The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 01, 1953, Page 4, Image 4

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    Mrs. Merrill Smith
Is Club President
CELIA — Celia Homemakers
extension club met at th° home
of its president, Mrs. Joe Hend
ricks, Wednesday, September 23,
with 14 members and one visit
or, Mrs. Inez Hayes, present.
The following officers were
elected for the coming year
which begins January 1: Mrs.
Merrill Smith, president; Mrs.
Conine Frickel, vice-president;
Mrs. Earl Schlotfeld, secretary;
Mrs. George Beck, treasurer;
Mrs. Stanley Johnson, reporter;
Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman, leader A;
Mrs. Victor Friekel, leader B;
Mrs. Lawrence Smith, sunshine
leader; Mrs. Roy Fullerton,
health- Mrs. Leonard Chaffin,
reading; Mrs. Mark Hendricks,
music; Mrs. Robert Hendricks,
ecreation; Mrs. O. A. Hammer
berg and Mrs. Ray Pease, year
book committee.
A lesson on basket weaving
was presented by Mrs. LeRoj
loffman. Each woman made a
^The next meeting will be on
value plus
Handsome tweedy
checks — richer than
ever in a soft-as-down
t all wool fabric! Eye
| catching details — the
I stitching on the sloping
| shoulder line, the good
it looking ombre - shaded
II buttons and the dashing
"■* turn-back cuffs! A top
Coat Event buy! Misses’
Flare back
flair and
push-up sleeves!
Graceful sweeping lines
in the inverted back
flares — straight, slim
front with grown - up
sleeve styling—the. coat
to keep her warm and
“in” with fashion this
winter! - At Penney’s
nice, low price! Warmly
interlined . . . sizes 7-14.
36-Inch Dark Outing Flannel _ 35c
Double Cotton Blankets _ 3.49
Sheet Blankets____ 1.98 to 2.98
Full Mattress Pads_3.59
All Wool Blankets, 72x90 _ 10.00
Double Blanket, part wool, 3% _5.49
Comforter Batts 1.29 Quilt Batts 1.79
Chenille Spreads _ 4.98, 7.90, 9.90
Cotton Vests 59c Cotton Panties 49c
Boys’ 2-Piece Underwear _1. 59c to 98c
Women’s House Slippers.. 1.98 2.29, 2.98
Women’s Flannel Gowns_ 1.98 to 2.98
Men’s Gloves—Canvas. 20c Jersey. 33c
Men’s Nap-Out Gloves _ 39c
Men’s Lined Coat, denim_ 3.79, 4.98
Men’s Lined Cossack, denim or covert 3.98
Jr. Boys’ Jersey Mittens _ 25c
Boys’ Jersey Gloves __•__ 49c
% ..'_ _
Tuesday, October 27, with Mrs.
Byrl Beck as hostess at the home
of Mrs. Inez Hayes in Atkinson.
Other Celia News
Members of Suny Side 4-H
feeder calf and girls’ cooking
club met at the Joe Hendricks
home Saturday, October 26, for
their achievement day and
turned in their reports. Six
calves from the club will be
shown and sold in O’Neill at the
4-H sale October 7.
Albert Johnson of Lyons was
p.n overnight guest at the Earl
Schlotfeld home Friday night.
His son, John Johnson, was an
overnight visitor at the Schlot
feld home last Thursday night.
Jim and LeRoy Lauridsen’s
birthday anniversaries were cel
ebrated at the Louie Lauridsen
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ellen
wood were Monday dinner
guests at the Hans Lauridsen
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Doster of
Kalamazoo, Mich., arrived last
j Thursday evening for a visit
with her cousin, Mfs. O. A. Ham
merberg and Mr. Hammerberg.
The Dosters had visited other
relatives in Denver, Colo., before
coming to Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Ellen
wood visited D. F. Scott Mon
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Braun and
daughter, Elaine, were Sunday
supper guests at the Marvin
Focken home.
Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Mrs.
Joe Hendricks and Mrs. Robert
1 endricks attended a party at
t le Reverend Phipps home in
Atkinson Friday.
Byron Obermire visited Bob
oy Knudson Saturday.
Last Thursday visitors at the
Gene Livingston home were Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Ziska, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Butterfield and Kay
and Kenny, also Mrs. Feme Liv
ingston and son, Zane.
Mrs. H. R. Rouse and son, Mar
vin, also Mildred Keyes of Inman
were Sunday afternoon visitors
at the Milton McKathnie home.
Marvin Focken Helped Alex
Forsythe cable hay two days the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks
and daughter are staying at the
Omer Poynts home while Robert
is helping with carpenter work
at the Wilson ranch. They are
rebuilding the barns which were
recently destroyed by fire.
Frank Kilmurry and Alex
Forsythe were last Thursday
evening visitors at the O. A.
Hammerberg home.
Emil Colfack and Duane Beck
were O’Neill visitors last Thurs
Mrs. Emma McKathnie, who
has been helping with work at
the Milton McKathnie home, re
turned to her home in Atkinson
Saturday taking her grandson,
Darrel McKathnie, home with
her for a visit.
