The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 22, 1954, Page 4, Image 4

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    Rock Falls News
Fritz Yantzi called Tuesday,
April 13, at the Levi Yantzi
r Hugh Langan called Friday at
the Dave Moler home.
Sunday guests at the Dave
Moler home were Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Baker and family of Atkin
son, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Moler
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sullivan and family, Mr. ai»d
Mrs. Laurence Murray and fam
ily. Dave and John Langan of
Spencer were supper guests.
Mr. and Mrs.* Bill Yantzi and
family of Chadron spent tne
weekend visiting at the homes
eof their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Yantzi and Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Gokie of Atkinson, return
ing home on Monday.
Lois Ann Peterson spent Sun
day at the Joe Stein home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Benson of
Omaha spent the weekend at
tile home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Blake Benson. c
Mr. and Mrs- Sammie Derick -
son called Wednesday evening,
April 14, at the home of Mr. and
cMrs. Donald Stems.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson,
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Benson cf
Omaha and Mrs. Hugh O Ne d
were Sunday dinner guests at
Jthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Hu ih
Benson of O’Neill.
Mrs. Lloyd Gallagher and Pat
called Monday afternoon at the
Levi Yantzi home.
Mrs. Hugh O’Neill spent the
o weekend at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Blake Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yantzi and
family called at the Levi Yantzi
home Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler
spent Saturday evening at tue
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fran*
Russy Johnson spent the
weekend with , his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson,
o Mr and Mrs. John Schultz
and girls were Sunday supper
guests at the hornc of Mr. and,
Mrs. °Floyd Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Claussen,
Mane • Lewis and Eddie Ether
ington were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Don Drickey of Spencer.
Mr and Mrs. James Curran
and Ardelf called Wednesday
evening, April 14, at the Franc.s
Curran home. o
Sunday dinner guests at the
Albert Stein home were Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Sterns and family,
Mr and Mrs. Elmer Slaymaicer
and afmily and Doris Stems of
Lincoln. 0
Mr and Mrs. Lyle Vequist ana
° family called Thursday evenmg,
April 15, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jim McNulty.
Mrs. Floyd Johnson was a
Thursday, April 15, supper guest
at the Don Breiner home.
Saturday callers at the Lyle
Vequist home were Henry Ve
quist, Raymond and Don.
Among those who attended
the stock car races Sunday at
Stuart were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. John
Schultz and girls, Pat Galle
gher and Herb Underwood.
Floyd Johnson visited Sunday
with Clyde Johnson.
Mrs. Glen Bailey of Los Ange
les, Calif., arrived here to visit
her mother, Mrs. Theresa Brein
er, and her brother and s’sttr
and other relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Dale Curran and
family and George Curran were
Friday supper and evening
guests at the James Curran
home. „
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beem and
grandson of Ravina, S.D., were
Friday callers at the Bill Claus
sen home.
Floyd Johnson and L/nda
called Thursday evening, April
15, at the Aldon Breiner home.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Francis Curran home were Mr
and Mrs. James Curran and Ar
deU, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott, Mr
and Mrs. Bob Larson and family,
Randy and Judy Curran.
Sunday callers at the Don
Breiner home were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Murray and Sharon and
Mrs. Gordon Johnson and Russv.
Maurice Grutsch and Gus
Karel helped Ardell Curran saw
wood Monday. Mrs. Gus Karel
visited Mrs. James Curran.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Johnny Grutsch home were Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Grutsch and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ve
quist and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Pongratz and family,
Celia Grutsch, Mr. and Mrs.
John Grutsch, Elwin and Mau
rice, Mrs. Protivinsky, Mr. and
Mrs! Harry Lansworth and Joan,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNulty and
Donna. _ ,
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson
spent Monday afternoon at the
hospital with their daughter,
Lynda, who is a patient there.
They were guests at the tfiif
Murray home, visiting friends
from California. Also present
were Theresa Breiner and Don.
Joe Yantzi spent the past
week, with his grandmother,
Mrs. Levi Yantzi, while Levi
was in the St. Anthony’s hospi
tal. 0 ’
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll of
Atkinson were Sunday callers
at the BiU Widtfeldt home.
Annie Brown was a dinner
guest Friday at the Bill Widt
feldt home.
