o o legal Notice 0 (First pub. April 8, 1954' NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE. ^EC.AL NOTICE o' Notice is hereby given th^ by virtue of an order of sale issued 0 by the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action ° pending in said Court wherein Mary McManus and others are 0 plaintiffs, and Ann McManus and others are defendants, be ing Case No. 14898, directing me as Referee to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: 0 Lot 26 in Block 22 of the or oiginal town of O’Neill, Holt 0 0 County, Nebraska, and Lot 27 in Block 22 of the origi nal town of Q’Neill, I-.olt County, Nebraska. cP will sell said real estate at o public auction on the 10th day of May, 1954, at ten o’clock A M. of said day at the front door of 00 the Courthouse in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska. Terms of sale 20% "cash on day of sale, balance upon confirmation of VlLLIAM W. GRIFFIN ° 0 SOLE ° REFER EE. ° ° 49-lc O ___ 1 o (First, (pub. April 8, 1954) NOTICE OFo REFEREE S SALE o LEGAL NOTICE o Notice is hereby given tnat by 0 0 virtue °of an order of s ile issued 03 °by the- District Court of Hod County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein o Mary McManus and ethers are 0 plaintiffs, and Ann McManus and others aie defendants, being Case No. 14b97, directing me as c Referee to sell the following described rea’ estate, to wit Lots 3 and 4 in Block C ef O’Ne'll anu Hagertv’s Addi tion to O’Neill, Holt County, o0 Nebraska. 3 0 I will sell said real estate at o public au-.-uor. on the 10th day of May, 1954, at ten o’clock A.M. of said day at the front door ct the Courthouse in the City of O’Nei-1, Holt County, Nebraska. Terms of sale 20% cash on day of sale, balance upon confirma tion. 0 WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN o° SOLE REFEREE. ° °° O 49-ic G ... — o 0 c (First pub. Apr. 15, 1954) J,ulius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL No. 3963 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, o ESTATE OF GEORGE KRUSE, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the o probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of ° Leta Kruse as Executrix thereof, which will be for hear ing in this court on May 6, 1954, at 10 o’clock A.M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. 0 (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 50-52c C0.-Q. .. O g Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell were Donald Sparks of Norfolk, Dewey Brittell of Ne ligh and Mrs. Arnie Mace and o Dickie. ’__ SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL Bills allowed April 12th, 1934, 3n general fund: rhe Frontier, Publication Fees_„_$ 8.98 D. E. Nelson, Travel Ex pense __ 29.50 Omaha School Supply Co., Workbooks _ 8.86 Mimeograph Duplicator Co., Paper_22.20 Webster Publ. Co., Study Guides_ 4.77 Fetrow’s, Gas_3.50 Educational Test Bureau, Tests _-— 24.55 World Book Co., Tests _ 8.97 Marcellus Implement Co., Gas_31.85 Harding Creamery, Test ing Outfit_- 11.20 Interstate Printers, Ptcm ject Books - 3.36 Wm. H. Cook, Mileage_, 56.70 Sudbury Laboratories, Supplies --;— 11-41 Hammond-Stephens, Di plomas _ 48.25 Kans.-Nebr. Gas Co., Fuel 358 65 Consum. Pub. Pow. Dist., Electric Service .. 81.14 N.W. Bell Tel. Co., Phone Service _ 22.90 Midland Laboratories, Janitor Supplies - 15.50 Harris Janitor Supply Co., Janitor Supplies .... 15 50 Dudley Laundry, Clean ing Mops - 21.82 Davidson & Sons, Re- r pairs and Supplies -- oo7 37 Gillespie’s, Repair Time Clock - o-0° Moore-Noble Lbr. Co., Window Glass —.— 2.61 Beckley Cardy Co., Sup plies __ 21.44 Parker Publ. Co., Books 4.20 Educators Book Club, Books _ 3.36 Rasley’s, Cleaning Drapes 50.00 Hospe Piano Co., Music.... 