The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 23, 1953, SECTION 1, Page 4, Image 4

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    Big ’Copter Soon
to Reach Test Site
(Continued from page 1)
Force - Cambridge field project
directorate here are Dr. Guenter
Loeser. who has been on the
scene two weeks, and Dr. Heinz
Lettau. Both are German scien
tists now employed by the U.S.
air force.
Open-house will be observed
at the site on designated days,
probably Sundays, Mr. Davidson
“Scientific research fashion has
changed in late years,” Mr. Da
vidson commented. “Modern sci
entific problems* are approached
and studied now in parcels or
phases. The O’Neill test is a co
operative matter with the air
force working in cooperation
with two navy research establish
ments and 10 colleges and uni
versities. Two of the participat
ing organizations, for example,
will be doing research primarily
for the navy.
"Iowa Stale college has agri
cultural problems in mind —
real practical problems of in
terest to farmers.
“Ainsworth also was consider
' ed for a test site. The nature of
the test means it’s a midconti
r.ent proposition and weather
bureau records, terrain and facil
ities within the city were factors
- in bringing us to O’Neill.
“O’Neill is admirably suited for
the test in many ways. When the
wind blows here it blows steadily
from one direction for several
days. The Kansas City weather
bureau will advise us when to
go on an alert for our work and
we’ll usually have 24 hours ad
vance notice. Several of these
alerts will be ‘scrubbed,’ no
doubt, before we even get start
ed, because of a change in con
ditions. We are prepared for
that. We need six ideal nights
for a period of six weeks to as
sure success,” he concluded.
Neva Walton Weds
Dale Cullen Here
Miss Neva Walton, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Barton Walton,
became the bride of Dale Cullen,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cul
len of Page, Wednesday, July 22,
at il:30 a.m., in a quiet cere
mony at the courthouse with
County Judge Louis W. Reimer
Joseph Mashburn, 25, of Oma
ha and Sybil Roll, 25, of Kansas
City, Mo., on Thursday, July 16.
LeRoy Russell Rossman, 23, of
Atkinson and Betty Louise Dai
ley, 19, of O’Neill on Thursday,
July 16.
Charles R. Fees, 30, of Cham
bers and Muriel Ann Mickelsen.
22, of Chambers on Thursday,
July 16.
Clarence F. Tieszen, 20, of Om
aha and Muriel Eileen Ernst, 21,
of O’Neill on Friday, July 17.
David A. Upp, 25, of Omaha
and Mary Ann Gallagher, 22, of
Omaha on Friday, July 17.
Lawrence James Bowers, 38,
of Bristow and Lorrayne Mar
jorie Londquist, 34, of Bristow
on Saturday, July 18.
Dale Cullen, 27, of Page and
Neva Wahon. 19, of O’Neill on
Wednesday, July 22.
Third Dinner Next—
The third Country club dinner
of the season will be held Sun
day, July 26. Mrs. A. P. Jaszkow
iak is the chairman and Mrs.
Howard McConnell is the co
Mrs. Marvin Wilkens and Can
* dace returned to their home at
Carson, N.D., after spending the
past three weeks at the home
of her sister, Mrs. M. J. Thiel in
O’NeilL Her husband came by
car and took her home.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Cratty left
Sunday for a trip through the
Northwest and Canada.
Mrs. Martha Kinney of Elgin
ijnd Mr. and Mrs. Elvon Kinney
and daughter of Boone, la., were
supper guests at the Maynard
Stearns home Friday evening.
John Walker has been carry
ing the mail for the past week.
The following families picnick
ed at the Frank Miller home on
Sunday, July 12: Ralph Tomjack,
E. L. Sisson, Ewald Spahn, Clar
ence Schmiser and Henry Rei
mer, and Nancy Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
and Elayne spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Temple and Twila at Thedford.
Joe Knievel is employed at the
dam at Yankton for a few weeks.
Moisture is needed soon for
the corn, pastures, etc.
Mrs. Larson’s sister and fam
ily of Norfolk spent Wednesday,
July 15, at the Larson home.
Wheat on the Cratty farm
made 36 bushels per acre.
Mrs. E. L. Sisson celebrated
her birthday annversary on Tues
There is a poor oats crop. Much
of it is being cut for hay.
Laura Mae and Wilma Sehi,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Sehi, accompanied a girl friend
to Los Angeles, Calif., on their
two-weeks vacation. They visited
relatives in California. Both girls
are employed at the Neligh hos
Mrs. Ronnie Hemenway and
son spent Friday at the Hemen
way home near Orchard.
