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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1953)
Jeanette Taylor, jerry Tomjack Wed EWING—St. Francis Catholic church in Neligh was the scene of the wedding Tuesday after noon, June 16, of Miss Jeanette Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor of Oakdale, and Jerry J. Tomjack of Ewing. Rev. Roger Hayes officiated with the double-ring ceremony. Mrs Joseph Hansen of Norfolk sang “Ave Maria” and “On This Day, O Beautiful Mother.” She was accompanied by Mrs. Dale Russell of Neligh. Two altar bouquets of white stock and orchid carnations dec orated the church. , Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a gown de signed with a nylon lace bodice over satin with a net yoke. A double nylon net skirt was ar ranged over a satin skirt with a nylon lace inserted peplum. A white half-bonnet, edged in sat in, held her nylon net finger tip veil. She carried white carna tions centered with an orchid. Miss Phyllis Taylor was maid or-honor dressed in a gown made of white lace and nylon net. She carried white carnations. Brides maids were Mrs. Arlo Rice, Miss Luetta Haake and Miss Beulah Johnson. Marjorie Hopkins was -flower girl and David Chestnut was ringbearer. Richard Miller of Ewing was toestman and groomsmen were Gene Tomjack, Richard Kallhoff and Donald Vandersnick. Wil liam Warner and Keith Bartak ushered. About 125 guests attended the reception held at the Neligh Le gion hall after the ceremony. Those assisting with the recep tion included Mrs. Harold Car istensen, Mrs. Vem Johnson, Mrs. Floyd Kennan, Mrs. Axel Nilson, Mrs. Orville Miller, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs. William Ryan, Miss es Geraldine Grubb, Roberta Harrison, Lois Hopkins, Donna and Marilyn Welbum and Carol Taylor. When they return after a week in the Western states the couple will live in Ewing where Mr. Tomjack is employed by Shaw Oil company. The bride has been ^second grade teacher in Neligh . public school the past two years. Guests attended the wedding from Ewing, Tilden, Woodbine, la., Elgin, Oakdale and Norfolk. JUSTICE COURT June 17—Joseph R. Sysavy, lined $15 and costs; charged with operating motor vehicle without license plates; complaint filed fcy Patrolman R. L. Gude. June 17—Mrs. Frances Shaw of Ewing, fined $15 and costs; charged with permitting minor to operate a truck; complaint filed by Patrolman R. L. Gude. June” 17—Cleta C. Ritts, fined $15 and costs; charged with speeding: complaint filed by Pa trolman R. L. Gude. June 18—Clark Coulter of O’ Neill, preliminary hearing; •charged with larceny; bond fixed at $1,000; bound over to district court. June 17—Howard Coleman fin ed $15 and costs; charged with speeding; complaint filed by Pa trolman R. L. Gude. June 17 — Clifford L. Stahl fined $15 and costs: charged with , overloading truck; complaint filed by Patrolman R. L. Gude. June 17—Robert C. Knepper of O’Neill fined $10 and costs; charged with operating vehicle without brakes; complaint filed by Patrolman R. L. Gude June 24—Wayne Donohoe and Bennett A. Bazelman, O’Neill, minors, fined $10 and costs; charged with speeding. Pvt. Joe Dobias of Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., and Pfc. Norbert. Do bias of Camp Pendleton, Calif., visited their cousin, Miss Esther Kaiser, at St. Anthony’s hospi tal Friday. They are home on leave with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Dobias of Atkin^bn. The Saddle club will meet at "the Miner ranch at 7 p.m., Sun day. Those going to Stuart and Lincoln must attend this prac tice. Members bring cake, the club will furnish the ice cream. Miss Joann Burgess and house guest of Denver, Colo., arrived Wednesday, June 17, to visit at the Dr. L. A. Burgess home. Mr. and Mrs. Merle McClure are vacationing in South Dakota this Week. DELOIT NEWS Mrs. Rose Lodge and son, Bob, of Oakland, Calif., visited Sun day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkenson of Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beaudin of Omaha are spending their va cation at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tomjack. On Sunday, June 21, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and father’s day at the Henry Reimer home. A buffet luncheon was served at noon. