tjfl Hu y»» j|j| FORSALE HOOVER Sales & Service BIGLIN’S Phone 38 — O'Neill FOR SALE: Used lumber, in cluding door and window frames. — C. G. Shellhase, phone 239-M, O’Neill. 45c FOR SALE: Fortune seed oats, at. test: Pure seed 97.21% and germination 99%; and Nema ha seed oats, st. test: Pure seed 98.44% and germination 99%, at $1.25 per bushel. — Vearl Tuttle, Clearwater. 44-45c FOR SALE: Contoneaster acuti foiia, the best hedge plant, 2 and 3 years old.—-C. G. Shell hase, phone 239-M, O’Neill. 45c FOR ALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot size* — John Sobotka, Inman, Sebr_ 7tf FOR SALE: REG. POLLED SHORTHORNS 3 bred hfrs., 3 bulls (2 s) BUTTE LIVESTOCK MKT. March 10th_44c FOR SALE: 3-year-old haw thorn trees, white blooms and red berries.—C. G. Shellhase, phone 239-M, O’NeilL 45c A-1 Used Cars A-l At Your FRIENDLY FORD DEALER’S in O’Neill *53 V8 Crestline Victoria, radio, heater ---$1850 ’52 V8 Customline tudor, radio, heater, overdrive, two - tone, only —--- $1475 ’50 Ford tudors and fordors, starting at the low price of_ $785 ’49 Ford tudors and fordors, starting at -$500 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL 1950 Ford V8 Pickup, H-ton, 4 speed transmission. You can drive this one out today for only $825 Lohaus Motor Co. Phone 16 O’Neill “Where Service Doesn’t End With the Sale” FOR SALE: 35 bred gilts. To farrow in April and May, 27V4c lb.—Outlaw Implement Co., O’Neill. Nebr. 45c FOR SALE: 20% Egg Mash Crunchies, only $4.50 per 100 lbs.; Chick Starter, only $5.15 per 100 lbs.—Corkle Hatchery, O’Neill._44-45p60 FOR SALE: 1954 Pontiac deluxe 8-cyl., fully equipped, $2195. Must sell by Friday.—Darrel Adamson, phone 417-J, O’ Neill. _ FOR SALE: Branch seed oats, state tested. Germination 97%. — Marvin Stauffer, Page, phone 3F2. 44-45p60 FOR SALE: 1947 Pontiac, 8-cyl., $495 — Beverly Adamson, phone 417-J, O’Neill. FOR SALE: My T.G. Interna tional crawler, also road pa trol, ideal for terracing.—Sew ell Johnson, Atkinson, phone 5633. 44-45p FOR SALE: Grand bottle gas stove. 4 burners, separate broiler and oven, 2 large util ity drawers. Also Servel 6-ft. bottle gas refrigerator.—Mrs. Ray Siders. Inman. 45-46p60 FOR SALE: IHC short wheel base 1-ton truck. Driven less than 1.500 miles. Mud and snow duals. $1,400 or best offer. — Milber Keller, Atkin son. 45-46p60 FOR SALE: 1947 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan, radio, heater, new rub ber, $295; 1949 2-T Chevrolet truck, 2-spd. axle, $575; 2— 7.60x15 white sidewall U.S. Royal tires. $45.—Ted Strong, phone 481-W, O’Neill. 45-46p75 FOR SALE: One bottle gas range; brown mohair daven port and chair; factory built steel wagon trailer on rubber. — Bessie Klingler, O’Neilll phone 292-J, or write box 241. * _45p35 FOR SALE: March specials on • odd patterns of silver pieces. We have spoons, spoon sets, ice tea spoon sets, some salad forks and some serving pieces, reduced one - third during March. — McIntosh Jewelry, O'Neill 45c FOR SALE: Two-year-old pure bred Hereford bulls. — Jake Braun, 3 Vi NE of Atkinson. 44-46c FOR SALE: Ralph Leidy’s glad iola bulbs, various varieties, Gene, October Sunshine, Friendship, Rea Butler, Or ange Sunshine, Elizabeth the Queen, and others. — C. G. . Sbellhase, phone 239-M, O’ NeilL 45-47-49p85 FOR SALE. Nemaha oats, 95c bushel: Velvon 11 barley, $1.65 bushel both state tested. — Outlaw Implement Co., O’ Neill. Nebr FOR SALE: Registered Here ford bulls, coming 2-yrs.-old. —Forrest Farrand, 9 mi. E., 7 N. of O’Neill. 44-45p60 FOR SALE: Velvon 11 barley, state tested, bu._$1.65 Nemaha oats, state tested, bu._— 95c Bred gilts, out of registered Spotted Poland boars, bred to registered Spotted boars, 27 %c lb. New 1954 Willys Cars on Display $75 off on new Kelly-Ryan ma nure spreaders for one week. Outlaw Imple. Co. Phone 373 — West O’Neill 45c FOR SALE: 4-yd. bottom dump gravel box, very well construct ed with good materials, {150. Also very good 8x14 ft., set on type, grain and livestock truck body.—Bates & Son, Emmet. • 43 -45p USED CARS '48 Ford 4-dr. '46 Plymouth 5-passenger coupe, very clean. '46 Plymouth 2-dr. 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook-$985.00 1949 Mercury fordor .$695.00 1946 Ford 2-door, radio, heater, new tires- 425.00 NEW FIREDOME V-8 '54 DeSOTOS Now on Display Feature Power-Flight Transmission 1954 Plymouths ALSO ON DISPLAY SHIERK MOTOR CO. PAUL SHIERK, Prop. DeSOTO — PLYMOUTH Phone 430 — O’Neill FOR SALE: Good yellow ear com, two stacks of alfalfa and a stack of prairie hay. — Fred Fritton, O’Neill. 