Shirley Sehi spent the last two
weeks at the Rudy Jurack home.
Mrs. Henry Trennepohl and
two granddaughters, Mrs. B. A.
Cratty and Mrs. Henry Reimer
and Elayne attended club in
Norfolk at the Manuel Frederick
home on Wednesday, July 15.
Mr and Mrs. Scott Clow of
Colorado left for Denver this
week. She had been visiting at
the Reimer home in Ewing and
the Ray Johnson home in Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson,
Mrs. Carl Christon and Mrs. El
mer Pahl and Mary of Oakland
spent Monday at the Henry Rei
mer home.
ATKINSON—Eight young At
kinson lovelies are candidates
for hay queen in connection with
the annual hay days celebration.
They are the Misses Vivian
Cearns, Jo Ann Determan, Fran
ces Gotschall, Kay Johnson,
Ruby Meyer, Elsie Pokomy, Hol
ly Smith and Lodema Wefso.
Candidates for hay king include
Floyd Butterfield, jr.. Dean Funk,
Ernest Gotschall, Harvey Han
son, Charles Jansen, Donald Kra
mer, Robert Martens and Lavern
Sponsored by Ministerial
The services at the O’Neill
Drive-In theater Sunday morn
ing, July 26, 8 o’clock, will be in
charge of Rev. John Thomas,
pastor of the Church of Christ.
Honors Daughter—
Mrs. F. S. Brittell was hostess
at a party' Tuesday honoring her
daughter, Shirley, on her 19th
birthday anniversary. Games
were played and later refresh
ments were served.
Mr. aqd Mrs. G. C. DeBacker
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis
went to Grand Island Friday
night to meet Mrs. Daniel De
Backer, who arrived early Sat
urday morning from San Diego,
Calif. Mrs. DeBacker has been
with her husband, PM/3 De
Backer. who was scheduled to
sail for the Far East Wednesday.
She plans to stay here indefinite
Monuments of lasting beauty
made by skilled craftsmen of
the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu
ments from the factory to the
consumer. — Emmet Crabb. O'
Doris Eileen Aim
Weds Illinois Man
Miss Doris Eileen Aim, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ann
of O’Neill, became the bride of
James Oliver Hampton, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hampton
of Peoria, 111., at St. Cecilia's
cathedral in Peoria Saturday,
June 20, at 10 a.m.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, chose a formal
length gown of white satin with
a nylon overskirt. The bodice
featured an off - the - shoulder
sheer net yoke outlined by lace
and iridescent pearl trim. Her
fingertip veil was held in place
by a filigre tiara.
The bride was attended by a
sister of the bridegroom and two
friends from Peoria. They wore
ballerina length gowns of pink,
: light green and yellow'.
Attending the brideroom were
his brother and tw'O friends from
Peoria. They wore navy bluj
suits. •
Immediately after the cere
mony a reception was held at the
home of the bridegroom’s parents
for relatives and friends.
Mrs. Hampton is a graduate of
the O’Neill public school with the
class of 1943. For the past two
years she has been employed at
the. Caterpillar factory office in
Their w'edding trip took them
to the Ozarks. After August 1,
they will be at their new home
at Bartonsville, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aim and
i Peggy attended the wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gilg and
I family left Sunday for Omaha.
Atkinson News
Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso
went to Norfolk Monday.
Saturday night a group of
friends gathered at the Fred
Karo home to help “Fritz” cele
brate his birthday anniversary.
It was also the 46th wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Hoyt, who were also honored
guests. The evening was spent
informally at cards. Miss Martha
Kimball served ice cream and
cake to the guests.
Saturday evening dinner guests
at the Fred Karo home were Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hoyt, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Karo of Stuart and
Miss Elisa Filter of Norfolk.
Indiana relatives visiting at
the Fred Dunn and William
Crawford homes have been Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Nash of Wind
fall, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Hannah of Greentown, Ind., and
Mrs. Sanford Ice of Summitville,
Ind. All are cousins of Mrs. Dunn
and Mrs. Crawford.
Fred Karo was at Norfolk on
business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunn and
boys were Sunday dinner guests
at the Adrian Mitchell home at
Butte. A family reunion was
held honoring the birthday an
niversary of Mr. Mitchell. Other
guests were the C. E. Mitchells,
Harry Mitchell family, John
Mitchells, Bud Mitchells, William
Coburn family, the William Ell
|rich family of Naper, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Nash, the Herbert
Hannahs and Mrs. Sanford Ice.
all of Indiana.
