Ktfff mpe _ ¥■ |JQ^ FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1950 Oldsmobili “Rocket 88”, 24,500 act . a miles, radio, heater, winterized Price $950; also 1950 Interna tional 1-ton truck, less tha: 5,000 miles, price $1,550; 194! Chevrolet 2-ton, 2-spd. axle price $600. — Ted Strong, O’ Neill, phone 431-W. 28-29p7; Look At These! USED CAR BUYS 1951 Studebaker pickup, %-ton With rack. 1950 Pontiac 4-dr., standard. 1948 Pontiac Streamliner, 2-dr. 6-cylinder. 1947 Pontiac 8, 2-dr„ Torpedo. 1948 Pontiac 8, 2-dr., Hydramatic Streamliner. 1948 Pontiac 6-cyl. 2-dr., Stream liner, new motor. 1949 Pontiac 8, 4-dr., Hydramatic Chieftain deluxe. 1951 Hydramatic “8”, 2 - tone green. 1951 Bel Air Chev., 2-tone green, 2-dr., good condition. 2—1953 deluxe Pontiac “8’s”, 4 doors, one Winona green, other two-tone with easy-eye glass. Wm. Krotter Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 28c Phone 531 FOR SALE: Purebred Yorkshire boars. Also a few gilts. See any day but Sunday.—Fay A. Puckett, O’Neill. 26tf FOR SALE: Combination radio phonograph, used, $49.95. — Osborne’s, 112 So. Fourth. 28c FOR SALE: Heavy hens, $1.25 each, dressed and drawn, light hens $1. Black walnuts (in hulls) 3 lbs. 25c, bu, (about 24 lbs.) $1.75. Delivered in. O’Neill about mid-Nov. Mail orders to Tom McClellan, Verdel, Nebr. 27-28p75 Used Cars! 1953 DeSoto Firedome “8”, ma roon, two-tone, 5,000 miles New car guarantee $2,450 1952 Coronet 4-dr., radio, heater, white sidewall tires, very clean. 1949 Plymouth club coupe, clean. 1949 Mercury fordor, good rub ber, radio and heater. “1951 Henry “J”, heater, over drive. A bargain. 1947 Jeep station wagon. 1946 Plymouth club coupe, nice and clean, radio, heater and good tires. Bargain! SMITH MOTOR CO. Home of DeSoto and Plymouth Phone 562 — O’Neill PAUL SHIERK, Mgr. AUTHORIZED DEALER for Cornhusker hybrid seed corn. —Kenneth Ellingson, O’Neill, Nebr. 28-34p FOR SALE: Registered Hamp shire boars. — Walter Sojka & Sons, Page. 25-28p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Sev eral residential lots, one block north Wm. Krotter Co.—Kieth Abart, O’Neill, box 642. 28c FOR SALE: Quaker oil space heater, cheap, like new.—J. H. Davis, 203 W. Douglas, O’Neill. 27p35 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars with outstanding quality. Veterinary vaccinated.—Henry' Stelling & Son, 2 mi. south, west of Orchard. 24tf Representative for WINONA MONUMENT CO. FRED BAZELMAN Phone No. 343 — O’Neill 27tf New Machinery J-D elevators. • Trailer wagons and boxes. J-D 10 and 14 in. hammer mills. No. 80 and 220 Letz grinders. Farmhand loaders and attach ments. U.S. Royal and Firestone farm tires. J-D-D oils, greases and batteries. Bale ties, cable, comfort covers. Used Machinery R.C. 5 Caterpillar and hydraulic dozer. 1937 A J-D tractor. 1937 B J-D tractor. R.C. Allis tractor. • F 20 IHC tractor, 13x36 tires, good. Colby tractor spreader. New Idea spreader, 4-wheel. J-D 10 A Hammer mill. Farmhand loader. Manure loader, mechanical. Harry R. Smith Impls. Your John Deere Dealer Phone 562 — O’Neill FOR SALE: One heavy duty un derslung.—Brady Welding, At kinson. 16tf FOR SALE: Like-new white por celain trash burner, used 3 mos., $49.95. —Osborne’s, 112 So. Fourth. 28c NOW IN STOCK: Homelite chain saws.—Melvin Johring, O’Neill 26-29pl00 FOR SALE: Good seven-room home 2 blocks from New Deal filling station. —Phone 417-J, O’Neill. 26-28p8f FOR SALE: Angus bull, register ed. — Mrs. Henry Martin, O’ Neill, phone 227-J. 24tl ' FOR SALE: Good motor out oJ 1948 Mercury coupe; custom built radio out of same car: > also many other salvagable [ parts. —* Wich’s Body Shop, i West O’Neill, phone 211-W. ; j 23c ___—_ l ROCK OF AGES MONUMENTS , To Grow More Beautiful with the Passing Years /fljRN POTTHAST l ) Monument ncSTk POR SALE: An outdoor toilet. In good condition. — Phone 489-J, O’Neill. 28p35 FOR SALE or will trade for corn, purebred milking polled Shorthorn bull. —M. McCabe, Page. 27-28p60 FOR SALE: Aeromotor wind mills, and towers, galvanized stock tanks, 8- and 10-foot sizes. — John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: A large selection of choice quality Duroc boars. — Dick Stapleman, Belden. 