The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 17, 1953, Page 4, Image 4

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    METHODIST (O'Neil!)
‘ Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor
Thursday, September 17: Choir
rehearsal, 7 pm.; Methodist
youth fellowship, fun and study,
8 pm.
Saturday, September 19: Sec
tional kick-off of MYF for fall,
3:30 p m. Cars will leave from
the church at noon. George
Harper of Nashville will report
on his recent trip to India to
world youth meeting.
Sunday, September 20: Loyal
ty Sunday—church school, 9:45
am.; worship, we manifest our
loyalty in a concrete fashion, 11
am. Sermon: “Such As I Have—
Legal Notices
(First pub. Sept. 10, 1953)
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Educational Lands and
Funds of the State of Nebraska,
or its authorized representative,
will offer for lease at public
auction on the 29th day of Sep
tember, 1953, at 9:30 o’clock
A.M., at the office of the Coun
ty Treasurer of Holt County, in
O’Neill, Nebraska, the following
educational lands within said
Description Sec. Twp. Rge.
swy4swy4_16 25 12
All . ...16 31 14
Said sale may be adjourned
from day to day until all lands
have been offered. No sale will
be final until approved by the
Board of Educational Lands and
Funds, and the Board reserves
the right to reject any and all
Henry H. Bartling,
O’Neill, Nebr. 19-21
(First pub. Sept. 3, 1953)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 3929
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, August 31,
1953. In the Matter of the Estate
of Hazel Noble, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested in said estate
that a petition has been filed in
said Court for the appointment
of Ray Noble as Administrator
of said estate, and will be heard
September 23, 1953, at 10 o’clock
A.M., at the County Court Room
in O’Neill, Nebraska.
County Judge.
I Give’” Bible study, read Gene
esis, chapters 37-49, 8 p.m.
Monday, September 21: Wes
leyan Service guild meets at the
church, 7:30 p.m. Joint meeting
of Woman’s Society of Christian
Service guild, 8 p.m.
Wednesday, September 23:
Methodist youth fellowship par
ty at church, 7:30 p.m. This will
be a real gala occasion and a
chance for the youth to enjoy
each other’s company.
Rev. Wallace B. Smith, pastor
The WSCS meets today
(Thursday) with Mrs. Guy Beck
with, 2 p.m.
The chruch now has two Bible
study groups in process. The
members of the WSCS are study
ing the book of Jeremiah on
Monday afternoons. On Wednes
day evenings both men and
women are at work on the entire
New Testament. The pastor
teaches the last group; Mrs.
Leon Beckwith is the instruct
or of the Jeremiah class. Call
the pastor for particulars.
The Lord’s acre festival is be
ing arranged for at present.
Members of the committee and
the pastor met at the church Fri
day evening to set dates and sug
gest a program. Preferred date
for the festival and sale of pro
duce is November 7. All who
have pledged themselves to co
operation in this program should
hold the non-perishable items for
sale at that time. (An alternative
day of October 31 was suggested
Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor
Thursday, September 17: There
will be a fellowship meeting and
Sunday - school rally in Long
Pine. Services are at 2:30, 6:30
and 7:45 p.m.
Sunday, September 20: Sun
day-school, 10 a.m.; worship ser
vice, 11 a.m.; young people’s
meeting, 7 p.m.; evangelistic
rally, 8 p.m.
Monday, September 22: Bible
study at Fred Lindberg home.
Wednesday, September 23:
Regular prayer meeting and Bi
ble study meets at 8 p.m.
Vacation time is over for most
people. It is time to watch our
attendance at Sunday-school and
church. We invite you to visit
our services at any time.
Jesus said, “Come unto me, all
ye that labor and are heavy la
den, and I will give you rest.”
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach. pastor
Prayer meeting every Wednes
day night, 8 o’clock.
Sunday, September 20: Wor
shipship, 10 a.m.; Sunday-school,
11 a.|m.; young people’s service
and Bible study, 8 p.m.
Sunday, September 27: Mis
sionary rally day with Reverend
Harriman, who has been a mis
sionary in Bolivia, as speaker,
both morning and evening.
• \
O’Neill, Nebr. — Phone 2
Corner of 7th and Clay
Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor
Saturday, September 19: First
year confirmation instruction
class. All children who have at
tained the age of 11 years should
be enrolled in this class. This
is a vital part of Christian train
Sunday, September 20: Divine
worship, 8:30 a.m.; Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m. Mission festival
services at St. Pauls church in
Venus. Morning service 10:30
o’clock, afternoon service, 3 o’
clock. Lunch will be served in
the church basement at noon.