«rMiinday dinner guests of the
Wilford Arp family were the
William Crawford family, the
Manuel Krieger family and the
Horace Crawford family. The oc
casion was in honor of S/Sgt.
Donald Crawford, who is re
turning to Camp Carson, Colo..
July 27. Don stopped enroute at
Sheridan. Wyo.
The Clover 4-H club held its
annual picnic Sunday at the J.
B. Mellor ranch northeast of At
kinson. Helen Martens and Bob
Martens are the leaders.
A miscellaneous shower was
held Saturday night, July 18. for
Joan Jarvis at the Albert Lem
mer home. Hostesses were Mrs.
Don Frisch, Mrs. Richard Braun
and Vivian Lemmer. Miss Jarvis
will become the bride of Richard
Stoneman at the Methodist
church in Boulder, Colo., August
Mr. and Mrs. Ralton Jarvis
and daughter, Joan, and her fi
ance. Richard Stoneman. of Boul
der, Colo., spent the weekend vis
iting friends at Atkinson. They
are former residents here.
On Friday the ladies of the
Methodist WSCS entertained at
an afternoon tea at the W. C.
Gage hotel all the members who
were over 70-years-old. Twenty
two guests were invited. “Grand
ma” Jennings, who is past 80,
was the oldest guest present.
Tuesday evening guests at the
Earl Coxbill home were Mr. and
Mrs. Max Johnson and family of
Bassett. Mr. Johnson is the own
er of the recently completed Bas
sett Seed company.
Visitors the past week at the
Bert Bamhard home near O’Neill
were Mr. Bamhard’s niece and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cos
entino, Peter and Sharon, of Om
Members of the Chirst Luther
an church of O’Neill held their
annual picnic at the Bert Bam
hard ranch Sunday, July 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Godel re
ceived a phone call Tuesday eve
ning from their son, Donald, at
San Francisco, Calif. He and Ray
Harmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Harmon, sailed for Japan Wed
nesday on the USS Quincy. They
are navy personnel.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin
and family attended a state bee
keepers meeting and picnic at
Cairo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bosn and
Charles were Monday evening
visitors at the Francis Belzer
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey are
moving into their new home near
St. Anthony’s hospital this week.
Sunday dinner guests at the
R. H. Bright home were Mr. and
Mis. Arthur Erb and sons, Clif
ford and Arvid, Miss Shirley
Dempster, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Bright and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Darel Bright of Atkinson and
Mr. and Mis. Richard Hovey.
Monday and Tuesday visitors
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kazda
were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fre
ouf and daughter, Linda of Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gaskill
and Renee of Neligh visited at
the Edward Gunn home Sunday.
Miss Gaskill who has been visit
ing in Neligh for two weeks re
turned to her home here.
Mrs. F. S. Brittell and daugh
ters went to Grand Island Tues
day and returned Wednesday.
Visiting at the Dr. L. A. Bur
gess home are Mis. Burgess’s
sisters, Mrs. R. W. Johnson and
her daughters, Diane, of Hyannis,
1 who arrived Monday, and Mrs.
; M. L. Ci andall of Fremont, who
arrived Tuesday. Mr. Crandall
will be here for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Tilmer Dahl of
Los Angeles, Calif., left Tuesday
morning after spending a three
week vacation at the home of
Mrs. Dahl’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gilmore Estenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lraskiu ox
Seward were weekend guests at
the Edward Gunn home.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt and
family went to Gregory, S. u.,
Sunday to visit their daughter,
Mrs. Richard Farrier, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Bright left
Wednesday, July 15, for Scotts
bluff where they visited Mrs.
Bright’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Niles. They also went on
to Estes park and Denver, Colo.,
before returning Monday.
A/lc Donald Estenson left
Thursday, July \16, for Camp
Kilmer, N. J., after spending a
30-day furlough with his wife,
and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil
more Estenson. He is to be sta
tioned in the Azores islands.
Mr. and Mrs. William Foree
and son, Mike, returned bunua.,
July 12, after spending two weeks
visiting relatives in Kansas City
xopeka, Kana.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby and
son, Freddie, spent Sunday in
Ainsworth and Valentine visit
ing relatives. William and Robert
who have been visiting in Ains
worth for the past week returned
with their parents.
Carol Fredrickson of Bassett
was a Thursday visitor at the E.
E. Gaskill home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Koch and
son of Omaha spent the weekend
at the Jack Dempsey home.
