The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 31, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    Future Subscribers
DUVALL—Mr. and Mrs. Har
lan Duvall of Atkinson, a daugh
ter, Linda Joyce, weighing (
pounds 10 ounces, born Tuesday
December 22, at Atkinson Me
morial hospital.
FRIEDELr-Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert FYiedel of Stuart, a son, Garj
Roger, weighing 7 pounds £
cunces, born Wednesday, Decem
ber 23, at Atkinson Memorial
WILSON—Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Wilson of Atkinson, a daugh
ter, Deborah Lee, weighing '
pounds 10 ounces, born Thurs
day, December 24, at Atkinson
Memorial hospital.
MANCUSO — Dr. and Mrs
Francis Mancuso of Atkinson, a
daughter, Mary Jeanine, weigh
ing a pounds 1 ounce, born Sat
urday, December 26, at Atkinson
Memorial hospital.
WARNER—Mr. and Mrs. John
Warner of Atkinson, a son, Ron
ald Shigelu, weighing 8 pounds
4 ounces, born Friday, December
25, at Atkinson Memorial hospi
MARSTON — Mr. and Mrs.
Charles (“Chuck”) Marston of
Waco, Tex., a daughter, Debra
Sue, weighing 5 pounds 15 ounc
es, born Sunday, December 20,
at Waco. This is the couple’s
first child. Mrs. Marston is the
former Wauneta Anspach, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harden Ans
pach of O’Neill.
KALLHOFF — Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Kallhoff of Oakdale, a
daughter, born Tuesday, Decem
ber 23, at the Antelope Memorial
hospital, Neligh. Mrs. Kallhoff is
the former Marie Bauer of De
loit. The couple has two sons and
• another daughter.
MCDONALD— Mr. and Mrs.
Ricnard McDonald of Deloit, a
daughter, born recently at the
Neligh hospital. Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald also have a son.
SCHOLZ—Mr. and Mrs. Flor
ir.n Scholz of Stuart, a son,
Thomas Joseph, weighing 3
pounds 2V4 ounces, born Thurs
day, December 24, at St. An
thony’s hospital, O’Neill.
JARESKE—Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Jareske of O’Neill a daughter,
Carol Catherine, weighing 6
pounds 7V4 ounces, born Thurs
day December 24, at St. An
thony’s hospital, O’Neill.
IttOMAS—Mr. and Mu John
Thomas of O’Neill, a daughter,
Gayla Sue, weighing 7 pounds 2
ounces, born Friday, December
25, at St. Anthony's hospital, O'
WALTON—Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Walton of O’Neill, a daugh
ter. Shirley Ann, weighing 7
pounds 4% ounces, born Satur
day, December 26, at St. An
thony’s hospital, O’Neill.
ORSBORN—Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Orsborn of O’Neill a aaugh
ter, Sally Anm weighing 9
pounds 6 ounces, born Sunday,
December 27, at St. Anthony’s
hospital, O’Neill.
DH GROFF—Mr. and Mrs. Jay
DeGroff of Amelia, a son, weign
ing 7 pounds lxk ounces, born
Sunday, December 27, at St. An
thony’s hospital, O’Neill.
Charles Richardson of Jamison,
a son, Robert Royce, weighing ti
pounds 1 ounce, bom Tuesday,
December 29, at St. Anthony’s
hospital, O’Neill.
McDANIELS — Mr. and Mrs.
Louis McDaniels of Fremont, a
daughter, born Wednesday, De
cember 30, at St. Anthony c hos
pital, O’Neill.
COURTNEY — Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Courtney of Norton air
base, California, a son, Dickie Al
den, born on Friday, December
11. The grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Courtney of
Lynch and George Eiler of Mon
owi. The great-grandmother is
Mrs. Hannah Streit of Lynch.
ZASTROW — Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Zastrow of O’Neill, a son,
weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces, born
late Wednesday, December 30,
in St. Anthony’s hospital. This
is their third child. Mrs. Zastrow
is the former Jean Biglin, daugh
ter of Mrs. F. J. Biglin and the
late Mr. Biglin.