The public is cordially invited to
Tuesday, September 22: Sec
ond year confirmation instruc
tion class. 4:15 p m.
Thursday, September 24: La
dies aid meeting, 2 p.m.
In the name of Christ Jesus we
bid everyone a sincere welcome
to the services and activities of
this congregation. If you have
no church home we would cor
dially invite you to worship
with us regularly.
METHODIST (Chambers)
Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor
Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair
Grimes, superintendent.
Worship, 11:30 a.m.
A dinner was held in the
church parlors Sunday following
the morning service in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Atwood, former
Chambers residents.
The Women’s society will meet
at the home of Mrs. William Er
mer today (Thursday) with Mrs.
William Woods and Mrs. Ola
Ermer assisting hostesses. This
meeting is in observance of the
birthday anniversary of the so
The week of October 4 to 11
is to be observed as the week of
evangelism in the church. Rev.
Charles E. Funk will be guest
speaker. Services will be at both
Chambers and Amelia Methodist
District conference meets Sep
tember 25 at Carroll.
Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor
Sunday, September 20: No
Sunday-school or divine wor
ship due to the mission festival
services at Venus. The morning
service at Venus will begin at
10:30 o’clock and the afternoon
service will begin at 3 o’clock.
The public is cordially invited to
Wednesday, September 23:
Junior confirmation instruction
class, 8 p.m.
We bid everyone a sincere
welcome to the services and ac
tivities of this congregation in
the name of Christ Jesus.
Comer of Sixth and Grant
John Thomas, minister
Bible school, 10 a.m.; commun
ion and preaching, 11 a.m. The
morning message will be, “So
Near and Yet So Far.”
Evening worship at 8 o’clock.
The evening message will be
“Which Sheep Is Black?”
Bible study and prayer session
Wednesday, 8 p.m.
We invite everyone to attend
these services and praise the
Lord with us.
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor
Thursday, September 17: Mid
week prayer meeting, 8 p.m.
Sunday, September 20: Sun
day-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11
a.m.; devotional period, 7:30
p.m., a milm, “The Boy Samuel”;
evangelistic service, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, October 6: Begin
ning date of a series of meetings
with the Abraham Beckers as
singers and speakers.
To Kentucky—
Mr. and Mrs. Art Tibbetts and
Mr. and Mrs. Bub Tibbetts left
Sunday for Ft. Cambell, Ky., to
visit their son, Larry, who is
stationed there. They plan to be
gone two weeks.
First National Bank Bldg.
How Ya Gonna Keep I
tin Down on the Farm? I
Here’s the answer if you want Com j ■
to produce the most money. m
A brand New Lifetime B
Made of 3x3 Mesh — 90” High I
75-ft. Spool of 3 Gauge Wire I
For Delivery Now! I
Perfect for Fencing and
Reinforcing, too! 9
You Cannot Duplicate the Quality of This Mesh X
at Any Price. Get Yours Now While Stocks Are Available. \ II
300 Braasch Ave. Phone 806 ■
Mrs. Harry Edwin Prouty. the former Rosemary Sullivan . . .
September bride.—O'Neill Photo Co.
---A> i .
AMELIA— Lightning caused
several fires last week in the
Amelia community, but the
blazes were extinguished before
much damage was done. One
bolt struck on the Robert Clif
ford ranch, another hit the pines
at the Clyde Burge place, and a
third bolt touched down on the
Ed Jungman place, south of the
Elmer Fix ranch.
Butte Captain
Gets Promotion
BUTTE—Francis M. Johnson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R.
Johnson of Butte, recently was
promoted to major in the army
at Gablingen, Germany.
Johnson is the plans and train
ing officer of the 411th trans
portation battalion and has held
the position since his arrival
overseas in August, 1952. The
major wears the army of occupa
tion medal for service in Ger
many and World War II victory
In civilian life, Johnson was
employed by the West Coast
Fast Freight and Walls Truck
ways, Ltd., of Los Angeles.
His wife, Morgana, and their
three sons are with him in Ger
Initial Meeting
for SMA Friends
The fiends of St. Mary’s or
ganization will hold its regular
meeting Monday evening, Sep
tember 21, at 7:30 o’clock, in the
gymnasium at St. Mary’s acad
emy. Entertainment and a lunch
will follow the business meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer F. Mullen
and Miss Bernadette Brennan
will be in charge. As this will be
the first meeting since the start
of the school term, all parents
and patrons interested in the or
ganization are urged to attend,
on official explained.
Mrs. Curran Is
Club President—
The Pleasant Day club met
Wednesday, September 9, at Mrs.
