° : ■ '■ vs. r^®:F$Jgfe ’ *'$ Ewing News , ^frQs: ®rna Lofquest spent Sun day at Clearwater visiting at the JSPflSSi!?' Mrs- Carl Mm“ ■n^fi Mrs. Ed Hoag are stay Pran^!h|rh«me of her neice. Mrs. fYancis Hoffman, at Neligh, as ^ thw care of a son, bom May 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Hoff man. Mrs. Hazel Kimes and sons, ac companied iby her weekend guests, (Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kusek and children of David City, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Filsinger and family. Mrs. Grate Briggs has as her guests this week her son, Hoy Hriggs, of Corvallis, Ore., her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn, and Mrs. Marilyn Kassel and son, all of Omaha. Mrs. Grace Briggs, accom panied, by her guests, Roy Briggs, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn, Mrs. Marilyn Kassel and son, drove to Bartlett and Ericson on Sunday, calling on her grand daughters, Mrs. Dean Westcott and Mrs. Don Larson and their families. Miss Helen Rotherham will assist in the Ewing Dry Goods store during the summer months. Mrs. Hazel Kimes, who has been employed for several months, will spend the summer at home. The American Legion and auxiliary are busy with plans for Memorial day services to be held at the school auditorium. Rev. W. J. Bomer, pastor of the United Presbyterian church of Ewing, will be the speaker. (The American Legion auxil [ iaiy met Thursday evening at ! the Legion club. Due to school activities the attendance was smalt At the business session conducted by Mrs. Herbert Kirschmier, president, plans were made for poppy day in Ewing, Saturday, May 23. Mrs. Kirschnuer is chairman and will be assisted by six boy scouts and six girls. The Memorial day program was also discussed and plans completed. On ad journment, lunch was served the Legion members and auxil iary by Mrs. Harriet Welke and Mrs. Elsie Woeppel. Visitors the past week at the Leslie Cary home were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cooper and family of Maurice, la., Mrs. Earl Chap man of Lemars. Ia., Glen Cary of Sioux City, Ia., Mrs. Blanche Wilson of Femdale, Calif., and daughters, Marie and Mrs. Ry lanaer, also Mrs. Mark Bosch, all of Areata, Calif. Mrs. Wilson is a sister and Mr. Cooper is a brother of Mrs. Leslie Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Gunter entertained Mr. and Mrs. Mike Philben and children at a 6 o’ clock dinner Monday evening. Miss Vaulda Welke completed her term of school at Burwell last week and arrived home Sunday to spend her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Harriet Crellin, Mrs. Wilbur Bennett Welke. Frontier for printing! THW'RE COMING \ EEROM MILES AROUND! STOKELY'S Fnrit Cocktail j § A 303 QQc == jjpf] "\ H Ca SAY, WHAT AMPPERir) OF A VALUE! STOKELY'S PEARS 303 QQr ' ^ailS J • < < ; i 9 1 i i - o Ht. I 'M GOING ^ TO TREAT THE FAMILY! STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE 3 46-Oz. AAr CANS . 4 0;' 1100% PURE I GROUND BEEF 4 lbs. $1 (Price Good Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Only) M BEEF HEARTS 2 lbs 39c | [Jjj(pd P,MENTO Lb. 23c I CUDAHY SLICED EDGEMERE " C BACON .2 lb. pkgs. 89c | CUDAHY’S ALL MEAT _ ( WEINERS 2ms 85cI MR. LEE BRADY (the Cudahy Reprsentative), the Man with All the Wind, will be at the NEW OUTLAW ALL DAY • SATURDAY BLOWING UP Helium-Filled Balloons FREE ! COME ON DOWN TO THE OUTLAW AND HAVE SOME FUN SATURDAY, MAY 23! BUTTER - NUT COFFEE Lb. Can.... 35c I GUESSING cdee "r;*" * PRIZES ^.IIr*A ■ ■*■■■ 2 Complete Fishing Outfits GAMES 2 Table Lamps i nl/r\ 2 Rug Sweepers FOR —- " — And Other Prizes — (NOTHING TO BUY) — I TABLE READY OLEO Lbs. ..$1 ' * * j .1 I I I L_I * mBBBm NEBR. RED TRIUMPH I I Potatoes $i oq i I 100-lb. sack I * j j slicing I 2 CUCUHBEBS Each 5c I I SEEDLESS | 1 Grapefruit .. j j 10 FOR_ 49c | | ■ * o * o «