The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 08, 1954, Page 11, Image 11

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0*0 °
Legal Notice
e 'z __
o (First pub. Mar. 25, 1954)
Sealed bids will be received
at the office of the Department
of Roads and Irrigation in the
State CapitoLat Lincoln, Nebras
ka, on April 15, 1954, until 10:00
o’clock A.M., and at that time
publicly '-'opened and read for
incidental wmrk on the O’NEILL
NORTH Federal Aid Project No.
F-14 (12.) Federal Aid Road,
o Tne proposed work consists of
Constructing 5.0 miles of Oiled
oR°ad- . 0 „
The approximate quantifies
J are: °
1,540 Cu. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
o face eourge0 for Detour °
160 Hours Rental of Motor Grad
3 ft, Fully Operated0
1.180 Ci), Yds. Mineral Aggre
egat^ (Gravel) ° o
° 12,870 Cu Yds. Mineral Aggre
O gate (Coarse Sand) from Local
Pits 8
370 °6u. Yds. Soil Binder from
° Loeab Pits o
o 2,3,580 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for
Prime Co%t, Applied ° o
1.43 Stations Manipulation of
Stabilized Soil Base Course 0
330 Thousand Gallons Water,
0 Applied o
50 iiojirs Rental of Pneumatic
° tired* Roller 0
50 Hours Rental of Sheepsfoot
100 Hours Rental of Wheel Trac
tor, Fully Operated
740 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggregate
(Gravel) for Armor Coat, Ap
pueu o o
17,500 Gallons Asphaltic Oil fof
-p Armor "Goat, ^Applied 0
4,750“ Cu. Yds. ° Mineral Filler
from Local Pits
11,010 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for
Tack Coat, Applied
168,730 fpalions Asphaltic Oib for
Bituminous Stabilized Base
° „ Course, Applied 0
2“62 Stations Manipulation of Bi
tuminous Stabilized Base
° Course 0 o
°116,f00 Gallons Asphaltic Oil
o for Bituminous Mat, Applied
262 Stations Manipulation of Bi
tuminous Mat Surface Course
Each bidder omust be qualified
tb, submit a proposal for 'any
part or0all of this work" as pro
vided in Legislative Bill No. 206,
0 1939 oLegislative Session-; u Pro
posal forms for this work will be
issued to contractors who 0are
qualified to submit proposals for
bituminous surfacing.
The attention of> bidders is di
rected to the Special Provisions
^covering subletting or assigning
[the contract.
The> attention of bidders, is in
vifed to the fact that the De
partment of Roads and Irriga
3 tion has b£en advised by the
3 Wage and Hour Division, U S
Departrrfent of Labor, that con
tractors engaged in highway con
structionpvork arg required to
meet the° provisions of the° Fair
Labor Standards Act of 1938
£52 Stat. *060).
The minimum wage paid to all
skilled labor employed on this
contract ghall be one dollar and
five cents ($1.05) per hour, ex
cept that a minimum wage of one
^dollar and ° twenty-five c^nts
(S1.25) per hour shall be paid to:
Asphalb Plant Engineers o
Dragline Operators
3 -0-13
Power Shovel Operators
The minimum wage paid to
all intermediate labor employed
on this contract shall be ninety
five (95) cents per hour.
The minimum wage paid to
all unskilled labor employed cn
this contract shall be seventy
five (75) cents per (hour.
Plans and specifications for
the work may be seen and in
formation secured at the office
of the County Clerk at O’Neill,
Nebraska, at the office of the di
vision Engineer of the Depart
ment of) Roads and Irrigation at
Ainsworth, Nebraska, or at tht
office ofo the Department of
Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln,
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish bond in an
amount equal to 100% of his
As an evidence of good faith
in submitting a proposal for this
work, the bidder must file, with
his proposal, a certified check
made payable to the Department
of Roads and Irrigation an l in
an amount not less than five
thousand four hundred fifty (5,
450) dollars.
The right is reserved to waive
all technicalities and reject any
or all bids.
