The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 17, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Ready Plans for
Visit by Santa
Ewing wuT^,asJtu!Saydaite?!
^P^TborlQ. Santa’s sched
dule ealls for his arrival at the
Christmas tree on Main street at
.. o clock. Children are invited to
be present to greet him. Treats
wd be given all. Mr. and Mrs.
£?]lack' new managers of the
Eldorado threatre, are sponsoring
two free shows, the first beginn
mg_at 1:30 and the second at 8:45.
Elvin Hamilton, president of
the Commerical club, which each
'•ear sponsors Santa’s visit to
Ewing, says the group hopes to
make this "day the biggest cele
bration of the holiday season.
Other Ewing News
... The Ewing Commercial club i
will meet tonight (Thursday) at
the Legion club. Members are i
urged to be present. After the
• business session, treats will be
sp'-Ved S*mta Clans dav.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huffman
and daughters went to Omaha
for the weekend. His mother, Mrs.
Zoe Huffman, a guest of relatives
in Omaha, returned with them
Sunday to her home in Elgin.
Mrs. William Wulf accompan
ied Mr and Mrs Mark Maben to
0”Neill on Friday where they
transacted business.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben of
Clearwater were guests on Sun
dav at the home of Mr. and Mrs
William Wulf.
. Mr. and Mrs. John Turray and
family of Wood Lake were guests
on Sundav at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Mrs. Ralph Eacker went to
Grand Island on Saturday where
she was overnight guest of her
daughter and son - in - law, Mr.
and Mrs. Jerome Fuller. On Sun
day, the Fullers and Mrs. Eacker
went to Lincoln to attend the
“Messiah.” Miss Joellvn Eacker,
sttfdent at the University of Ne
braska. was a participant.
Joe Kaczor and his mother,
Mrs. Eva Kaczor, spent Friday
afternoon visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor and
Mrs. Alvin Gibson attended the
Christmas party of the Never -
on-Time club at Neligh on Thurs
• dav afte-noon. Gifts were ex
changed and slips of papers with
a name of a member were drawn
to select their mystery sister
whose jdentv will be revealed
at the Christmas party in 1954.
Guests on Sunday ?t the home j
of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doud were !
=r'"’en Klintobe of Page, Warren
. Klintobe, who is liome on fur
lough. and John Black, brother
of Mrs. t>oud.
Mrs. Clarence Latzel was host
ess to a party at her home on
Monday. Mrs. Mae Thocin of
Chambers was in charge of
the entertainment. Refrashments
were served.
Mrs. Fdna Lofquest had as her
guests Thursday morning Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Allvn and family
of Stuart, Ralph Allvn and son, i
Steven, of Grant’s Pass, Ore. ,
Mrs. Edna Lofquest was a din
ner guest at the home of Mrs.
Lillie Myers on Wednesday. Dec
ember 9. Her aunt, Mrs. Carrie
Bernhardt, who was a guest at
the Myers home, returned to
. Ewing with her.
Guests at the country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum on
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. James
Mlnarik and family of Ewing.
Cpl. Vincent Rotherham, who
is in Korea, drove an open jeep
102 miles in winter temperatures
ut 25 miles an hour, to meet his
brother, Bvt. Jerry Ro4.herham,
who recently arrived in Korea.
The brothers had planned a get
to-gether, but Private Rother
ham was happily surprised when
Cpl. Rotherham arrived ahead of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards
and daughter, Cathy, spent Sun
day at the country home of Mr.
and Mrs. Willie Shrader and
The Jephthah chapter 85. Or
der of the Eastern Star, met on
Tuesday evening, December 8.
The following officers were
elected: Mrs. Henry Fleming,
worthy matron; William Spence,
worthy patron; Mrs. Wilbur
Bennett, associate matroht; John
. A. Wood, associate patron; Mrs.
Harriet Welke, secretary; Mrs. R.
G. Rockey, treasurer; Mrs. Wal
do Davis, conductress; Mrs. Wil
liam Spence, associate conduct
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Fudge
and children of Newman Grove
were guests Friday evening at
the home of her brother and sis
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
West, jr., and family.
Overnight guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd West, jr.,
were her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Perlensein, and their daugh
ter, Mrs. Logan Thoene, and
children, all of Bonesteel, S.D.
Pvt. Robert Pruden of Ft. Ri
ley, Kans., is spending a short
furlough at the home of his par
Eyes Tested—Glasses Fitted
Broken Lens Replaced in
24 Hours
Other Repairs While You
Complete X-Ray
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden
Donald Starr and daughter,
Elizabeth, were weekend callers
at the home of Mr. and Mrs Al
bert Larson. Mr. Starr went to
Chambers to get his mother,
Mrs. Nellie Starr, who accom
panied them to West Point to
spend the winter months.
Tie Two Comforters
at Bennett Home—
EWING— The Jolly Workers
club tied two comforters for
Mrs. Wilbur Bennett when they
met at her home last Thursday
for an all - day session. Quilt
blocks were also a part of the
day’s work for the hostess.