Miss Genevieve Biglin and
Sister M. Eugene of Sioux City,
i arrived Monday to be near their
brother, F. J. Biglin.
Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve
attended a meeting of the North
ern Nebraska Optometric assoc
iation at Norfolk Tuesday, July
14. Doctor Gildersleeve won the
championship trophy in a golf
tournament among the doctors,
which was held in connection
with the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Briggs
and children of Spokane, Wash.,
arrived Sunday to make their
home here. Mrs. Briggs is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ressel. , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Eckenrodg
of Naper called on friends in O’
Neill Saturday night. They are
employed with REA under con
struction by M. J. Thiel.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Ray Stedronsky
of Armour, S.D., were Monday
visitors at the Don Petersen
Emmet News
Mrs. Ralph Leidy and Mrs.
Wayne Bates spent Wednesday,
July 15, canning cherries at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kee.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart
called on Mrs. Sadie Schultz of
Atkinson Sunday evening.
The WSCS met at the Emmet
Methodist church on Thursday
afternoon, July 16.
Dewayne Perry, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Perry, hurt his left
eye while playing Sunday morn
ing. He was immediately taken
to the doctor. He is “getting along
Miss Jeanne Cole was a Satur
day overnight guest of Miss Eliz
abeth Schaffer of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Olson and
daughters, Patty and Virginia, of
Wayne were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and
Mary Lou.
Miss Betty Johnson of O’Neill
was a Saturday evening guest of
Miss Sharon Wagnon.
Gerold Wills has been ill this
week with summer flu.
Claude Bailey of Amarillo,
Tex., arrived on Monday to spend
a few weeks vacation with his
sister* Mrs. Frank Foreman, and
family and brother, Jack Bailey,
and family of O’Neill. Claude is
employed at the Veterans hospi
tal at Amarillo. He was a prison
er of the Germans for eight
months diming World War II.
Rock Falls News
Mrs. Don Hynes and Lynda
called on Mrs. Lyle Vequist Fri
day afternoon.
Walter Sire was a dinner guest
at Roy iMargritz’s Saturday.
Mrs. Lois Hiles of Omaha visit
ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Loyal Hull from Friday until
The Eagle Creek 4-H club held
a picnic Sunday in Floyd John
son’s grove. Peggy and Helen
Rakes were hostesses. Besides the
business meeting, wading, cards
and horse shoe pitching were en
joyed by the group. Guests in
cluded Floyd and Lynda Johnson,
Mrs. Louis Vitt and girls, Peggy
and Jeanie Sullivan. Mrs. Lois
Hiles of Omaha. Mrs. Albert Widt
feldt and Norma and Jimmy and
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
Mrs. Fred Ernst returned Fri
day of last week from Concordia
college. She is now finished with
her studies there.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran
and girls called at Alvin Ott’s
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt, Norma
and Jimmy were guests at the
E. G. Price’s home for dinner
and the day Wednesday.
Guests at Bill Claussen’s Sun
day for dinner were Mrs. Marie
Lewis and Eddie, and Henry
Miss uoris »ierns visurci
Albert Stern’s from Saturday
evening until Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Donald Johning called at
Bill Claussen’s Monday morning.
Terry and Cindv Brown were
guests at Arlen Brown’s Satur
day evening.
Mrs. Marie Lewis and Eddie,
Henry Claussen, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Claussen visited Don Drick
ev’s Sunday afternoon.
‘ Guests at Albert Stern’s Sunday
included Mr. and Mrs. Ed Slay
maker and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Stems and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Barnes and
Kathleen Heiser was a dinner
guest at Bill Claussen’s Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Widtfeldt
and children visited Louis
Brown’s Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kerbel and
boys of Spencer were guests at
Blake Benson’s Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Erickson of
Sioux Falls. S. D., were supper
guests Thursday evening at Levi
Y antzie’s
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carney of Star
visited Friday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sammie
Bob and Fritz Yantzie helped
Levi Yantzie with combining
Monday. Most of the grain will
be about harvested this week
around here.
Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family
visited Celia Grutch Monday
Mrs. Mamie D. O’Neill and
Carroll O’Neill visited at Blake
Benson’s Saturday.
Neil Dawes was a dinner guest
at Francis Curran’s Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller
and children attended the wed
ding of Chester Ross’s daughter
at Spencer Sunday.
Rock Falls picnickers Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elder
and Airs. Louella Parsons of At
kinson, Airs. John Adams and
Margie of Sutherland and Judy
Elder of Colorado Springs, Colo.