L. N. Ress, State Engineer
J. M. Crook, Division
Ruth Hoffpian, County
Clerk, Holt County
__ 47-19c
(First pub. March 25, 1954)
John R. Gallagher, Attorney
c Estate No. 3958
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, 0 March 24,
1954. In the matter of the Estate
gf Otto Lorenz, Deceased.
CREDITORS0 of said estate are
hereby notified that the time
limited for presenting claims
against^ said estate is July 15,
1954, and for the . payment of
debts is March 24, 1955, and that
on April 15, 1954, and on July
16, 1954, at 10 o’clock A.M., eacn
day, I will be at the County
Court Room in said County to
receive, examine, hear, allow, or
adjust all claims and objections
duly filed.
. 8 LOfrlS W. REIMER,
,. County Judge.
March 2, 1954
Council met at regular session.
Meeting was called to order
by the Mayor.
Present Mayor Davis, Council
men Uhl, C r a b b, Merriman,
Johnson, Stutz and Golden.
Minutes of previous meetings
read and approved. °
Motion by Uhl, seconded by
Johnson, that the following bills
be allowed;.
On the general fund:
Joe F. °Wert_1.195.30
Andrew Wettlaufer _a._175.60
Art Holz_185.30
Lloyd Brittell _13700
Director of Int. Rev. —_... 83.00
Shelhamer Equip. Co. _.°— 4.10
Shierk Motor Co. _,— 4.75
Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas — 25.00
Marcellus Garage_30.00
Anderson Fire Equip --H7.J.0
Park Board_245 00
The Frontier_135.95
Walter Calkins -__.195.30
Howard Newton--—234.60
Bob Cook___ja——185.60
o u
¥>»-■ is
o0 She went to the movie...
and couldn't get out!
„ The movie at: the Bijou wasn’t at all what she’d ex
pected. There was too little excitement, far too much talk.
So~ bored and just a bit tired, 9-year-old Mary Ann
8 ° ° Miller curled up in the big soft seat... and dropped off
to sleep. 0
When she awoke everyone had gone; the theater was
-> empty. She was alone in the fearsomely quiet dark!
Frightened, she ran up the aisle, but the entrance door,
o ‘ the side exits too, were locked.
‘o o c Mary Ann pushed open a door, found a light switch.
There was a telephone on the desk. The rest was easy.
Minutes later police arrived to force open a door. A
relieved and smiling little girl walked out. “After I called
o Mommy 'I wasn't scared any more,” she said. “I knew I
wasn't really alone—’cause the telephone was there.”
0 o The story above is true. Only the names have been
changed. What happened here may never happen to any
0 0 one in your family. But in any emergency, it’s good to
remember—like little Mary Ann Miller—you’re never
o o really alone when a telephone is near.
To provide dependable telephone service to families
like the Millers—and to you—your telephone company
must be financially healthy. For we must continue to pay
0 and train skilled workers, buy, build and maintain good
equipment p. . to continue to make your telephone worth
c more than it costs.
^ 0 0
ci) O
O. D. French_40.00
Soc. Sec. Tax Fund_58.00
Donohoe Const. Co._95.00
Lew White Motor Co. _ 4.70
Interstate Machin. & Sup
ply _i 12.<10
Lohaus Motor Company_ 9.84
Fehr’s Tractor & Equip—179 02
O’Neill Fire Dept.-28.00
Zep Mfg. Company--— 25.90
J. Ed. Campbell, Agent.— 49 44
Consumers Pub. Power
Dist. _219.45
Earley Oil Company-115.60
Consumers Pub. Power-512.10
On the water fund:
Ralph Scofield-175 CO
Dolpres Douglass_39.00
Director of Int. Rev.-49.40
doe Nekolite_!-1—148.00
Rockwell Mfg. Co.-25.63
N. W. Bell Tele. Co._6.90
Hersey Mfg. Company __ 78.61
Zep. Mfg. Company-52.25
Consumers Pub. Power
Dist. _294.58
Don R. Douglass-274.00
O. D. French_50.0J
Soc. Sec. Tax Fund-22.00
Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas — 25.00
Johnson Drugs - 125
Worthington-Gamon Meter 13 38
Neptune Meter Company.. 12.58
Earley Oil Company-45.54
The vote on the above motion
was as follows: All aye.
