0 "Voice oi The Frontier'* Cl jar Frontier ™ Mon. — Wed. — Sat. if 9:45 A.M. — 780 k.c. North-Central Nebraska’s BIG Newspaper Volume 73.—Number 51. O’Neill, Nebr., Thursday, April 22, 1954. Seven Cents . —. —. - ■■ — .. - . Rains Cheer Farmers, Improve Crop Outlook .... ' .. M ■ „ 1-^ IV _ A prolonged spring drouth in the O’Neill vicinity was ended Sunday evening when lignt rain fell for several hours, netting .32 of an inch of precipitation. The storm, accompanied- by lightning and thunder, appar ently succeeded in breaking the dry spell because a trace of moisture was recorded the fol lowing day and .12 of an inch of rain fell again Tuesday night. The Verdigre-Creighton-Royal Neligh belt received about an inch of rainfall late Wednesday, April 14, breaking a dryness that had been general over a wide area. O’Neill that night received little more° than a trace. Clearwater reported .30 of an inch Sunday night; Ewing, .33; Chambers, .50; Atkinson and Stuart, .35; Newport, .50. Burwell received a one-half inch rain Monday night in ad dition to some precipitation received 24 hours earlier. Swan Lake township in south west Holt received a similar amount. While O’Neill was getting .12 Tuesday night, Ralph Tomjack, who lives south of Ewing, re ported three-fourths of an incn of rainfall, and Vemon Yarges, who lives at Stuart, said his lo cality received “about a half inch.” The April showers have been considered Long overdue. Pas tures were dry and slow in turn ing, and freshly plowed fields were drying out rapidly—giving serious concern to stockmen and farmers. Precipitation received at O’Neill since the last snowfall in March "had been only negli gible. __ A A A \Tnll I * 'fee and Holt county conservation district workers, who have vis ited all sections of the eo'inty, point out there is a “shortage of moisture throughout the coun ty.” There had been worry over a shortage of grass — until the dry spell was broken this week. Robert Miller, residing 23 miles northeast of O’Neill, said nis community received .40 of an inch of rainfall Sunday evening and .35 Tuesday night. Elmer Trowbridge of Page reported a quarter of an inch of rainfall Tuesday night. Cal Allen, who lives north of Staurt. said rainfall in his community totaled a half-inch Sunday evening followed by another half-inch on Tuesday night. All the showers have been gentle and slow and no violence has been reported by wind or lightning. The weatherman smiled on Easter morning paraders but storm clouds developed during the late afternoon. Summary: Hi Lo Prec. April 15 -79 36 .18 April 16 -65 33 April 17 - 78 40 April 18 _68 39 Ajriu 19 _ 58 34 .33 April 20 .. 64 44 .04 April 21-a...61 34 .13 Total _ -58 Gribble Elected Detroit Delegate A Presbyterial meeting of the Presbyterian church was held Monday and Tuesday in Wake field. Attending from the O’Neill church were the pastor, Rev. Samuel Lee and delegate, Mrs. Felix Hendricks. Mark Gribble of Chambers was the under dele gate fiom the Bethany church. At the meeting, Mr. Gribble was elected commissioner to the general assembly meeting to be held in Detriot, Mich., May 20 23. The minister commissioner will be Rev. Oliver Progtt of Wayne. At a meeting of the men’s council on Monday morning, D. H. Clauson of O’Neill was elected president of the Presbytery men’s council for the coming year and Reverend Lee was elected as pastor advisor. Others attending from O’Neill were the Mesdames Christine Williams, Arlo Hiatt, George Robertson and Samuel Lee and Miss Jonneth Anne Lee. Those attending from Bethany included Misses Helen May and Maud Urban, Mrs. Kenneth La Rue, Mrs. Walter Summerer and Mrs. Carl Lambert. Mr. and Mrs. Clauson drove to Wakefield on Monday for the session. — Ayres to Speak at Road Meeting Here The Holt County Rural Road Improvement association will hold a meeting at the Knights of Columbus hall in O’Neill at 8 p.m., on Tuesday, April 27. R. O. Ayres, engineer of sec ondary roads for the state of Nebraska, will be the guest speaker, explaining the use of federal money for secondary roads. The meeting is open to the general public. ° MRS. DWYER DIES John Sullivan left for Denver, Colo., last Thursday. He had re ceived word that his sister, Mrs. Margaret Dwyer, formerly of O’ Neill, had died in a Denver hos pital that day. Guild to Meet— St. Monica’s Guild will meet ♦onight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock at St. Mary’s academy. Mrs. John IVitt is chairman. Edward Menish Dies in