The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 28, 1953, SECTION 1, Page 7, Image 7

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Nels Colfack, Wife
Wedded 49 Years
CELIA — Mr. and Mrs. Nels
Colfack celebrated their 49th
-wedding anniversary at their
home Sunday, May 17. The an
niversary occurred Wednesday.
May 20.
Their children who attended
the celebration were Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Colfack and family of
Celia; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Col
fack and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Colfack and family,
all of O’Neill, and Mrs. Oscar
Wondercheck and family of At
Other Celia News
Members of Hillside chapel
had a picnic supper and wiener
roast at the church Friday eve
ning and held a regular Bi
ble study afterward.
Sunday visitors at the O. A.
Hammerberg home were Mr. and
Mrs. Ora Yarges and the mother
of Mrs. Yarges, also Ray Yarges,
ail of Stuart, and Mrs. Earl Hu
lick of Albuquerque, N.M.
Friday was the last day of the
school term for Mary Catherine
Kilmurry who has stayed with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
P. W. Kilmurry, and attended
parochial school in Atkinson.
Wesleyan Service guild held a
regular meeting at the Milton
McKathnie home Monday eve
ning. This was the last meeting
of the church year and officers
were elected for the year begin
ning June 1 as follows: Helen
Martens, president; Mrs. Dean
Beckwith, vice - president; Mrs.
Quentin Hickok, secretary; Mrs.
Robert Homer, treasurer; Mrs.
E. G. Hughes, missionary educa
tion; Mrs. Raymer Funk, social
relations and local church activi
ties; Mrs. Lawrence Lange, spir
itual life; Mrs. Howard Davis,
literature and publications; Mrs.
Joe Roche, supply work; Mrs.
George Frohardt and Mrs. Gene
Livingston, coordinators.
Mr. and M^s. Lawrence Smith.
Donna, Rollin and Verdon left
Friday for Charles City, la.,
where they attended the funeral
of Mrs. Smith’s uncle, David
Zimmer which were held on
Saturday afternoon, and will vis
it her parents and other relatives
who live in and around Charles
City. They expect to be gone for
a week. Lilly and Paul Focken
are caring for their things while
they are gone.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed of
Lincoln spent Monday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott.
Mr. Reed is state PMA chairman.
Robert Hendricks and David
Phipps went to Miltonvale,
Kans., Sunday night to bring
back Mi's. Robert Hendricks who
went to Miltonvale Saturday
with Bob Strong to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Ernst, and family. Leon Hend
ricks and Naomi Nelson will re
turn with them now that school
is out.
Mrs. Gene Livingston, teacher
of school district 52 (Deming
school), closed the school year
with a picnic Sunday, May 24 at
the schoolhouse. Mrs. Feme Liv
ingston came out Saturday eve
ning and spent the night with
her daughter-in-iaw, Mrs. Gene
Livingston, and they attended
Cleveland church at 9:30 a.m.,
then went to the picnic. Others
attending from outside the dis
trict were Mrs. D. F. Scott, Elmer
Allyn and family and Hert
Sweet and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts and
her mother, Mrs. J. R. Jarvis
who is staying at the Poynts
home, were dinner guests at thr
Mark Hendricks home Sunday.
Members and friends of Wes
leyan church held a farewel
picnic in the Mark Hendrick:
grove Tuesday evening for Mr
° and Mrs. Ray Phipps who ar<
leaving for Marion, Ind., when
they plan to work this summei
and will go to school this fall
They took their trailer hous<
with them and expect to live in
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen
and sons attended a last day of
school picnic in district 53 (Ob
ermire school), taught by Elta
O’Conner, Sunday, May 24. A
big crowd attended and there
was “lots of food.” Byron Ober
and spent a few days with him.
mire came home with Bobby
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the David Rahn home.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Douthit of
Curtis, Mrs. Mary E. Bishop of
Curtis, a sister of Tom Slattery;
Mrs. Tom Slattery and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Brady and son, El
wood, were Friday visitors at the
Ray Pease home. Mr. Douthit
was the commencement speaker
at Atkinson last Thursday. Mrs.
Douthit teaches journalism at
Wednesday evening, May 20,
visitors at the Frank Disterhaupt
home were Mr. and Mrs. Hans
Lauridsen and sons and Mr. and
Mrs. Perry Terwilliger and
John and Jimmy Johnson of
Lyons were Saturday, May 16,
overnight visitors at the Earl
Schlotfeld home. They returned
home the next day.