Motion by Uhl, seconded by
Crabb, that the City turn over
the balance of $2,508.00, left in
the Swimming P°°i Bond Fund
to the Board of Park Commis
sioners. The vote on the above
motion was as follows: Aye, Uhl
Crabb, Stutz, Johnson, Mem
man and Golden. Nay none.
Motion by Golden, seconded
by Johnson, that the Council ac
cept the performance bond ot
Dobson Bros. Construction Com
oanv, and return to them die
certified check posted with bid.
The vote on the above motion
was as follows: Aye, Uhl, Cramo,
Golden, Johnson, Memman and
Stutz. in ay nunc.
Motion by Stutz, seconded b,
Uhl that the City authorize Mr.
Don Douglass to buy a ^A^
of cast iron water main. Motion
CaThedapplication for an on and
off slle Beer License of Joseph
D. Peters came up before m
Council. Motion by Golden, ,ec
anded by *>»!“£*, that^.^
Mayor be and is her Dy
to endorse approval on apfm
cant’s bond. Roll was called on
the above motion and th
thereon was as follows: All <• A•
The application for an on and
off sale Beer License of Clau
Hamilton came up heior
Council. Motion by Stutz se
ended by Mernmar’
Mavor be and is nereuy ,•
to endorse approval on „ ?Pn
card's bond. Roll was called on
the above motion and the
trerecn was as follows: All aye.
The application for an on
subf crS:0.^
and is hereby directed
above motion was as
AThey application for an on and
« sale Beer License of Hugh
O’Nem Benson came up before
the1 Council. Motion by Johnsoig
seconded hy^Xhlreby* directed
Mayor be and is hereby u
tile Ib^e motion and the vo«
U,eThe° app ciio'n for an on and
rff sale Beer License of Donald
( vde came up before the Coun
cil Motion by Stutz, seconded
by Merriman, that tbe,M|^01ent
„ , it hereby directed to en
dorseS approval appbeanda
bona. Roll was called on ^
above motion and th®,,
thereon was as follows. All a ^
The application for an °n . ud
off sale Beer LicenseofRalph
McElvain came up before tti
Council. Motion by Crabb, oe^
onded by Uhl, that the Mayor be
and is hereby directed to
dorse° anproval on the appl
?°ntFs bond. Roll was called on
the above motion and the vote
thereon was as follows: All aye.
The application for an on and
off sale Beer License of Fred
Anpleby came up before the
Council Motion by Golden, sec
onded by Merriman, tha. the
Mayor be and is hereby direct
ed to endorse approval on the
applicant’s bond. Roll was cabl
ed on the above motion and the
vote thereon was as follows. All
The following Resolution was
introduced by Stutz and read:
Whereas, Joseph B Rete.s,
Fred Appleby, Claude Hamilton,
Matt Hyies, Hugh O’Ne.11 Ben
s ;n, Donald Clyde and Ralpn
McElvain have made application
for an on and off sale Beer Li
Ct Whereas,’ said applicants are
in all respects in legal and due
formV and notice of hearing
thereon has been S^en accord
ing to law, by publication in
The Frontier, and,
Whereas, no remonstrances
are interpoised, and no objec
tions are on file or made to the
granting of said applicatons and
issuance of License for an on
and off sale Beer, to applicants.
Now therefore, be it resolved
bv the Mayor and City Council
of O’Neill, Nebraska that in on
and off sale Beer license -
^ranted to said Joseph B. "eter ,
Fred Appleby, C1“de,Ha^S
Matt L. Hynes Hugh O NeU
Benson, Donald C1 y
RalDh McElvain, and that the
Citv Clerk be and he hereby is
ducted to issue said Ucenses^
in manner and form and within
the time as prescribed by
Motio by Johnson seconded
by Golden, that the above Reso
lution be adopted. Roll was
called on the above motion and
the vote thereon was as follows.
All aye.
The application for an on and
off sale Alcoholic Liquor License
cf Ralph W. McElvain, came up
before the Council. Motion oy
Golden, seconded by Johnson,
nat the same be granted ani
that the Mayor be directed to
endorse approval on applicant s
bend. Roll was called on tie
above motion and the vote was
as follows: All aye.
