Rural Teachers Making Plans The planning committee of the Holt County Rural Teachers as sociation met in O’Neill at the M&M cafe for a dinner meeting with Miss Alice French, county superintendent. A discussion was held on the spelling contest, rural school chorus and eighth trade graduation for April and May. The meeting was adjourn ed at 7 :30 p.m. At 8 p.m, the association met in the public high school band loom. I>.*e to poor roads. « wry small number attended Several new film strips were viewed. Gene Closson reported on the plans for the spelling contest. Lucille Mitchell reported on the rural school chorus plans. The recreation committee furnished games. Group IX furnished refresh ments of doughnuts and coffee.— By Lucille Mitchell reporter. Returning from Virginia— George Schneider, son of Mr s.nd Mrs. Leo C. Schneider, will arrive Saturday to spend the holidays here with his parents. He is with an army medical unit stationed at Pittsburg. Va. Mrs. Thomas Hutton of Cres ton and Mrs. John Luben of Crawford visited relatives and friends here Saturday evening. ♦ CENTRAL FINANCE CORP. C. E. JONES, Mgr. Phone 14 O’Neill .... ■-- ■ ■ --- — ..... ..... | ^ JL MW* WILL WAB YOUR GIRT UKT* CHRISTMAS Other Famous I WATCHES: • ELGIN • HAMILTON _ • WESTFIELD • WADSWORTH • ILLINOIS a I-i 1 She’* Dreaming of a Diamond Christmas . . . 4 Make her heart ^ skip a beat with sheer joy on Christ mas mom. as her dearest dream comes true ... in jj a lovely diamond X chosen now from our stunning selec tion. | 1 I- 1 I Wide Selection Wide Price Range 1-i | Brilliant selection of other gifts for everyone to be found in our store. McIntosh jewlery I “Where Price and Quality Meet’ j S PHONE 166 | ■ I Gets Rest Leave Army Cpl. Adolph L. Latzel, whose wife lives in O'Neill re cently spent a seven-day rest and recuperation leave in Ko fi ura, Japan. Normally station ed in Korea with battery C of the 176th field artillery bat talion, Latzel a section chief, stayed at one of Japen’s best resort hotels and enjoyed many luxuries unobtainable on the war-tom peninsula. His par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Lat zel, reside at Ewing. South of Stuart News Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes en joyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy and son. Terry, who reside north of Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald were Sunday guests of Mr. and M;s. Ray Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenfield entertained four tables of pin ochle players Friday evening. Prizes were won by Lloyd Stol cart Mrs. Lewis Gilg and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fry. After the games a lunch was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slaymak er and family enjoyed Sunday dinner with Wesley's parent^ Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Slaymaker. sr., at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield and Jerry Heyne were Sunday afternoon visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green field and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenfield and family were Sundav supper guests of Mr. and Mrs' Vernon Heyne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler and LaVern Grenoble enjoyed a short visit Sunday morning with Mrs. Lyle Radcliff at the home of Mrs. Radcliff s sister, Mrs. Daisev Holiday in Stuart Mrs. Radcliff, who resides in Urbana. Mo., was a former resident of this com munity. The Taslers also visited Fred's mother, Mrs. Cora Tasler, at Atkinson, the same day. P'd. Wayne Radcliff arrived home Friday evening from Ft Hood, Tex., to spend a 28-day leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Radcliff, and familv. After his leave Wavne will re port to Ft. Lewis, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Kaup and daughter, Wilma, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoberg of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hvtrek and Sally Jo. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greger j»t>4 boys visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rad cliff and family. Robert G. Fuller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fuller, arrived home Monday evening, Decem ber 7, after receiving his separ ation from the marines at Treas ure Island, Calif. Robert served neary a year in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Don Myers of Stuart and Mr and Mrs. Bob GiVenfield and family visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walt Kaup and family. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Conant of Grand Island spent the weekend with Mrs. Conant’s brother, Flor ien Scholz, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Batenhorst were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamik and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Shald and family were Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blake and son, Rodney, of Springview. Mrs. Joe Wallmger and boys were in Long Pine and Ainsworth Tuesday, December 8. Mr. and Mrs. Romanus Kaup and boys visited Tuesday eve ning. December 8. with Mr and Mrs. Lewie Shald and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wedige and boys were in O’Neill Satur day shopping and they also visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaup and daughters. Mema and Marlene, were O’Neill shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John son and Marvel Jean were Sun day dinner guests of Mrs, Joe Mlmar, si-., at Atkinson. Mrs. Mlinar returned home with the Johnsons and was an overnight guest returning to her home Mon day. Mrs. Clarence Johnson went tc O'Neill Friday to visit her sister, ; Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon, a patient ! • at St. Anthony’s hospital. | Margaret Kramer, who has i been employed by the Bell Tele ! phone company in O’Neill the j past year, came home Friday to ! spend a few weeks with her par • emts, Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer. ■---— • Home Economics Classes I Model Garments— The FHA sponsored a style 5 show- Saturday. December 12,' in i Gambles store windows ; The home economics rings • members modeled garments that i they had made in classes t.h-k | semester. Mrs. J. W. Rooney of Tecum | seh arrived last Thursday to 3Pend the winter with her son. James W. Rooney, and Mrs. Roo ; ney. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs William Mattem and baby. ! who had been m Lincoln visiting Mrs. Mattem's parents. Mr and Mrs. B. C. Kalin. Mrs. R. E. Coburn returned | Sundav December 6. from Fre i mom where she had been a week | visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. F. S- Keeler. LADY GETS ! | 3 g A g R g R i i I I g R ^ & | Two Pair of Our Best Nylons Will Be Given FREE to the jj I Lady Who Helps Us Sell HER Man a Topcoat1 1 ■Hr v. —■ . M ft | 1. He needs a f W ft 1 2. You need the NYLONS f | COME IN AND SEE OUR FULL SELECTION M SS Just as ft selects America's A best dressed women, „ A The fashion Academy A chose Holeproof as A BH the year's hosiery style A leader Treat your A legs to these prize nylons A in service to evening A sheers and the clothes- A conscious Winning look colors. A p mtMSZZEl ' | ★ * * This Offer Good This Week] ONLY!