20.41 Alonzo Leach, Music- 40 06 Sheffield’s, Music and Supplies_ 9.86 J. B. Grady, Ins. Prem. 232.56 Laurel Jump, Piano Tun ing _—_ 21.00 Dietz Music House, Mu sic _ 8.77 Shelhamer Super Market, Home Ec. Supplies_33.68 HENRY J. LOHAUS, President IRA H. MOSS, Secretary O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Rex Beckwith and Mrs. Millie Seger were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kenney in Norfolk. Dinner guests of Mrs. Hazel Boatman Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange and sen of Atkinson. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb. O' Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim had as dinner guests Easter Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Garwocd and family of Amelia, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley and son of Atkinson and Herman Conard were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stober at Randolph were Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Beckenhauer. * o J cYou ne ver outgrow o ' _ „ : your need for MILK! 0 30 O MILK and other dairy o ° ° 0 foods are 30% of all you ° o o 0 eat — yet they cost only o 15rf of each food dollar. ° o o ^^___________ "The Voice cf the Nebraska Dairy Farmer” Dairy industry Building Lincoln, Nebr. • O • _.___ Neighbors Rally to Combat Flames Grass Fire Starts at Reimer School DELOIT—There was a grass fire near the Reimer school on Wednesday morning, April 14. Some paper was being burned and the fire spread rapidly. Several neighboring families were summoned and rushed to the scene to combat the flames. Very little damage was done. Other Deloit News Bonnie Rossow and Don Lar son were home from Wayne for Easter vacation. The Deloit students, who at tend Bartlett high school, came home last Thursday evening for Easter vacation. Mrs. Stanley Huffman and daughters and Mrs. Henry Rei mer and Elayne called Friday j afternoon at the Zoe Huffman home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack and Mike of Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray and Vicky of Omaha spent the weekend at the Ralph Tomjack home. A number from here attended the oyster supper Tuesday eve ning, April 13, at Bartlett, given by the FFA boys. Mrs. J. Squire, Mrs. Werkmei ster and Mrs. Rossow attended a meeting for the mothers of the juniors last Thursday. There was an Easter party at the Deloit school last Thursday afternoon. Larry Paul and Becky Huffman were guests. Mrs. Henry Reimer attended a tea at Bartlett last Thursday af ternoon given for the senior gir s and their mothers by the WSCS ladies. „ . , Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer and Elayne spent Easter at the iJon Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Huffman and daughters were guests Sun day at the Huffman home in El gin Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns and daughter and Martha Kin ney of Elgin spent Easter vaca tion with the Elvon Kinney fam ily in Boone, la. JUSTICE COURT Glen L. Book, overweight on tandem axle, $50 and costs, Ap ril 1, Patrolman J. R- Skinner. Virgil L. Hiett, overweigat on capacity plate. $25 and costs, April 1, Patrolman J. R. Skin ner O. T. Parker, overweight, S50 and costs, April 1, Patrolman J. R. Skinner. . Gurdoss Lingh, overweight, $50 and costs, April 1, Patrolman T p Skinner J' Benny W. Proter, stop sign, no appearance, April 11, Patrolman J. R. Skinner. Harold G. Grooms, speeding, night time, April 1, Patrolman J. P Qkirmpr Stan Berry, overweight on axle, $50 and* costs, April 2, Pa trolman J. R. Skinner. Ronald Wade Comstock, H. A. Marr Grocery Co., overweight on axle, $50 and costs, April 2, Patrolman J- R. Skinner. Leonard Novacek, disposing of mortgaged property, state cases issued warrant, March 29, George D. Sedlacek. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohrer of Milford spent from Thursday until Monday visiting theis son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clyde._ DRS. BROWN & FRENCH Eves Tested—Glasses Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Wait Complete X-Ray AUCTION SALE As T am reducing my farm and ranching operations on acount of my health I will sell■ tl^ fnllowre Ascribed personal property at public auction at my place located 10 miles north of [heTXast corner ST Atkins^ thence 4 miles east and 4 miles north; OR 5 miles west and 1 mile north of Phoenix store; OR 13 miles south and 2 miles west of Butte, on FRIDAY, APRIL 23 , n w Lunch Wagon on Grounds Sale Starts at 1 O'clock P.M. _ a °o 170 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 170 Including 28 Head of Milk Strain Cows 1 black-white 4-yr.-old cow. giving milk; 1 Jersey 7-yr.-old, 1 Holstein G-yr.-old. 1 half ° o Jersey 6-yr.-old, 1 Guernsey 6-yr.-old. all giving milk now; 1 Guernsey 8-yr.-old, to freshen in June; 2 Brown Swiss 3-yr.-olds. with calf; 2 Guernsey 2-yr.-olds, with calf; 4 — 2-YJ--°ld milking Shorthorn and Jersey cross, to calf in fall; 4—2-yr.-old Holstein and milking Short horn cross, open; 5— l-yT.-old Holstein heifers: 5—l-yr.-cld Shorthorn heifers. 20 head of 2-yr.-old Hereford heifers, open; 25 head of l-yr.-old Hereford heifers, open; 75 ° ° Hereford stock cows, some with calves at side, others heavy whh calf; 1—2-yr.-old registered Hereford bull: 1 Hereford buU. 17-mo.-old: 8—3-yr.-old heifers, to calf soon: 1 registered Here ford cow, with calf at side; 1 registered Hereford cow, to calf soon; 2 purebred Hereford heif ers. coming 3-yrs.-old; 6— l-yr.-old Black Angus heifers. _ 00 FARM MACHINERY O 0 New Idea 2-row corh picker; Krause 12-ft. one-way; 2 Van Brunt 1-horse rye drills; 1 IHC 1 horse rye drill; over-shot hay stacker, good as new; IHC 7-ft. trail mower; 2-row horse culti vator; IHC 2-row eli, good as new; IHC 12-ft. disc; 1-in. centrifugal pump with 1-in. pipe Silent Sioux brooder stove used two seasons; John Deere trail mower hitch; Maytag gasoline power washing machine and numerous other articles. • 4 - HEAD OF HORSES - 4 o o On® black saddle mare. 6-yrs.-old. wt. 1 ICO lbs.; one black saddle mare, S-yrs.-old, wt. 1000 °C lbs.; one team of roan draft horses, 10-yrs. old, wt. 1500 each. ^————— ————ii Terms Cash; For credit make arrangements with your bankeT ED HESSES, Owner o * Ernie Weller. Auctioneer first National Bank of Atkinson. Clerk O 4-H Award Winners Named Awarsd were issued as follows ! on Saturday night, April 10, in connection with the annual 4-H fun night activities at the O’ Neill public school auditorium: 1-A (food preservation - can ning): Helen Vitt, Riverside. 1- B (food preservation-frozen foods): Caroline Skopec, Green Valley Bluebirds. 2- A (food preparation - cook ing): Lois Jean Strong, Jeanene Backhaus and Jennie Halsey, all 212 South Fork; Dorine Gleed, Happy Helpers. 2- B (dairy foods demonstra tion): Dorine Gleed and Edythe Grimes, both Happy Helpers. 3- A (home improvements): Mary Schmitz, Up and At I<; Karen Garwood, Sandhill 011 lies; Mary Frances Vitt, lUver side; Brenda Beelaert, Niny Needle!^ Special girls’ room awards — Brenda Beelaert, Nifty Needlers; Rita Boyle, Bridget Boyle Helen Martha Vitt, Mary Frances Vitt, all Riverside; Mary Schmuz, Laurine Schimtz, Joan Lans worth, all Up and At It; Mickey Gilbert and Connie Hitchcoc-r, both Sandcreek Livewires; Kar en Garwood and Marvelene tu att, both Sandhill Billies; Dorine Gleed, Happy Helpers; Elaine Walters Irene Brown, Darlene Harley, Connie Werner, Carol Tracy and Marie Osborn, a.l Wide Awake. _ ... 4- A (clothing)—Mary Schmitz, Ud and At It. _ . 4-C (dress review)—Carolyn Moseman, Up and At It; Lois Puckett, Clover; Mary Ellen Gil lette and Shirley DeHart, both Silver Star; Mary Clair Gilg, Clover- Karen Garwood, Sand hill Billies; Carolyn Wintermo»e, 212 South Fork. 7-A (meat animal) — Russell Miner, Fancy Ropers. 10- A (beef)—Bobby Beelaert, Eagle Hustlers. 11- A (poultry)— Fred Grothe, Flkhorn Valley; Ellen Havran ek and Bonnie Burival, botn Holt Husky Hustlers (Hoosier Hot Shots); Perry Dawes, Will ing Workers; Jerry Gokie, Curly Q’s. _ 12 (dairy) —Leroy Hull, Red b i r d Lucky Clover; Dennis Scheer, Neal Scheer and Milan Welke, all Happy Hollow. 