28-29p60 FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire boars. Big, rugged and plenty of length.—Alfred Hansen, 5 miles west, 4 south and '% west of Plainview. 22tf FOR SALE: Used Magic Chef gas range, good condition. See Vern Grenier at Dankert’s, O’ Neill, phone 410. 28c NEW CARS Willys — Kaiser — Henry J Cars Willys Jeeps — Pickups Massey-Harris & Ferguson Trac tors, $250 to $700 reduction from regular factory retail prices — if there are no trade ins. Used Cars — Pickups — Jeeps Trucks. All kinds. All Bargains! Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 26-27c FOP SALE: Insurance of all kinds. — See R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: 40 choice Hamp shire pigs, weight about 40 lbs.—Herman Kaup, 10 mi. SE Atkinson. 28-29p60 ■> FOR SALE: Pie pumpkins and all kinds of squash. — W. F. Grothe, sr., Emmet. 28-29p60 FOR SALE: Dressed geese. — Phone No. 587-R12. 28-29p60 FOR SALE: Fryers $1 each. — Phone 417-J, O’Neill. 28-29c REPAIR SHOP We work on any make cars, pick ups, Jeeps, trucks or tractors. Four Top Mechanics All Work Guaranteed Reasonable Prices Outlaw Implement Co. O’Neill, Nebr. 26-27c FOR SALE: Oil burner with cir culating fan. Call 159-J or see at 407 E. Everett, O’Neill. 28-31c CARDS OF THANKS I WANT to take this means of thanking all my relatives and friends for their prayers and lovely letters, cards and flow ers I received during my stay in the hospital; also I want to thank the many who came to see me while there and since I returned home. Your thought fulness will long be remember ed. Again I’m thankful. 28c JIM D. JARMAN BY THIS means we say “thank you” to the hospital staff for a pleasant stay, friends and neighbors for the cards and visits, the men who picked the corn and the ladies who helped and sent food. ELWYN ROBERTSON’S and C. V. ROBERTSON’S 28c I WANT to take this opportunity to thank all my friends and relatives for all the cards, flow ers and gifts I received while I was in St. Anthony’s hospi tal. Especially Doctors Langdon and Wilson and the entire hos pital staff for the good care. Sincerely, WINNIE VANDERSNICK 28p50 I WISH to say “thanks” to all my friends, relatives and neigh bors for the cards, letters and gifts I received and also for the personal visits during my recent stay at St. Anhony’s hospital. I also say “thanks” to the doctors, hospital staff and others who helped make my stay more pleasant. 28p50 MRS. VIC VANDERSNICK MY SINCERE thanks to the Sis ters, nurses, Doctor Langdon and everyone who sent cards I ' and gifts and who visited me while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital. 28p50 _MRS. M. B. HIGGINS Back from Omaha— Mrs. A1 Sauser returned Friday from Omaha where she had visit ed her mother, Mrs. William Cronin. She had been in Omaha two weeks. MISCELLANEOUS LOST; A child’s gold signet ring with the initials G.—Lawrence Murray, phone 557-M, O’Neill. 28p35 Real Estate Loans WE have unlimited funds to loan on Ranches. If you anticipate needing a loan, CALL US TO DAY. Ernie Weller % Associates Phone 6231 or 5141 — Atkinson STRAYED: 3uck sheep.—Gerald O’Connor, Atkinson. 28p NOTICE DUE TO FIRE HAZARD we will not allow hunting or trespass ing on our ranch. 24-27pl30 F. E. BOETTCHER Atkinson, Nebr. SELLING is our business: Will arrange for advertising, selling and clerking at your sale, pri vately or public auction.—Ed Thorin and Bill Bowker, O’ Neill, phone 207, licensed real estate auctioneer and brokers. 