Mrs. Allan Marquardt of Nor
folk came Monday and got her
sister, Mrs. Spalding of Yoncal
la, Ore., and took her to her
home at Norfolk the following
j day. Mrs. Spalding visited there
and then was continue on to
her home in Oregon.
Duane Beck, O. A. Hammer
berg, Eddie Walnofer and Emil
Colfack helped Alex Forsythe
with the cattle Tuesday morning,
May 19, and again on Saturday
Garold Frickel visited h i s
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Coleman, for the past week.
Harold and David Frickel ac
companied Mrs. Gene Living
ston to her school Wednesday,
May 20, and spent the day with
her pupils.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen
and family, Jim Lauridsen and
Frank Disterhaupt were dinner
guests at the Hans Lauridsen
home last Thursday. The men
worked with the cattle.
Mrs. Milton McKathnie and
son, Darrell, attended a pre
nuptial shower for Jean Schaffer
at the home of Mrs. Theresa Levi
at Stuart. Around 40 persons
were present. Miss Schaffer will
marry Bob Kohle of Stuart on
June'6. She received many gifts.
Mrs. Gerald Risor and family
of O’Neill were dinner guests at
the Milton McKathnie home on
Friday. That afternoon Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Rouse of Inman
visited the McKathnie home and
were overnight guests there.
i Mrs. Gillespie Hostess—
Mrs. L. G. Gillespie will enter
tain the Dorcas society in her
home Friday.
Among those who returned
from Wayne State Teachers’ col
lege at the close of the current
school year were Ted Lind
berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Lindberg: Donna Crabb, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett
Crabb; June Ernst, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ernst; Bruce
McElhaney, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ted McElhaney; Allen Martin,
son of Mrs. Henry Martin; Gene
Seger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Seger; and Edward Bridges,
son of Mrs. Alice Brigdes ot
Glendale, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Benach
and family are here visiting the
following relatives: Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Pritchett and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Alphonso Pritchett, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Benach, Mr. and
i Mrs. Art Benach and Mrs. Winnie
Wanger, Ralph and Thelma.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lofflin are
; leaving today (Thursday) to spend
• a vacation in New Orleans, La.,
. and Florida. They plan to return
! I about June 14.
1. The important “P-F* RIGID
WEDGE helps keep body weight
on outside of normal foot —
decreasing foot and leg mus
cle strain.
FOUNDATION 2. Sponge rubber cushion.
Give the youngsters the comfort and foot
protection so vital to growing feet! “P-F” is
specially designed to help them play longer
in Greater Comfort.
VULCANIZED for Longer Wear... Safer Washing
Sizes 8J/2 to 3 — In Red and Blue
TIu Family SUocStot?0
“North-Central Nebraska’s Finest”
Inman News
S/Sgt. and Mrs. Howard
Clark and son left Sunday for
Chanute Field, 111., where Ser
geant Clark will go to school for
nine months. They have been
visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Clark.
Pvt. Ralph H. Sholes came
Saturday from Camp Polk, La.,
to spend a furlough with his
mother, Mrs. Violet Shales. At
the end of his furlough, he
will report to Seattle, Wash., for
further assignment.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hackett
and family of Wichita, Kans.,
came Friday to visit Mrs. Hack
ett’s mother. Mrs. Elizabeth
Morsbach. . „
Mr. and Mrs Ward Knutson,
Maurice and Sharon of Creigh
ton and Mr. and Mrs. L. R.
Tompkins were Sunday dinner
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and
children. _
Mr and Mrs. Harvey Tomp
kins and children and Barbara
Pattason drove to Plainview
Sunday evening where they
attended a sub-district young
adult fellowship rally at the
Methodist church. Harvey and
Lois gave a talk during the
program on the * Young Adult
Fellowship Pioneer* Trail”.
Rodney Hibbs of Star spent
four days last week visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Siders and Mari
Charles Young and James j
Sholes, who have been employed
at Fairfield, returned home
Saturday. . A _
The Coffee club met Thurs
day with Mrs. Herbert Rouse.
Mrs. Ralph Moore was cohostess.
A covered dish dinner wasl
served at noon followed by the
business session.
The Extension club met Wed
nesday with Mrs. L. F. Kopecky.
Mrs. H. E. Wilhoit was the co
hostess. A covered dish dinner
was served at noon. A lesson on
“Avoiding Financial and Frop
erty Tangles” was given.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson
and daughter, Lu Ella, spent
the weekend visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Watson at Rapid
C Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark and
family of O’Neill spent Sunday
visiting Mrs. Violet Sholes
Miss Beverly. Bnttell of O
Neill came Sunday to visit her
cousin, Mary Morsbach, in tne
home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Morsbach. . . „
Miss Lois Morsbach is visiting
in the home of Mr and Mrs.