Airs. John Schultz and Airs.
Floyd Johnson took Mrs. Rose
Purdy to town Friday afternoon
on her way to Bassett to visit a
Guests at John Schultz’s Sun
day afternoon and evening were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz, Jgrs.
Owen Hiatt and children of Om
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rakes and
Peggy and Helen wtre guests at
Floyd Johnson’s Sunday for sup
per and the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and
children were dinner guests Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Brown
of Atkinson.
It’s been rather warm lately—
could that be the reason that—
The small fry, busy pulling
cockleburs, pulled all the tomato
plants instead!
The other small fry who had to
locating” five-year-old were all
whacked off when mother return
ed from doing chores!
The young (very) son who
smeared on the cold cream so he
could grow up to be like mama!
The other small fry wro had to
be returned from an unsuccessful
visit with relatives at 4 a.m.!
Even the oldsters “out track
ing” cows down the road for miles
only to find they were someone
else’s! ,
Rockets Win and
Lose During Week
The O’Neill Rockets defeated
Butte, 9-8, under the lights in
Carney park here last Thursday
evening and lost an extra-inning
affair to Bassett, 2-5, a game
affair to Bassett, 2-5, in a game
played in Carney park Sunday
Lloyd Cork and Milo Gorgen
hurled for the winners in the
Butte fracas played before a
fair-sized crowd. O’Neill got 12
hits, Butte 10. A return match is
scheduled tonight (Thursday) at
O’Neill and Bassett were dead
locked at 2-all until the first half
of the 11th when Bassett splash
ed in three runs on the strength
of one O’Neill error, a triple and
a double.
Danny Helmer, hurling for the
Rockets, yielded only four hits in
nine innings. Larry Fisher and
Marion Hicks chucked for the
winners and were nicked for six
Estes Elected
Legion Commander—
STUART — Ray Estes was
elected commander of Norton
Carlisle American Legion post
115 Thursday, July 9.
Other officers elected were:
Alton Hoffman, vice-command
er; Andy Hytrek, sergeant-at
arms ; Ira M. Ready, chaplain;
Robert Brayton, treasurer; Cle
tus Durr, adjutant; Edward Kunz,
historian; Lawrence Hamik, pub
Committee chairmen: Enter
tainment, R. A. Mueller; mem
bership, Alton Hoffman; athlet
ic officer, Gene Hoffman.
Clifford Meininger was elected
to the executive committee to
replace Ray Carlisle, who has
served his term. Others on the
executive committee include '
Commander Ray Estes, Past
Commander Elmer Olberding,
Ward Flannigan and John New
QCD—F J Dishner to W S De
vall 7-10-53 $1- NMiNEV* 6-31-11
Correction deed
Inman News
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton
of Bassett spent the weekend
visiting in the home of Mr. Hut
ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeLong of
Kearney spent the weekend visit
ing Mr. DeLong’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd DeLong.
Mrs. T. G. Hutton and Mrs.
Zada Russ of Creston spent Fri
day visiting in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. D. Hutton.
Larry Sawyer of Wayne spent
the weekend visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sawyer.
Mrs. Pete Cooper of Wayne
spent last Thursday visiting her
mother, Mrs. Lottie Thompson.
Master Danny Snyder of At
kinson is spending a few days
visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky, jr., and
his cousin. Dickie Kopecky.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Ferguson
and son, Freddie, of Washington,
D.C., spent Wednesday, July 15,
visiting in the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. T. D. Hutton and Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Clark.
Mrs. C. Zimbelman of Gregory,
S. D., and Mrs. J. W. Jones and
two children of Colome, S. D.,
spent the weekend visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Moore and LeRoy
and Mr. and Mrs. Mick Gallagher
and Janet.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph unueu
and daughter. Betty Jean, moved
their household goods to Albion
Sunday where Mr. Brittell has
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson
and sons of Grand Island are
spending a vacation with Mr.
Thompson’s mother, Mrs. Lottie
Thompson, and with other rel
atives in O’Neill.
Miss Joan Coventry, who is at
tending school in Omaha, spent
the weekend visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry.
Sam Baker of Sioux City, la.,
spent the weekend visiting Mrs.
Baker and family in the Floyd
DeLong home.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Luben and
girls of Wisner spent the week
end visiting in the homes of Mrs.
May Fraka and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Luben.