■■ 1
Easter dinner guests at the
Lou Brown home included Mr.
and Mrs. Arlen Brown and fam
ily, Mr, and Mrs. Evan Lane and
boys of Newport, Mrs. Ethel
Brown of Atkinson, Fred Storm,
jr., and Andy Styute of Cham
Collegiate Set
Home for Easter
Among the collegiate crowd
home for the Easter holiday
From St. Mary’s college, Om
aha: Helen Harty, daughter of
Mrs. W. H. Harty, and Jean
Bosn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Bosn.
Creighton university studems
here were Jack Gatz, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Gatz; Robert
Hynes, son of Mrs. John Hynes;
John O’Neill, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur O’Neill, and Mary
Lu Head, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Head.
From Duchesne college, Oma
ha, were Lorraine Simonson and
Mary Lu Wilson, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Simonson and
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, ie
Bemadetate Hynes, daugntor
of Mrs. Leona Hynes; Nancy Be
ha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Beha, and Rosemary Cork
le, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Corkle, came from St.
Mary college, Xavier, Kans. Ma
ry Joe Swanson of Denver,
Colo., Mary Laurian Horvat of
Denver, Teresa Ann Noonan of
Bellevue, Kans., and Darlene
Urbaczka of Sheridan, Wyo,
students from St. Mary college,
were houseguests of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Beha and Nancy. Mar
ilyn Trudell of Great Falls,
Mont., also from St. Mary' col
lege, was a guest of Rosenuny
Corkle and her parents.
Wayne State vacationers in
cluded David Eby, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Eby; Mary
Lou Conard, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Conard of Emmet;
Bruce McElhaney, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted McElhaney, and
Donna Crabb, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Emmet Crabb.
Diane DeBacker, student 3t
Briar Cliff college., Sioux City,
was next; vxsxuxig xxex paxexius,
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker,
and Donald Petersen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Petersen, was
home from Washington univer
sity, St. Louis, Mo., over the
Easter holiday.
From the University of . Ne
braska at Lincoln were Don Ha
gensick, son of Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Hagensick; Robert Becken
hauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F.
Beckenhauer; Robert Carroll,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Car
roll; William McElvain, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain;
Edward Tomlinson, son of Mr
and Mrs. Richard Tomlinson;
Elizabeth Schaffer, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, and
Marilyn Johnson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. A. Johnson.
Letter to Editor
April 20, 1954
Dear Editor;
A movement is underway tc
secure parimutuel betting foi
O’Neill and “building a track for
l.orse racing, auto racing, ath
letic field, 4-H work and other
activities.” .
The parimutuel is a multimil
lion dollar racket for the pro
moters across our nation. It is
made to look desireable by dona
tions of a few well placed thou
sands in county fair, 4-H club
and other worthwhile activities
— if you accept the gifts you
can’t condemn the racket — but
in reality it takes out far more
money for its own coffers than
it returns to a community, be
sides the riff-raff of undesive
able society that follows in its
The report on Ak-Sar-Ren
race meet for 1952, as compiled
by John M. Gilchrist company
CPA, August 31, 1952, shows thal
the total bets for the 35 days
were $12,922,313.00. The mutuel
commission was 10 percem oi
that, or $1,292,231.30. After ex
penses, including donations tc
county fairs and other benefits,
a net income of $319,110.82 was
left to the promoters.
Two more parimutuels were
established in Nebraska in 19C3,
making a total of six mutuels,
and it is estimated that $19,000,
000, or an increase of $2,000,COG
was bet last year compared tc
1952. It’s a growing menace.
If we have citizens who can
afford — and must pour their
money into the parimutuel cof
fers—we have automobiles and
busses, let them go where they
ire, but spare O’Neill and sur
rounding communities with
growing boys and girls from that
terrible monster.
CELIA — The Spencer Wes
cyan church held services Sun
day afternoon at which the
mortgage on the church building
was burned. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Ernst and John and Anne of
Miltonvale, Kans., accompanied
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks,
and Becky of Celia to Spencer to
attend the service.
Extension Chib Notes
4rs. Allen Presides—
Mrs. Wayne Cash of Lvrtch
was hostess to the Excello club
members Monday evening, April
12, with 12 members present.
Mrs. Donald Allen presided.
Mrs. Joseph David and Mrs. Le
land presented the lesson on
farm and home safety. Mrs. Fr :d
King served lunch.