Hospital Lifelong Resident of Community ° Edward G. Menish, 69, retired O’Neill farmer, died at 11:30 a m., Tuesday, April 20, in St. Anthony’s hospital here. He had ° been in failing health abo.it three years. ,Funeral services will be con ° ducted at 9 a.m., today (Thurs day) at St. Patrick’s Catholic church here with Rev. Kenneth (Parl officiating. Burial will be m Calvary cemetery under the direction of Biglin’s. Pallbear o ers ' will be Frank Nekolite, John Grutsch, sr., Herbert Jan s'en,'' Harry Bonohoe, Matthew > Hynes and Walter O’Malley. The late Mr. Menish was born ° at O’Neill on April 24, 1884, a 0son of the late William and Bridget O’Malley Menish, who o came to Holt county from Penn sylvania. He married Lucille Buzzell at York on April 27, 1918, and they became the parents of one u sen and one daughter. The Me ° mshes farmed for many yeais 0 northwest of O’Neill. Mrs. Menish died January 5, 1930. ° Survivors 'include; Son— Jo seph E. of O’Neill; daughter — Mrs. Mary Hansen of O’Neill; brother—Hubert of St. Louis, o Mo.; sisters—Mrs. Robert Marsh o and Mrs.° W. P. Dailey, both of O’Neill; Mrs. John Welsh of Wilcox and Mrs. Mary Reid of Vancouver, B.C., Can.; four grandchildren. Bob Moore Buys Bottling Firm ° ‘In a business transaction com pleted Saturday afternoon, R. E. o ("Bob”) Moore became owner of °°the Mem Dr. Pepper Bottling o firm here, purchasing the firm from Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Meir: 0 man. Mr. Merriman had managed the plant for 29 years but the business had been in the Meiri man family about a half-century. Mr. Moore has been a life long resident of the O’Neill community, except for his ab sence during World War II. For several years he has been em ployed by the Petersen Clothing. The Merri firm will retain the same name and continue to manufacture and bottle the fol lowing franchise soft drinks: Dr. Pepper, Howell’s root beer. Squirt, Nesbitt’s orange and Cheer Up- In addition the fac tory manufactures assorted fla vors of pop under the Mem la bel. o Mr Moore said Mr. Merrunan o would remain with the firm for a year and there would be no staff changes. ‘Lights On Tonight’ in Cancer Drive O c° The cancer drive in O’Neill 3 will feature a “lights on” cam paign at 7 o’clock tonight ^Thursday). Families wishing to contrilmte to the fight cancer movement are asked to turn-on their porch lights at the sound of the fire sirens and members of Simon son unit 93 of the American Le gion auxiliary will call with their credentials. ° This year 230,000 persons will die from cancer in the U.S., over 700,000 will be under treatment, and 3,600 children will die from the dread disease. Mrs. Lionel Siefken, who is drive chairman, said that April has been set aside as cancer month by an act of congress. It is during this period that the o American Cancer society seeks the support of the public to car ry out coordinated cancer re search. o . 0 Charles Brinkman • Burial at Syracuse ATKINSON — Charles D. Brinkman, 87, died at 1 p.m., ° Friday, April 16, at the home of his son, August, located one mile east of Atkinson. Funeral services were con oducted at 2 p.m., Monday from the Lutheran church in Syracuse o and "burial was in Park HiU cemetery near there. Survivors include two sons — o August of Atkinson and another son, living at Norfolk, Va. O __________________ GAME VIOLATION Douglas F Leach, 27, of Bur well, formerly of O’Neill, was arrested Sunday by State Game Warden Fred Salak at Overton lake. He was charged in Justice '"°o H. W. Tomlinson’s court with il legal shooting of a duck during closed season. Leach admitted o° guilt and paid $25 and costs, also $25 liquidated damages. His rifle o was confiscated. o --:— FIREMEN SUMMONED O’Neill firemen were called 0 Friday afternoon to the Mrs. Mary Donlin residence where burning cookies in the kitchen had filled the house with smoke. ° Damage was slight. c o PLAN CLEANUP WEEK ATKINSON — The Atkinson 0 QChamber of Commerce is plan ning a cleanup week. °° o O c Uhl Puts ‘Okay* on Highway 3d Ward Councilman Endorses Plan as Matter 1 s Closed O’Neill’s up-in-the-air high way situation apparently has been settled—it’s a closed mat ter as far as the city council is concerned. The highways stay on their present locations through the city by virtue of a 5-1 vote by the council. A three-fourths ma jority was needed to seal the plan, and for several days last week the fate of the two federal routes—U.S. highway 20 and 231 —hinged on a