GILLIHAN — Dr. and Mrs.
Robert Gillihan of Lawrence,
Kans., a daughter, Sally Ann,
born Tuesday, December 15, at
Lawrence. Mrs. Gillihan is the
former Marjorie Mossman of In
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Price of
Sargent will remain here until
after new year’s visiting rela
tives and friends. Mr. Price
teaches at Sargent.
A3/c Robert Fox, who is sta
tioned at Hollman AFB, New
Mexico, arrived home on Christ
mas to spend a 15-day furlough
with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs.
Charles Fox.
Robert Allen, who has been
visiting his mother, Mrs. Jerrold
Dusatko, and other relatives for
the past two months since his
discharge from the marines re
turned Thursday to Omaha where
he is now employed.
A2/c Glen Keller of Clarion,
la., who is now stationed on the
Bahama Islands, was a weekend
guest at the Joe Jurgensmier
Mr. and Mrs. James Banks
were Christmas dinner guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox and
family were Christmas day din
ner guests of their son-in-law,
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fran
cis Belzer.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Carroll
' and sons of Lincolp and Miss
Ann. Waters of Omaha are visit
ing at the home of Mrs. William
Biglin. From here Mr. and Mrs.
Carroll will go on to Spencer, la.,
to visit relatives and friends.
Too Late to Classify
LOST: A spade % mile south of :
home. Reward.—Walter O’Mai- :
ley, O’Neill . 35p30 I
Entertain Guests—
Christmas guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wyant
were their son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wyant,
and children of Oshkosh; son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Bourne, and children of
Fremont, and son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ash
er, and Susan of Valentine. The
Asher family were also guests at
the H. E. Asher home.
Celia News
The Alex and Herman Frickel
home was the scene of a family
gathering Christmas day. Others
present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben
nett Smith and family of Butte,
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Beck and
| family, Mr. and Mrs. Connie
Frickei and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Frickel and family, Mr.
1 and Mrs. George Syfie, jr., and
Judy, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoff
man and sons and Ed Hoffman
and his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr.
j and Mrs. William Spann. Other
visitors were R- M. Pease of O’
Neill and Miss Fern Spann.
Earl Schlotfeld was a last
Thursday viistor at the Ray
| Pease home.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack and
i family were Christmas day sup
per guests at the Nels Colfack
home in Atkinson. Other guests
; were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Col
fack and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Colfack and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston
spent Christmas eve at the home
of his mother, Mrs. Feme Liv
ingston, and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck at
tended the family Christmas
party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Mlinar Christmas
day. Others present were Mrs.
Joe Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Charley
Mlinar and son, Dale, Mr. and
Mrs. George Beck, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Smith and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Merlin Quigley and son
I of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
i Johnson and Marvel Jean and
! Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon
! and sons of Stuart.
Emu Coifack and son. Demon,
were Sunday morning visitors at
the Duane Beck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck
spent Saturday evening at the
George Beck home.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wonder
check and sons of Bristow were
Sunday supper guests at the
Emil Coifack home.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Terwilli
ger and sons were Sunday din
ner guests at the Ray Disterhaupt
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livingston
were supper guests at the Orville
Hitchcock home Sunday evening,
December 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin
and family were Christmas night
visitors at the Mark Hendricks
home. Frances Chaffin spent the
night and Saturday with Mar
kita Hendricks and helped her
celebrate her 12th birthday an
niversary Saturday, December
Alice Focken and Darlene Tas
ler visited Sharon Andrus Wed
nesday morning, December 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken
and family spent Christmas day
at the Marvin Focken home.
Sunday evening, December 20,
visitors at the Marvin Focken
home were Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Braun and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Ziska and Phyllis.
Mrs. Henry Kahler of Lincoln
and Mrs. Marvin Focken and
children visited Mrs. Frank Dis
terhaupt, jr., and family Satur
Mr .and Mrs. Duane Beck spent
Christmas evening at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Alvin Heiser,
and family.