13tf SEE Ralph Simpson for your electric wiring. — 359-LW, O’ Neill. ltf MONEY TO LOAN: I am back at my office' and have Eastern money to loan on farms and ranches, also on city property. —See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 48tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf FARM LOANS. — R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 50c HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING FARM & COMMERCIAL American Kitchens White Water Heaters Next door Asimus Motors) of O’NEILL Phone 399 — O’Neill tf WE NEVER SLEEP A PHONE CALL brings us on the run- Phone 404-W. Used car parts, car repairing, elec tric and acetylene welding, body shop. Strong’s Repair Shop VERNON STRONG, Prop. North Seventh — O’Neill NOTICE ON ACCOUNT of the fire hazard, we will not permit any tres passing or hunting on oui ranch. Anyone not obeying will be prosecuted. MR. AND MRS. F. E. SKRDLA 24tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding ???? ARE YOU going on a vaca tion or a trip? Better see R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, for trip insurance. Pays up to $25, 000 for accidental death and $1,000 for medical, doctors, ambulance, etc., .for only a few cents a day. Pays for any kind of an accident while you are gone. lltf FOR RENT I FOR RENT: Business bldg, 11,000 ft. floor space. Heated. Suitable for one, two or three store fronts. Any or all of which can be rented and which will be finished to your specifications. Rear of building equipped with six 13-ft. overhead doors and is available now for storage and warehouse use. — K. C. Hunt, O’Neill. 23tf FOR RENT: 6-room upstairs modern apt. Private entrance available, $30 per month. In quire 213 Benton st., or phone 247. 24ti FOR RENT: Business bldg., 116 So. Fourth st. —Kieth Abart, O’Neill. FOR RENT: Rooms, close-in. — Mrs. Edna Coyne, O’Neill, phone 353-W. 26tf FOR RENT: Sleeping room. — Marie Salisbury, 129 E. Clay, O’Neill, phone 324-W. 26tf FOR RENT: 3-room uniurnished apartment with bath: good res idential section. — Call 171-J, O’Neill. 17tf FOR RENT: Sanders for floor and furniture. — Spelts - Ray Lbr. Co. • 47tf FOR RENT: Floor polisher and waxer.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co. DON’T WAIT! Protect now against expenses of polio, can cer and other dreaded diseases, $15 for entire family for one year. Whv take chances? — See R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’ O’Neill. lltf GOING OVERSEAS Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly re ceived a phone call from their son, Pfc. James Kelly, last Thursday, saying he was leaving San Francisco, Calif., on Mon day for Korea. WANTED WANTED TO BUY OR RENT: Cattle and hay ranch, 500 to 1,000 acres.—Kieth Abart, O’ Neill. 28c WANTED: Housework by the hour. Inquire at Frontier. 28tf-p50 WANTED! Several More Applications HELP WANTED: Rural and citv salesman needed for O’Neill vicinity. Need honest, hard worker unafraid to ask folks to buy. Right party can expect to start between $350-$400 per mo.; representing nationally advertised product. Prefer family man, must reside in O’ Neill. If interested write box AB, c/o The Frontier. Imme diate opening. Will train on job. 24tf HELP WANTED: For kitchen work.—Town House, O’Neill. _ 28c I CAN make loans on city resi dence or business buildings and make them on monthly payment plan.—See or write R. H. Parker, O’Neill. Nebr. ■_ 48tf WANTED: Registered nurse to work with school children, part time. Sponsored by O’Neill Parent - Teachers’ association. Contact Supt. D. E. Nelson or Mrs. Ralph Simpson, O’Neill. 26-28cll0 EXPERT Body - Fender REPAIRING COMPLETE up - to - date shop, equipped and experienced for all makes of cars. Also paint ing, spot work, glasses install ed. Free estimates. 24 - hour wrecker service. WICH'S BODY SHOP 219 Douglas St. Phone 211-W WANTED: Salesladies. Applica tions now being taken for part time Christmas work. Apply in person at Gambles, O’Neill. 26tf HELP WANTED: Sale personnel for local agency. Persons who wish more than average income, write box 113, Lincoln 4, Nebr. All replies confidential. 