Buddy and Billy Focken and
Donnie and Ronnie Frickel ac
companied a group of young folks
from Atkinson to a Presbyterian
youth rally in Wayne Sunday.
Mrs. Connie Frickel took a car of
the young folks to the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer
Free Day
White Horse Ranch
North of Stuart
Sunday, Oct. 11
Homecoming & Fiesta
Horseback Riding
Pony Rides
Horse Acts
berg and their guests, Mr. ana
Mrs. W. E. Doster of Kalamazoo,
Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs.
George Beck Saturday forenoon.
Mrs. D. F. Scott attended Iris
club meeting at the home of Mrs.
Claude Humphreys Monday af
ternoon Mrs. Walter Puckett was
Mrs. Omer Poynts was a Sat
urday visitor at the Mark Hend
ricks home and the ladies went
bunting wild grapes.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn were
Sunday dinner guests at the Joe .
Hendricks home.
Ira Lange and Jim Lauridsen
were Tuesday, September 22,
dinner guests at the Hans Laur- ;
idsen home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott were
Friday afternoon visitors at the
O. A. Hammerberg home.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Colfack
were Sunday afternoon and sup
per guests at the Emil Colfack
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken
"•ere O’Neill visitors Saturday.
Leoia Cary of Ewing was a
Saturday visitor at the Milton
McKathnie home.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck
were Sunday evening visitors at
the Emil Colfack home.
Cpl. and Mrs. Gene Livingston
went to Hastings Monday to
look for living quarters as he
will be stationed in Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry
and family were Sunday visit
ors at the August Troshynski
Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel,
jr., visited the George Syfie
home Friday.
Teen Club Organizing
in Chambers—
CHAMBERS—First meeting of
the new Teen club was held on
Wednesday evening, September
30, at Chambers. An election of
officers was to have been held
and committees appointed to car
ry out the purpose of the club,
which is wholesome recreation
for all teen agers.
The American Legion is back
ing the project by offering ihe
free use of its building until the
Teen club gets a good start. The
club will meet each Wednesday
evening from 7:30 to 10:30 o’clock
with entertainment including
games, dancing and refresh
ments. Only teen-agers will be
allowed to participate and there
will be strict conduct rules.
The teen-age committee help
ing with the organization of the
club consists of: Miss Kathyrn
Hoffman, Miss Delores Harley,
Miss Lorraine Farrier, Roger
Harley, Gene Adams and James
Sponsors and chaperones for
the club are: Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Lambert, Frank Weinmaster
and Rev and Mrs. C. D. Ankney.
4th Anniversary— \
Richard Dean Mace, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arnie Mace, celebrated
his fourth birthday anniversary
on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. William Ritterbush, Mr. and
Mrs. John Ritterbush and Mr.
and Mrs. Amie Mace, sr., all of
Mrs. DeBacker Hostess—
The Justa club met Wednes
day, September 23, at the G. C.
DeBacker home with Mrs. Danny
DeBacker as hostess. Winners at
cards were Mrs. William Mattern,
high, and Mrs. Don Petersen,
low. Refreshments were served.
Carroll (Cal) Stewart went to
Belden Monday to be pallbearer
at a funeral for a friend, Dean V.
Westadt, 35, father of three chil
dren. Rev. J. Lavern Jay, Meth
odist district superintendent, also
attended the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles
' and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ernst
! spent Sunday in Pickstown, S.D.
Enrou*e home they visited Mr.
and Mrs. P. O. Friedrich of Spen
' cer.
American Legion Ballroom
Admission Per Person
Advance Sale:$ 1.75 —At Door: $2.00 ^
Rosemary and Jimmy Chace of
Atkinson spent the weekend
visiting their grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. H. J. Hammond.
Mrs. John Murray of Spencer
spent Monday visiting at the Tom
Donlin home.
Mrs. Neita Claussen of Ewing
was a Tuesday afternoon guest
at the home of Mrs. Edna Hue
be t.
Mrs. George Janousek and
children left Sunday for Colum
bus where they are spending the
week visiting Mrs. Janousek’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hile.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindholm
of Valparasio were weekend
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Schmor.
Mrs. Dorothy Barrett of Atkin
son left Sunday for her home
after spending a week visiting
ner daughter, Mrs. Charles Hav
ranek, Mr. Havranek and child
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher of Page
and Mr. Mrs. C. H. Switzer spent
Sunday in Brunswick visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schinck.
Presbyterian church rummage
sale, October 8. 9, 10, Yanlzi
building, south of O'Neill Na- |
lional Bank. 22-23c ]
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gallup
were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weyh
rick, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wey
rich and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Leland Spry of Stanton, Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Taylor of Brunswick,
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor of
Russell, Kans.
Miss Mary Lou Wilson of Oma
ha spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson,
and family. Mary Lou attends
Duschesne college.