'Sewing' Studied—
Mrs. Rav Wilson and Mrs. Al
bert Carson presented part it oi
“Sewing” at the Scott Com
munity project club meeting cn
rdonday evening at the Ray Wil
son home.
Report of the April 19 Sale
! Receipts. 825 head hogs. Shipping out 5 cars by rail. 150 to
240 lb . $27.80 to $28.50. with 5 head at $29.00 top. Bulk. $28.00
to $28.50: two cars. $28.40. 240 to 270 lb.. $26.85 to $28.00. bulk.
$27.00 to $28.00. 270 to 350 lb.. $26.75 to $27.80, bulk, $27.00 up.
350 lb. and up. $25.50 to $26.65. Sows. $25.00 to $26.50: one 655
lb. sow. $24.80—cost $162.44. Stags. $19.50 to $22.90. Bred
sows by head. $78.00 to SI 10.00. You enter Verdigre from any
direction on a state highway.
W. LLOYD BRADY, Owner & Mgr.
; VerdigTe. Nebr. Phone 86
0 G
^ On premises 6 miles south of Atkinson, 1 mile east, 1 m'l2 f
M south and 3 miles east on— |
J MONDAY, MAY 3, 1954 |
M Sale Starts 1 P.M. Lunch on Grounds a
Including 22 head of first and second calf heifers to freshen W
^ in sumrper; herd bull; 7 milk cows: 10 Angus steer and k
* heifer calves; red whiteface heifer calf. "
* IHC 10-A power mower, IHC 8-ft. binder, mounted plow, fc
f cultivator, pumpjack and engine, running gears, windrowers, k
a buggy, mounted cultivator, disc, harrow, sulky plow, com- "
" planter, slide stacker, model A sweep, 40-bu. hog feeder, har- )
d ness, spreader, hay rakes, GI single-row picker, DeLaval No. ■
;| 15 separator, writing desk. Zenith batt. radio, etc. Terms: P
^ Cash. c k
4 CoL Ed Thorin. Auct. First Nat’l Bank, Atkinson, Clerk k
Redbird News
Marilyn Graham and Ruth
Osborn were weekend guests of
Claranna and June Carson.
Earn Wilson of Gregory, S.D,
spent the past two weeks with
his sister, Mrs. Fay Pinkerman,
and brother, Ray Wilson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Bub Carsten and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Wiison and family were Easter
Sunday guests in the Don Bare
heme at Lynch. c
Sundfiy dinner guests in the
Howard Wells home were the
Clayton Thomson family of
Mrs. Albert Carson was host
ess to the Dorsey Ladies Aid on
Wednesday, April 14, with a
nice crowd present.
Mrs. Jack Darnell, Dennis,
Norma and Doris of Omaha
were guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Wilson, during the
Easter holidays. <>
Mrs. Charles Luber, Mary and
Floyd Luber, the Dick Fernau
family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McDonald were among guests
at the Warren Fernau home
near Butte Sunday.
Miss Velma Crawford was a
Wednesday, April 14, supper
guest of Joyce Spencer near
Veldon Crawford is employed
at the Albert Carson farm since
his recent return from the ser
Mrs. Anna Carson returned
home Saturday from Gordon
where she had been visiting her
brothers, Albert and Henry Lad
ely, and families.
Quentin Pickering spent Mon
day night with Bruce Scholl
rneyer. ,
Mrs. John Pinkerman of
i-ynch was a Wednesday night,
April 14, guest of her daughter,
Mrs. Claude Pickering, and fam
Stuart News
Miss Mary Obermire and
James Scott of Lincoln came Fri
day, April 16, to spend Easter
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. L. Obermire.
Mrs. Mary Henning and Dick
Henning of Atkinson were Eas
tei Sunday guests at the G. L.
Obermire home.
Miss Marge Chaney of Omaha
spent Easter with her mother,
Mrs. Earl Chaney.
Miss Marcia Bigelow, student
nurse in St. Joseph’s hospital at
Omaha, spent Easter with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Bige
Mr. and Mrs. Berlin MitchcR
took their daughter, Miss Vesta,
to Butte on Monday where she
will operate a beauty shop,
j which was formerly operated by
Betty Ofe. Miss Mitchell has
been employed in a beauty shop
at Bloomfield for the past eight
Mrs. C. B. Oldham of Bremer
ton, Wash., is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Mahlon Shearer. Mrs. Old
ham is an aunt of Mr. Shearer.
