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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1953)
Ewing News Mr. and Mrs. Merle Shilousky and family at Petersburg where there were guests of relatives. 1 Mary Jane and Ruth Ann Muff of the St. John’s ‘neighborhood are spending the week at the home of Mrs. Wilma Daniels and ■Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Saszma and children of Osmond were guests on Wednesday, July 29, at the home of Mrs. Catherine Spes. Gary Wiley of Sylvan Grove. Kans , is spending several weeks at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald. Mrs. Kitty Fry and Mrs. Vic tor Var.dersnick were guests on Wednesday, July 29, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Willie Shrader. Joan and Vincent Vandersnick, who have been guests at the Shrader home, accompanied their rpother home. • Recent guests at the home of Mrs.- Hazel Kimes and sons were Mrs. Amos Hart of Bassett, Mr. ijjid Mrs. .Charles Scott and Mrs. Bertha McDonald of Neligh, Mrs. Alfred Conner, Mrs. Deemer Con ner and Mrs. Will Conner, all of Ewing. Miss Shirley Melcher of Oma ha was a dinner guest on Wed nesday, July 29, at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk. Miss Melcher returned to her home the same day after several days’ visit with relatives in Ewing and vicinity. Cathy and Patty Lofquest re turned home Sunday after spend ing the week with their grand mother, Mrs. Edna Lofquest, while their mother, Mrs. William Lofquest, was visiting relatives in Omaha. Gene Ruby spent the weekend with his family in Ewing, re turning to North Platte Sunday •evening where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham, iiccompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gragert and family of El gin, spent Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wood, at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Suhr of Plainview were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jacob son. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Suhr accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood to Atkin son to visit with Rev. and Mrs. Charles Phipps and enroute home they were callers at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Grosen bach at O’Neill. Dennis, Johnnie and Dick Cork of O’Neill were weekend guests at the home of their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck, and family. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker and family were Mr. and Mrs. C. A Cauffman and son f South Bend, Jnd. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lat-‘ zel were Mr. and Mrs. Augustine Theile and family of Clearwater Mr and Mrs. Eddie Kaczor and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker, all of Ewing. Mrs. Hallie Maben, accompan ied by Miss Thelma Drayton went to Lincoln on Sunday to visit her son, Connie Maben, who is a patient at the Veterans hos pital there. Allen Peterson is now employ ed at the Shaw service station. A pleasure trip to Niobrara on Sunday was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan en tertained Monday evening, July 27, at a 6 o’clock dinner honor ing Mrs. Regan’s cousin, Miss Shirley Melcher of Omaha, who was a guest at their home. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and children and Mrs. Lee Spittler, all of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard are enjoying a visit from Mr. Eb bengaard’s nephew, Bob Math ison of Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies, ac companied by Mr. and Mr3. It. H. Shain of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patras of Clearwater, drove to Norfolk Friday evening to visit with Mrs. David McGee, a former resident of Clearwater Mrs. Vance Bennett and chil dren, who had been guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Agnes Bartak, since last Thurs day, returned home on Saturday evening. George Mitchell returned home Wednesday, July 29, from Tor rington, Wyo., where he spent seveTal days on business and pleasure. Mrs. Harriet Welke was host ess at a 6 o’clock dinner last Thursday evening when her guests were Mrs. May Gemmill of Ewing and Mrs. Agnes Versaw of Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. May Gemmill had as her luncheon guest on Wednesday, July 29, Mrs. Agnes Versaw of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Al ice Crellin was a 6 o’clock dinner guest the same day at the Gem mill home. Mrs. Agnes Versaw left Friday to return to her home at Los Angeles, Calif., after spending a week in Ewing