Saturday visitors at. the Ray
Pease home were Connie Frickel
and children, Donnie and Caro
line, also the Victor Frickel chil
dren, Garold, David and Vicky.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke
and family were Wednesday eve
ning, December 23, visitors at the
Adolph Arp home in Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry
and daughters, Mary Catherine,
Patricia and Theresa, spent
Christmas day with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. August Troshynski,
and family. ‘ Other visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry of
Atkinson, Gerald Troshynski,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Troshynski and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Gutchewsky, all of Omaha.
Buddy Focken was a Saturday
overnight visitors at the Alex
Forsythe home and also helped
him Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Focken
and sons were Sunday supper
guests at the Marvin Focken
Alex Forsythe was a last
Thursday morning visitor at the
O. A. Hammerberg home.
Marvin Rouse spent Sunday
with his sister, Mrs. Milton Mc
Kathnie, and family.
The Pinochle Pirates highlight
party of the season was at Lyle
Vequist’s on Tuesday night, Dec
ember 15, when members met for
a 6:30 o’clock supper. Following
the eighth game of cards, the low
score winners for the season
treated the high winners with
pie-a-la-mode. The ladies made
the pies and the men paid for
the ice cream. High scores for
the evening went to Chuck Fel
ver and Mrs. Albert Sterns and
lows to Albert Sterns and Mrs.
Lyle Vequist. Francis Curran
won the traveling prize. The
next meeting will be at the Fran
cis Curran home on January 2.
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linda
called at the James Newman
home in Stuart on Tuesday eve
ning, December 15, and on the
way home visited a while with
Mrs. Johnson’s sister, Lois Brein
er, and Leslie.
Christmas dinner guests of j
Mrs. Florence Schultz Friday |
evening were Mr. and Mrs. Owen j
Hiatt, Joe and Frances, Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Spry, Phillip and
Zane, all of Omaha, also John
Kersenbrock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. John
Schultz and daughters.
Sick & Injured
EWING—Mrs. Curly Sanders
is a surgical patient at the Til
den hospital. Her condition is
“satisfactory.” Her mother, Mrs.
Floyd Lee, and other relatives
are assisting in the care of the
family. . . H. R. Porter, who has
been in ill health for several
weeks, is now being cared for in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Coe
Butler at Lincoln. . . Mrs. Frank
Noffke and Larry went to Tilden
on Monday where Larry had his
tonsils removed. . . Many chil
dren in Ewing and vicinity are
having a siege with the chicken
pox during the holiday vacation.
. . . Nels Jacobsen, Ewing’s old
est citizen, is a patient at the
University hospital at Omaha for
treatment and possible surgery.
Mrs. Jacobsen and daughter, Mrs.
Ernest Norwood, are near him.
. . . Miss Eleanor Pollock, who
became ill while working in
Omaha, is convalescing at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Pollock.
O'NEILL—Miss Joann Burgess,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. A.
Burgess, reached home in time
for Christmas after having spent
four months m a Rochester,
Minn., hospital. Mrs. Burgess
went to Rochester on Sunday,
December 20. She accompanied
her daughter by air to Norfolk
where they were met by Doctor
Burgess. . . Allan Van Vleck re
turned Wednesday, December 23,
from the Veterans hospital at
Grand Island, where he had been
confined since December 3. . .
Mrs. Bernard Matthews of Lin
coln, formerly of O’Neill, entered
St. Elizabeth’s hospital at Lincoln
Monday for surgery on her foot,
which was hurt several years ago.
This is the third time for surgery.
. . Mrs. F. J. Biglin was re
1 eased Wednesday afternoon
from St. Anthony’s hospital after
having been a patient there since
CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Jarman and James drove
to Lincoln Monday, December
28, where James was to have a
medical checkup at the Ortho
pedic hospital. They were ac
companied as far as Geneva by
Mrs. Keith Sexton and Nadine,
who will spend a week with her
sister and be near her mother,
who is a patient in the Geneva
CELIA— Duane Beck entered
St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill
Monday and was to undergo
surgery Tuesday. His parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Beck, will
come out to the farm to help
with the chores.
