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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1953)
Future Subscribers RUBY — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ruby of Ewing, a daughter, weighing 9 pounds, born Mon day, November 16, in Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh. The Rubys have two sons. JOHNSON — Cpl. and Mrs. Harold Johnson of Elsinore, Calif-, a son, Russell Jay, weigh ing 7 pounds 5 ounces, born Wed nesday, November 11. Mrs. John son is the former Avis Papke, daughter of Mrs. Katherine Pap ke of Stuart. •/ WREDE — Mr. and Mrs. Don Wrede of Vancouver, Wash., a daughter, Patricia Kay, weigh ing 6 pounds 14 ounces, born Friday, November 6, at St. Jo seph’s hospital, Vancouver. They have three other children. Mrs. Wrede is the former Vivian Bauld of O'Neill. SLAYMAKER—Mr. and Mrs. Ray Slaymaker of Stuart, a son, John Raymond, weighing 9 pounds, born Monday, November 9, in Atkinson Memorial hospital. GETTMAN—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gettman of Norfolk, a son, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces, born Saturday, November 14. Mrs. Gettman is the former Helen Jean Burhans, daughter of Mrs. Jack McGrew of Stuart. The Geumans have a daughter, Di ane, who is visiting with her fianamomer at present. JOHNSON—Mr. and Mrs. Don aid Johnson of Bristow, a daugh ter, weighing 7 pounds, born Friday, November 13, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. REISER—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reiser of Butte, a daughter, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, bom Monday, November 16, at Sacred Heart hospital, Lynch. DINEEN—Mr. and Mr. Frank Dineen of Norfolk, a daughter, . weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, born Monday, November 16, in . . the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk. Mr. Dineen formerly was sta tioned here with the state high way patrol. MELENA — Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Melena of O’Neill, a son, David Charles, weighing 7 pounds 4% ounces, born Thurs day, November 12, in St. An thony’s hsopital at O’Neill. BOIES—Mr. and Mrs. William Boies of Ewing, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 10 ounces, bom Friday, November 13, in St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. PERRY—Mr. and Mrs. Bjlly Perry of O’Neill, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds 1 ounce, born .. Sunday, November 15, in St. An thony’s hospital at O’Neill. ATKINSON — Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Atkinson of Butte, a son, weighing 8 pounds 9Vfe ounces, bom Tuesday, November 17, in St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill. Mrs. Ernst Is Surprised— AMELIA — Mrs. Delia Ernst was surprised Wednesday eve ning, November 40, when several ladies surprised her with a be lated birthday party. After an evening spent socially, everyone enjoyed the luncheon of sandwiches, cake and coffee. Present were Mrs. Tom Doo little, sr., Mrs. Gertie Adair, Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mrs. B. W. Waldo, Mrs Alice Prewitt, Mrs. Ray An derson, Mrs. Julia White. Mrs. Stella Sparks, Mrs. Lindsey and Florence and Sharon Prewitt. Mrs. Lindquist Is Club's Shmin Friend— iThe Star Get-to-Gether club met at the home of Mrs. Robert •Miller on armistice day. The members answered roll call by • describing their wedding dress. Mrs. Elmer Juracek and Mrs. Clara Miller gave the lesson, “Eas • ier Housekeeping.” Mrs. William Derickson and Mrs. Lyle Johnson were in charge of recreation. The club chose Mrs. Lindquist for it’s shutin friend for the month of November. Each mem ber is planing to send iher some thing for