The application for an on and
Honors to Williamson, Weyhrich
Larry Williamson (left), president of the Ewing high school
“E” club, and Marilyn Weyhrich, president of the Pep club,
were elected “Tiger” and “Tigress,” respectively, at the annual
atnletic banquet held recently at Ewing. .Supt. L. M. Carter pre
sented awards to athletes in all sports. Gene Libby and Sandra
Dierks crowned Williamson and Weyhrich.
off sale Alcoholic Liquor License
of Beatrice Harty came up be
fore the Council. Motion bv
Stutz, seconded by Uhl, that thz
same be granted and that the
Mayor be directed to endorse
approval on applicant’s bond.
Lull was called on the aoove
motion and the vote was as fol
lows: All aye.
1 he application for an on and
off sale Alcoholic Liquor License
of Richard L. Tomlinson came
up before the Council. Motion by
Merriman, seconded by Crabb,
that same be granted and that
the Mayor be directed to en
dorse approval on the appli
cant’s bond. Roll was called on
the above motion and the vote
was as follows: All aye.
Whereas, Ralph W. McElvain,
Beatrice Harty and Richard L.
Tomlinson have made applica
tion for an on and off sale Alco
holic Liquor License, and,
Whereas, said applications are
in all respects in legal and due
form, and, a notice of hearing
thereon has been given accord
ing to law by publication in The
Frontier, and,
Whereas, no remonstrances
are interpoised, and no objec
tions are on file, and none made
to the granting of said applica
tions and the issuance of li
censes, ana,
Whereas a majority of the
City Council of O’Neill, Nebras
ka, favor the issuance of said
licenses, an on and off sale Al
coholic Linuor to said applicants,
Now therefore, be it resolved
by the Mayor and the City
Council of the City of O’Neill,
Nebraska, that an Alcoholic Li
quor License for an on and off
sale, retail, be granted to said
Ralph W. McElvain, Beatrice
Harty and Richard L. Tomlin
son, and that the City Clerk be
and hereby is directed to issue
said Licenses, in manner, and
form within the time as pre
scribed by law.
Motion by Uhl, seconded by
Stutz, that the above resolution
be adopted. Roll was called on
the above motion and the vote
thereon was as fallows: All aye.
Where as, Fred Saunto, of O'
Neill, Nebraska, has made appli
cation to the Nebraska Liquor
Control Commission for a retail
ers License tp sell within the
City limits of O’Neill, Nebras
ka, for alcoholic Liquors in or
iginal packages only, and,
Whereas, said Commission has
forwarded to the City of O’Neill,
said application, and,
VViereas, there are no objec
tions or complaints on file with
the City Clerk, therefore be it
resolved by the Mayor and the
City Council of O’Neill, Nebras
ka, that the City Clerk forward
a copy of these resolutions to
the Commission.
Be it further resolved that
there are na objections or com
plaints filed against said license,
and be it further resolved that
the City of O’Neill, Nebraska,
files no objections against the
issuance of said License.
Motion by Uhl, seconded by
Stutz, that the above resolution
be adopted. Roll was called on
the above motion and the vote
thereon was as follows: All aye.
Whereas, O’Neill Beverage
Co., Mrs. J. M. Gatz DBA Gatz
Bros, and Robertson Beverage
Co., Incorporated, have secured
from the State of Nebraska Li
quor Control Commission, Beer
Distributors License, and,
Whereas, they have paid tc
the City Clerk of O’Neill. Ne
braska, occupation tax required
by Ordinance, of the City of O’
Neill, Nebraska,
Therefore be it resolved by
the Mayor and the City Council
of O’Neill, Nebraska, that O’
Neill Beverage Co., Mrs. J. M.
Gatz DBA Gatz Bros, and Rob
ertson Beverage Incorporated,
be and hereby are granted a li
cense for Beer Distributors with
in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska,
Be it further resolved that the
Mayor and the City Clerk en
dorse their license as provided
by law.