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Don Starr and family of West Point, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pohl and Mary of Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Manson of O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Carnes of Neligh, Mrs. Sidney Anderson and V. Maben of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lar son, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon and family, all of Ewing, and Elayne Reimer. Don ald Gene Starr of West Point was also a guest. He recently completed almost four years with the navy. Mrs. Don Starr of West Point spent the weekend at the Henry Reimer home. Mrs. Elizabeth Kalhoff, 77, died at a nursing home in Elgin Sunday, June 14. The Kallhoffs formerly lived east of Deloit. She leaves 101 living descend ants. The Clearwater Creek club met Wednesday, June 17, at the Deloss Thompson home in Clear water. Mrs. Harris of Los Ange les, Calif., was a guest. She is Mrs. Clint Taylor’s mother. Oth er guests were Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. Kinney. The next meeting will be July 15 at the Manuel Fredicks home in Norfolk. There will be a picnic at Neligh Sun day, June 28. Galen Dee Maben of Ft. Leon ard Wood, Mo., is home on a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben, and Neta Lee. Mrs. Stanley Huffman and daughters, Zoe Ann and Becky, returned from a visit with Mrs. Huffman’s father at Falls City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ziska and daughter have moved to Atkin son where they have employ ment. Many from here attended the bluegrass festival in Ewing on Saturday. The Holt county end of high way 108 into Ewing is being graveled and graded. Dwain Kallhoff, who is in the armed service, was called home by the death of his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kallhoff, and the illness of his father, August Kall hoff. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Paul, Nancy and Larry called on Aug ust Kallhoff at the Tilden hos pital Sunday, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Bartak and Doris and Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Rexin were guests Monday evening at the Wayne Paul home. Mrs. Wayne Paul was cel ebrating her birthday anniver sary. Mr. and Mrs. Wib Napier and sons were Sunday guests at the Glenn Harpster home. Doris Bartak of Norfolk is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak. Mr. and Mrs. George Stearns of St. Louis, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beeson spent Sunday afternoon at the Fred Steams home. Larry Lodge and Mrs. Rose Lodge and son, Bob, of Oakland, Calif., visited at the Wayne Paul and Lambert Bartak homes last week. Larry Lodge of Oakland, Calif., was guest-of-honor at a family reunion at the L. L. Bartak home Sunday. MARRIAGE LICENSES Donald Henry Flansburgh, jr., 24, of Lima, N. Y. and Loretta Margaret Cuddy, 20, of O’Neill on June 20. Marvin Joseph Ziska, 23, of Valentine and Blanche Bartos,18, of Valentine on June 22. Roger A. Carr, 24, of Atkinson and Joy Collins, 21, of Atkinson on June 23. Swim in River Climaxes Meeting— The Clover 4-H club held a pic nic at Hickman’s grove Sunday, June 21. A picnic lunch was en joyed by many of our families. Afterwards a practice tractor driving contest was held. Jim Ries was the winner with Jerry Hickman runner up. FIREWORKS SAFE & SAVE! On Sale Saturday, June 27th * * SPARKLERS - FOUNTAINS FLYING METEORS FLORAL SHELLS TRIANGLE WHEELS WHISTLING FOUNTAINS REPEATER STAR SHELLS ' SMOKERS — PENNY NOVELTIES i' GUNS — CAPS — ETC. ★★★ WESTERN AUTO STORE — O’NEILL — OPEN EVENINGS June Is Dairy Month 1 Chicago TV actress Adrienne Falcon celebrates tne aaveru oi June Dairy Month and raises a toast to the U. S. Dairy industry with a refreshing glass of milk during a “break” in recent rehearsals. Dairy Month, June 1-30, a star in its own right on the