visiting old friends. Mrs. Inez Burch of Chandler, Ariz., was a guest on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Josie Versaw. Mrs. Edna Lofquest went to Al bion on Monday. Her aunt, Mrs. Carrie Bernhardt, who has been a guest at the Ed Brothy home here, returned to Ewing with Mrs. Lofquest. The Young Matrons Pinochle club met Tuesday evening, July 28, at the home of Mrs. Ray Funk with Mrs. Ray Angus the assist ing hostess. Mrs. Wilda Carr of Holdrege was a guest. Score win ners were Mrs. Archie Tuttle, Mrs. Ralph Munn and Mrs. Rose Bauer. Refreshments were serv ed. Allen, Elwood, Maryetta and Tamzam Peterson and Carolyn Tams, accompanied by William Malloy of O’Neill, went to Tilden Sunday afternoon to enjoy swim ming at the pool. , Iowa Members of t Family Entertain— EWING— The Hoke family f held a reunion at Riverside park ; in Sioux City Sunday, July 26 - with the relatives living in Iowa 1 as hosts. 1 Those attending from Nebr aska were James Gunter, Lionel . 1 Gunter and family, Roland ! Horde and Duane and their [ guests, Jerry Gunter of San • Francisco, Calif., and Cheryl Cronin of Denver, Colo., Mrs. : Lyle Switzer of Clearwater, De > wiit Hoke and family of Ewing, l Lafyettea Gunter and sons of 1 Winside. The Nebraska group was met ' by the Will Hoke family. Ethel Hoke Prunty, the John Prunty families and other Iowa relatives. A basket dinner was served at noon and the afternoon was spent ■_ visiting. Members of the Hoke family living in Nebraska will be hosts for next year’s reunion. Mrs. Agnes Versaw Is Honor Guest— EWING—Mrs. Josie Versaw entertained at a tea Tuesday afternoon, July 21, honoring Mrs. Agnes Versaw, who is here from Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. May Gemmill, Mrs. Florence Butler, Miss Anna Van Zandt, Mrs. Char les Good, Mrs. Arthur Spittler, Mrs. Sis Ebbengaard, Mrs. Perry Saiser, Mrs. Frank Noffke, Mrs. Maud Brion, Mrs. Grace Briggs, all of Ewing, and Mrs. Inez Burch of Chandler, Ariz., enjoyed visit ing and talking over “good old days” in Ewing. Other entertainment was piano and (vocal selection by Sandra i Tellander, Mrs. Versaw’s great grand-daughter. Wants Letters from Friends— EWING— FN John D. Rosno, who is stationed aboard the sup ply ship, USS LST 799, would like to hear from his friends. John enlisted in the navy on September 10, 1952, and was sent overseas on February 20 of this year. He served aboard the mine sweeper, the USS Osprey, until June 26 when he was transferred to the supply ship that is operat ing in the Korean waters. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosno of Ewing. His address is: FN John D. Ros no 3191566, E. Div. USS LST 799, c/o FPO San Francisco, Calif. -I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich and family left last Thursday for Monocqua, Wise., where they plan to spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser drove to Wayne Sunday and at tended the concert given by 192 high school students at the music clinic which took place last week. Their son, Ivan Kaiser, and Mari of O’Neill, took part. The orches lyn Lindberg and Betty Harmon tra, band and choir were conduct ed by Gerhard Schroth of Chica go, 111., a guest conductor. They all returned home Sunday eve ning. Charles Fox, jr., and Jack Gatz left last Thursday for Norwalk, Calif., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox and Larry Pri bil of the army, who is stationed there. Enroute home they will visit Robert Fox, who is stationed at Wichita Falls, Tex. They are expected to return next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville will leave Sunday for Winona, Minn., where they will spend a j week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz of Atkinson and his mother, Mrs. Schwartz, of Lincoln were Sun day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houser. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kritner went to Petersburg Sunday to visit her mother, (Mrs. Anna Thorberg. Mrs. Allen Haynes of Page was a Tuesday afternoon caller in the Laurence Haynes home. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb, O' Neill. tf Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Doerning left Sunday for Emmetsberg. Ia., where they will make their home. Mr. Doerning is employed by the Council Oak stores. Mr. and Mrs. William Mattern spent Sunday, July 26, in Creigh ton visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mattern. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkins went to Valentine on business Friday. Carol Jean Ries returned to her home in Atkinson Saturday after spending three days visiting 1 her cousins in the Ivan Pruss home. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr., and Mis. Clyde Mc Kenzie, jr., were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and children of I Brunswich. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Inness spent the weekend in Hastings visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs. William Artus, i Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Husmann, Mr and Mrs. Mark Patterson, Mr. | and Mrs. O. G. Cromwell, and Miss Mary Cabalka returned , from Omaha Tuesday, July 28, where they had spent three days . attending the Nebraska Photo graphy association convention. , Sam Thompson was guest of \ honor at a family gathering at ! his home Friday at which they j | observed his 85th birthday anni versary. . . . ! Among those who visited Paul | Shelhmer in the hospital at O- j ( maha Sunday were Dave Eby, , No raa Lou JTorman. Sharon Han cock. Arlene Sawyer. Harold Dexter and Larry McConnell. | Arlene Sawyer also visited the Ned Allendorfer home. j Those from O’Neill who attend- ' ed the music camp held at | Wayne State college from July ’ 26 to August 2 were Ivan Kaiser, i son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kai- * ser: Marylin Lindberg. daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg. 1 and Bettv Harmon, daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larson and J family spent Sunday sightseeing \ at the Ft. Randall dam and Pinks town, S D. Miss Frances Reimer returned trom Fremont Saturday where she had spent the week visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Taylor. Miss Helen Engler left Satur her parents at Stuart. She is em- | ■-r — ployed in the assessor’s office. Weekly MARKET REPORT of the Atkinson Livestock Market i * ATKINSON. NEBR. Tuesday, August 4th, Auc tion: Cattle receipts, 800 head. Included were a showing of all classes. Buyer attendance was the best since last spring, but with fat cattle still in the dol drums, caution on the part of the buyers was very noticeable. 50 head of Angus yearling steetfs, weighing 665 lbs. top ped the sale at 19.00 a hun dred. 45 head of 965 lb. feeder steers sold at 17.85. Medium to good quality yearlings ranged mostly from 15.00 to 17.50. Yearling heifers sold mostly between 14.50 to 15.50 a hun dred. Smaller lots of fall calves cashed at 16.00 to 17.50 a hundred. Cows generally sold lower at 8.00 to 10.00 for cutters and on up to 12.00 for choice fat kinds. Auction every Tuesday until mid-Sepl. Then every Monday and Tuesday. PHONE 5141 Atkinson Livestock Market ATKINSON. NEBR. JOHNSON * HEMPSTEAD Livestock Commission Co. CATTLE — HOGS — SHEEP Stock Yards — Sioux City | . _s NOTICE We have disposed of our automobile business to Mr. Lewis A. White of Omaha, Nebr. Mr. White assumed management and control of the business on Monday, Aug ust 3rd. Mr. White will continue the business under the name of Lew White Motor Co., and will continue to have the sales and service of Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Cadil lac cars. We wish to express our thanks to the thousands of people in this trading area for their patronage in the past, • and we are most grateful to those who have dealt with us during the entire period of years that we have been in • business. C. E. LIJNDGREN J. E. DAVIS (Midwest Motor Co.. Ltd.) I ° f£TMP\ ROCHESTER MILK OIIUCONCARNE TALL A JJ0.2 |A/ CANS jfi CAN WjJ' r“A D soap iarse / rrA Q detergent M»«Te . . f NA®'s^rt, i-T' MARSHMALLOWS ^ 17« SUREPDEP WUEAT & I7e «j«-« *r«-. ™t rwv. 1 - STUFFED OUVES «*- 39c DILL PICKLES °*£T 29c WELCMS MAPS JUICE 24s? 0OTTL6 35> HOMINY as 10 Meadow Gold HUNT’S HOLLAND DUTCH ICECREAM | PEACHES SL _. 69c ...29(| I Here are good cuts to how,, d.S. GOOD BEEF ROAST % I-1 j CALIFORNIA ELBERTA Peaches * 1.79 7-ROW FANCY Apricots te 1.79 --- CUDAHY’S CERVALOT SUMMER SASSAGE u> 55c CUDAHY’S PICKLE PIMENTO LOAF..U>. 35c I CUDAHY’S SLICED | BACON ENDS 2 lbs. 35c I SWIFT’S RING BOLOGNA 3 Lbs.--- 00C FRESH FROZEN ~ QSEflN PEiOIl Lb. 33c SO. CAROLINA ELBERTA | ' PEACHES, B». 3-79 SUNKIST RED LEMONS CRAPES - 2U>s.29c it..jgc ■ CALIFORNIA WHITE Potatoes.. 2.98 100-Lb. Sack _ i VELVEETA I CHEESE { 2 Lbs.89c | —Jin ^ t Lexington Cream I FLOUR 1 50-Lb. Sack 1 3.19 |i Campbell’s TOMATO SOUP 3 Cans.. 35 c OUR GRADE OLEO 5 lbs.99c STOKELY’S CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 8-Oz. Cans 2 for.29c KRAFT’S MUSTARD 3 Jars -25 c TREND SOAP POWDER P!i?.21c I m « * * * .