James Curran’s residence with
nine members present and two
guests—Mrs. Sammie Derickson
and Russell and Miss Linda
Johnson. Officers were elected
for the following year. The pres
ident is Mrs. James Curran,
vice-president is Mrs. Wesley
Taylor, secretary - treasurer is
Mrs. Bill Claussen and news re
porter Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt.
Games were played after the
ousiness meeting. The next meet
ing will be at Mrs. Francis Cur
ran’s on October 14.
3d Anniversary—
Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Worth on Tuesday, Septem
ber 8, were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lindberg, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. |
Worth, Benny Wetzler and Mary I
Wetzler. The Roy Worths were |
celebrating their third wedding
anniversary. i
I- =
Newlyweds Will
Reside in Yankton
Miss Rosemary Sullivan and
Harry Edwin Prouty were mar
ried Saturday, September 12, at
a 9 a.m., ceremony at St. Pat
rick’s Catholic church. Very Rev.
Timothy O’Sullivan officiated.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sullivan;
the bridegroom the son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. S. Prouty of Spen
Given in marriage by her fa
ther, the bride wore a gown of
Chantilly lace over nylon net and
satin, made with a fitted bodice,
a jewel neckline and tapered
sleeves. A pearl tiara held the
bride’s fingertip illusion veil. She
carried a bouquet of antheriums
and mums.
The maid-of-honor, Miss Joan
Sullivan, sister of the bride, wore
a gown of shrimp colored nylon
net over taffeta. Bridesmaids,
the Misses Nina Prouty, sister of
the bridegroom, and Kitty Greg
ory, wore yellow and green re
spectively. Both carried gold and
bronze mums.
Thomas Donlin, jr., of Bristow
was bestman. Ushers were Rob
ert Prouty, brother of the bride
groom, and James Ryan.
Nuptial music was hymns
sung by the bride’s cousin, Rob
ert Hynes, and Miss Helen Harty.
For her daughter’s wedding,
Mrs. Sullivan chose Normandy
blue lace; Mrs. Prouty’s choice
was colonial blue. Both mothers
wore corsages of pink roses.
Following the ceremony a
wedding breakfast was served at
the M&M cafe. A reception was
held at the Town House in the
afternoon with the bride’s cou
sin, Miss Mary Jo Donlin, poui
irg. The Misses Patricia Mullen,
Luanne Fritton and Lois Mullen
assisted with the serving. Miss
Marilyn Mangan had change of
the guest book.
The bride wore for her travel
ing attire a gold faille dress with
brown accessories. After a short
wedding trip in the West the
couple will live in Yankton, S.D.
The bride graduated with the
1953 class of St. Mary’s academ/,
and the bridegroom graduated
from the Spencer high school.
The bridegroom served four
years in the armed forces.
Out-of-town guests included
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan,
jr., of Denver, Colo.; Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Prouty and daughter
of Yankton, S.D.; Dr. and Mrs.
O. N. Leligh, Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Rosengreen, Mr. and Mrs. H. G.
Mangan and daughters, Misses
Rosamond and Marilyn, and Miss
Dorothy Donohoe, all of Omaha;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witherwax,
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Witherwax,
Mrs. Sadie M. Hines, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Dresher, Mrs. Bertha
Laundenslager and Mrs. J. M.
Pucelik, all of Spencer.
Weekend guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greene
were Miss Vera Greene of Om
aha, Mrs. Pal Porter and Donna
of Neola, la.
. t
Unpaid Real Estate Taxes must be ad
vertised for three weeks beginning Octo
ber 8th. Any tax not paid by October 3rd
will be included in this list. The advertis
ing fee charged to the taxpayer this year
will be 50 cents for each description, new
law by legislature.
Ir you wish a statement of your tax,
please give us the legal description and
we will be glad to send you a statement.
County Treasurer
Beverly Montgomery
Weds James W. Love
EWING — Baskets of yellow
gladioli and garden flowers with
wo seven-point candelabra dec
orated the United Presbyterian
church for the Saturday afternoon
wedding of Miss Bevery Arlene
Montgomery, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Montgomery of
Ewing, and James W. Love, son
of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Love
of Buffalo, N.Y. Rev. W. J. Bom
er officiated at the 2:30 p.m.,
double-ring ceremony.
Traditional music was played
by Miss Joyce Ringering of
Shaddick, Okla., who also played
the wedding march.
Wayne Fry and Mrs. Duane
Jensen sang “Always” and “I
Love You Truly,” accompanied
by Mrs. Wayne Fry.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a gown of
white lace and net. The blouse
was styled with a Peter Pan col
lar, long sleeves pointed at the
wrist and a tight fitted bodice
fastened with tiny buttons down
the back. The full gathered skirt
with net lace panels over a satin
slip, fell into deep folds ended
in a chapel train.