Emmet News
Miss Leona Beckwith spent
the weekend and Good Friday
visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Beckwith. She has a
contract to teach in Ewing this
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith
and I eona attended a rosary for
Mrs. Henry Schroder, jr., Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perry and
family were Sunday dinner and
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Tom McDonald and family of
Celia News
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickol,
R. O Jarvis of Boulder, Colo.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coxbi.l
were Friday evening guest3 at
the Frank Brady home where
they were shown a group of
movie pictures.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld
visited at the Ed Bausch home
Wednesday evenign, April 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hend
ricks and daughter, Becky, vis
ited Wednesday evening, April
14, with Robert’s grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts, near
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser vis
ited at the Duane Beck home on
Wednesday evening, April 14.
Robert Hendricks helped his
father, Mark Hendricks, vac
cinate calves Wednesday morn
ing, April 14.
Easter Sunday dinner guests
at the Hans Lauridsen home
were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Laur
idsen and children of Atkinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Johnson of
Hastings and Jim Lauridsen of
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman
were Easter Sunday dinner
guests at the Alice Hill farm
Stanley Johnson passed anoth
er milestone on Easter Sunday
and for a surprise the following
folk gathered at the Johnson
home that evening: Mr. and Mrs
Ed Bausch, Steve Bausch, ?dr.
and Mrs. Fritz Naber and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. John
Schwindt and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Charley Tasler, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton McKathnie and chil
dren and Mrs. Bertha Gotschall
ot ollverum, uie.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias
and children and Miss Dorothy
Scott were Easter dinner guests
at the parental D. F. Scott home.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath
nie and children were Sunday,
Apr. 11, guests at the home of
Milton’s mother, Mrs. Emma Mc
Kathnie. Other guests were Mrs.
Blanche Rouse, Miss Mildred
Keyes and Mr. Marvin Rouse all
of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O’Connor
and son, Dennis, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Focken Friday, April 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks
and Mr and Mrs Connie Frickel
attended the banquet held in
Atkinson for last year’s 4-H lead
ers on Monday evening, April 5.
Mr. and Mrs. George Beck and
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck drove
to Pickstown, Yankton, Freeman
and other places of interest in
South Dakota on Monday, April 5
Mrs. Robert Hendricks and
daughter, Becky Lyn, visited
with Mrs. Joe Hendricks
Tuesday afternoon, April 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and Markita and Arlin called at
the Omer Poynts home near
Stuart Wednesday evening.
April 7.
Alex Forsythe, Connie Frickel,
Jim Lauridson and Clarence
Focken attended the men’s meet
ing at Cleveland church Thurs
day evening. April 8.
Frank Kilmurry and daughters
and his mother, Mrs. P. W. Kil
murry, were in O’Neill April 9.
Miss Alice Focken spent Ap
ril 10-11 weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Focken. Alice is working at the
Emmanuel hospital in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith
and children were O’Neill visit
ors Thursday, April 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser
and son, Gerald, were Easter
dinner guests at the Duane Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and sons, Leon and Arlen, and
David Phipps of Atkinson were
Easter dinner guests at the Om
er Poynts home.
Donna and Verdon Smith, chil
! dren of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Smith, visited at the Joe Hend
ricks home Friday through Sun
day while their mother was in
Omaha. Rollin, a third child,
stayed with his daddy.
Mrs. Hans Lauridsen called on
Mrs. Mattie Lange Monday, Ar
ril 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath
nie and children and Mrs. Emma
McKathnie were Easter Sunday
dinner guests of Mrs. Herbert
Rouse of O’Neill. Mrs. Rouse is
Mrs. M. McKathnie’s mother.
George Schaaf, a sixth grader
in district 147, won second place
in his group at the Sand Creex
school spelling contest. H i s
teacher is Mrs. Milton Andrus.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks,
Leon, Markita and Arlin were
F riday night supper guests at
the Omer Joynts home near Stu
1 art.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck de
horned calves Saturday.
Ed Heiser reports twin calves
bom on his ranch last week.
Both calves are heifers.