Thanksgiving. Plans were also made for our annual Christmas party. Kitchen Shower • for Knoells— A kitchen shower of new and used items was held Sunday, November 8, at the American Le gion auditorium for the Otto Knoell family. A recipe was en closed with each gift brought. Lunch of pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee was served by the hostesses. Observe Anniversary— EWING— Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker observed their £5th wed ding anniversary Saturday. Guest from out-of-town were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bressler and family and Ralph Bressler, all of Osceola, Ind. Card Party— The Catholic Daughters of America are sponsoring a card party Sunday evening, November 22, at 8 o’clock at the K.C. hall. Toyiand — Bigger and better than ever. Now open. Use our lay away plan. — Scovie's West ern Auto, O'Neill. 28-33c To Wed in December Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer, sr., of Stuart announce the en gagement of their daughter, Margaret (above), to Hugh F. Langan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Langan of Spencer. A late December wedding has been planned. Miss Mildred Kaup Weds Donald Myers STUART — St. Boniface Cath olic church in Stuart was the scene of a beautiful wedding on Saturday, November 7, when Miss Mildred Kaup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Kaup, and Donald Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Meyers, were united in marriage. Rev. A. J. Paschang performed the double-ring ceremony while Jerry Wallinger and Tom Bige low acted as servers. The men’s choir with Sister Vera at the organ sang the nup tial high mass. The bride’s gown was of chant illy type lace over satin. The lace bodice had a small illusion yoke edged in a sequin trim which continued down the front of the bodice. The neckline was finish ed with a small collar of lace and sequin trim. The full lace skirt fell into a cathedral train and the net veil extended the full length of the train. She carried an orchid and stephanotis on her bridal prayer book and wore a double strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Miss Wilma Kaup was her sis ter’s maid-of-honor and she wore a dusty rose floor length gown fashioned with a net over taffeta skirt and a strapless velvet bai lee with a matching velvet jacket. Miss Marybelle O Connpr of Emmet the bride’s roommate while in nurses’ training, and Miss Kay Meyers, sister of the bride groom, were bridesmaids. Their gowns were fashioned identically as that of the maid of-honor and were dark blue in color. AH three carried colonial bou quets of baby mums and wore single strands of pearls, gifts of the bride. Lois Kaup, neice of the bride, was flower girl and wore a pink net gown with velveteen jacket and carried a small colonial bou quet of mums. Rusesll' Moody of Ainsworth and cousin of the bridegroom, was ringbearer and carried the matching rings on a satin heart shaped pillow. Pfc. James Chaney of Camp Chaffee, Ark., and friend of the bridegroom, served as bestman. Rollie Shald, cousin of the bride, and Gary Marcellusi of Bassett, cousin of the bridegroom, were the other attendants. The bridegroom and His attendants wore business suits with carna tion boutonnieres. The ushers were Gene Kaup, cousin of the bride, and Milton Weichman, friend of the bride groom. Breakfast was served to the bridaj party at the home of the bride’s parents. At 12:30 o’clock the wedding dinner was served to about 50 guests at the home of the bride’s parents. That night the couple entertained friends and relatives at a dance at the auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers are both graduates of Stuart high school class