final decision by Third Ward Councilman Norbert Uhl. A special meeting of the council was opened Tuesday evening, April 13, and re mained "open" for several days while a series of confer ences were conducted. Uhl, upon whom the fate of the highways hinged, had askel Mayor J. E. Davis to continue the meeting to provide "more time." On March 30 the council had adopted a resolution providing for complying with state high way department street-widening requests and traffic reforms as outlined earlier by State High way Engineer L. N. Ress. The resolution has been adopted 5-1 with First Ward Councilman M. J. Golden the only dissenting voter. In last week’s prolonged special session, Councilman Uhl joined Golden in declining to accept the minutes of the ore i • _ _ _a • - mu - _ • j V1UUO mctuilfe. X iivj V.AOILIH. * parallel and 30-degree parking information had not been prop erly determined. Finally, a formal special meet ing was called for 8 a.m., Friday and an ordinance designated as 280 - A was enacted, creating street improvement district 16, providing “for grading, curbing, recurbing, guttering, reguttcr ing, paving, repaving, widening existing paving on streets, alleys and intersections, and other in cidental work.” Special assessments will be levied on property specially benefited. Blocks affected include Dou las street and a portion of Fourth street. Earlier the state had threat ened to bypass the city of O' Neill on the northeast edge ci town and had planned to extend highway 281 straight nort.h from the traffic signal to intersect with the highway 20 bypass. By virtue of the council'** action the routes will now stay on the present location Uhl told The Frontier: “I did not feel that I, as a councilman or as an individual, should assume so much responsi bility in a situation in which my vote meant that the highways go or stay. But my vote turned out to be all-important in ihe matter and I voted with the ma jority.” The new ordinance is being published in this issue of The Frontier. A trial period of parallel parking is being discussed among city officials. Mayor Davis and his family left O’Neill Saturday for an ex tended trip. County Spelling Winners Named James Gilg Winner in 8th Grade Thirteen group spelling con tests recently were held for Holt county rural school pupils of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, t seventh and eighth grades. One hundred four schools were en tered in these contests with 576 : pupils spelling. The winner of each grade was eligible to com pete in the countywide contest held Saturday at the O’Neill | public school. The following groups had 100 percent attendance: Group V—Meeting at district 5, Mrs. Marie Ramold, teacher; nine schools present. Group VII—Meeting at district 46, Mrs. Glenn Dozier, teacher; seven schools present. Group VIII—Meeting at dis trict 88, Mrs. Ruth Hansen, teacher; 10 schools present. A large group of parents and friends listened to the spellers at the county contest. Thirteen boys and girls were entered in each grade and they were all well prepared for the contest. Ribbons were presented to the four high and a complete list of these winners will be published next week. The following re ceived not only a blue ribbon but also a book as prize. Grade 3—Bonnie Clifford, dis trict 206, Leona Fix, teacher; grade 4—Danelia Whitaker, dis trict 107, Mrs. C. Adams, teach er; grade 5—Beverly Myers, dis trict 180, Barbara Cleary, teach er; grade 6 — Janet Krugman, district 60, Mrs. Martha Murphy, teacher; grade 7—Larry Ziska. district 168, Mrs. Pauline Kro bot, teacher; grade 8 — James Gilg, district 99, Mrs. E. LinveUe, teacher. These spelling contests are sponsored by the Holt Counly Rural Teachers’ association, headed by the president, Mrs. Ruby Holcomb. Assisting wci-e Miss Mildred Keyes of Inman, Mrs. Alice Sammons of Cham bers, Mrs. Dona Carson and Mrs. Grace Thompsen, both of Ewing; Mrs. Eileen Seger and Mrs. Theresa Ernst, both of O’ Neill. Rathbone, Students in Symphonic Psalm Six music students from sur rounding towns attending the University of Nebraska at Lin coln will participate with stage, screen and television star Basil Rathbone in the presentation of the symphonic psalm, “King Da vid,” Sunday, May 2, at 8 p.m:, in the university coliseum. The students, all members of the chorus, are: Elizabeth Schaf fer and Marilyn Johnson, both of O’Neill; Joanne Daas and Kay Eisenhauer, both of Chambers; Imogene Davis of Inman and Carol French of Page. More than 500 university stu dents will perform in the most difficult spring musical program ever undertaken by the univer sity’s department of music. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus and family spent Sunday in Norfolk at the home of Mrs. Margaret Agnes. Other guests there were Mrs. Elizabeth Grady and Miss Mary Virginia Agnes, both of Omaha and P. C. Donohoe, who spent the weekend at the Agnes home in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jugler drove from Fremont last Thurs day to visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin. They returned to their home Friday evening. Brothers in Germany x vw. vjcviigc ouiuieiucr (left) is stationed at Mann Germanv, with an army med ical detachment, Pfc. Donald E. Schneider is stationed at Mannheim. They are about an hour’s train ride apart in upper Rhine river valley ci ties. Donald is with a troop transportation unit. The two brothers, who are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schneider of Neilf, met April 14 in Mann heim. Donald was drafted a year ago and George was | drafted in July, 1953. Donald has been overseas since last August; George since the first of this year. These pupils from Holl county rural school district 14. located near the Niobrara river north of C'Neill, recently toured points of interest in O'Neill: Front row (lefi-lo-righi)—Susan Wabs, John Wabs. Susan Margriiz. Anita Doty, Jane Wabs and Paul Laible; second row — Michael Wabs, Carole Wabs, Darlene Johnson, Shirley St^rjohann and Sharon True; back row—Mrs. Ar thur O'Neill (teacher), Brenion Wabs, Bonna Margriiz, Corrine Doty and Mrs. Francis Johnson, driver. One pupil, Linda Slorjohann. was ill and not with the group when the picture was taken. —O’Neill Photo Co. I < Ranch Woman Gets Senate Job Eve Bowring Succeeds Griswold Mrs. Arthur (Eve) Bowring of Merriman, owner and operator of a 13-thousand-acre ranch and reputed one of Nebraska’s weal thiest women, Friday was ap pointed by Gov. Robert Crosby to succeed the late Sen. Dwight Grrswold, who died unexpected ly from a heart attack on April 12. Mrs. Bowring, vice-chairman of the Nebraska republican com mittee, will be sworn Monday and presented to the senate. Vice-President Richard Nixon is expected to be in the chair for the ceremony. Meanwhile, a free-for-all race in the republican primaries for the long-term senate seat has al ready begun with Crosby a can didate; also David Martin ol Grand Island, recently resigned as state GOP chairman; Carl Curtis of Minden, present con gressman; Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff, democrat-tumed-re publican. Possibly there will be others. Had Griswold lived he would have been a candidate for re election. A movement was launched in behalf of Julius D. Cronin, O’ Neill lawyer and president cf the Nebraska Bar association, to fill the Griswold vacancy. Mr. Cronin, however, would offer no comment and would not partici pate in the movement. Mrs. Frank Grenier cf O’Neill is a neice of Mrs. Bowring. A nephew is R. E. Bowring of Kuna, Ida. Joas Harris, 91, Expires at Milford Mrs. Roy Cole and Mrs. Fred Lorenz attended the funeral of their uncle, Joas Harris, 91, in Milford last Thursday. Mr. Harris was born in Ohio April 6, 1863. He homesteaded in Holt county in the 188J'', I leaving here for Lincoln in 1900. He was a brother of the late Mrs. J. K. Ernst. Burial was from the Mennonite church in Milford followed by burial in the Milford cemetery. IMPROVEMENTS UNDERWAY STUART — Many improve ments are underway and others are in the planning stage at the Stuart athletic park. Roads lead ing to and from the park are be ing graded, low spots are being filled, and a new gate is being constructed. A cement curbing is being added to the 440-yard high school track, also at the Stuart park. INFANT DIES EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard received word Sun day from California telling of the death of Steven Fcrrest, the in I fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore | Serreira. Mrs. Serreira is a neice of Mrs. Ebbengaard and the daughter of the late Forrest Hop kins, former residents of Ewing. Rays Here— Mr. arid Mrs. Hugh Ray arriv ed Monday from Loveland, Cole., to spend several days with their son, Elgin, and family. Mr. Ray later went to Blue River, Wise., to visit his mother, expecting to return to O'Neill later this week. '' Hr * Hr District 14 Pupils Visit Interest Points Among points of interest vis