F. S. Brittell and girls for a few
C &Mr and Mrs. Don Luben and
girls of Wisner spent the week
end visiting Mrs. May Fraka
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luben.
Mrs. Joseph Coon and son.
Dale, and daughter ^
Mr and Mrs. Harry McGraw
and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler
left Friday for Independence,
Mo., where they will visit m the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Brower and daughters and Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Youngs and
family. On Sunday they helped
Mr. Butler’s mother, Mrs.EUa
Butler, celebrate her 90th birth
day anniversary. Mrs. Butler is
a former Inman resident.
The Women’s Department of
the RLDS church met Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs. Ralph Brit
tell for a regular meeting. After
the study session the nostess
served a lunch.
Miss Mildred Keyes left Fri
day for Liberal, Kans., and from
there will continue on to Cali
ifbmia where she will visit rel
atives and friends.
Mr and Mrs. Ray Bean left
Wednesdav for their home m
Lincoln. The Bean’s taught m
the Inman public schools tne
past year. s.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Keil and
family left Friday for Texas
where they will visit relatives
and friends. Mr. Keil will return
this week but Mrs. Keil and the
children will remain for the
summer. , , .,
Mrs. Sam Leonard and family
came Monday from their home
in Wakefield to spend a few
days visiting in the home of her
mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes and
her brother. Ralph, who is home
on furlough from the army.
Head Issues Call
for Junior Leaguers—
George Head has announced
there will be American Legion
junior baseball practice on Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday eve
nings, commencing at 6:30 o’clock.
Mr. Head invites all eligible
youths interested in trying out
for the team to report for the
First game of the season for1
the Legion juniors will be played
here Sunday, June 7, with the
Orchard juniors providing the
Frontier for printing!
Saturday, May 30
(Memorial Day)
_ b- ■
Retail Trade Committee
The Lambs — 53 Years Ago
Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Lamb, who reside two doors west of
Wesleyan Methodist church, on Friday, May 22, quietly observed
their 53d wedding anniversary. The above photo was taken on
their wedding day—May 22, 1900, at Ebson, Kans. They have
three sons and one daughter, all residing elsewhere with their
families. Reverend Lamb is a retired minister and he and his wife
devote considerable time to raising flowers. Guests on their an
niversary included neighbors, Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Grosenbach
and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Redlinger.
Happy Homemakers
Plan 'Day Oui'—
CHAMBERS — The Happy
Homemakers club met at the
home of Mrs. Gordon Harley Fri
day evening, May 15, with Mrs.
Bayne Grubb as cohostess. The
meeting was called to order by
the president, Mrs. Stanley Lam
bert. Eleven members and one
guest, Mrs. Edwin Hubbard, an
swered roll call by giving details
of their high school sneak day.
Members are planning to go
someplace for a “day out”. They
will not go to the hospital to work
during the summer. The lesson
was given by Mrs. Frank Spath
and house dresses were modled.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Bayne Grubb on
Saturday afternoon, June 20, to
which children are invited.
Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen at
tended the graduation of their
grandson, David Eby, at O’Neill
Tuesday evening, May 17. On
Thursday they went to Norfolk.
From there they were accompan
ied. to Omaha by Mr. and Mrs.
Foy Clark where they attended
the graduation of Miss Marilyn
Clark from nurses school at the
Clarkson hospital that evening.
They returned to Page Friday. On
Sunday aftemon they drove to
Norfolk to attend the baccalaur
eate services for another grand
daughter, Miss Neola Clark, who
is among the graduates. On Mon
day they drove to Mitchell to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Lem Webb
and family. From there they went
to Sidney on Tuesday to attend
the graduation of a grandson,
Billie Nissen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Nissen. The Nissen’s ex
pect to return to Page tonight
(Thursday). ij
Mrs. Walter Hunt was honored
at a pink and blue shower Tues
day evening, May 19 at the home
of Mrs. Ivan Heiss. Twenty-four
guests were present. Gifts were
placed on a table centered with
a large stork and candles trimmed
in pink and blue. Mrs. C. E. Wil
cox had cnarge of the entertain
ment which consisted of contests.
Mesdames Harley Kennedy, Frank
Beeleart, M. G. French, Harold
Heiss and Ivan Heiss helped
with the shower.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leisy of
Wisner visited Sunday in the John
Stauffer home.