43-45p85 USED CARS 1953 Pontiac 8 Custom Catalina (Hydramatic). “A demonstrat or loaded with accessories” Only_$2295 1952 Pontiac 8 4-dr. Chieftain Deluxe (Hydramatic). “Low mileage and runs like a new one”_$1595 1950 Pontiac 6 4-dr. Chieftain Special. “A one - owner car showing plenty of good care” Only_$895 1949 Pontiac 8 4-dr. Chieftain Special. “The cleanest ’49 in town” -$745 1950 Nash 4 - dr. Statesman. “Priced so it will sell” _ $595 1948 Chevrolet 2-dr. Styleline. “Motor completely recondi tioned” _$485 ’47 and ’48 Pontiacs. “Really good buys for cheap-depend able transportation” Starting at___ $395 GMAC Finance Plan Available on All Cars WE GUARANTEE OUR CARS WM. KROTTER CO. “Your Pontiac Dealer” Serving Holt County Since 1889 FOR SALE: New hay skid, 9:00 x 20 tires, less platform, $450. Will build platform at extra cost if desired. — Carl Hubei, Ewing, Nebr. 43-46c New Machinery J-D discs, drills, plows. J-D spreaders. J-D elevators. Trailer wagons and boxes. J-D 10 and 14 in. hammer mills. No. 80 and 220 Letz grinders. Farmhand loaders, bulldozers, grapple forks. CJ.S. Royal and Firestone farm tires. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable, comfort covers, tractor chains. Used Machinery 15-Ft. A-C disc. 60-Ft. Hammermill belt, good. 15-ft. J-D disc. Super Six manure loader. J-D 4-wheel spreader. No. 5 J-D mower. 1942 B J-D tractor, S & L. 1945 B J-D tractor. 1937 A J-D tractor. 1937 B J-D tractor. R.C. Allis tractor. 1938 F 20 IHC tractor. 2—14’’ David-Bradley plows, on rubber. J-D plow, 2—16-in. bottoms. Duncan Stackmaster loader with hay basket, manure fork, for age fork. 4—16" bottom J-D plow. Used Farmhand loader We trade and give terms on John Deere Credit Plan. Come in and see us! Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill ROCK OF AGES MONUMENTS To Grow More Beautiful with the Passing Years ©POTTHAST Monument Company NORFOLK FOR SALE: John Deere H trac tor, mounted lister and culti vator.—Call 287-W, O’Neill. 44c 9 FOR SALE: Tractors & Equipment 1947 Fuel M. 3— Farmall 20’s. Farmall 30. 2—Farmall 12’s. VAC Case. M&M Model R. John Deere A. John Deere H. 4— Plows. Van Brundt drill. Overshot stacker. K7 truck. Ford 1946 2-ton. IHC D2 pickup. K5 frame. Cream separators, all makes. i Come in and see the new pow er washer separator demon strated today at our store. Shelhamer Equipment O’Neill 45c FOR SALE: 1953 Clipper 25-ft, trailer house, all modern.—J. F. Contois, O’Neill, 6th and Wil liams, phone 386-J, O’Neill. 39tf NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Sales and Service We repair all makes. Let us give you a free estimate on your repair work. Midwest Furniture & Appliance West O’Neill FOR SALE: Lincoln brome grass grass seed. — A. T. Crumly, Page, telephone 16-F24. 43-45p FOR SALE: 50 head Hereford breeding cows. — F E. Bahr, Brocksburg, Nebr. 45-46c FOR SALE: Elec. Range, Hotpoint, full size, in excellent used condition Bargain at_69.95 IT WAS TRADED-IN on a New HOTPOINT RANGE OSBORNE’S 112 So. 4th — Phone 415 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars with outstanding quality. Veterinary vaccinated.—Henry Stelling & Son, Orchard, Nebr. 43tf, FOR SALE: 300 bushels milo, $1.30 per bushel.—Write Earl Storjohann, Spencer, or in quire Frontier office. 43-45p85 FOR SALE: Cafe, with living quarters. Doing good business. —Neligh, Nebr. 43-45c FOR SALE: State tested Nemaha seed oats, $1 per bushel.—Tony Mudloff, Page. 43-45p85 FOR SALE: Auto guide and square turn cable racks, 8-in. H beam. Ready to go.—Eugene Hoerle, Ewing, located 25 mi. so. O’Neill on 281. 40-49p FOR RENT FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. 47tf FOR RENT: Clean, modern 3 room basement apt. Tile floors, utilities furnished, except cooking gas.—212 Jefferson st., O’Neill. 45-46p60 FOR RENT: Business bldg., 116 So. Fourth st. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. FOR RENT: Business bldg, 11,000 ft. floor space. Heated. Suitable for one, two or three store fronts. Any or all of which can be rented and which will be finished to your specifications. Rear of building equipped with six 13-ft. overhead doors and is available now for storage and warehouse use. — K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 23tf ROOM RENT FREE to lady who will be company for me nights. —Mary Donlin, O’Neill. 