ited during a recent tour of the city by the teacher and pupils from rural school district 14 were: The Frontier, Harding Cream ery Co., O’Neill Photo Co., Merri Bottling Co. and Holt County In dependent. Mrs. Arthur O’Neill, teacher, and Mrs. Francis Johnson, driv er of one of the cars, took the group to Ford’s park for an out door picnic lunch. Basin Boosters Head for Capitol Three Holt countyans, includ ing James W. Rooney of O’Neill, Lyle P. Dierks of Ewing and Charles E. Chace of Atkinson, will depart Sunday for Washing ton, D.C., to testify at a congres sional appropriations hearing in behalf of the Niobrara river ba sin development plan. At stake is the 98-million-dol lar reclamation plan in five areas along the Niobrara in north Nebraska. The Holt trio will represent the O’Neill unit, which embraces 66-thousand acres of irrigable land. Funds are being raised by the Chambers of Commerce in both Holt cities to defray delegate expenses and also for use in connection with attorney fees and lobbying expenses. Roy D. Raitt, president of the Niobrara River Basin Develop ment association, and William C. Smith, association attorney, stopped in O’Neill late Tuesday enroute to Washington ahead of the delegation of 12. Both are from Ainsworth, which is .-.end ing six representatives. Raitt, Smith and Rooney ap peared on the “Voice of 'Hie Frontier” program Wednesday morning, explaining to listeners the outline of irrigation, power and recreational advantages an ticipated from the basin devel opment if congress authorizes the money. Studies and favorable recom mendations by the bureau of reclamation already are a mat ter of record plus endorsement by the governors of Nebraska and South Dakota. Assists with new School Construction— SPENCER — Pfc. Clyde A. Wabs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wabs of Spencer, is helping to build two schoolhouses in Korea while serving with the seventh infantry division. His unit, company G of the 17th regiment, is building a new | four-room school and rebuildmg an cid one as part of the armed forces assistance to Korea pro gram. Wabs, entered the army in January, 1953, completed basic training at Camp Polk, La., and arrived overseas last July. John Luben and Carolyn Ann of Crawford spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Luben. Saturday they drove to Norfolk and Mrs. John Luben, who has been with her mother, Mrs. Zada Russ, while she is in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital there, returned to O’ Neill with them to be with her family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Timmer man and family of Hastmgs spent the Easter weekend here with relatives. James Cans, 69, Dies Unexpectedly Heart Attack Proves Fatal to Rancher STUART — Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m., Wed nesday, April 21, from the Meth odist church in Atkinson for James Gans, 69, rancher resid ing seven miles southwest of Atkinson. Mr. Cans died unex pectedly about 10 o’clock Sun day evening, April 18, at his home, having suffered a fatal heart attack. His death followed by 23 hours the death of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Frances Bemt, 85, of Stu art. The late Mr. Gans was bom in Platte county March 3, 1885, a son of Joseph and Mary Gans. On September 24, 1908, he I married Martha Bemt at Stuart. They became the parents of four children. One son, Elmer, died in infancy. Mr. Gans lived many years on the place southeast of Stuart and was well-known in the Stuart and Atkinson com munities. Survivors include: Widow — Martha; daughter—Mrs. Hattie Mlinar of Atkinson; sons—Her man of Atkinson and Elvin of Stuart; brothers — Michael of Columbus, John of Everett, Wash., and Joseph of Stuart; sis ters—Mrs. Pearl Hammersmith of Tacoma, Wash., and Mrs. Mayme Fee of Portland, Ore. Rev. E. G. Hughes, Methodist pastor, officiated at the funeral rites. The Robe* Coming for Week’s Run The widely-acclaimed techni color film, “The Robe,” will be gin a week’s run at the Royal theater here, starting Wednes day, April 28. Mrs. Georgia lias ley, Royal manager, said chang es are being made in sound, projection equipment and screen to accommodate the Cinema scope film, said to be revolu tionizing Hollywood. The Royal will be the first | theater in a wide area to intro duce Cinema Scope. (See adver- j tisement on page 7.) Stuart Girl Is Soloist For Two Programs— STUART — Miss Lorraine Coats, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norris