American scene, is being staged for the 17th consecutive year by over 10 million Americans who gain livelihood from the production, processing and distribution of dairy foods such as ice cream, milk, butter, cheese, evaporated milk and dry milk. The dairy industry contributes annually at least 10 billion dollars to national commerce. v Adrienne keeps trim by following the newly developed scientific diet for weight reducing, or ideal weight maintenance, which mcltjdea^ liberal portions of dairy and other basic foods in the menu3. Emmet News Gary Buckmaster of Fremont spent Saturday visiting Miss Norma Lou Foreman of Emmet and friends in O’Neill. The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service met with Mrs. Ag nes Gaffney. Eleven members were present and one guest. Mrs. Gilbert Fox is a new member. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kloppen borg and children, Jo Ann, Jim my and Janice, called on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kloppenborg on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bray and daughter and a friend from Omaha and Mrs. Florence Sun dell, Miss Dorothy Sundell and Mrs. Alice Sundell were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Emma Maring. The South Side club met with Mrs. Dean Beckwith Tuesday af ternoon, June 16. Mrs. Agnes Gaffney called on Mrs. Dean Perry and family on Monday morning. Mrs. Agnes Gaffney called on Mrs. William Newton Monday. Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg and Mrs. Alice Hill spent a few days last week papering in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bates and children, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Livings and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Herring and sons of Omaha, John Kee and Mervin Kee spent Sunday at Ft. Randall, S.D., where they had a picnic lunch. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Herring and sons of Omaha spent the week end visiting at the John Kee home, the Wayne Bates home, and with other friends and rel atives at O’Neill and Emmet. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dusatko and boys called on Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Dusatko Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and girls, Judy and Nancy, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pease and children, Merle, Joan and Anita, called at the Jerrold Dusatko home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox gave a birthday party for their small daughter, Sheryl Lynn, who cel ebrated her first birthday anni versary on Wednesday evening, June 17. Guests were Sheryl’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of O’Neill. Mrs. George Bosn and son, Charles, Mrs. Fred Belzer and son, Jimmy, and Mrs. Bill Kelly called on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and children Wednesday af ternoon, June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fox and daughters, Judy and Linda, ol California and Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Kelly of O’Neill were Mon day supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and children. The Leonard Fox fam ily is spending a few days this week at the Wayne Fox home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reseigh and family of Grand Junction, Colo., Mabel Perkins and Dick Herton of Ainsworth spent Mon day afternoon, June 15, visiting Mr. and Mrs. James O’Conner and Tom Perkins. Miss Norma Lou Foreman, Miss Mary Belle O’Conner, Rose mary Pederson of Omaha, Rose Mary Pursell of Council Bluffs, la., Harriet Griese of Burt, la., Mary Gay Putman of Fremont and Mildred Kaup of Stuart were Monday dinner guests at the Ferd Kaup home at Stuart. Inman News Miss Barbara Brunckhorst and Miss Joan Coventry drove to Wayne last Thursday where they visited friends, returning on Fri day accompanied by Miss Bonnie Jelenick and Miss Susie Pierson, students at Wayne. Bonnie was Barbara’s guest and Susie was Joan’s guest over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins of Long Beach, Calif., and Mrs. H. H. Rousseau of