Motion by Uhl, seconded by
Crabb, that the above resolution
be adopted. Roll was called on
the above motion and the vote
was as follows: All aye.
Upon motion the council ad
journed upon call by the May
City Clerk
QCD — Herman Frickel to
Conrad Frickel Jr 5-18-53 $1
1/40 Int in NWVi 6-31-14
WD — Edwin Thorin to Otto
W Sprague 3-29-54 $3500- N%
lots 17 & 18- Blk I- O’N & Hag
ertys Add- O’Neill
Ewing Play Cast
Is Well-Chosen’
EWING—A treat in entertain
ment was provided for the Ew
ing community on Wednesday
and ihursday evenings, March
31 and April 1, when the senior
class of the Ewing high school
presented the play “Strangers
Tnt cast of characters was
well chosen for the three-act
comedy-mystery, which had a
setting in an old deserted lumber
town in the north woods. The
director of the play was Mrs.
Amber Schlotman, assisted by
Student Directors Judy Jeffer
ies, Vlanda Biddlecome and Pa
trice Mosel.
Numbers between acts in
cluded: Vlanda Biddlecome,
pantomime solo, “I Des Dotta
Doe”; Judy Jefferies, vocal solo,
“Young at Heart”; a vocal trio,
Sandra Dierks, Judy Jefferies,
Vlanda Biddlecome, “Margie”;
Rozetta McDonald and Gene
Iibby, duet, “Mission of St.
Augustine”; Larry Williamson,
vocal solo, with his own accom
paniment on a guitar, “Y’all
Paul Cooper, music director,
and Judy Jefferies were accom
Other Ewing News
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oetter mov
ed the past week to the resi
dence recently vacated by the
Georg Garhart, jr., family.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams
and family visited friends at
Omaha Sunday and also attend
ed the ice capades in the after
The Young Matrons Pinochle
club met on Tuesday evening,
March 30, at the Leo Hintz
home. Hostesses were Mrs.
Frances Shaw and Mrs. Ralph
Munn. Scorewinners were Mrs.
Ray Funk, Mrs. Arthur Kropp
and Mrs. Archie Tuttle. Mrs.
James Boies was a guest. A so
cial hour and refreshments fol
lowed the fames.
Gail Boies and Cecil Berg
strom of the Bergstrom service
station attended a petroleum
meeting at the Legion club in
O’Neill on Wednesday evening,
March 31.
Guests at the Edna Lofquest
home on Tuesday evening,
March 30, were Mrs. Nita Claus
sen, Mrs. Alta Meyers of Ewing
and Mrs. Ernest Thorin of
Mrs. Waldo Davis went to Or
chard on Monday to attend an
afternoon meeting of the Gai
den club, held at the home of
Mrs. Gardon Drayton.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo David
and Marie spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Forbes near Brunswick.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Re
gan were Mr. and Mrs. Max
Wanser and Mr. and Mrs. John
Walker and son, Robert.
Mrs. Anna Young, accompan
ied by Mrs. Myrtle Young, both
of Inman, spent Wednesday,
March 31, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Kropp,
and family.
To Participate in
'Exercise Flash Burn'—
BRISTOW— Army Pfc. Clif
ford D. Nelson, 21, son of Fred
Nelson of Bristow, will move to
Ft. Bragg, N.C., maneuver area
in April with the 37th infan
try division for “Exercise Flash
Nelson is a cook in company H
of the division’s 145th infantry
regiment stationed at Camp
Polk, La.
r .
Sewing Machines
Taken in Trade
Large Variety
Many One of a Kind
Buy with confidence
at your
•A Trade Mark of THE SINGER MFG. CO.
Phone 247 — O'Neill
107 So. Fourth
Donald H. DeGroff
Upped to Sergeant
Donald H. DeGroff, whose
wife, Geraldine, lives in Atkin
son, recently was promoted to
sergeant while serving with the
1343d engineer cambat battalion
in Korea.
Part of I corps, Sergeant De
Groffs unit builds housing and
recreational facilities and main
tains, roads and bridges in the
western part of Korea.
Sergeant DeGroff, son of Mr.
end Mrs. Herman DeGroff of O'
Neill, entered the army in No
vember, 1952. and arrived over
seas last June.