27-29pl00 Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM ASS'N 4% Federal Land Bank O’Neill, Nebr. Young Adults Meet— INMAN—The young adult fel lowship and members of the of ficial board met Thursday night, November 5, at the church for a covered dish supper and business meeting. It was voted to insulate the celing and north wall of the church proper. Karl Keyes and Lew Kopecky were named to meet with representatives of the board of trustees to arrange for the insulating. It was also voted to turn the net profits from the fall festival over to the building fund treasurer. Plans were an nounced for a pancake supper to be served by the young adult fellowship November 20. The fol lowing committees were named: Mrs. Howard Jackson, general chairman, with Mrs. Lew Kopec ky and Mrs. Herbert Neilson, as sisting. Rev. Lisle Mewmaw and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins are members of the advertising committee. I Bazaar, Dinner Swell I Church Treasury CHAMBERS—A bazaar and 12 | o’clock dinner was served Tues day, November 3, at the Cham bers Methodist church parlors by !the Women’s Society ot Christian Service. The attendance was "very good.” The ladies reported that, tney netted S132 from the bazaar and took in ST.6 for the dinner. zi. "i.ura;s acre" sale was held at 2 p. m., on the church premises, resulting in about $205 for the ! church. The calves from the | "Lord’s Herd” had been sold in Atkinson previously. Other Chambers News Elaine Spath and Loree Elkins spent Tuesday night and Wednes day. Novemoer J and 4, m uic Wiiliam Ritterbush home. Mrs. William Ritterou^ i Friday in the Arnie Mace, jr., home in O’Neill. Mary Taggart of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beed and son of Lincoln came Saturday evening and visited until Sunday evening with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Miller of Neligh were Sunday guests of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Miller. Mrs. T. E. Newhouse is sub stituting as a teacher for a few weeks ior Mrs. Art Walter in the Amelia grade school. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell were Sunday dinner guests hi the John Harkins home. Osco and Zack Ward and Bur ton Osborne of Independence, Va., spent the October 30 weekend at I the W. H. Woods home. They are cousins of Mrs. Wood. Miss Loraine Mitchell of Boise, Ida., who had been visiting rela tives in Kansas tor a couple of weeks, came to Chambers lues day evening, November 3, to visit her father, Carl Mitchell, and sis ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy, and family. She left Friday for her home at Boise. Ainie mace, sr., returned nome Friday after working the past six weeks at Central City. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer were supper guests Thursd iv eve ning, November 5, in the William Ritterbush home. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Hansberry were Thursday evening, Novem ber 5, supper guests in the E. R. Carpenter home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ritterbush were Sunday dinner guests m the William Ritterbush home. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed and her Sun day-school class of young mar ried couples gathered at the church Thursday evening, Nov ember 5, for a social time and to pack boxes to be sent to service men. The members of the Martha Community club braved the snow storm last Thursday evening for a social evening at the Martha school. A large crowd was pres ent to enjoy the program. Lunch was served. Mrs. Wayne Smith taught a few days last week in the gram mar room of the Chambers school for Mrs. Seth Herttl. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs.. Fred Degnan of Buffalo Gap, S.D., visited from Saturday until Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. James Davidson. Mrs. Edna Coyne and Mrs. Mil lie Maloney visited the O’Malley home at Chambers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dierks of Atkinson visited Monday eve ning with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert DeGroff. D. D. DeBolt left Sunday to attend a three-day Minneapolis Moline meeting in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Conen and family of Wagner, S.D., were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert DeGroff on Saturday. Melvin Malpnpy of Webster, S. D., brought his mother, Mrs. Millie Maloney, to O’Neill last weekend for an eytended visit with Mrs Edna Coyne. Small Boy Honored— Eight little boys and girls help ed Stubby Strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strong, cele brate his