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Luben and
family of Oak spent the weekend
visiting in the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Luben and Mrs. May
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary and
Mrs. Marye Hartigan and son, ;
Graydon, spent Sunday at Wis
ner attending a family picnic.
Art Renner returned Sunday
from Pierce where he spent a
l~ . —
few weeks visiting his son sv„t
and family. * * ®°n‘ ElcIe,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Giwn „„
Wednesday from Crookston^®
visit Mr. Green’s sister. Mrs An!
M Clark, and other relatives 1
Mr_ and Mrs. Ralph Kopejtka
and family have moved into th!
house that Ralph BritteU? £
ca^i. The Kopejtka’s are
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Michael i*
and (Melvin Michaelis spent Wed
nesaay, July 15, in Norfolk vkd
ing Hugh Butterfield, who > V'
a Norfolk hospital. m
Mn and Mrs Melvin Michaelis
and daughter, Sharon, and Elmer
Michaelis spent Saturday
Stuart fishing. y ,lear
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes and
Mildred Keyes spent the weekend
visiting in the home of Mr and
Mrs. James Vidlak and family at
Omaha. Mrs. Maude Cordes and
Belle Wikel. who have been visit
ing here in the Keyes homes, ac
companied them to Omaha and
continued on to their home in
Huron, O.
Jack Lewis, who is a captain in
the air force, spent last Thursday
visiting friends in Inman. Jack
is a former Inman resident.
Miss Murl Keyes and Ralph
Dean Keyes of Valentine spent a
week visiting in the home of Mr
and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and
Postmaster and Mrs. Howard
Botsford of Meadow Grove, Miss
Lucille Rotherham of Pheonix
Ariz., and Miss Francis Rother
ham of Ewing spent last Tuesday
evening visiting in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan.
Mrs. Pauline Andrei orf David
City spent last week visiting her
son, Francis.
The YM club enjoyed a picnic
Sunday at the country home of
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Youngs
Lt. John L. Bohn, who has been
stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga., is
spending a 15 day leave with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bohn.
He will report to Ft. Leonard
Wood, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bohn and
son, Lt. John, spent Sunday at
tending a family picnic at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn
at Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs David Morsbach
and Lois visited in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach and
son at Neligh on Sunday. Mary
Morsbach returned to Inman with
her parents after visiting relatives
in Neligh for a week.
The women’s department of the
RLDS church held a bake sale
Saturday at the locker plant. Pro
ceeds from the sale was added to
their church treasury.
.. 1 I
4 th Street Market
| — PHONE 93-W —
. . . Meat Dept. . . .
REX LARD_2 Lbs. 35c
x BACON ENDS, Pieces, lb. pkg. 35c
Loin Ends—
. . . Fruit Dept. . . .
ELBERTA PEACHES _ 17-Lb. Lug 1.97
Swans Down Gerber’s
2 Pk?8- 55c 6 Cans.49c
Chunk Style—
Carnation Sunshine Hydrox
2 Tall Cans.. 27c 12-0z. Pkg..... 37c
We Buy Eggs... Open Sunday Morning
400 Cattle Expected
• Estimated cattle receipts at the O'Neill market today 'Thurs
day are expected to exceed four hundred head, including a
3C-head load of good-lo-choice 2-year-old steers, weighing around
nine hundred pounds, and three bunches of light yearlings
weighing between fire and six hundred pounds. In addition there
will be other yearling heifers and steers and a considerable num
ber of butcher cows. The market has settled down and is better
than a month ago.
• There hare been plenty of buyers on hand and they're show
ing considerable interest.
• Around 250 feeder pigs will be offered during today's hoc
sale. ^
. . . THE . . .
O'Neill Saddle Club
. . . will perform before the Aberdeen
Angus tour delegation on—
At the Saddle Club Arena under the new lights. The public
is invited. Admission: Adults 50c; Children FREE. Saddle
Club members are to meet at the arena at 7 p.m.
| by
ft No freezers have ever held so much food in
] sucl1 a tittle floor space! Even the 14-cubic
I foot model takes less floor area than a «™aH
I 8-cubic foot refrigerator. Come in and see
1 these new upright freezers now! Here are
just a few of the many features you’ll like ...
►* | • Largo, fast freezing areas.
• Dri-Wall construction-outside walls
won't "sweat."
• Quiet fan-less operation.
• Spring-fresh green interior.
• Famous "Tignt-Wad"* unit with
j 4^T^* 5-yeor warranty.
I 2 upright models, 4 chest models starting at *289”
s Chambers, Nebr.