957 W. 5th
Court C
Pamona, Calif.
Enclosed find a check for the
renewal of The Frontier for a
We surely have enjoyed get
ting The Frontier since coming
to California. We always look
forward to Monday as that ±s
when we get it.
We are having wonderful
weather — has been 84 degrees
for several days. The flowers
are lovely this winter and we
surely are enjoying it all im
Kindest regards to all of our
O’Neill and Holt county friends.
Year's Program
Is Outlined—
The Pleasant Brook club met
at St. John’s basement Tuesday,
March 23, with 20 members pre
sent and one absent. The record
books and “Let’s Sew” bulletins
were handed out and. explained
by the leader. Emphasis was
placed upcn keeping the record
books up to date.
After the business meeting we
sang songs and played games
while hostesses? Mrs.0 Tom
zor and Mrs. Charles Wright,
prepared lunch. We also held an
officers’ meeting Thursday even
ing at the home of our leader,
Mrs. Steams, to outline our
yearly program.
Mrs. Asher Hostess—
PAGE— Mrs. Neil Asher was
hostess to the GGG&G club at
her home Friday afternoon. At
cards, Mrs. Anton Nissen was
awarded high prize, Mrs. Ot*o
Matschullat, traveling, end Mrs.
Hester Edmisten, low. Guest*
were Mrs. Clarence Dobbin and
Mrs. Alta Finch. The hostess
served luncheon.
The Sand Finish
— Atkinson —
IMf “mCWBmV*j">/7~
Thurs. Apr. 3
Warner Bros, present Glenn
Filmed in Mexico’s fabulous
Oaxaca. Diana Lynn, Patricia
Medina. The bullet was waiting
for Colby at the Zapotec gate.
Family Night
FrL-Sat. Apr. 9-13
In Pathe color. Adventure!
Thrills! The greatest love story
of them all. Starring Anthony
Dexter, Jody Lawrance. A white
man and an Indian princess!
They dared a nation’s vengeance
and the red man’s savagery.
Matinee Saturday 2:30
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Apr. 11-12-13
William Holden, Eleanor Parker
John Forsythe in M-G-M’s
In color with William DeMar
est, Richard Anderson, Polly
Bergen. See Apache hordes
snoot a curtain of arrows! Pret
ty girl leader escapes from fort!
Hand-to-hand combat under a
torrential waterfall!
Matinee Sunday 2:30
• ° ° •
° _ _o
Home ILrmanent
looks, feels and stays like the
° A
Naturally Curly7 Hair!
*• »\
! • n
^hkBI h ■ m1 Lk ■ 1111 n tlniE^^SB
PW^]^| H j jHR/9 all J
Whbhf*™ *■■■■■^^■■■•■■■■■■1
~ ~. ..—
5c-10c O’NEILL , 25c-SI ° -
the television buy of the year ’ °
Now, at the lowest
price ever, you
get every advance
that has made
RCA Victor the most
wanted and highest
, rated picture in
21-inch television!
1 _ fc
fbony finish; maroon, extra.
Model 21S34B. o°
RCA VICTOR television ;
• You get the famous "Magic Monitor" --—
Circuit System that locks finest picture with NATION-WIDE SURVEY by tbe ?0 c
ines soun au omatica y. Elmo Roper research organization shows jo c. °0. 0
fe* exc^u5've "Golden Throat'' RCA Victor the television most people
i e ity ound—from the precise balance of want, most people have bought, and
amplifier, speaker, and cabinet. having bougW wont to buy ogoin.
Q You get accurate "RotomaticTurjing." Jo 0
More to see —more picture detail...less to do o
— less dialing, less adjusting. For UHF—Built-in, all-channel tuner with exclusive
m «U. Dr a w- x , “Clutch Action" brings in every station In your area,
• 5ee the RCA Victor "Master 21 "now! UHF and VHF. (Optional at extra cost.)
I- sborne'G.LI;
: ; ...
“O’Neill’s TV Headquarters”
Phone 415 — Next Door, O’Neill Nat’l yj C
° o o o c