32tf WANTED WANTED TO RENT: Hay and alfalfa land for share or cash. —Jim Corkle, O’Neill. 44-47p WANTED: Light trucking and drayage, all kinds. — Archie Ashby, O’Neill, phones 551-LJ or 125-J. 37tf WANTED SALESMAN To headquarter in Holt Co. and manage territory, establish dealers, and call on ranchers and farmers for Nebraska Feed Co. Excellent income for right man willing to work. Write Box R, Frontier. 44-45c WANTED TO BUY: Shoats weighing from 60 to 100 lbs.— Mike Higgins, telephone 403-J, O’Neill. 43-45p85 WANTED: Baby sitting.—Shar on Strong, O’Neill, phone 404-W. 45-46c60 WANTED: Middle-age waitress for steady employment.—Paul Beha, Slat’s Cafe, O’Neill. 44-45c WANTED TO BUY: Good two rake hitch.— D. L. Moler, O’ Neill. 45-46p WANTED: Used washing ma chine. Prefer Maytag.—Phone 298-W, O’Neill. WANTED: Waitress for nights. Apply at Slat’s Cafe, O’Neill. 44-45c WANTED: High school girls to train for steady work during summer months.—Slat’s Cafe, O’Neill. 44-45c MISCELLANEOUS WOMEN make money at home, spare time. Sew ready - cut RAP-A-ROUND. Easy, profit able. —Hollywood Mfg. Co., Dept. 7, Hollywood 46, Calif. 44-45p83 Expert Watch Repairing McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill SELLING is our business: Will arrange for advertising, selling and clerking at your sale, pri vately or public auction.—Ed Thorin and Bill Bowker, O’ Neill, phone 207, licensed real estate auctioneer and brokers. 13tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured.—See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 44c L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding, GILL ELECTRIC: See John Gil strap for all your electrical wiring and equipment. I ser vice all makes of appliances.— O’Neill, phone 527-LR. 45tf Real Estate Loans WE have unlimited funds to loan on Ranches. If you anticipate needing a loan, CALL US TO DAY. Ernie Weller Associates Phone 6231 or 5141 — Atkinson HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run- Phone 404-W. Used •car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill I HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters Next door Asimus Motors; of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf LOST: Tie clip, chain with opal set. Reward. — V. J. Towle, phone 383-J, O’Neill. 45p 4% Federal Land Bank O’Neill, Nebr. Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS’N LET ME order your wailpaper. I have all new sample books with latest designs. Will bring the sample books to your home or you may see them at my home.—Dave Loy, phone 433, 629 E. Everett, O’Neill. 43-52c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Five-room modern home.—Phone No. 1, O’Neill. ____ 38tf FOR SALE: 6-room, 1-storv house, insulated, wired for REA, also other outbuildings. Four miles east of Atkinson.—Tom Welsh, Atkinson, phone 6815. 44-46p85 FOR SALE: 5-room all modem bungalow in Stuart, 2 enclos ed porches, full basement, fur nace, 2 lots of good ground, chicken house. Property all fenced in, lovely yard, 9 fruit trees (all bearing fruit), 2 blocks west of Catholic church. Owner transferred. Priced •right for quick sale. — John Ferry, tele. 3641, Stuart. 44-45c Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rey noldson of Albion arrived Sun day to visit at the home of their son and daughter-i-nlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson. They returned to Albion Tues day. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal, and family in Atkinson. CARDS of THANKS I WISH to thank Doctors Brown and French and the entire staff of St. Anthony’s for their wonderful care while I was in the hospital. I also wish to thank Reverend Smith, my relatives and friends for the nice cards, letters, flowers, gifts and visits I received. Also those who remembered my family with food and kind acts. Your kindness will al ways be remembered. May God bless each of you. MRS. ROY WAYMAN 45p50 IN OUR deepest sorrow we wish to thank all our friends, neighbors and relatives for the kind help, sympathy, beauti ful floral pieces and masses in our recent loss of our beloved wife and mother. JOE JARESKE AND FAMILY 45c W“E WISH to express our sincere thanks to the Chambers vol unteer fire department and to our neighbors for their help in extinguishing the fire at our ranch. 