13 (garden)—Caroline Skopec, Green Valley Bluebirds; JacK Gilg and Bobby Ries, both Clo ver; Gal Holcomb, 212 South Fork. 14-A (tractor maintenance)—Eu gene Ermer, 212 South Fork; Walter Ries, jr., Clover. 14- B (farm mechanics)—Walt er Ries, jr., Clover. 15- A (farm and home electric) — Gary Holcomb, 212 South Fork; Ronnie Hickman and Joe Livingston, both Clover; Mat thew Beha, Riverside. 17 (entomoligy)— Gary Hol comb, 212 South Fork. 19 (news reporter) — Helen Vitt, Riverside. 21 (members service award)— Jennie Halsey, 212 South Fork. 24-A (health) — Kay Dvorak, Clover. 24r>B (health clubs)—Elkhom Valley club, Wide Awake club. 25 (home grounds beautifica tion)—Dorothea Vitt, Riverside. 26-A (recreation and rural arts clubs) — 212 South Fork, Clover, Up and At It, Willing Workers. 26-C (recreation members award)—Ronnie Hickman, Clo ver. 28 (leadership—boys) — Gary Holcomb, 212 South Fork. 29 (girls’ record)—Lois Jean Strong, 212 South Fork. 30 (boys’ record)— Gale Ho’ comb, 212 South Fork. 31 (achievement) — Jeanene Backhaus, 212 South Fork. 35 (alumni recognition) — James W. Rooney, secretary of PCA. Club week trips — Safeway stores sponsoring Kay Dvorak, Clover; KFAB sponsoring Alice Young, Up and At It, and Gary Holcomb, 212 South Fork; Ak Sar - Ben sponsoring Caroline Skopec, Green Valley Bluebirds. KFAB scholarship— Jear.cne Backhaus, 212 South Fork. Special World-Herald safety award—Willing Workers. Safety award plaque to Holi county. Leaders receiving two-year plaques— Mrs. Jim Allyn, Mrs. Roy Backhaus, Roger Bowen, Mrs. Kenneth Braasch, Emil Col fack, Mrs. Charles Crook, Char les Crook, Mrs. Art Fuelberth, Mrs. Glen Grimes, Mrs. Joe Hendricks, Frank Hickman, Mrs. John Jansen, George Keidel, Joe Livingston, Murray Mellor, Mrs. C. J. Prussa, Gerald Ruroecie, Mrs. C. W. Sawyer, C. W. Saw yer, Mrs. Asa Shermer, Mrs. El sie Sweet, Mrs. Linford Sweet, Mrs. Ralph Van Horn, Frank Weichman, Mrs. Clyde Widman, Mrs. Earl Wright, Mrs. Eugene Halsey. Leaders receiving five-year pins — Mrs. John Babl, Mrs. alph Beckwith, Mrs. Herman Cans, Mrs. M. H. Held, Mrs. .Lerb Sweet, Raymond Taylor. Emmet News Mrs. Fern Livingston, Joe and Zane, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Living ston, Mr. and Mrs. John Silver strand, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beck with and Leona and Kenneth Ruggles of Clearwater were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martens. Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Razestor ski were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith Thursday, April 15. Mrs. W. P. Dailey called at the Jess Wills home Sunday morn ing. Miss Norma Lou Foreman ana Mrs. Walter E. Meier were Fri day overnight guests of Mrs. Wayne Fox and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Kee spent Sunday afternoon at the Wayne Bates home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen borg spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kloppenborg and Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Dusatko spent Sunday at the Jerome Al len home at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Dusatko spent Sunday evening visiting at the Carl Lorenz home at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, Lar ry, Gordon, Raymond, and Carol were Sunday suppe guests at the Wayne Fox home. The WSCS met last Thursday afternoon at the Emma Maring home among the guests and members preset were Rev. and Mrs. Wallace B. Smith of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butter field and family spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mrs. Emma Maring and sons, Oliver and Homer. - __4 I | I I | I I i _ J Tune in “Voice of Tne Fron tier ”, thrice weekly! General Auto and Truck Repairing Albert (“Shorty”) Dennis MECHANIC Smith Motor O’Neill Phone 5C2 __________________________ Amelia News - ] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge 1 and Kenneth were Friday, April 9, supper guests at the Elmer Coolidge home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson and small son spent April 10-11 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson. Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Flor ence drove to Omaha April 8 to visit at the Percy Strenger home. They returned home April 12. Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs. Charles Spath accompanied them to Omaha. Mrs. Spath visited her daughter, Mary Lou and Augie. Mrs. Sageser went to Council Bluffs, la., to be with her mother, Minter. Many of the fallen trees in this vicinity are being sawed in to lumber. The Cub scouts met Tuesday evening, April 13, at the Robert Clifford home. Maxine Peterson and Paul Johnston come from Lincoln Ap ril 10 to spend a few days at their homes. Both attend college j at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were | April 11 guests at the McDaniels home north ctf Atkinson. The Helping Hand club met with Ella Fryrear on Thursday April 8. Seventeen members and three visitors were present. Julia Blackmore and Gertie Adair bad charge of the program. The next meeting will be with Della Peter son in Atkinson on May 13. Each Club members to be prepared to contribute to the entertain ment. Circle 9 met with Helen Clif ford on Thursday evening. April 8. Betty Doolittle and Wilma Rees gave the lesson on sewing. Some Easter eggs were colored for achievement day. A Circle 9 party was held at Clifford’s Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Waldo flew to Omaha Sunday and spent the day with his sisters. The George Fullerton family spent April 11 with his sister, Mrs. Merrill Smith, and family. Mrs. Bernard Blackmcre and Mrs. Lou Backhaus were Creigh ton visitors on Saturday, April 10. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jchnston j were hosts at a canasta party | Thursday, April 8. Those present -- vere Sladeks, Pokomys, Harry Minings, Kennedys, Fryrears, 31ackmores, Backhauses. The jarty was in honor of the birth lay anniversaries of four.of the ’roup. O’NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Marsten of Dorsey and Al/c and Mre. Char les Marsten left Tuesday for Cheyenne, Wyo., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sibbel. Airman Marsten will fly from Cheyenne to his duty station at Camp Parks, Caif. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, sr., of Dcrsey and Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt and Patty were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brady, jr. Frontier for printing! n' Need More Seed Corn? We havev^ PIONEER on hand You can get it immediately. Popular hybrids and kernel sizes. Strong germination. . . . High yields. CALL Of SEE Edgar DeHart Chambers, Nebr. ! — " . I 1 COME IN AND SEE our selection of aw SINGER Sewing Machines TAKEN IN TRADE Large Variety Many One of a Kind GET THEM WHILE THEY LAST DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $5°° Buy with confidence at your •A Trade Mark of THE SINGER MFG. CO. SINGER SEWING CENTER Phone 247 — O'Neill — 107 So. 41h DR. DONALD E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted ■hnnp Neb’ BIGLIN'S Funeral Directors O’NEILL Day Ph. Night Ph. 38 487-R or 200 I • o o :: * ' I For welcome relief from SWELTERING HEAT n o and year 'round greater living comfort.... BUY A Westinghouse ROOM AIR CONDITIONER TODAY! Yes, right now is the time to select the right-size Westinghouse Room Air Conditioner for your home! Begin today, to enjoy new relief from heat, dust, drafts, ( and stale air the whole year ’round. The Westinghouse Room Air Conditioner Cools, Filters, Circulates, or W'arms the air! For office or home, all you have to do „ c _• is “dial your own weather," day or night, any day of the year! Avoid the seasonal rush and insure early installation of your Westinghouse Room Air Conditioner by selecting yours today! 3 Buy Early! Install Early! - Take Advantage of Our Low Down- : Payments and Easy Monthly Terms! Sa the New, 1954 Westinglx)iise Room Air Conditioners on Display O