3 Schools Get New Swing Sets REDBIRD — New swing sets have been added to the play grounds of three schools recent ly where Beverly Car?'~n. Willa Schollmeyer and Shirley SlacK teach. Bill Conard and Bill Wilson went to the Ray Wilson farm Wednesday, September 23, to get • a cedar pole for a flag pole at the Osborn school. Mrs. Bill Conard spent the day with Mrs. Bill Wilson. On Monday. Claude Pickering. Bill Aim. Albert Carson and Gordon Barta got a cedar pole at the Ray Wilson farm for a flag pole at the Carson school, district 32. Other Redbird News Mrs. Anna Carson spent sev eral days last week at Lynch with the Junior Wilson and Ron ald Carson families. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson ar rived home Wednesday, Septem ber 23, from a visit in California. Their son, Jack, and family brought them home and visited a few days before returning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Picker ing visited the corn palace at Mitchell, S.D., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack and daugh ter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Hiscocks and Lyle Wells were there on Wednesday, September 23. . , Harry Carson of Lincoln spent several days last week at the Bill Aim place. Mrs. Anna Carson and Mrs. Albert Carson accompanied Mrs. Harry Johnson to Carroll Mon day to attend a Presbytery meet jng. Mrs. Frank McDonald and Mrs. Albert Carson attended a ban quet of the project clubs of Ne braska at Norfolk, returning home last Thursday. Mrs. Ida Wanning of Foster is visiting her cousins, Eddie Car son, Lizzie Carson, Mrs. Mary Wolfe, Mrs. Carrie Hunter, and other relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells, Cheryl and Janice were dinner guests Sunday in the Clayton Thomson home at Lynch. Mrs. Will Carson and her daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Wickham of Lincoln, are house guests pf the Carson sisters. Last Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Carson and Beverly were Mrs. Will Car son and Mrs. Wickham of Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs Francis Donohoe and family of California spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Frank McDonald, and family. A family reunion dinner was held Sunday in their honor at the Frank McDonald home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and Garry entertained at a family reunion supper last Thursday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil son and Douglas of Oakland, Calif. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Bob White, Ronnie and Sharlene of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Baker, the Junior Wil son family, Mrs. Willa Scholl meyer, Bruce and Bardy, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and family. The Scott Community club met at the Scottville hall Tuesday. September 15. Minnie McDonald gave the lesson on wild flowers with several samples of flowers of the community for demon strating. Officers were elected for 1954: Minnie McDonald, pres ident; Lila Hull, vice-president: Mildred Gifford, secretary; Wil ia Schollmeyer, treasurer; Ma -ie Wilson, health leader; Mar guerite Wilson, music leader Mary Luber, news reporter. The October meeting is with Emmr Xrugman on basket weaving. Mrs. Anna Carson was a din ner guest of the Albert Carsor amity and all visited in the Jun or Wilson home to see the new baby boy. Chad Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and Garry, and Bruce and Bardy Schollmeye -vere also callers in the Junic Wilson home. Fred Truax, sr., left last wee/ "or Bloomington, Calif., to joir his family where they will spenc the winter. Return from Montana— Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinsor returned Friday night from two weeks visit with Mrs. Tom linson’s sister, Mrs. Elma Kra mer, and her daughter, Mrs. Ina Ericson, and son, Lonnie Kra mer, and family in Billings, Mont. Besides seeing the many interesting sights in Billings, they spent one day viewing the Custer battlefield, its cemetery and museum. They also spent two days in Yellowstone park and found weather “perfect.” On their return they stopped at Gordon and visited with Hen ry and Albert Ladley and fam ilies, also Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, former residents of the Mineola community, also with Giles Reece and wife. Mr. Reece was brand inspector for about a year. Missouri 'Very Dry'— Miss Tillie Kestenholtz of O’ Neill and Mrs. Esther Wood of Chambers returned Sunday from a 10-dav, 2,000-mile trip to Mis souri. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Serck at Bunceton and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Turner at Ava, also stopped off at Otterville, Lake of the Ozarks and Branson. At Branson they were at the Ravenwood farm, formerly own ed by Gov. Charles Leonard. They were accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Arthur Stiles of Lincoln. They reported Missouri ‘very dry” and Miss Kestenholtz said some water wells are yield ing only one pail per day. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Koppes of Chicago, 111., visited Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cunningham and family. Mr. Koppes is a cousin of Mr. Cunningham. He resided here about 15 years ago and now is a member of the Chicago police force. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Alton re turned Saturday from Portland, Ore., where they had spent the past several months. •■l7l 4th Street Market I — PHONE 93-W — RED POTATOES 10 Lbs. 29c GOOCHES FLOUR.10-Lb. Bag8|jc WHITE or YELLOW— I DRY ONIONS...Lb. 3c RADISHES.2 Bunches He u. s. no', i calif.— " : STALK CELERY.Stalk 17c U.S. GOOD— --5 BEEF ROAST Lb. 45c RIB STEAK Lb. 65c | . . CUDAHY’S MEADOW GROVE— ‘ ~ BRICK CHEESE._ a 49c CUDAHY’S— --— ■ - CHILI CON CARNE with BEANS....' 29c Manchester!! " '— -- VARIETY COOKIES.Pkg. 29c COOL SPRING— ' ---— CR. STYLE CORN.. 5 No. 303 Cans 69c GERBER'S— “ --- BABY FOOD 6 Cans 49c IT " ' _ ^ • QIC IOC 151 w JUt _r / t BAN K The Keystone Cop ' Air 1 our Coming xAn air tour of Nebraska will vis it O’Neill on Fri day, October 9. The three - day -* tour will start at Hastings. There will be more than a hundred aircraft and an estimated three hundred persons. The O’ Proposed Route Neill Chamber of Commerce is ar ranging a recep '■■■■. •• - _ . tion at the airport. Page News The Bid or Bye bridge club met Wedensday afternoon, Sep tember 23, with Mrs. James Finley at the Jerome Allen home. Mrs. Melvin Roach held high score and the hostess the all-cut. Lunch was served at uie close of the afternoon. Mrs. Anna Thompson left Sun day for Taylor where she plans to spend two weeks with her fa ther, John Nelson. Her grand ' children, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 1 Pelletier, and family of Orchard took her to Taylor where they spent the day. Mrs. Bertha Harsh of Eagle Rock, Calif., came Wednesday, September 23, to spend two weeks visiting her sister, Miss Grace Merrvman. The Royal Neighbor Kensing ton met Wednesday afternoon, September 23, with Mrs. Otto Matschullat with 11 members present. Mrs. Elsie Cork was a tuest. A no - host lunch was served. Mrs. C. E. Walker was hostess 1 to the Contract bridge club last Thursday evening. Mrs. Emma Dorr of Norfolk and Mrs. Gerald Lamason were guests. Score winners were Mrs. Melvin Roach, high, and Mrs. Lamason, the consolation. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and family left Saturday morn ing for Grand Island to visit Mrs. Sorensen’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holiday, and family. They returned home Sun day evening Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stevens drove to Lincoln Tuesday to visit their children, Mrs. James ! Voehl and family and Wendell and Lee Stevens, and their fam ilies. As it was Mr. Stevens’ 70th birthday anniversary, the chil dren planned a family get-to gether. His granddaughter, Jo Ann Voehl, baked the birthday cake and decorated it with “hap py birthday”, and candles were daced so as to form the number 70. Several members of the WSC? of the Methodist church met with Mrs. Jennie French last Thurs day afternoon to quilt. The so ciety has nine quilts to be quilt ed. Mrs. Franch served coffee and cookies. The next extrr quilting will be at the home of Mrs. Charles Cronk October 8. Regular meeting of the society at the church basement Octo ber 1. Frontier for printing! South of Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Dewey White. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McClure oi Alton, la., and Mrs. Abbie Coker of O’Neill were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boo Greenfield and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hytrek and Sally Jo were Sunday um ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John nytrek. jim Coker of O’Neill and Dale Mlinar of Atkinson were Sunaay supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boo Greenfield and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slaymak er and family were Sunday din ner guests of Mrs. Winifred Stech and children of Atkinson. Mr. and Mr. L. G. Slaymaker, sr., of Atkinson were Wednes day evening, September 23, call ers at the Wesley Slaymaker heme. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greyer and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krysl and Steve Cieslak were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaup and family. The occasion was the 25th wedding anniversa ry of Mr. and Mrs. Kaun. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wedige and family were Wednesday af ternoon, September 23, visitors at the Leonard Wedige farm at Atkinson. Mrs. Ferd Kaup of Stuart vis ited her sister, Mrs. Henry Baum. Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wedige and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baum Wednesday eve ning, September 23. Mr. and Mrs. O. Kalvelage of Albion, Joe Kalvelage of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Galligan of Atkinson were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Batenhorst. They also enjoyed the stock car races at Stuart in the afternoon. Bill Hutton of Seattle, Wash., visited Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes. Mr. Hutton was on his way to Lin coln to visit his sister, Mrs. Ruby Rhodes. r\ Letters to Editor Dear Cal, Glad to see your editorials in the last two issues of The Fron tier. For some time now I have been thinking about the hundreds of our school children who are completely at the mercy of the motorists simply because they receive no guidance or help in crossing our extremely busy streets. Shouldn’t this be one of the duties of our daytime police man? I believe we need a man capa ble of carrying out this import ant duty. Sincerely, A CIVIC-MINDED READER • * • Sept. 24, 1953 Star, Nebr. Editor, The Frontier: I’ve been one of your many readers for several years and I think your paper has no equal. I’m writing in regard to this toe Wert business, and I’m for vou 100 percent. I t^ope that you get a little support to put this old . . . out on pasture, as you sav. This J^e Wert isn’t fit for a dog catcher, let alone being a servant of the people. I’ve seen several instances w^ere Joe has opened his big mouth for no reason whatever, hut he liked to show his author ity. Let’s hope for his immediate release. Respectfully vours, JUST A FARMER FRIEND OF YOURS P.S.: Please print. * * * hear Editor: I wonder who got the idea $200 s a poor wage for our day cop9 I wish farmers could be sure of '200 cash for living expenses ev my month, too. We’d pet along •nu"h better than we do. We don’t care much for Joe, either. O’NEILL SHOPPERS « * * Frontier: Why in the devil don’t they pay decent wages and then get a man who is intelligent and courteous? It’s still hot and dry. RNL * * * Dear Mr. Stewart: I might say you’re an old nasty-nasty . . . X Visit Beilins— Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore Estenson were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin. Magazine Drive • The American Legion Auxiliary of O'Neill will start its annual magazine drive on October 5th and will continue for three weeks. • The commissions derived from the sales of magazines will be used to purchase a hospital bed and wheel chair, which will be made available for temporary use in the homes of this area without charge. Through this same plan in the past years have been bought a number of hospital beds, oxy gen tent, polio pac-heater, pneophore eye-testing cabinet, polio walker, and other sick room equipment. Representatives will canvass the housewives on the farms and the homes in the towns of this county with a large selection of magazines. Each purchase will be a help to buy this much needed equipment. In order to know that you are buying in confi dence each representative will carry a letter of introduction signed by the president and secretary of the American Leaion Post Auxiliary of O'Neill. Please give these representatives the courtesy of a hearing. This is a benevolent proposition. Yours for service, AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY O'Neill. Nebr. i MRS. EVELYN LAURSEN, President MRS. CLARESSE SULLIVAN, Secretary Reception Held for Ewing Teachers EWING— The teachers of the Ewing public school were hon ored at a reception