The circle veil of French illu
sion was held in place with a
beaded crown. The bride carried
a bouquet of yellow baby mums
centered with an orchid corsage,
and yellow streamers.
Ronald Henry of Stafford was
the bestman. Lorraine Montgom
ery, brother of the bride, and
Richard Honeycutt of Telluride,
Colo., ushered. The bridegroom
and his attendant wore business
suits. All had yellow carnation
boutonnieres as did the fathers
of the bride and bridegroom.
Miss Arlene Ruroede, maid-of
honor, wore a gown of yellow
taffeta, fashioned with a fitted
bodice and a full gathered skirt
with a matching head band. Her
bouquet was of white daisy
mums with white net and orchid
The two bridesmaids were
Miss Patricia Vaspier of Neligh,
who wore a blue taffeta dress
fashioned with a fitted bodice,
scalloped neckline and a full
skirt, and Miss Evelyn Ruroede,
who wore an'orchid taffeta and
lace gown with net overskirt.
Each wore matching head bands
and carried bouquets of white
daisy mums with net and yel- !
low streamers.
The candlelighters, J a n e 11
Hoke of Ewing and Bonnie Jones
of Clearwater. wore identical
orchid taffeta formals, carrying
white candles with yellow
streamers and marigolds.
Little Glenda Lee Napier and
Ann Marie Jensen were flower
girls, dressed in matching yellow
taffeta formals and daisy head
bands They carried orchid and
blue baskets.
Larry Montgomery, nephew of
the bride, carried the rings on a
satin pillow trimmed in lace and
net, with yellow satin ribbon.
For her daughter’s wedding,
Mrs. Montgomery chose a gown
of blue crepe featuring a two
piece ensemble, with blue and
white accessories. The bride
groom’s mother wore a wedge -
wood taffeta and lace with black
accessories. Both wore corsages
of pink rosebuds.
A reception attended by over
one hundred friends and rela
tives was held in the annex fol
lowing the ceremony. Decora
tions were carried out in the
bride’s chosen colors of green,
blue, yellow and orchid. The
wedding cake, baked by Mrs.
Alfred Napier, was topped with
a miniature bride and bride
groom. Mrs. Richar Napier cut
and served the cake. Waitresses
were Janell Hoke and Bonnie
The ladies of the missionary
society had charge of the refresh
Mrs. George Garhart was in
charge of the guest book, Miss
Arlene Ruroede the gift book,
assisted by Miss Wilma Nolte of
Stafford, Kans.
For her going away costume,
the bride chose a suit of gray
with blue accessories. After a
short wedding trip the young
couple will be at home in Ster
ling, Kans.
Mrs. Love is a graduate of the
Ewing high school and has at
tended Sterling college at Ster
ling, Kans., the past two years.
The bridegroom w’ill be a sen
ior at Sterling college this year,
where he is studying for the
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Straw and
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mystery Sisters
Axe Revealed—
The Victory Homemakers club
met at the home of Mrs. Leonard
Dusatko on Vv'ednesday Sep
tember 9, for a covered dish din
ner followed by the meeting.
The program of the day was
revelation of our mystery sisters
and election of officers as fol
lows: Mrs. Joe Gokie, president;
Mrs. John Jensen, vice-presi
dent; Mrs. Anna Ramold, treas
urer; Mrs. James Conway, secre
tary; Mrs. Ray Timmerman, re
porter; Mrs. John Schaaf, song
leader; Mrs. Ray Conway, read
ing leader.
Mrs. Dusatko held her card
party Friday evening, Septem
ber 11, with seven tables of pro
gressive pitch. High score for
women was held by Mrs. James
Conway, low score for women by
Mrs. John Schaaf. high for men
by Francis Tunender and low for
men by James Conway.
Tune in “Voice of The Fron
tier”, thrice weekly!
--- - --
11 11 :
f !
I 1 1
U r. ■ '[
sajn 0
11 1 f I
i n»
n 1
i 11
Northeast Corner
of 4th & Douglas
Phone 167
Eyes Examined _ Glasses fritted
Office Hours: 9.5 Mon. thru Sat.
Phones 316 and 304
7 t
O’Neill Livestock Market
. . . will start selling hogs at 10:00 A.M.,
with all our regular packer buyers present.
The cattle sale will start immediately fol
1 • 11 1 . a
lowing the hog sale, giving the consignors
who will also sell cattle the advantage of
selling their cattle earlier.
No hogs will be sold after the cattle sale
O’Neill, Nebraska
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