45p SCHIPMAN BROS. ' I Career Conference for Prospective Nurses Planned Simonsontunit of the American Legion auxiliary announced this week that it will sponsor a career conference on nursing at the American Legion auditorium in O’Neill on Saturday, March 20. An outstanding team of gradu ate and student nurses from the University of Nebraska school of nursing in Omaha will provide the program commencing at 2 p.m. In announcing the conference, Mrs. Virgil Laursen, unit pres ident, said: “Though all of us are aware of the many oppor tunities offered women when they choose nursnig as a career, we often fail to point out these opportunities to our young girls of high school age. The auxiliary has hopes of giving a deeper in sight of nursing to gins in our area through this career confer ence.” The university’s school o f nursing team will provide short talks, panel - type discussions, question-and-answer periods, as well as printed literature and a film as their part of the program. All high school girls interest ed in nursing are urged to be the auxiliary’s guests for the conference. The O’Neill auxil iary may be contacted for addi tional information. Campbell to Finish Tour with Seventh— STUART—Army Cpl. Charles G. Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Campbell of Stuart, recently was transferred to the Seventh infantry division in Ko rea. Corporal Campbell, who ar rived on the peninsula last July, has been serving as a cannoneer with the 45th division which is being returned to the U S. He will finish his tour of Korean duty with the Seventh division which is undergoing training tc maintain combat efficiency. Campbell entered the armv in January, 1953. AMELIA—Friends here learn ed of the death of Mrs. Ralph Leiser of Omaha. She died about two weeks ago. Mrs. Leiser was the former Frieda Wiltfang, who lived in Amelia several years ago. At that time she and her father lived with her brother, Mike Wiltfang, and helped care for his children, Max and Don na Faye. The late Mrs. Mike Wiltfang was the former Faye Sigman. O’Neill News Genevieve Biglin and Nora McAuliffe of Sioux City were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Crcnin. Miss Mary Lou Wilson a stud ent at Duchesne college, had as her weekend guest at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson, a classmate, Miss Eliza beth JSweetman of Canton, S. D. Mrs. Billie Marcellus and son, Greg, spent Sunday night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williamson in Stuart. Beverly Jane McCarthy cf Omaha visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge M. McCarthy from Saturday until Wednesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wrede of Inman entertained a t dinner Sunday in honor of the birth day anniversary of Mrs. Clarence Wrede. Guests were Mrs. Clar ence Wrede, Mr. and Mrs. John Hipke of Springview, Ms. Hen ry Martin and Mrs. Addie Wrede Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsman of the J. -F- Bloon Co. . . moun ments from the factory to the consumer.—Emmet Crabb, O' Neill. phone 139-J 37tf Lorraine Simonson of Duch esne College, Omaha, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. oimonson, over the weekend. M. and Mrs Marvin Miller will leave today (Thursday) for Lincoln to visit Mr. Miller’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Miller, and to attend the state basket ball tournament. ►> - August Kohls, Long 111, Dies at Norfolk RIVERSIDE— August Kohls, who had been ill for some time, died at a Norfolk hospital. His funeral was held Monday in Or chard at the Lutheran church. Other Riverside News Richard Taylor of Valentine was a supper guest of the Grant Mott family Tuesday evening, March 2. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller spent the weekend in the Rob ert Browning home in Madison. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilcox and family while while in Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and sons were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Oetter near Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry and Julie and Jody visited the Duane Jensens in Newman Grove Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Hoke and family were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Hood. _ ... v m 1 l T~»_] tMaie ana it?aay d