of 1950. Mrs. Meyers received her nurses’ training at St. Catherines hos pital in Omaha and since her graduation has been employed at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. The bridegroom is working with his father for the John Deere Implement company. They will make their home in Stuart. DELOIT NEWS The HEO club met last Thurs day at the Maynard Stearns home. Mrs. Dozier, the teacher, and several of the pupils were guests after school. Mrs. Cletus Muff was also a guest. The next meeting will be December 10 at the Henry Reimer home. Mrs. Glenn Harpster and Wil lard and Terry visited Mrs. Carl Vlvog and Peter, Paul and Randi at the Carl Christon home Friday. Mrs. Vlvog is the former Dorothy Christon and lives in Midland, Tex. The Pete Thiele and Bill Sehi families visited relatives in Elgin Friday evening. The Clearwater Creek club met wtih Wilda Anderson on Wed nesday. Cattle, Hog Markets Steady • There will be around eight hundred cattle on the market here today (Thursday) in connection with our regular weekly sale. There will be several load lots of yearlings and a fine repre sentation of good Angus and Hereford calves in addtiion to the usual run of butcher cattle. • The hog sale, as usual, will start at 10 o'clock in the morning. A feature of the hog sale will be 10 Spotted purebred boars consigned by Frank Beelaert of Page. Both the cattle and hog markets have been steady. 0 There will not be a sale at O'Neill on Thursday, November 26, because of the Thanksgiving holiday. O’Neill Livestock Market PHONE 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES Charles Tasler, 24, of Atkinson and Miss Wilma McKim, 18, of O’Neill on Thursday, November 12. Walter E. Meier, 31, of Pres cott, Wise., and Miss Sharon Kay Wagnon, 18, of Emmet, on Friday, November 13. John Joseph Wadden, 26, of Beaumont, Tex., and Miss Patri cia Ann O’Donnell, 26, of O’Neill, on Friday, November 13. Dickie Femau, 22, of Redbird and Miss Shirley Brittell, 19, of O’Neill, on Saturday, November 14. Donald Woodward, 25, of Clearwater and Marie Fuller, 35, of O’Neill, on Monday, Novem ber 16. Richard A. Davidson, 22, of O’ Neill and Miss Lillian Stamp, 19, of Inman, on Tuesday, November 17. They were married that day by Holt County Judge L. W. Reimer. Sick & Injured AMELIA—Mrs. Glenn White was ill last week. . . W. E. Rag land, who has been a patient in the Methodist hospital at Om aha, was able to return home Monday, November 16. Charles Coolidge, Mrs. Ed White and Mrs. Ragland went to Omaha af ter him. . . Mr. and Mrs. George Fulerton visited their nephew, Roy Fullerton, at the Atkinson Memorial hospital Saturday eve ning. Roy suffered the loss of parts of his fingers in an acci dent with a winch on a tractor. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher, Mrs. Albert Luginsland and Mrs. W. E. Ragland went to Omaha Wednesday, November 11. Mrs. Luginsland went to be with her husband, who underwent an op eration on his foot and ankle. Reverend Luginsland broke his foot when he fell from a roof on which he was working. SOUTH OF STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Florien Scholz accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scholz went to O’Neill Monday where Mr. Scholz entered the St. An thony’s hospital for treatment on his leg. He was able to return to his home at Stuart Tuesday. . . Madonna Miksch was admitted to the Atkinson hospital Friday as a dental patient. . . Mr. and Mrs. Florien Scholz took Mrs. Charles Scholz of Stuart to O’Neill Thurs day where she entered the St. Anthony’s hospital for medical care. . . Mrs. John Kramer and Mrs. Aloys Kaup and Mr. and Mrs Roy Gilg of Atkinson went to Midland, S. D., Wednesday, November