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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1953)
57 Persons Honor | H. 0. Parks, Page f AGE—In observance of the 82d birthday anniversary of H. O. Parks of Page, a group of 57, met Sunday at the home of his son, Alva Parks, and family, who live in the Deloit community. He re ceived a large birthday cake from Mrs. Alva Parks, also other gifts from his children, grand children and nephews. Others present besides the hon ored guest and the Alva Parka family were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Naslund and Jerry White, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks and family, Mr. and Mrs. BUI OBrion . and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trtowbridge and Diane, all of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks. :, sr., of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boelter and family of Venus, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fick and family . of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold c Parks, jr„ and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Parks and fam ily, all of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cederburg and family of Orchard, Emil and Arlington Parks of Erickso% and Donald Hahlbach of Ewiiw. Other Pagr News Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer and son spent Sunday at the Gordon Maricle home at Albion. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Alberts en tertained their Pinochle club at their home Friday evening. Mrs. Carl Max and Harold Fremeyer held high scores and Mrs. Lorenze Riege the low. Refreshments were served. C. H. Hayes of Omaha, a repre sentative of the Omaha Steel works, spent Tuesday evening, .November 10, with the Ludvig Nielson family. He was enroute home from Pierre and Ft. Ran * «' dall, S. D. Mrs*. Ida Ryan of White River, S. D.. was an overnight guest at the Rollie Snell home Tuesday, ‘November 10. She was enroute to Phoenix, Ariz., to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Connery and son of Long Pine spent Sat urday night at the Bill Sorenson home and Sunday night at the Soren Sorensen, sr., home. They returned to Long Pine Monday. Mrs. Bill Sorenfcen and two children spent Friday and Satur day at Ainsworth. Her mother, Mrs. J. M. Kennedy, had return ed home from an Omaha hospital following surgery. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Maurer of Sidney visited from Tuesday night, November 10, until Thurs day at the Lloyd Fussleman home Mrs. Maurer is an aunt of Mrs, Fussleman. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler, Betty and Donald spent Sunday at the Joseph Coon home at Beemer. Mrs. Myrtle Coon, who had visited for two weeks at her son’s home, returned to Page. Methodist youth fellowship met Sunday evening. Bobbie Beelaert led the devotions. Becky Kennedy gave the lesdpn Games were played. Bobbie and Brenda Beel aert served lunch.—By Linda Cronk. reporter. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mrs. Harry Tegeler wetnt to Halstead. Kans., Friday to bring Mrs. Dora Maury to Page where she will spend the winter with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. John Stauffer. They • returned Saturday. The Bid or Bye bridge club met Wednesday afternoon, November 11, with Mrs. Ralph Larson. Mrs. Gerald Lamason won high score and Mrs. Melvin Roach all cut. Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. Hester Edmisten and son, Elmer, Mrs. Calvin Harvey, Noel Wood and Martin Frahm went to Lincoln Sunday. They visited at the Jesse Bolin home and with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wood. They also visited with John Edmisten. who is patient in a Lincoln hospital. He Is a brother-in-law oif Mrs. Hester Edmisten. Cpl. and Mrs. Wendall Nagel of Long Beach, Calif., arrived in Page to visit at the Soren Soren sen, sr., home. They were enroute to Dodgeville, Wise., to visit Cpl. Nagel’s mother, Mrs. Laura Nagel, and Mrs. Nagel’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Martin. When they came to Page Mrs. Ralph Martin was a guest at the Soren sen home. She accompanied her son-in-law and daughter to Wis consin but will return to visit a sister, Mrs. VanAlter, at Royal and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cliford French of Lamberton, Minn., spent from