Ralph Ernst and children,
Anne and John, of Miltonvale,
Kans., Ray Phipps of Marion,
Jnd., and Robert Hendricks spent
Saturday evening at the Mark
Hendricks home practicing Flat
ter music.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack
and family, Alex Forsythe, Bill,
Bud and Paul Focken and Me.
and Mrs. Connie Frickel and
family attended the union sun
rise service in Atkinson Easter.
David Phipps visited at the
Mark Hendricsk home Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst, and
Anne and John of Miltonvale,
Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hendricks and Becky visited at
the George Mellor and Satn
Robertson homes and had din
ner at the Paul Nelson home on
Saturday, then drove to Bristow
for a short visit.
Markita Hendricks spent Eas
ter with Francis Chatfin.
Gerhardt Tunink and son,
Raymond, of Butte were Sunday
afternoon guests at the Hans
Lauridsen home.
Mrs. Emil Colfack, Dennis and
Shirley and Mrs. Joe Hendricks
and Jimmy went to O’Neill Sat
urday. Dennis and Jimmy were
entered in the Holt county
spelling contest that afternoon.
They are pupils of district 24t>.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heiser were
I O’Neill visitors Tuesday, April
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and Arlin visited with the Rob
ert Hendricks family at the
Hammerberg farm Wednesday,
April 14.
Duane Beck and Frank Kil
murry helped with the work . at
the Colfack home Monday, April
Mrs. Omer Poynts and Mrs.
Robert Hendricks and baby were
O’Neill callers Monday, April 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Disterhaupt
visited at the Perry Terwilliger
home Sunday, April 11.
Alex Forsythe, Emil Colfack,
Robert Hendricks, Edie Walno
fer and Duane Beck branded and
vaccinated cattle at the Ham
merberg and Forsythe farms on
Monday, April 12.
Leon Hendricks of Miltonvale,
Kans., spent the Easter holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mis.
Mark Hendricks.
Used Trucks and Pickups
Trade-Ins On
New Chevrolet Trucks and Pickups
, your home daily, and the price i* reasonable. f
How much do you spend on milk each week? Da you ^
| really give your family enough milk? Especially when you .
a consider that milk is your best food buy? Milk prices have f
® not risen as steeply as prices of other foods. Milk offers you k
d and your family more downright essential elements to build ^
* good health than any other food. Serve more of it at meals, }
4 use more in cooking. t
4 CORKLE’S COUNTRY-FRESH milk and cream are 9
j * available in all sizes containers including gallons which taka *
j d less refrigerator space and are so easy to handle. You can ^
have your choice of Homogenized Pasteur zed Milk, Pasteur- ^ j
i f ized Creamline milk, or raw milk. 9 I
! corklTTdairy !
■ “Western Brand Dairy Products” k
1 Phone 19 O'Neill 9
I I HAVE assumed management of the ^
O’Neill firm formerly known as the— ^
| Effective April 15, 1954, formalities |
( were completed and I am now in a ^
( position to look after your insurance needs .
| of all kinds and you will be assured of the j
I same courteous and prompt service.
" Florence Ponton, Prop. )
1 Golden Hotel Bldg. Phone 106 }
_ " ™" (
" ~ Delicious— Reg. or Drip
1 10^ BAG 1 I PA'^^G^'AFR^Or's"""" STOKE’LVS
, : | 4 N, 2Uh“s1 •
| Gerber's — Strained or Chopped
BABY FOODS f ||||!
HOMMCIS 12 ^ -------- $1 0 m gJLi c
3 CANt IjOO | I 46-Oz. Can —. 29c J ' *• w ^
TOMATOES | “ vV, (Be mws.4|ja): ,
6e*rsB«Mt«niK - tuna pie$ 3"** liX>
*» ?1UU .... TISSUE KH0O
BIACKBEBB©: super suds . __
— IN *VHUP —. ' 5 "" “■ KIOROX ouaot
4 tat 400 51 S£S5fei59
M TIN Im Fijtof
Mar* Meat. W- > Jk M^k
tor Flavor, and a . a m>JB*
Won4orful Bay at HV
TMi Prkol 1
. \ • *
Braunschweiger £T
NON-SCUP r >ioo« WAX t
SIMOMII ssr 89!;
cf%**(Ss*ay 1
f=W5# «w *
0.1. M. I RED WfllMn A / A
4th Street ; =.
Phone 93-W ’ ,
» '