W. Coats of Stuart, will be on two vocal programs at Omaha next week, one being on tele vision. She will sing solos Sunday from station WOW-TV, appearing on the cerebral palsy benefit “tele thon” program at 8:30 a. m. She will also appear as the soprano soloist with a chorus of 150 voices in a presentation by the Apollo club o f Omaha o f Haydn’s “Creation”, with accompaniment by musicians of the Omaha Sym phony orchestra. The pregram will be Tuesday evenmg at the Tech high auditorium and will be directed by Dr. Noel Logan. The ofher soloists will be Waldo S. Wilson, tenor and William G. Lugsch, base. Plan Golden Wedding— BASSETT — Mr. and Mrs. i Charles Swanson of Rock coun ty will observe their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, [ April 25, in the Rose church par - | lors. Mother of 15 Dies at Age of 85 Mrs. Frances Bemt Bom in Bohemia; In Holt 63 Years STUART — Funeral services were conducted at 9 a.ra., Tues day, April 20, at St. Boniface Catholic church here for Mas. Frances Bernt, 85, who died late Saturday, April 17, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Josepu P. Gans, at Stuart. Mrs. Bemt, who was the mother of 15 children, had suffered from a lingering illness which set in shortly af ter Christmas, 1953. Rev. Francis Paschang, church pastor, officiated at the requiem mass and burial was in St. Bon iface cemetery. Palbearers were Julius Engler, Patrick Myers, Budolph Wewel, Lynnie Fox worthy, Price Alderman and Paul Babl. A rosary was offered Monday evening at the funeral home. The late Frances Kramer Bernt was born in Bohemia February 9. 1869, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kra mer. The family immigrated to America when she was 9-year old, settling in Butler county. She was married to Joseph Bernt at Columbus in 1885. The couple resided for several years in Polk county, where three of their children were bom. About 1889 the family moved onto a farm south ot Stuart where the 12 other children were bom. In 1909 the Bernts moved onto a farm north of Newport where Mr. Bernt died December 12, 1939. The late Mrs. Bernt spent nearly 63 years re siding in the Stuart vicinity Four sons—Frederick, Joseph, John and Raymond—in addition to Mr. Bernt preceded her in death. All of the surviving 11 chil dren and members of their families were present for the funeral rites. Survivors include: Daugh ters—Mrs. James (Martha) Gans of Stuart; Mrs. Ella Kresbach and Mrs. Laura Dieken, both of Hastings; Mrs. Joseph (Julia) Gans of Stuart; Sister Edw.na (Katherine) of Milwaukee, Wise.; Mrs. Bart (Magdale.ie) Schiffems of Blue Hill; Mrs. Lonnie (Emma) Sharshall of Pu eblo, Colo.; Mrs. Carroll (Rose) Hutton of Sidney; sons—Karl of Stuart; William of Newport and Bruno of Newport 30 grandchild dren and five great-grandchil dren; brother—Jacob, living in Canada; half-sister — Mrs. Fred Ziska of Stuart; half-brother— Anton Kramer of Florida. Joe Winkler Files for County Assessor Joe Winkler, well-known Em met farmer, this week filed for the nomination for Holt county assessor on the republican ticket. Filing was made at the office of County Clerk Ruth Hoffman Baker. It was the only filing re corded in the county this week. The primaries will take place in August. Meanwhile, Donald Rohde of Lynch, who is a law school stu dent at Lincoln, has filen for the non-political post of state legis lator from the 28th district. Mr. Rohde made his filing at Butter The present state senator. Frank Kelson of O’Neill, alrea.lv is a candidate for nomination and i eelection. Mr. Rohde is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rohde of Lynch and was graduated from the Lynch high school He served in the army for several years. St. Mary's Group Seeks Coach-Teacher The St. Mary’s Athletic asso ciation is searching for a full time coach and teacher for the academy staff for 1954-’55. Don Templemeyer of Arapa hoe, a University of Nebraska graduate, was interviewed hero Friday by L. D. Putnam, presi dent; Francis Bazelman, vice president, and L. A. Beck«r, sec re tary - treasurer. Templemeyer is a fully quali fied high school teacher, football and basketball coach, and also is training in wrestling and swimming. MRS. MARES DIES BURWELL— Funeral services were conducted Monday after noon, April 19, at Burwell for Mrs. Dewey Mares, 34-year old ranch woman, who died last Thursday. Mrs. Mares is the for mer Vivian Clark. Survivors in clude her husband, one small son, and her parents.