Mrs. Ralph Shrader, president, j
presided at the business meet- j
ing. The members, who were di- j
vided into three groups, packed
boxes of candy for the boys in !
service. They are Carl Shrad,
Robert and Harold Bennett, Rob
ert Montgomery, Louis Jones
and Wayne Pollock, all relatives j
jf members.
At noon a covered dish lunch- |
eon was served. Christmas gifts
were exchanged. Mrs. Willard
Napier of Orchard was a guest, j
Chambers News
Joe Myers of Ericson spent Fri
day night, December 12, with
his mother, Mrs. Mina Myers. |
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Elkins j
and family drove to Norfolk Sun- i
day to visit their son and daugh- i
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Rev. Keneth Werner of Leigh
showed pictures of the “Holy
Land” and other European coun
tries Sunday evening, December
13, at St. Paul's Lutheran church.
Floyd Cooper of Yakima,
Wash., came Friday, December
11, to spend the holidays with
his brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. L. V. Cooper, and his sisters,
Mrs. Hattie Tibbets and Mrs.
Genevieve Bell. Mr. Cooper was
reared in the Chambers commun
ity, leaving here with his famliy
for Washington a number of
years ago.
M and Mrs. Dean Stevens,
Cherelyn and Terry, of Atkinson
spent Sunday, December 13, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
The Ladies Aid of St. Paul’s
Lutheran church held a bake
sale Saturday, December 12, at
the Harley Hardware. Though it
was a bad day for weather and
roads, the ladies reported S36
in proceeds.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Miller
drove to Neligh Sunday, Dec
ember 13,'to visit his parents In
the evening they visited his sis
ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Elvin Hutchinson, at Elgin. Mr.
Hutchinson's parents, who were
also present, told of their recent i
trip to Dallas. Tex, where they
visited with their son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hutchinson,
and son. Mr. Hutchinson is well
known here, having been pastor
of the Methodist church at Cham
bers and Amelia. He is now at- 1
tending Southern Methodist uni
versity. I
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daas and
heir cousins. Abdou Salem and !
Tim Salem, drove to Orchard on
Sunday. |
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook and
John Wintermote were Sunday |
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Lehmann. . |
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wintermote
left Saturday for Torrington, |
Wyo., to attend the funeral ser
vices of his brother’s wife, Mrs. j
Joyce Wintermote, who died of
burns received in an explosion
at her home several weeks ago. (
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cooke of
Bartlett viisted his mother, Mrs. ,
John Kellar, Sunday.
Shuiin 20 Years
Honored at Party—
EWING — Otto Lorenz, who
has been confined to his home
for over 20 years due to illness,
had a birthday anniversary last
Thursday. The day was spent
quietly. Rev. P. F. Burke was a
caller during the day and there
was a birthday cake with trim
Friday evening several neigh
bors and friends arrived to help
Mr. Lorenz celebrate the occa
sion. Cards were played for en
tertainment. Refreshments were
served. In attendance were Mrs.
Marie Beelaert, Mrs. Eva Kac
zor, Mrs. Bertha Urban, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hahlbeck and
John Miller, who also was a
caller during the evening.
Pre-Nuptial Shower—
Miss Margaret Kramer was
honored at a prenuptial shower
at the home of Mrs. A1 Hamik
Monday evening with Mrs. A1
Hamik, Mrs. Sammy Derickson,
Mrs. Ronald Borg and Miss Mar
ilyn Fritton serving as hostesses.
With about 20 present, games
were played and a late lunch
served. Miss Kramer will be
maiTied Monday, December 28,
at 10 o’clock a.m., in the St. Bon
iface Catholic church at Stuart
to Hugh Langan. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
framer of Stuart. Mr. Langan is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Langan of Spencer. Margaret re
ceived many gifts.
Celebrates Birthday—
Donna Rae Asher entertained
a group of her friends at a the
ater party Saturday afternoon,
December 12, in observance of
her 11th birthday anniversary.
Give The Frontier for Xmas!
Send $ 10 Gifts
to Home, Mission
STUART—The Women’s Soc
iety of the Community church
met at the home of Mrs. Berlin
Mitchell on Thursday, December
10, with 18 members present.
The devotions and the lesson
were given by Mrs. Ray Green
The society voted to give
Christmas gifts of $10 each to !
Mother Jewels home in York and
Wall Street mission in Sioux I
Since this was a postponed
meeting the annual election was
not held as some members were
■ — — — — — — —
unable to attend because of other
“Get well” cards were signed
by alt those present to send to
Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon ant Mrs.
John Strode, who are ill.
Lunch was served by the host
esses, Mrs. Leonard Roberts, Mrs.
Norris Coats and Mrs. Mitchell.
Other Stuart News
Santa Claus will visit Stuart
on Tuesday night, December 22,
at the auditorium. A program
will be presented by the public
school children.
At a meeting of dens 2 and 3
of the cub scouts, which was held
on Friday, December (11, plans
were made for a Christmas party
to be held December, 18, with
their mothers as guests.
Coach Don DeCosta and nine
rvMthn basketball squad went to
O Neill Wednesday, December 9,
to attend the basketball clinic.
Supt and Mrs. M. J. Baack
and son, Ricky, went to Seward
on Thursday, December 10. Mr.