Griswold, la., arrived last Thursday for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harkins and Hildred. Mrs. Hawk ins is a niece and Mrs. Rousseau a sister of Mrs. Harkins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins left Saturday for their home in Long Beach, Calif. Mrs. Rousseau remained for a longer visit in the Harkins home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladley of Gordon spent several days the past visiting their daughter, Mrs. •>ohn Young, and Mrs. Anna Young and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Val Starling and three children and Mrs. Grace Jenkins of Orlando, Fla., came .Tuesday. June 16, and are visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and Miss Mildred Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. Starling and boys left (Monday for their home, but will make stops in Ohio and Washington, D.C. Mrs. Jenkins re mained for a longer stay. Mrs. Jenkins is the former Grace Keyes and also a former Inman ! .1_A resident. Mrs. Lorin Keyes and daughter, Mary of Manhattan, Kans., ac companied M/Sgt. Cecil Keyes and (Miss Ruth Ann Hansen here on Friday where they were guests in the Clarence Hansen home. Mrs. Keyes and Mary left Monday morning for Portland, Ore., to visit Mrs. Keyes’ parents (Mr. and Mrs. Don Angel, Dianne and Kenney of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds, Mr. and Mis. Andrew Roosendaal and Donna, Mrs. Marvin Lynn, Mrs. Pearl Koskovich, Deliah and Delmar, all of Neligh, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Reynolds and girls in observ ance of father’s day and to help Albert celebrate his birthday an niversery. Gerry LeRoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds, is spending a few days at the home of his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull at Dorsey. The Inman Commercial club met Monday evening at the Coffee shoppe for a regular meeting. Mrs. Charles Luben served a 7 o’clock dinner for members of the club, followed by the business sesion in charge of the president, Herbert Neilsen. Edward Clark of Glenrock, Wyo., was a guest the past week in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rouse. Edward is a cou I sin of Mr. Keyes and Mrs. Rouse. Mrs. Maude Cordes and Miss Belle Wikel of Huron, O., are houseguests in the home of Miss Mildred Keyes this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hopkins and daughter, Karen, arrived Tues day morning from Buhl, Ida., and are visiting in the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Sobotka, and girls. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Burg I strum and daughter, Connie, of Worthington, Minn., spent the past week in the home of Mrs. Burgstrum’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl L. Keyes, and Donald. Henry Butterfield moved his trailer house from Ewing to the home of his son, Livelle, on Mon day and has it parked on the back of the place where he will make his home. Gene McKenna and Ed Camp bell of O’Neill were last Thurs day visitors at the G. Owen Cole home. pCoffijlT j Remember Undersells! The OUTLAW I WE ARE THE “PRICE SETTERS” OF NORTH - CENTRAL NEBRASKA!!! I THE “NEW OUTLAW’S” FINEST ' k • GROUND BEEF ■ ■ i ■ If CUDAHY SLICED FRESH FROZEN f 1 I BACON Lb.49c PERCH Lb.29c If I CUDAHY “ALL MEAT” I I IWIENERS 2 lbs. 85c I U.S. GOOD LONGHORN { 1 {| ROUND STEAK Lb. 65c CHEESE -Lb, 49c j | LARD ?" 10 j MIRACLE WHIP Kv 49c 1 IBENNET’S FRENCH (SAVE 20c) JJ£j^) Dressing jar 33c & lettuce COFFEE r"~ jOLEO ” a 1 IBS. .. I (SAVE 23c) IruMB0 9Qcl I CANTALOUPES, 2 f* WI ISUNKIST I LEMONS, 2 u*- *V«! I FLORIDA SEEDLESS __ | I GRAPEFRUIT, 10 f»r5"®| 11 CALIFORNIA WHITE SHAFFER a m q 1 11 POTATOES, 100-Lb- Sack. <*-1 BON TON 50-Lb. Sack M FLOUR.3.29 1 VAN. and CHOC. 2 Pkgs. FROSTEE.27c I BELMONT 2 No. 303 Cans ■ FRUIT MIX.. . 39c I LUSHUS 2 No. 2 Cans M CHERRIES.... 49c I RINSO, 2 pkg. 49c | Happyville Sluffed Lg. Jar w OLIVES .39c I ROSEDALE DILL % PICKLES. Qt. 29c I PETER PAN ■ SOAP, 4 bars 29c I VAN CAMP PORK & BEANS ■ Jumbo No. 2VZ Cans 9 4 for.98c Meadow Gold VANILLA ICE CREAM Hall Gallon.. 89c