lil, to visit John Kra mer and Aloys Kaup, who are taking chiropratic treatments at the Stroppel hotel at Midland. O’NEILL — B. G. Hanna of Chambers, who was released from St. Anthony’s hospital a week ago, will spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Gerald McDermott, where he will be under a doctor’s care. . . Miss Barbara Bennett suffered a bruised foot Sunday, November 7, while horseback riding at Goldsmith, la. The horse she was riding missed a turn, fell and stepped on her. . . M. J. Golden returned Monday from St. Jo seph’s hospital in Omaha where he had submitted to surgery. Mr. Golden has been downtown on several occasions since his return. CHAMBERS — Troxel Green had the misfortune to severely injure a finger while working about the place a few days ago. . . . Mrs. C. V. Robertson return ed Wednesday, November 11, from St. Anthony’s hospital. . . Mrs. John Honeywell has been ill with the influenza. . . L. V. Cooper was ill Sunday evening with a heart attack. . . W. D. Cooper of Riverton, Wyo., is in a Denver, Colo., hospital recover ing from major surgery under gone on Saturday, November 14. PAGE—Mrs. J. R. Russell re turned home Monday night, No vember 9, after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. G. C. Lampshire, at Polk. She had also been to Omaha for a medical checkup. Mrs. Lampshire brought her to Page and went irom here to Rochester, Minn., to be with her husband, who was there for medical attention. On their return home they spent Sat urday night at the Russell home. EWING—Terry, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schmidt, is convalescing at his home from a tonsil operation last week. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs and sons, Dorranee and Robert, went to Savannah, Mo., Sunday. Peter Roudybush, who has been a pa tient in the hospital there for the past two weeks, returned home with them. DELOIT—Mrs. Max Thramer and baby boy were able to leave the hospital on Monday, Novem ber 9. . j Jackie Tagel underwent surgery on his back recently. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lud wig Tagel. His condition is good. . . . The high school students at Bartlett had no school Friday because of an epidemic of flu. CELIA—Mrs. Perry Terwilliger came home from the Atkinson Memorial hospital Wednesday, November 11. The baby, James Lee, stayed in the hospital until Friday. EMMET—Kenny Peacock is ill with chickenpox. . . Maureen Schaaf, Anette Schaaf and Mary Richards have been ill with in fluenza. INMAN—Harry Harte returned Monday from Sioux City where he has been with his wife, who is a patient in St. Vincent’s hos pital. STUART—Mrs. Cliff Nelson is a patient at the Gleason hospital in Lamed, Kans., where she un derwent surgery last week. LYNCH—Mrs. Rollin Hiatt is “getting along satisfactorily” in a Norfolk hospital. Marks Birthday— Little Miss E1 v a Gettert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gettert, celebrated her second birthday anniversary Sunday at a family dinner party. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S (O'Neill) Admissions: November 11 _ Mrs. Don Clyde, O’Neill; Francis Boelter, Page; Mrs. Woodrow Melena, O’Neill. 12 — Shirley Steele, Clearfield, S.D.; Mrs. Clara Scholz, Stuart; Joe Fuhrer, O’Neill; Mrs. Lynn Doty, Atkin son. 13—Bernard Allen, O’Neill; Mrs. Pearl Cary, Inman; Mrs. Robert Retke, O’Neill; Mrs. Wil liam J. Boies, Ewing; Mrs. Don ald Kinnison, Venus. 14—Marleive Fay Hansen, O’Neill; Richard Seffron, Omaha; Dale Revell, Star. 15—Mrs. William Perry, O’ Neill; Mrs. Glenn Waring, Or chard; Mrs. Bryan Finch, Mid dlebranch; Billy White, O’Neill; Mrs. Marvin Atkinson, Butte’; Mrs. Robert Olson, O’Neill. 