given Tues day evening, September 22, at tr.e school auditorium. They are Suptf. Lewis M. Car ter, Miss Elsie Chase, Miss Lena Baker, Miss Fern Pruden, Mrs. Amber Schlotman, Coach Rich ard Lane and Paul Cooper, all in the high school; Mrs. Floyd Black, Mrs. Grace Thompson, Miss Leona Beckwith, Mrs. Don na Carson and Mrs. Helen Grimm, all grade teachers. Rev. P. F. Burke was master of - ceremonies, presenting the following program: Songs by the grades, “Short nin’ Bread,” “Bicycle Built for Two” and “She’ll be Cornin’ Round the Mountain.” Numbers by high school stu dents, two solos, Bob Koenig sang “May the Dear Lord Bless Us” and David Baum sang “For give Us” with Dian Baum at the piano. Patsy Pollock and Jolene Kaczor played an instrumental duet. M. B. Huffman, chairman of the board of education, who was introduced by Father Burke, pre sented the faculty. A social hour with refreshments followed. This annual event is sponsored by the churches of Ewing. This year, St. Peter’s church was in charge with Mrs. Gail Boies and Mrs. Ray Funk as chairmen. Others assisting were Mrs. J. L. Pruden from the Ewing Meth odist church; Mrs. Clarence Hahlbeck from the Church of r'}'rist; Mrs. Lionel Gunter and I Mrs. Carl Christon from the | United Presbyterian church. Other Ew’ng News Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey and his mother, Mrs. R. G. Rockey, went to Grand Island Saturday where Willis left by train on a business trip to Chicago, 111. The ladies returned home the same day. Mrs. Louis Pofahl and sons. Dean and Leroy, were dinner guests at the Willis Rockey home on Sunday. Randy Rockey, who nad been an overnight guest at the home of his grandparents, returned home with them. Mrs. R. G. Rockey is staying with his mother, Mrs. Leota But ler, while her sis-er, Mrs. Vera Anson, is vacationing in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Saiser re turned home Monday from Mis souri where they had spent the past week. Mrs. Mabel Boies, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo ge Thayer were 6 o’clock dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Hahlbeck on Sunday. The Thayers, who have made Omaha their home for several years, have sold their property and left Ew ing on Monday for California where they will make their home. Mrs. Maude Boies is now em ployed in the home of Herman Ko neck at Orchard. Herbert Ruroede, who has spent part of the summer at Norfolk and also in Missouri, has returned to Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards and daughter, Kathy, spent the weekend at Fremont visiting rel atives. vVeekend guests at the home of Mrs. Lena Kirschimer w re her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wolverton, and fam ily of Pilger and guests on Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neis ius and family and Mr.* and Mrs. Herbert Kirschmier and family, all of Ewing. James Rotherham of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Mrs. Lester Wood and family of Lincoln are guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and M s. Roy Rotherham, this week to visit their brother, Pv.. Jerry Rotherham, who is home on furlough. Thursday, little Pat Regan cele orated his first birthday anni versary. In honor of the ocassion, nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam . Regan, entertained at a 6 o’clock family dinner party. Present were j Pat’s grandparen's, Mr and Mrs. j in„ c-pipie and daughter, Rosa- j lie, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Funk and children. Mrs. Nellie Komer. all I of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker of Omaha. Mrs. Vera Anson is enjoying a j week’s vacation from her duties in th» (tombl0 store. She accom panied her son and daughter-in- ■ law, Mr. and Mrs. Vance Anson, and family on a trip to Gillette, Richard Spittler spent the weekend with h:y Daren's, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spittler. Ri^har^ nas enrolled at Creighton univer th° home of Mr. and Mrs. Wal*er Tressler and family at Miss Marv Alys Dierks. who has been a student at Duchesne col ’pg° in Omaha, enrolled at St. cathprine hosnital during the •weekend to begin nurses training. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle DioT-^s. a-'rompanied her to O maha returning home on Sunday Rev. W. J. Bomer accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon went to M i n d e n on Tuesday, September 22, where they attend ed ,svnt>d until Thursday. Pete Carson returned to Blair on Wednesday, September 24, af ter bringing Mrs. Maude Law rence to Ewing where she will risit friends and relatives for a tew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Connelly and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Bauer, all of Spalding, spent Sun day at the home of Anna and Theresa Bauer. Nick Ferris of Gordon, former iy of Ewing, was calling on friends he e on Tuesday. Mrs. Gus ParLnsein of Bone steel, S- D., is a guest at the home of her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd West, jr., and lamily this week. Mr. Perlensein Drought her to Ewing and remain ed . until Thursday. Other guests from Bonesteel were Mrs. West’s sister, Mrs. Logan Thoene, and .hildren. Guests on Sunday at he Lloyd West, jr., home in Ewing were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd West, sr., of Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis, Diana Johnson and Luella Lewis, all of Omaha. Mrs. George Lewis of Omaha spent several days last week' visiting at the home of her grand son, Lloyd West, jr., and family. Miss Marcia Gibson, a student nurse at the Methodist hospital in Omaha, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gibson. Dwight Schroeder went to O maha on Thursday where he met Pvt. James Good and Pvt. Jerry Rotherham, who.were enroute io ‘heir homes in Ewing for a 10 day furlough from Camp Chaffee, A rk Mr. and M'S. Frank Wilson spent the weekend visiting friends in Lincoln. , The Past Matrons and Star Kensington met Friday afternoon at the country home Mrs. Wril bur Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli and 'amily have moved to the acre age of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Funk in north Ewing, which was re cently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John Turay and family, who moved to Wood Lake. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and fam ily were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deck er of Omaha. Lee Martin Spittler of Califor nia arrived in Ewing last Thurs day. He is a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ai thur Spittler. Mrs. Spittler re eentlv returned home from an Omaha hospital where she hart been a patient for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burk of Vale, S.D., are visiting relatives in the Ewing vicinity. Mrs. George Jefferies and her daughter, Mrs. Wilma Daniels, wern guests Wednesday, Septem ber 23, at the home of Miss Min nie Neidcrheide in Clearwater. Visit Coin Palace— Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benson, Mr and Mrs. Blake Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran, Maurice Grutch, Stanlev Benson. Linda Johnson and Mrs. Ed Thornton cf Venus, Calif., attended the opening of the Corn Palace in Mitchell, S. D.. last Thursday. FOR SALE: International imple ment and repair business, Ew ing, Nabr. Large, modern bldg. Immediate possession. Dwell ing available. Will consider rent in deal. — C. L. Bishop, Realtor, Bartlett, Nebr. 22c CBS Brings In The Gnly FULL FIDELITY TV! C^S-eOlUMBIA YSLEVISION RECEIVERS L Jit F^ULT/Y S22I3T... * / ZZd FULL F2S5ELSTY SOUND I Th« SPOTLIGHT— 21-inch big-screen console at a table model price. Rich mahogany veneer .cabinet. fe*- . : ' ; • • Switch ft On and the Whole Room iYfV*/ Hear for yourself the room * * 7 reality of 360 Full Fidelity * i;*d. The amazing CBS-hi^n ■» f ty audio system uses two •: rs and two sound ouf’^ta . > create the remarkable effect of ' hemispheric’' sound. mwm' * Protect* SO Pictures a Second’ The • mazing CBS CoIumbia Photo fclectron Gun ahoote a Ibn. of billion* of electrons across the pic ture screen . . electron “dots of of absolute unifonnity. This determines picture depth and de UU—assures Full Fidelity Sight. LOOK FOR THIS TAB — \ your guarantee of engi- 1 neering, performance j and styling by CBS—the I greatest name in TV .,. J. Radio ... Electronics. J The ANNIVERSARY— The FUTURA—21-inch Mas- 17-inch tahlr mnrirl Inline Series. Function*! mCn taDle n,0del modern of breath-taking Television’s value beibty in a luxurious blonde u_ c> . . . comb-grained oak cabinet. leader. Stain-resistant — ebony-finish with gold trim. BUILT-IN ALL CHANNEL UHF and VHF RECEPTION * Stop In, Phone or Write for FREE Horae. Office or Store T - V Demonstrations sborne’ O'NEILL Next Door to O’Neill National Bank _ 2 bo Phone 415 .» 112 So. Fourth