Baack attended a teachers’ meet
ing in Lincoln on Friday and
they spent the weekend with her
Parents in Seward.
Mr and Mrs. R. A. Coffman
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohle
spent Sunday, December 13, visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Frances
Roberts in Valentine.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman
spent Thursday and Friday in
I Omaha.
Mrs. Mary Henning of Atkin
son was a Sunday, December 13,
guest at the G. L. Obermire
Gift Exchange
Highlights Party—
CHAMBERS— Beautiful Val
ley Garden club met Tuesday
evening, December 1, at the
home of Mrs. Bernice Platt. A
covered dish dinner was served
at 7 o’clock. All members were
present and answered roll call
by telling of the Christmas gift
they enjoyed most. These ranged
from dolls to clothes driers.
The table featured a small glit
tering plastic tree centerpiece
and Christmas candles, Santa
r.utcups and place cards, and a
Christmas corsage for each mem
ber, presented by the hostess,
Mrs. Platt. The dinner was very
festive, and the great variety of
food, all carefully prepared with
a view to its appearance as well
as flavor, was thoroughly en
joyed from nuts to coffee.
Following the dinner, a short
business meeting was held, then
everyone settled down to enjoy
me program of Christmas carols
md stories arranged by the pro
gram committee, Ardith Robert
son and Jean Hoffman. For the
;ift exchange the hostess had
offered prizes for the most beau
tifully wrapped packages. This
was a hard decision, as all seem
ed worthy of a prize. However,
the lucky ladies were Mrs. Ar
dith Robertson, Mrs. Mildred
Hoffman and Mrs. Lavern Har
ley. Everyone was happy with
the gifts received and before the
evening was over each member
wrote a message to a former
member, Mrs. Esther Atkinson,
who moved with her family to
Kansas last spring. The door
prize was won by Mrs. Rena
Next meeting will be Jan. 6
at the home of Mable Robertson.
KJ1111 •T|[| If L-KKIflkfl
%^j^ljyyifjUUMUH4HI 11
-—---- ■ ■ - ■ - - ■ , -. -
Thurs., Dec. 17, through Wed., Dec. 24 I
1 deTmonte
3for 89c
STEAK a 39c
Cudahy’s SLICED 2 LBS.
LIVER Lb. 35c
ROAST lb *7i 1
T 39c j
Fresh OYSTERS, pt 89c |
CANDY.2-lb, pliofilm bag 39c
WALNUTS.2 lbs. 79C
PEACHES..2 No. 2? cans 69c
DUTCH TREAT (Made by Meadow Gold)
; .
100-LB. SACK
4 for 89c
3 fa.$1
JELLY..2 jars 39c
FRUIT MIX.3 No. 303 cans 59C
SHORTENING.3-lb. can 75c
PICKLES Quart iar 29c
| “Always Plenty of Parking Space”
■ By Mrs. A. B. Kanago, Webster, S.D. B
I Bake at 350 F. for 35-40 minutes. Make two 9-in. round lay- | B
ers. Place 1 cup finely chopped nuts eveninly over bottom of 2 B
I well-greased and lightly floured 9” round layer pans. Grate 2 ozs. I B
• of sweet or semi-sweet chocolate. Reserve. Sift together 214 cups K
* Pillsbury Best Flour, 414 teaspoons double action baking powder, I B
■ 1 teaspoon salt, 114 cups sugar, into mixing bowl. Add 2/3 cup ■ B
- shortening, 114 cups milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Beat for 114 min., ■ B
| 150 strokes per min., until batter is well blended. With electric ■ B
mixer blend at low speed, then beat at medium speed for 114 * B
| min. Add 2/3 cup egg whites (4 large or 5 medium) unbeaten, i B
Beat for 114 min. Spoon 14 of batter carefully into each nut lined * B
| pan, using about 14 of batter. Sprinkle with grated chocolate (14 | B
in each pan). Spoon remaining batter into pan, spreading so * B
chocolate is not disturbed. Bake in moderate oven 350 F. 35 to 40 B
| min. Let cool in pan 10 to 15 min. before turning out. Cool thor- I B *
oughly and frost layers nut side up with chocolate frosting. B
I Spread frosting between and on sides of layers, but frost only 14 I B
in. around top edge of cake and about 1 in. in center. Decorate B
| chocolate frosting with reserved 1/3 cup white frosting thinned | B
with 1 to 2 teaspoons water for easy spreading. B
■ Combine 2 squares chocolate (or 2 ozs. chocolate), 14 cup M
granulated sugar, 14 cup water in sauce pan Cook over low heat • B
■ stirring constantly until chocolate melts and is smooth and thick. ■ B
Remove from heat. Add 4 egg yolks and beat thoroughly. Then * B
| cool. Cream 14 cup butter or margarine and 1 teaspoon vanilla, i B
Blend in gradually 2 cups sifted confectioners sugar, creaming ^k
| well. Reserve 1/3 cup of this mixture to decorate the cake. Add ■ B
chocolate mixture to remaining butter-sugar mixture, beat until * B
| smooth. • m