PAGE—Larry Kornock, small
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Kornock, was suffering with
an ear infection from Thursday
until Saturday at St. Anthony’s
hospital at O’Neill.
AMELIA— Dennis Keefe has
been ill. His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Keefe, took him to
Burwell to a doctor. . . Mrs. B.
W. Waldo was on the sick list
last week.
DELOIT — Mrs. Wayne Paul
was a patient at the Tuden hos
pital last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins
visited tne Don Hynes nome bun
' day.
Mr .and Mrs. Albert Sterns and
John Richaidson visited Mr. and
Mrs. James Curran and Ardell
Tuesday evening, December 22.
Christmas day guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Sterns were
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Slaymaker and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sterns and
Mr. and Mrs. Letter Strong
and family of Omaha came
Christmas day and stayed until
Sunday visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albei t Sterns and other
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson
and Linda visited Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Murray and Sharon Christ
mas evening
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Vequist Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Jim McNulty, LaDon
na and Laurine Schmit.
Many relatives gathered for
Christmas dinner and the after
noon at the John Cleary home.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Herber Breiner, Bud,
Bonnie and Cherry of Grand
Island, Mr. and Mj^ John Tur
ner and family,.and Mrs.
Mrs. John Schult^Ki girls, Mrs.
Bill Murray and^^uon, Mr. and
Floyd Johnson w Linda, Alden
Breiner and boys, Mrs. Theresa
Breiner, Don and Lois.
Mrs. Albert Sterns, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Sterns drove to Lincoln
Thursday to get Doris Sterns,
who will spend a week here visit
ing her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Vequist ana
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lansworth and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Jce Grutsch and family,
Mrs. Celia Grutsch and Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and fam
ily met for Christmas dinner and
the day at the Jim McNulty
Sunday evening, December 20,
visitors at the John Schultz home
were Gordon Johnson, Dan Rakes
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda visited at the Louis Brown
home Wednesday evening, Dec
ember 23.
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran
and Ardell were at the Dale Cur
ran home in O’Neill for Christ
mas dinner.
Lynda Hynes spent Christmas
night with the Lyle Vequist
B. W. Waldo of Amelia was
a dinner guest at James Curran’s
Mr. and Mrs.Wesley Taylor and
family visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Brown Tuesday evening, Decem
ber 22.
Mr. and Mrs Roy Margritz
and family were at Lyle Vequist’s
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz,
Gwenda, Trudy and Debra spent
Christmas eve with Mrs. Floyd
Johnson and Linda.
Linda Johnson visited Pat Gal
lagher Saturday evening.
Orville Thorson and Herb Un
derwood. were at Lloyd Galla
gher’s Christmas day.
Sisters Wed in Double Rite
Miss Marie Eleanor Schneider (left) and Miss Ramona Ann
Schneider, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Schneider of O’Neill,
were married Tuesday, December 29, in a double nuptial rite in
St. Patrick’s Catholic church. Miss Marie became the bride of
1 Andrew Joseph Ramold of Atkinson, and Miss Ramona was wed
to Wendell Joseph Babl of Emmet.—O’Neill Photo Co.
Hospital Notes
Admissions; December 23 —
Mrs. Emmet Revell, Star; George
Burk, Ewing. 24—Mrs Raymond
Bly, Amelia. Linda Kay Hoxsie,
Chambers; Mrs. Florian Scholz,
Stuart; Margaret Eggers, O’Neill;
1 Larry Kornock, Page; Mrs. Leo
Jareske, O’Neill. 25—Mrs. John
T. Thomas, O’Neill; Mrs. Richard
Walton, O’Neill. 26—Mrs. Frank
Biglin, O’Neill. Mrs. Jay De
Groff, Amelia. 27—Mrs. Herman
Orsborn, O’Neill; Ronald Bean
Ott, O’Neill; Debra Ann Babi,
Holdrege; Rose Mary Herald, In
man; Bonney Lawrence, O’Neill;
Janice Landreth, Page. Mrs.