16 _ Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, Amelia; Jan ice Salak, Schuyler; Orlow Col well, Atkinson; Arnold Wyant, O’Neill; Mrs. Fred Lorenz, In man; Eddie Kaczor, Ewing. 17— Helene Cohn, O’Neill; Mrs. T. J. Donohoe, O’Neill; Mrs. Alvin Vorce, O’Neill; Mrs. Robert Boettcher, Lynch; William Mo riarity, O’Neill. Dismissals: November 11 — Edgar M. Janke, Omaha; Mrs. C. V. Robertson, Chambers; Dennis Cunningham, Page; Hyldred Mc Kim, O’Neill. 12 — Fred Carey, O’Neill; Fred Ernst, O’Neill; Francis Boelter, Page. 13—Joanne Thoendel, Ewing; Mrs. Arthur Kropp, Ewing; Mrs. Marvin Stauffer, Page. 14—Kenneth Ell ston (expired), O’Neill; Richard Beilin, O’Neill; Mrs. Orville Kel lar, Chambers; Mrs. Donald Kin nison, Venus. 15 — Mrs. Lynn Doty, Atkinson; Marlene Fay Hansen, O’Neill; Seth Hertel, Ewing; Richard Seffron, Omaha; Mrs. Vernon Drey, Gregory, S.D. 16—Mrs. Glen Waring, Orchard; Mrs. Cecil Bergstrom, Ewing; Wilbur Hume, Bristow. 17—^Shir ley Steele, Clearfield, S.D.; O. A. Cook, Walnut; Billy White, O’ Neill; Mrs. Robert Olson, O’Neill; Mrs. Woodrow Melena, O’Neill; Mrs. Don Clyde, O’Neill; Helene Cohn, O’Neill. Hospitalized: John Fuhrer, O’ Neill; Mrs. Belle Widman, Am elia; Mrs. Barbara Leahy, Grand Island; Mrs. T. J. Donohoe, O’ Neill; Mrs. Clara Scholz, Stuart; Mrs. Mary Vitt, O’Neill; Mrs. Mary Mullen. O’Neill; William Moriarity, O’Neill; Dale Revell, Star; Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, Am elia; Janice Salak, Schuyler; Or low Colwell, Atkinson; Bernard Allen, O’Neill Mrs. Robert Boet tcher, Lynch; Mrs. Alvin Vorce, O'Neill; Mrs. D. H. Clauson, O’ Neill; William Seffron, Omaha; Roy Janke, Omaha; Mrs. Marvin Atkinson, Butte; Mrs. William I Perry, O Neill; Mrs. Edward 1 Murphy, O’Neill; Mrs. Pearl Cary, Inman; Mrs. William J. Boies, Ewing; Melvin G. Hansen, O’Neill; Elmer Lenz, Ewing; Mrs. Robert Retke, O’Neill; Albert Otte, Winner, S.D.; Mrs. Fred Lorenz, Inman; Mrs. Bryan Finch, Middlebranch; Eddie Kaczor, Ewing; Arnold Wyant, O’Neill. SACRED HEART (Lynch) In hospital: Raymond Ander son, Butte, major operation, good; Warren D. Collins, Butte, med ical, improving, Mrs. Pete Gen gler, Lynch, medical, satisfactory; Mrs. Donald Johnson and baby girl, Bristow, good; Mrs. Joseph Pfeifer, Spencer, medical, good; Mrs. Edward Reiser and baby girl, Butte, good; Mrs. Emma Thiessen, Lynch, medical, satis factory; Mrs. Henry Wade, Lynch, accident, improving; Mrs. Henry Woidneck, O’Neill, accident, good. Dismissals; November 10—Mrs! Melvin Johring and baby boy, O’Neill. 11 — Weston Kubene, Butte. 12—O. Colwell, Atkinson. 13— Dr. E. B. Bradley, Spencer. 14— Mrs. Verlin Peterson, Bone steel, S.D. 15—Mrs. Edwin Sed ivy and baby girl, Redbird; Mrs. Dean Oberle and baby boy, Lynch; Mrs. Melvin Lueken and baby boy, Lynch; Mrs. Alden Barden, Spencer. 16—Paul Elm, Spencer. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Admitted: November 9— Mrs. Ray Slaymaker, Stuart, obstet rical; Frank Sicheneder, Atkin son, medical. 11—Andrea Gond eringer, Atkinson, medical; Mrs. Charles Lewis, Butte, surgical. 12 —Roy Fullerton, Atkinson, acci dent. 13—Medonna Miksch, Stu art, surgical. 14 — Mrs. Sadie Christensen, Atkinson, medical. 15—Mrs. Frank Hurley, Atkin son, medical. Dismissed: November 9— Mrs. Walter Kaup and daughter, Lin da LeMunyan. 10—Mrs. Don Jilg, Frank Krysl. 11—Mrs. Edward Sterns, Clyde Davis, Mrs. Perry Terwilliger and son. 12—Joe Bal lon. 14—Frank Sicheneder. 