, Carroll French, Lionel Ickes, William Zempel and Jimmie Ballatyne. Miss Ruth Parks came from Grand Island; Mrs. Norman Trowtbridge from Plainview. Robert Sorenson and Ronald Park frc«n Wayne. Mrs. C. E. Jones returned from Polk Friday. She had spent the week there visiting her sister, Mrs. Esther Morgan. A new easy on-easy off, slip-on = •trap style, a winner! THE FEDWIN home stretch Fedwin presents thin odds-on favor* ite—with popt» lar, long-wearing, cush-n-crepe soles and heels. New comfort, flexibility and fit. Here now, I As odwrthnd in TRUE |/ll ® 1 YOUNG IDEAS IN SHOES WIDTHS: B. C & D SIZES: 6J4 to 11 9.95 SBORNE’S SHOE STORE “North-Central Nebraska’s Finest’’ DAIRY COW DISPERSION SALE O’Neill Livestock Market ; O’Neill, Nebr. • In Connection with Regular Sale on — Thursday, APRIL 29th OFFERING INCLUDES: o Entire Herd of Dairy Cows COMPLETE DISPERSION O All Holsteins, most of them purebred. All of these cows originated in Wisconsin or Minnesota 5—COWS, age 5 and under 3 fresh now, 2 to freshen soon 8—HEIFERS. 2-yrs.-oId Some fresh now, balance to freshen soon 3-Yearling HEIFERS Fresh in the Fall \/> 1—Purebred BULL THE HEIFERS in this sale are all sired by a bull purchased in Illinois as a yearling for $825 c Surge MILKING MACHINE o machine, good as new O _ THIS WILL be the best herd of Holstein Cows ever offered to the public in the O Neill territory. °They’re all high pro ducing cows. If you are looking for the best in dairy cows, don’t miss this sale. Terms: Cash. L10YD GIBSON, Owner o m —— ——■——— O’NEILL, NEBR. . (Gibson premises located one-fourth mile east of sale barn) I