Walter Christon, Page. 28—Le
ona Summers, Middlebranch; Du
ane Beck, Atkinson; Ruth Parks,
Page; Mrs. Charles Richardson,
Jamison. 29— Edward Winkler,
Emmet; Mrs. Nina Stearns, O’
Neill; Mrs. W. J. Flannigan,
Stuart. 30— Mrs. Louis McDan
iels, Fremont; Mrs. Louis Zas
trow, O’Neill.
Discharges: December 23—De
nise Kay Worcester, O’Neill; Mrs.
Eugene Porter and baby boy,
O’Neill. 24—Mrs. Frank Fritton,
O’Neill; Mrs. Bob Summerer, Ew
ing; Mrs. Louis Adams, Spencer;
Robert Steven Mason, O’Neill;
Mis. Vernie Johnson and baby
boy, O’Neill; Mrs. Harry Schlote
and baby girl, Plainview; Mrs.
Robert Boettcher and baby boy,
Lynch; Mrs. W. J. Flannigan,
Stuart; Mrs. Mary Uhl, C’NeilL
25 — Mrs. Donald Kinnison and
baby boy, Venus; Mrs. Raymond
Bly, Amelia; Mrs. Walter Chr>s
ton, Page. 26—Larry Kornock,
Page. 27 — Lee Wyant, O’Neil);
George Burk, Ewing; Linda Kay
Hoxsie, Chambers. 28—Mrs. John
Gilstrap, O’Neill; Margaret Eg
ger, O’Neill; Jack Eugene Clyde
(baby), O’Neill. 29—Rose Mary
Herold, Inman; Janice Landreth,
Page; Leona Summers, Middle
branch; Bonney Lawrence, O’
Neill; Mrs. John T. Thomas and
baby girl, O’Neill; Mrs. Florian
Scholz and baby boy, Stuart;
Mrs. Herman Orsborn and baby
girl, O’Neill; Mrs. Leo Jareske
and baby girl, O’Neill: Mrs. j
Richard Walton and baby gal
hospitalized: Ronald Dean Ott,j
O’Neill; Mrs. Belle Widmat:, Ant-1
elia; Mrs. Barbara Leahy, Grand
island; Mrs. Emmet Reveii, Star;
Mrs. Lois B. Adams, Cnamoers:
Mrs. Mary Vitt, O’Neill; Mrs.
Mary Mullen, O’Neill; Edward
Winkler, Emmet; Mis. Walter
Christon, Page; Mrs. Nina
Stearns, O’Neill; Mrs. Jay De
Groff, Amelia; Mrs. Louis Mc
Daniels, Fremont; Mrs. Frank
Biglin, O’Neill; Mrs. Charles
Richardson, Jamison; Ruth Park,
Page; Mrs. Harry Park, Page;
Mrs. W. J. Flannigan, Stuait;
Albert Otte, Winner, S.D ; Duane
Beck, Atkinson.
In hospital: Mrs. Elmer Frank,
Bonsteel, S.D., major operation,
good; Rudy Frasch, airfax, S.D.,
major operation, good; Baby Boy
good; Rudy Frasch, Fairfax, S.D ,
good; John Fundus, Butte, med
■ ical, good; Peter Jacobsen, Butte,
major operation, good; Jerry
Kaplan, Verdel, medical, improv
ing; Mrs. Ray Kerbel, Spencer,
j medical, improving; Orville Lew
is, Anoka, medical, satisfactory;
Miss Bertha Smith, Spencer,
medical, improving; Baby Ste
phen Stoltenberg, Naper, med
ical, good; Mrs. Lyle Watson and
baby, Chambers, good; Henry
Wagner, Bristow, major opera
tion, satisfactory.