Chris and Henry Stauffer and
nephew, Richard Stauffer of Wis
ner, visited last Thursday in the
John Stauffer home.
Mrs. Allen Zemple of Grand
Island is visiting this week here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Kemper.
The Help U club met with Mrs.
Clarence Schroth Wednesday,
May 20, for an all-day meeting.
A nohost dinner was served at
noon. Eight members were pre
sent and two guests, Mrs. Nellie
Hamilton and Mrs. Ella Sholes.
The afternoon was spent doing
needlework for the hostess.
Term-End Picnic
Runs True to Form
Mud, Auto Trouble
Are Included
ROCK FALLS—The school pic
nic of district 33 was held Wed
nesday, May 20, at Rock Falls.
Those who attended included: Mr.
and Mrs. James Curran, Mrs.
Francis Curran and girls, Mrs.
Wesley Taylor and children, Mrs.
Lyle Vequist and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Russy,
Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz and
girls, ML and Mrs. Henry Vequist,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brown and
family, Mrs. Anna Brown, Mrs.
Ivan Cone, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ser
ek, Leah and Linda, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Smith and sons, Alden
Breiner and boys, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Widtfeldt and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Claussen, Mrs. Don
Hynes and Lynda.
It was a conventional picnic
with a good dinner, ice cream,
rain, mud, car trouble. School’s
really over now for this year.
Other Rock Falls News
Don Breiner was a dinner guest
at Floyd. Johnson’s Sunday.
Mr. and (Mrs. John Schultz and
girls w'ere guests Sunday at Frank
Bill Claussen’s brother Charlie
Claussen of Emmet died Sunday
evening after a lingering illness.
The funeral is to be Thursday at
2 o’clock from the Lutheran
church in Atkinson. Otto Claussen
is to be here from California.
Leonard Erb, Chris Erb, Agatha
Erb and Albert jr., Jake Greisea
and Mary Oswald all of West
Point were at the Menonite ceme
tary Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. :and Mrs. Bill Crawford
and family were dinner guests'
Monday at Roy Margritz’s.
Judy Curran stayed with Mary
Jo and Betty Curran from Thurs
day until Friday and then Mary
Jo went home with Judy Friday
night and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott and Mrs.
Aaron Oswald of Chappel were
dinner guests Friday at Francis
Mrs. Fannie Ernst visited at
Louis Vitts from Tuesday until
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Molar and
Clem of Hastings came Saturday
to visit Fred Ernst and Dave
Molar’s for a few days.
Levi Yantzie went to Milford
Saturday to visit his mother, Mrs.
Chris Yantzie. He returned Sun
day. Joe Yantzie stayed with Mrs.
Yantzie while Levi was gone.
Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Derick
son and. Russell Dean attended a
school picnic at Star Sunday.
A birthday party was held Mon
day for Gene O’Neill at his home.
Guests from this neighborhood
who attended were: Mrs. Theresa
Ernst and children, Rita Vequist,
Betty and Mary Jo Curran, Bren
da, Bonna and Susan (Margritz,
Janet Hull and Lois Ann Petersen.
School districts No. 14 and 84
had their picnics together Tues
day at the Ford park in O’Neill.
Rita Vequist visited Betty and
Mary Jo Curran from Sunday
until Wednesday.
Mrs. Wilbur Smith and Mrs.
Wesley Taylor visited Mrs. Tom
Kelly in St. Anthony’s hospital
Thursday afternoon.
A birthday party was given in
honor of Wilbur Smith at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wise
man of Page Saturday night.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Smith and sons, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Wiseman and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cemousek,
Mrs. Adolf Latzel, Mi*, and Mrs.
Ralph Kopejtka and sons.
Joe Grutch and Roy Law
rence were dinner guests at James
Curran’s Tuesday.
Another surprise party was held
at Roy Margritz’s Friday evening.
Guests included Mrs. James Cur
ran and Ardele, Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Curran and girls, Mr: and
Mrs. Bill Claussen, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Stems, Mr. and Mrs. Or
ville Miller and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Vequist and family. The
prizes purchaced by Mrs. Mar
gritz a month ago “just in case”
were won by Mrs. Francis Cur
ran and Orville Miller for high
score, Mrs. Lyle Vequist and Al
bert Stems low score, Mrs. Albert
Sterns the traveling prize. In the
childrens game Rita Vequist won
high and Elaine (Miller low score.
