O’Neill News • Sirs Billie Marcellus and Greg visited Monday at the home 01 her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Har om Williamson in Stuart. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Janzing visited G. C. DeBacker, who is a. patient in the Spalding hospital. Monday Mr. Janzing drove Mrs. DeBacker to Spalding where she will remain for sev « eral days. _ Mr. and Mrs. Gary Enbody of Emmet were guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Janzing. Guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil liamson and daughter of Stuart. Mrs. Donald Franklin and Mrs. Vernon R. Lorenz spent Monday in Norfolk. • P-TA food sale at Shelhamer Super Market. Saturday. March 20. at 1 p.m. 46c Robert Hynes, son of Mrs. Lor etta Hynes and Jack Gatz son of of Mr. and Mrs. C J. Gatz spent the weekend in O’Neill. Robert An tone of Mitchell, S.D., who . .also attends Crichton was a guest of Jack Gatz in his parents home over the weekend. Mr and Mir. Edward Hynes and daughter arrived in O’Neill Monday. . William Beed was discharged from the marine corps at San Francisco He arrived in O’Neill . March 4. He had been in the ser vice two years, the last eight -* • months were spent in Japan. Seaman and Mrs. Donald E. Richardson and daughter were , Monday guests at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill. They re • turned to Ainsworth Tuesday. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill attended a family reunion in Ainsworth at the home of Mrs. Hills parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. '• Richardson, sr. • Mrs Gilbert Heermann of Ains worth spent Tuesday afternoon visiting at the home of Mr. and ff Mrs. Fred Heermann. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek visited at the homes of * their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Havranek and Mrs. Dorothy Barrett in Atkinson. The Misses Mary and Kath eryn Grady returned to their home in Denver Monday. They had been visiting at the home of their brother-in-law ana sister Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss spent from Monday until Wednesday in Lincoln. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hamik and Mike Gallagher of Inman took their parents, Mr. and Mrs John Gallagher of In man to Columbus where the lat ter couple left for California They will visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cronk in San Bernadmo and their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Gallagher in Ont ario, Calif. F-TA food sale at jhelhamer Super Market. Saturday, March 20. at 1 p.m. 46c Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilstrap were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kirk of Norfolk. Mrs. Llovd Godel spoke with her son S/A Donald Godel from Long Beach, Calif. Monday. He will receive a new assignment in ipril as the ship, USS Quincy, that he is now stationed aboard is being put in “mothballs.” Mrs. Leona Hynes was in Oma ha attending merchandise market fcr several days this past week. *7 ,;r „> v /■ r- '-Si" Got a Cold? .... Take ANAPAC Effective relief from cold symptoms in all stages from warning sniffles to the aches and pains of a fully developed cold. REXALL CHERROSOTE Fights coughs due to colds two ways, relieving tickling throat and loosening phlegm. Big Value— Reg. Size ENVELOPES... 100for 37c Just the Thing for the Boy in the Service CANVAS UTILITY ZIPPER BAGS Only...-. . 2.59 Cara Nome DEODORANT CRE.AM Reg. 1.00—Now Only.50c Plus Tax Rex all_ 200 in Bottle ASPIRIN TABLETS.Only 66c __1 —^———————— w Hey, Kids! I Come in and see our new jet gliders. || Strictly supersonic flight can be con- B trolled by moveable wing section. It «mbbbMBBB Remember, we carry a complete line of ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS GILUGAN'S mu drug Phone 87 — O’Neill • • Weds at O'Neill Miss Gladys Mae Durre of Ewing (above) t^ecame the bride of Ernest Everett Schwager