fourth birthday anni versary on Tuesday afternoon at the Gilbert Strong home. Ice cream and cake were served. Frontier for printing! Rock Falls News Several from this community ^ttented the Manhalter and Man halter sale northwest of Phoenix Monday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt called on Mrs. Charles Weichman on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and Cindy and Terry were last Thurs day dinner guests at the Arlen Brown home in Atkinson. Mr. and. Mrs. Oswald Drueke and family visited Louis Brown’s Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Brown and Melodee visited at Louis Brown’s Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Loweil Johnson and Lynette with a breakfast party Sunday morning. Don Hynes called on Floy! Johnson Monday afternoon. Mrs. Rakes Named Eagle Creek Leader— The Eagle Creek 4-H club had a meeting Sunday, November 8, at the home of Harold Peterson. This was a reorganization meeting and the following wrere elected: Mrs. Agnes Rakes, lead er; Mrs. Grace Hull, assistant leader; Brenda Margritz, presi dent; Janet Hull, vice-presiden*. Frances Ernst, secretary; Gene O’Neill, treasurer; Betty Curran, news reporter. The next meeting will be a candlelight service December 6 at the Frances and Vincent Ernst home. Plans will be made for a Christmas party.—By Betty Lou Curran, news reporter. • ___ Phone us your news — 51. ... ... A-l used cars on sale At Your Friendly Ford Dealer s All our used cars warranteed 6 months or 6,0(10 miles! 1949 Plymouth, Deluxe 2 door, original green finish, radio, big heater, plasiiS seat covers. A solid car that needs only a new owner. We nose-dived the price to only_$645 ★ Don’t cuss the old Bus! Drive this 1949 Chevrolet 2 door. It's been checked over, looked under, worked on, cleaned out, polished up, and marked down to the low price of $795 Shade tree mechanics atten tion! Here's one that you can buy cheap and fix up yourself. 1946 Chevrolet 4 door. Buy it "As Is" and cheap for just $199 ★ 1951 Ford Custom Tudor. A car you can fully trust and en joy. Powerful V8 engine, ra dio, fresh air heater, and turn signals. Miles of Smiles with this nice Ford. Priced to make you happy at-$1195 ALSO OTHER MAKES AND MODELS FOR YOUR SELECTION . . . AT . . . LOHSUS MOTOR CO. Phone 16 O’Neill, Nebr. Where Service Doesn’t End with the Sale” INVENTORY u Starts Thursday, November 12th Armstrong FLOOR COVERING 12x15 Quaker _ 16.00 12x12 Quaker _ 12.95 9x12 Quaker _ 7.81 12-Ft. Yardage __ Run. Ft. 1.10 9-Ft. Yardage_Run. Ft. 80c For Ihe KITCHEN METAL CABINETS_12.95 BASE METAL CABINETS_21.95 METAL BREAKFAST SUITES .. 69.50 METAL WARDROBE STORAGE 7.50 CEDAR CHESTS Reg. 59.50 - NOW .. 47.50 REDUCED PRICES • • • on • • • End Tables — Sewing Cabinets Corner Tables — Tier Tables Lamp Tables Phone Stand Sets Special Innerspring Mattress ACATick — 180-Coil Reg.24.50--NOW . 19.85 $10 for Your Old Mattress! (Offer Applies on Innerspring or Box Spring) Rollaway Bed with Mattress AS LOW AS _ 29.50 METAL BEDS AS LOW AS_ 10.35 FELT MATTRESS 50-Lb. _ 17.95 BED SPRING 180-Coil _ 12.95 CRIBS with Pad NOW_13.95 CRIBS without Pad NOW _ 7.50 LIVING RGOSI SUITES & SUNOS * 2-Pc. Living Room 17A CA Reg. 207.00—SALE PRICE 1 4 J»0\f 2-Pc. Living Room 1AA CA Reg. 299.00—SALE PRICE icFaF*t#U Plastic Studio QQ AA Reg. 115.00—SALE PRICE 2-Pc. Studio 174 CA Reg. 144.00—SALE PRICE * LAMPS ® Floor • T able • r • Boudoir ONE-THIRD ' OFF PLATF8RNI ISSUER REDUCED! Plastic - Frieze - Tweed - Lurex 22.95 - 31.50 - 47.50 - 49.50 DROP-LEAF TABLE CQ ai Walnut, 75.50 Value—NOW _ Utl.JU EXPANDWAY DESK QC Art Walnut. 98.00 Value—NOW OJ.VU BEDROOM SUITES Blonde 3-Pc. 17Q 00 Double Dresser, Chest. Bed_Al*F»Uv Blonde, 4-Pc. Reg. Price 125.00 __ Walnut 4-Pc. 1QQ AA Blonde Oak 4-Pc. 1 M AA Reg. Price 179.00 _ ^Pr ^P* BP BP W BP BP BF BP* BP^ BP wa | Small Down Payment < I HOLDS ANY ITEM! J | Free Delivery within 75-mile * Radius of O’Neill I - I — ARMSTRONG F0B NAMES YOU KNOW WELSH ' COSCO h m ■ M ■ m Chromecraft TAYLORTOT I1IP8 gM'C HOOVER SAMSON DIllLlll 3 DEENA PERMALUX ™ w SIMMONS Phon 38 — O’Neill