The Eagle Creek 4-H chib met
Sunday at Roy Margritz’s
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taylor
and children visited Sunday with
her mother and sister, Mrs. Shald
and Celma of Bassett. They re
turned with Taylors for a few
days visit and they all called at
Lyle Vequists Tuesday morning.
Mr. and (Mrs. Wilbur Smith and
sons were guests of Henry Ve
quists Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and
Lynda were guests at George Cal
kins Tuesday to help him cele
brate his birthday anniversary.
Bride-Elect Feted
in Two Showers—
Miss Ardis Grenier was honor
ed at two pre-nuptial showers. On
Wednesday, May 20, Miss Donna
Stowell entertained eight young
ladies in honor of Ardis and Sun
day afternoon Mrs. Hattie Kind
lund, who was assisted by Mrs.
James Donohoe, held a miscell
aneous shower with 25 guests pre
Miss Grenier will be married
today (Thursday) in St. Patrick’s
Catholic church to Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Art Juracek
and family of Norfolk were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hibbs and
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson
j and son and Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt
Miller and daughter spent
Thursday evening at the Nels
Linquist home.
A large crowd attended the
school picnic Friday at district
96. Miss Evelyn Ruroede was
the teacher.
District 56 held its school
picnic Sunday at the school.
They had intended to have it
near Revell’s dam but couldn’t
because of the rain.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fox and
Barbara spent Friday night at
I the Bob Tomlinson home.
Mrs. C. E. Walker was hostess
to the Contract Bridge club
Thursday evening. Mrs. Gerald
Lamanson was a guest and won
high score. Mrs. Robert Gray won
all cut. Lunch was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow?
bridge will hold open-house late
Saturday afternoon and evening
in their farm home, three miles
northwest of Page. The occasion
is in observance of their 80th
wedding anniversary.
O’Neill News
Mrs. Emma Martin accompan
ied by Mrs. Walter Martin and
her sister, Mrs. Dora Laposky of
Cherokee, la., returned Monday
from Lusk, Wyo., where they
had spent the weekend visiting
relatives and friends.
Mrs. Claresse Sullivan, Mrs.
J. W. Ressel and Miss Lynn Mc
Kay spent Saturday in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hancock and
daughters, Barbara and Sharon,
leift Friday morning for a two
weeks vacation in California.
They will visit relatives in San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Mrs. Dora Laposky departed
Wednesday for her home in
Cherokee, la., after spending 10
days with her sister and brother
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar
Mr. and Mrs. Muriel McClure
went to Stuart Sunday afternoon
and visited Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Among those from here who
attended the graduation exer
cises at Nebraska Wesleyan uni
versity in Lincoln on Tuesday,
in which Guy Harris was a mem
ber of the class, were his mother,
Mrs. Esther C. Harris, Mrs. Guy
Cole, Edward Bridges, Rev. and
Mrs. Wallace B. Smith and fam
ily, Mrs. Grant Peacock, Mrs.
Clay Johnson, jr., and Miss Alice
Are bugs on your tomato
plants? Get KUBECIDE from
Gilligan's Rex all Drug, O'Neill.
'l^r. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney
and son, Bruce, went to South
Sioux City Saturday evening
where they met their daughter,
Miss Marjorie McElhaney, who
will spend a week here visiting
her parents. She is employed at
Denver, Colo.
Are bugs on vovr tomato
plants? Get KUBECIDE from
Gilligan's Rexall Drug, O'Neill.
Final Two Days
It s now drawing to a close . . . our
gigantic mid-Spring Shoe Clearance
Sale . . . drastic reductions . . . shoes
displayed on racks for quick, easy selec
tion. These are not sale shoes but out of
regular stock . . . nationally-advertised.
Hurry — Only 2 More Days!
Thursday and Friday
Osborne's Shoe Store
I1 Nothing to Buy! Just Guess and Win! Winners 11
If Will Be Announced in Our f I
11 Next Week’s Ad! f 1
1> ■ ■ ■ ...
lb... 85' 5 .$ 1 10 lbs... 89'
1 PICKLES Qt. 29c OLIVES U- i»r 35c f
m Stokely’s Crushed Stokely Van Camp K
| 4 No. 2 cns. 99c 614-oz. blls. 99c 4 99c 1
IjWieners 2 lbs. 85cl|
B B BEEF Cudahy Edgemer Sliced B
II HEARTS 2 k 39c BACON 2k89cf(
{(LOAF lb...39cjj
POTATOES iWb. act 1.39
CARROTS 2 fe- 19c
GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49c