Tuesday, November 10, until Thursday visiting relatives and friends here. They were enroute to Boulder, Colo., to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Villano, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock, Mr and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. j Merwyn French, sr., and Miss ! Alice French spent Tuesday eve I ning at the Merwyn French, sr., home where a social evening was ' spent and lunch was served. Clifford is a brother of Merwyn French, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford French, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler wei* dinner guests Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stauf fer. Mrs. French is a daughter of the Stauffers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sorensen and family were hosts at a family reunion at their home Sunday in honor of the 3£th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. Others pres ent were Eddie Connery and son of Long Pine, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Sorensen and Patty of Creigh ton, Robert Sorensen of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr.. and Glenda of Star, Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen, Connie and Jim of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Soren sen, sr., are the parents of seven children, two daughters and five sons. All were able to be present Sunday except one daughter, Mrs. Robert (Nissen of Idaho. Joins Husband— Mrs. Jay McConnell left Friday, November 6, to loin her husband, who is stationed with the navy at Memphis, Tenn. She was ac companied by her brother-in-law, Larry Gene McConnell of Emmet, ) who remained for a day and then returned home. --- I Brittell-Fernau Nuptials Here On Sunday, November 15, Miss Shirley Brittell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell of O’Neill, became the bride of Dickie Fernau, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fernau of Redbird. The bride, appearing in a light colored suit, was attended by Miss Jo Ann Godel, a friend, who wore a light blue suit. They both wore rose corsages. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Larry. The men wore light gray suits with carnation boutonnieres. The double-ring ceremony was performed by Rev. John Thomas at the Church of Christ.—O’Neill Photo Co. -— -——r Mr. Businessman: This Is the Size of a U.S. Postal Card < '{f. .5', There are approximately 9 Newspaper Column Inches In a Postal Card •v r .t V- ■ . ‘ At the 2-cent rate it would cost about $50.00 plus print ing and addressing costs to mail a postal card to each of ! the families reached by The Frontier. An advertisement this size in The Frontier costs less than $4.00 or it could be run nearly 1 3 times for less than the postage alone on the postal cards. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING PAYS: I 1. It reaches all classes of buyers 2. It’s read leisurely at buyer’s convenience 4. It costs so much less 3. It produces results ' • \ THE FRONTIER. O'Neill. Nebr„ Thurs.. Not. 19. 1953.—PAGE 7. a The Winner of Our Shetland Pony Was Mrs. Joe Sievert of O'Neill ; The Pony Weighed Exactly 551 Pounds. The Guessing Was Mighty Close! »___ • ,, STOKELY'S TOMATO £| Juice... 2 for 55c I 4S-OZ. CANS M Holland Dutch V2 GAL. Ice Cream.... 75c % A mk a aa * aaa / " PLACE YOUR | ( ORDERS NOW a a fox | TURKEYS | ( GEESE ! < DUCKS | BAKERITE 3-LB. CAN Shortening .. 79c DILL Pickles, qt. jar 29c CUDAHY PICNIC HAMS lb. 39c I SWIFT'S A.C. i Wieners, 3 ibs. $1 ^ CUDAHY 2 LBS. ' Bacon Ends.. 59c FRESH Oysters.. Pt. 89c LEAN LB. Boiling Beef "|9c I STORY'S CRUSHED 1 Pineapple 4$1 j I-1 DUNCAN HINES qq CAKE MIX 3pkgs. VYC r«* *•., >» j <•- *■* P1LLSBURY BEST q AQ FLOUR 50-lb. sack^W CUDAHY’S REX - q LARD lb Iyc CIDER.... Ga. jug 79c STOKEIXS ij | FRUIT COCKTAIL 1 | HEINZ Ketchup 2 B ttlea 45c STOKELY'S PINEAPPLE Juice ...2 for 69c 46-OZ. CANS Chase CHOC. COVERED Cherries.59c LB. BOX i Don’t Forget!*? I $49.00 WORTH OF . REGISTER | I RECEIPTS GET a YOU A P 1 FREE!! DOLL | Pillsbury ANGEL FOOD Mix...... Pkg. 59c OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry Sauce 2 fons.45c I BUSHEL ROMAN BEAUTY f 1 | APPLES Basy2.99|| ; CRANBERRIES | Lb. pkg.19c GRAPEFRUIT 11 10 for 45c | ] J WASHED AND WAXED POTATOES ioo-ib. sack 1.99 i---___ RED TOKAY ■ GRAPES I 2 Lbs.25c ! ■i HIM ^Bj^E yj yM ^jjE _ _ ^Eu „ JJTOR is®,