Dismissals: December 24—Mrs.
Emma Thiessen, Lynch; Mrs.
Paul Weber, Butte. 25—Mrs.
William Elsasser, Lynch. 26 —
Lyndall Hiserote, Gross. 27 —
Master Bobby Carsten, Bonesteel,
S.D.; Deanna Fried, Butte; Baby
Girl Frasch, Fairfax, S.D.
I Admitted: December 19—Mrs.
| Donald Cadwallader, Bassett,
| medical. 21—Fred Mulford, Stu
I art, surgical. 22 — Mrs. Harlan
Duvall, Atkinson, obstetrical. 23
— Mrs. Robert Friedel, Stuart,
Qbsterical. 25— Mrs. John War
ner, Atkinson, obstetrical. 26 —
Charles Dickau, Atkinson, sur
gical; Jeanne Cleary, Atkinson,
medical; Mrs. Francis Mancuso,
Atkisnon, obstetrical. 27— Mrs.
Arthur Halstead, Newport, sur
Dismissed: December 21—Mrs.
Donald Cadwallader, Kay Dvor
ak. 22—Connie Miller. 24—Mrs.
Ralph Schrunk, Baby Robert Os
born. 26—Fred Mulford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nelson
and Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Nelson
of Taylor brought Mrs. Anna
Thompson to Page Sunday where
they were all dinner and supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Kelly. Mrs. Thompson had been
called to Taylor by the death of
her father, John Nelson, and
had spent the past week there.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brad
; dock and family of Omaha, Mr.
: and Mrs. Ed Braddock and Mary,
Mrs. Nora Braddock, Mrs. Jen
! nie French and Miss Alice were
! guests Christmas day of Mr. and
Mrs. Alton Braddock and JoAnn.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemper
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben'
Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs. •
Richard Asher and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Asher were guests Christmas at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Among the students home for
the holidays was Lyle Fox, who
attends college at Hastings. His
sisters, Mrs. Bill Kelly and Mrs.
George Bon, went for him on
Friday, December 18. He will re
turn to classes cm Monday, Jan
uary 4.
Phone 106 — O’Neill
Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Esmond Weber
and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Fink and family, all of
Denve ', Colo., Mr. and Mrs. For
rest Henderson of Orchard, S/Sgt.
and Mrs. Lewis Copple and dau
ghter of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Trowbridge and Judith,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trowbridge
and Diane were Christmas dinner
guests of Mrs. A. O. Weber. Mrs.
Norman Trowbridge was an af
family of Denver, Colo., came
ternocti visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fink and
Wednesday morning, December
23, to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge, and
other relatives at Page and with
Mr. Fink’s relatives at Ewing.
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Lewis Copple
and daughter of Omaha came
Christmas morning to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Trowbridge, and other relatives
until Tuesday morning when they
went to Randolph to visit Mr.
Copple’s relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Black and
family of Ewing were Christmas
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
McClure and Artha.
Mr. Alton Braddock, Miss
Viola Haynes and Miss Marie
Heiss were Saturday evening
guests of Miss Alice French. The
hostess served lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lampshire
of Polk and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Spann of Atkinson spent Christ
mas with the ladies’ parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. William Riege, jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenze Riege and
and family and Ralph Riege of
Norfolk spent Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenze Riege and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cahill of
Lincoln were Christmas guests
at the parental home in Page,
returning to Lincoln Sunday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck
horst. Jack and Faye and grand
daughter, Hotly Ann Mossman
of Inman, were Saturday eve
ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Silver
and son of Hcildredge came to
spend the Christmas holidays
with Mrs. Silver’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. G. Bernholtz.
Jack Cahill, who attends school
at Greeley, spent the Christmas
vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Cahill.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher of
Logan, la., and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Stewart were dinner guests
Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Rollie
Snell. Mrs. C. M; Stewart was
an evening visitor.
Mr and Mrs. Lester Riege and
Bonnie spent Christmas eve with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. \
Horrorks at Tilden. On Christ- i
mas day they were all guests at
the Elwood Horrocks home at !