Col. Wallace O'Connell will
ieave Tuesday, October 6, for
Springview where he will auc
at a 4-H calf sale.
Mrs. John J. Harrington and
her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Fraber,
of Landover, Md. will leave Fri.
day for Sioux City where they
will meet their husband and fat
her, John J. Harrington of Chic
ago, 111.
Venetian blinds, prompt deliv
ery, made to measure, metal or
wood, all colors.—J. M. McDon
Mrs Herman Janzing, Mrs.
Oliver Ross and Mrs. Harry Res
sel attented the state convention
of extension clubs in Norfolk on
Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept
ember 22 and 23.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Johnson
and .family and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Farr and family were Sun
day dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Grothe of
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Knight
and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Knight
and son attented the car races in
Stuart on Sunday.
Mr. an Mrs. Roy Lanman and
Sherilynn Grenier spent the
weekend in Verdel visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Laman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Yusten
and Mr. and Mrs. Durvin Kipple
and family were Monday even
ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
D. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Bigger of
Lincoln were weekend guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen^y
W. Lofflin.
Mr. and Mrs. William Luben
visited in Page at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roger Bowen Wednes
day, September 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman and
have received word that their
son, Pvt Don Lanman of Ft.
Lewis, Wash., has been trans
ferred to Alaska. •
Guests at the 'home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Kru^man Sunday
were Mrs. Lena Dorr, M~. and
Mrs. Leland Peters, Mr. and Mrs.
Norris Peters, all of Creighton,
and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dib
bert of Osmond.
Saturday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Kraft were
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tschirren
and family of Niobrara and Mrs.
Mabel Shobe and daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanman
attended pancake day at Niobrara
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sommer
stedt of Layton, Wash., spent the
week visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Luben.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brittell and
daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Man
uel Crosser of Neligh were Sun
day afternoon visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnie
George McCarthy, Lyle Benda,
and Robert Shoemaker attended
a meeting of officers of the
Knights of Columbus in Norfolk
on Sunday.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter were |
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Colson, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Colson and Jack,
all of Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruss and
Mary Elizabeth spent Monday in
Mrs. Mabel Henry returned
Monday fron an extended visit
with relatives and friends in
Montana and Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek
and children spent Sunday visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Havranek of Atkinson. \
Mr. and Mrs. Max Jeffers of
Chambers were guests last Thurs
day, September 24, of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnie Mace.
Fri.-Sai. Oct. 2-3
Geo. Montgomery, Carin
“Cripple Creek”
Exciting days of the gold
rush brought to your door.
B. Here!
Sun.-Mon. Oct. 4-5
Fredric Marsh, Gloria Gra
hame with an all star cast
“Man on a Tight
^ Rope”
An amazing true story of the
circus, its troubles, terror
and sorrow.
Tues.-Wed. Oct. 6-7
David Brian, Arlene Dahl
“Inside Straight”
A story of the boom days of
San Francisco, with love,
women and gambling.
Thursday, October 8
Family Night
Keenan Wynn and Janice
“Holiday for
Masked revelers mix with
high society in a thrilling
drama. Added shorts.
Bring 'Em Alll
I Rev. and Mrs. Abraham Becker
General Evangelist of the Wesleyan
Methodist Church of America.
Talented Musicians and Singers
k Mrs. Becker will have something of real interest for the
children in every service.
Reverend Becker will be bringing a message of salvation
for those who are living in sin and a message of inspira
tion and blessing for Christian folk.
At the
Wesleyan Methodist Church
O’Neill, Nebraska
October 6th to 18th — 8 P.M.
Everyone Is Welcome to Attend Our Services
Flight-Line Styling for the fabulous, new 1954 Hudson Hornet Sedan!
Introducing Instant Action Engines
with Super Induction
Come, see these beautiful, exciting
new Hudsons for 1954! Nothing
can match their all-new Flight-Line
Styling, their lush Salon Lounge In
teriors, their smart upholstery in
rich fabrics. We’d like to show you
Hudson’s new Perfected Power
Steering* and Improved Power
Brakes*, take you out in a new
Hudson and let you feel the mighty
surge of its Instant Action Engine
with Super Induction! Whether you
choose the fabulous Hudson Hornet,
the spectacular Wasp, or the com
pact new Jet in the lowest price field,
you enjoy this power and zip. For
each has its own Instant Action
Engine; each is the hottest performer
in its class. Be our guest, today.
Ride in the newest new cars for 1954.
■miAiIii ■" ini*ji•w*Myia Jiny !iii<ikO
New Flight-Line Styling
New Salon Lounge Interiors
New Power, Performance
New Perfected Power Steering*
New Improved Power Brakes*
Exclusive Twin H-Power*
Exclusive “Step-Down” Design
Exclusive Monobilt Body-and-Frame
Trademark. Patented.
Exclusive Triple-Safe Brakesf
New Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drive*
‘loTf^'tnfo^Uor1 OD VariOUB See -
tAvariable on various modeU at no extra coot.
Standard trim and other specifications and accessories subject to change without notice