16— Mrs. Ray Slaymaker and son. 14 —Andrea Gonderinger. O'Donnells Return to Kansas— Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. O’ Donnell and Mrs. P. J. Biglin re turned to their home in Salina, Kans., Tuesday morning after having been here for the wed ding of their daughter, Miss Pa tricia. Mrs. O’Donnell entertained the Jeudi club at coffee Monday af ternoon. Housers Entertain— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houser entertained for Miss Viola Haynes Friday evening following the junior class play. Those present were Miss Mildred McNutt, Miss Esther Kinnier and Harry Moore. Hosts to Former Neighbors— Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones en tertained at a card party on Fri day evenin, November 12, for |v!»>i88i:»»«»K:::K:t:tnttmt:t«:t:«tt their former friends and neigh bors in the Meek community. Winners were Mrs. Elmer De rail and Alex Borg high, and Mrs. Vernon Harding and Adolph Sedivy, low. The traveling prize was won by George Hansen. Refreshments were served. Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Owens and Nancy and Michael of Kan sas City, Mo., arrived Monday for a week’s visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden. 1 STANNARD’S STORE — O NEILL — - '■ . ’ - .« . H. • * -a' * 8 M I B f# ♦♦ | I OCEAN SPRAY k Cranberry Sauce <£. 45c O. FAMILY No. 303 Cans Pumpkin.2 for 25c GOLDEN VALLEY No. 2»/a Cans Peaches_2 for 59c GOLDEN VALLEY No. 303 Cans Peas.3 for 39c OUR FAMILY 46-Oz. Cans | Tomato Juice. 2 for 59c ' MKanv otmhp whbhmmhhv wmtmm MAKES THE MEAL./ I COME IN AND / | LOOK ’EM OVER / I FRESH KILL I DRESSED I TOMS I I PRICED - ^ I as dHf1 LOW AS I | BE SURE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE TO INSURE CHOICE OF WEIGHT SELECTION ■ WE WILL ALSO HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF DRESSED I I Ducks - Geese - Roasting Chickens 1 You Will Find Them Priced to Sell! 1 B ♦♦ 8 Si _ 1 ♦♦ a ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ * a ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ a a 1 a a a ♦♦ ♦♦ a a M M a ii I H ♦♦ | AGAIN THIS WEEK PURE FRESH GROUND BEEF.2 lbs. 49c ™ *♦ BEEF OA/» A H LIVER, lb. ......_ 4J|C II I LEAN SLICED AAa PORK STEAK, lb. 4“C | \ p HOME MADE M JP & j H PORK SAUSAGE, lb. *J0C I I jj THANKSGIVING- jj | SEEDLESS Raisins....2 lbs. 33c I OUR FAMILY \l ;; Sweet Potatoes... No. 3 can 29c I I SAIR PITTED /I | Dates.!...... 2-lb. pkg. 45c f! I Marshmallows 10-oz. pkg. 19c V I OUR FAMILY FANCY :: Sweet Pickles.. 8-oz. glass 23c I Mince Meat.9-oz. pkg. 23c 1 ^ ... ^ I 4V r r/v' /A' ' ' ' MAID OLEO.2 bs. 43c pppqm OYSTERS Pt 98c FISCHER'S *4 CHEESE 69c 2-Lb. Loaf _ HARDING'S ROTTER ^ 69c MORE FOR YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU BUY ROBERTS GRADE "A" | MILK _Per qt. 22c PILLSBURY HOT ROLL MIX Pkg 29c | WILSON'S BAKERITE 3-lb. can 73c | BUDDED :: WALNUTS (in shell) .2 lbs. 39c I COLORED NAPKINS -.2 pkgs. for 29c 8 OUR FAMILY — STRAWBERRY S PRESERVES 2 jars 59c I VANILLA !: ICE CREAM Qt 39c I CAMPBELL'S § TOMATO SOUP 3 cans for 29c f NATURE'S FROZEN STRAWBERRIES Pkg. 29c | POST TOASTIES Giant pkg. 26c I -- •» I YOU SAVE ON YOUR MEAT BILL WHEN BUYING BEEF QUARTERS 1 ~ PRODUCE and FEEDS We carry a complete line of Nutrena Poultry, Hog and Cattle Feeds. You can save :1 money by laying in your winter’s supply now. See us for price in 1,000 lb. or ton lots. § SOYBEAN MEAL, m ton lots.. $4.30 cwt; Pellets and Cubes, ton.$440 cwt | A|| II ■1||% TANKAGE — MEAT SCRAPS — BONEMEAL — LIMESTONE — CRUSHED ROCK & BLK. SALT | a flIN nilraII! CUDAHY'S ALL PURPOSE MINERAL & MINERAL BLOCKS — OYSTER SHELL — SWEET LASSY a a Vll IITIIII* PELLET, CUBES — LINSEED MEAL PELLETS — ROLLED OATS — CRACKED CORN — BRAN a SHORTS — STOCK GRO — OMALASS — SUPER VITA FEED — RABBIT PELLETS — DOG FOOD | JJ - I** Thrus., Fri., Sat. Nov. 19, 20, 21st Cash for CREAM & EGGS SHELHAMERS YOUR "ONE STOP" SHOPPING CENTER WE MAKE COUNTRY PICKUP ON POULTRY Call or See Us When Ready to Sell! Free Delivery Grocery Phone No. 593 I Cash for POULTRY