Meadow Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. George Luebbers j
and family of Osmond and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Freimeyer and
family were dinner guests of Mr. |
and Mrs. P. E. Nissen for Christ
Jimmie Ballantyne of Lincoln |
spent from Thursday until Sun
day at his home here with Mrs.
J. O. Ballantyne and Faye Irene.
Mr. and Mrs. George Luebbers
and family of Osmond, Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Haynes and dau
ghters of O’Neill and Mr. and
Mrs. P. E. Nissen were Monday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. |
Harold Freemeyer and family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Winkler |
and family of Emmet, Mr. and [
Mrs. Melin Kemoer and family j
of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Or
ville Kemper enjciyed a nohost
dinner at the Theodore Kemper
home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Kemper were afternoon visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knudson
and family of Manning, la., spent
from Friday until Sunday visit
ing his mother, Mrs. Helen Knud
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes ac- j
companied their son, E. E. Copes, j
! and wife to Lincoln last Thurs
day where they visited over
| Christmas. The E. E. Copes visit
ed her father. Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Cepes visited their grand
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Pappas. They plan to
make a longer visit with rela
: tives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lamason
left Wednesday, December 23,
for East St. Louis, 111., where
they visited at the home of
tbteir son, Capt. and Mrs. J. L.
Lamason and family and were
to return home Tuesday. En
route they spent Wednesday
night at the Kenneth Braddock
home in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Grass, Emmitt
Thompson and Thomas Kelly of
Page and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Pelletier of Orchard drove to
Taylor Wednesday, December 23.,
where they attended the funeral
of their grandfather, John Nel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brad
dock, Donald, Dale, Gene, and
Audrey of Omaha spent Christ
mas at Page. Mr. Braddock and
Donald returned home Friday*
night. The cithers remained here
until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
spent Thursday until Saturday
at Bloomfield with their son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Anthony and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Matschullat and
son spent Christmas day there.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and
family of Orchard, Mrs. Norman
Trowbridge of Plainview, Ronald
Park of Wayne and Mr. and Mrs.
Neven Ickes and daughter were
dinner guests Christmas at the
R. F. Park home.
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Snyder and
son, Mrs. Don Lockwood and
Sally Snyder of Orchard and Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Kornock were
dinner guests Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baird,
Misses Thelma and Gladys
Woods of Carroll were Sunday
dinner guests at the R. F. Park
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Held and
Merlyn spent Christmas day at
the Vern Held home near Venus
Kobert Wood and family were
also present.
MSiftrict 23> with Mrs. Francis
McClure as teacher, closed it’s
school for the Christmas vaca
tion with a program Wednesday
evening, December 23. There was
a Christmas tree and gifts for
the children were distributed
School will open again January 4
Mrs. Frank Chmeler of Nor
folk came Monday morning to
spend a few days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Town
send. She was accompanied here
by Mrs. A. D. Palmer, also of
Norfolk, who will visit at the
home of her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. 3. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Silvers
and sen of Holdredge, Mr and
Mrs. Tom Knudson and famliv
of Manning, la., Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Max and family and Mrs.
Helen Knudson were guests
Christmas day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Bernholtz.
The occasion also honored the
40th wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. Farnsworth.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harper
and daughters of O’Neill and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and
family were dinner guests Christ
mas day of Mr. and Mrs. Harrv
Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Stauffers and son were after
noon visitors. They had their
gift erchange.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Parsons and
Jerry Terrill of Miltonwale,
Kans . were Christmas guests of
Mrs. Parsons’ and Jerry’s parents;
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Terril. Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Terril and family
of Hot Springs, S. D., came be
fore Christmas and are guests
at his parents home.
2d Floor Gilligan
Rexall Bldg. !
Ph. 240 - Box 149 - Hrs. 8:30-5 j
If i(!«'!P« I—i J1 *»;S!
Phone 74 O'Neill
Everybody loves a baby ... especially
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Shelhamer Foods