The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 21, 1953, SECTION 1, Page 4, Image 4

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    *..— ---
Cub Scouts Hold
Program for Parents
STUART — Pack 182 of the
Cub Scouts held a meeting and
gave a short program for their
parents on Friday evening, May
& They received their registra
0 tion cards but the badges had not
come and will be given out later.
The pack consists of three dens
led by den mothers—Mrs. Jane
Cobb, Mrs. Gus O berm ire and
Mrs. Francis Steinhauser.
Other Stuart News
Mrs. Walter Smith, jr., left for
Richmond, Calif., on Wednesday,
May 13. She was called there by
Che serious illness of her mother,
Mrs. Iona Tenborg.
Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Mitchell
went to Omaha on Wednesday,
May 13, where they visited at
the David Boldra home. Last
Thursday they took their daugh
ter. Vesta, to Lincoln where she
took the state board practical
examination for a license to
practice cosmetology. Miss Mit
chell graduated from Nebraska
Ibeauty school, Omaha, last week.
They returned to Stuart Thurs
0 day evening.
Miss Jean Cobb, student at
Hastings college, came Friday,
May 8, and spent the weekend j
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Cobb.
Mrs. Elvira Smith of Bartlett
spent the May 9-10 weekend at
the home of her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler. Mr.
Straka was in the Atkinson Me
morial hospital where he under
went anemergency operation on
Friday night, May 9.
Mrs. Charles Ziska and Mrs.
Walt Kaup visited Thursday af
ternoon, May 7, at the Gus Ober
mire home.
Misses Delores Hamik and
Kathy Seger of O’Neill spent
mother’s day at their parental
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Obermire
and family visited the Gus Ober
mire family Saturday afternoon,
May 9.
John Obermire, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Obermire, and Will is
Berry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo
Berry, came from Lincoln Fri
day, May 8, to spend the week
end with home folks.
Mrs. John Schmit and sons.
Melvin and Tommy, of O’Neill
spent Wednesday, May 6, at the j
home of her parents, Mr. and !
Mrs. Edwin Engler.
Mrs. John Shald entertained j
the Monday Birthday club, May
11 at her home Mrs. John
Weichman and Mrs. Edwin Eng
ler received prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hulick of
Albuquerque, N.M., came Wed
nesday, May 13, to visit with her
mother, Mrs. Yarges, and her
brothers and sisters. Mr. HuIick
returned home Wednesday and
Mrs. Hulick will visit here sev
eral weeks.
Those attending grand chapter
of the Order of the Eastern Star
in Norfolk on Wednesday and
Thursday, May 13 and 14, were
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Yarges, Mrs.
James Newman, Mrs. Vera Bart
let, Mrs. Ninas and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Moon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell
and family of Atkinson spent
Sunday evening at the Berlin
Mitchell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steinbeck
of Texas City, Tex., visited over
the weekend with the James
Nachtman family.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Steinbeck
and Mr. and Mrs. James Naclit
man and family were sightseeing
at Pickstown, S.D., Saturday.
Pvt. and Mrs. William A. Kraft . . . leave after week's visit
with relatives.—O'Neill Photo Co.
A A . ——-— -
^ «
Rites at Bristow
BRISTOW—Pvt. and Mrs. Wil
liam A. Kraft, who spent a week
visiting relatives and friends here
following their Sunday. May 3,
marriage, left Bristow Saturday,
May 9. Private Kraft went to
Hamp Stoneman, Calif., where he
ls stationed,, and his bride return
xi to her employment at Sioux
Private Kraft is the son of Mr.
md Mrs. Fred Kraft of Bristow
md his bride is the former Miss
Lucille Rhodman, daughter of Mr.
md Mrs. Kermit Rhodman of
Their marriage took place in the
Bristow Methodist church with
Miss Marjorie Johnson, minister
>f the church, officiating.
Attending the couple were Mrs.
jloyd Kraft, sister of the bride,
md Melvin Kraft, brother of the
The bride wore a powder blue
;uit with white accessories and
he matron of honor was in a
ight rose suit wiith white access
As the wedding party left the
:hurch the American Legion post
ormed a guard of honor and the
:ouple passed through an arch of
Tossed riflfc.
A wedding supper was served at
he home of the bride’s parents for
-nembers of the bridal party and
Chambers Seniors in
Baccalaureate Rite
CHAMBERS — Baccalaureate
services for the graduating class
if the Chambers high school
vere held Sunday night at the
school gymnasium. A large
:rowd attended. Rev. L. M. Mc
Elheron, pastor of the Memorial
Baptist church, delivered the
sermon. Robert Adams sang “His
Srace Is Sufficient for Me.” The
girls’ sextette sang two numbers.
The class was led in by Mar
ilyn Walter and James Tange
man of the junior class.
Other Chambers News
Mrs. Gilbert Anderson will be
the speaker on Sunday e^aning,
May 24, at the Free Methodist
church. She will give her ex
perience of how the Lord led
them from behind the iron cur
Mrs. George Atkinson, Melvin,
Donald and Leslie were Monday
supper guests at the Lyle Child
ers home.
Mrs. Ben W. Medcalf and
daughter, Kathy, of Sioux City
came Friday to get her son,
Bobby, who had spent the past
week visiting his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter.
They returned Monday.
Mrs. Myrtle Fees went to Fre
mont Friday to visit her broth
er and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Gordon. They attend
ed open-house at the new ord
nance plant and also witnessed
the boat races.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean V. Stevens
and family of Atkinson spent
Sunday in the E. R. Carpenter
The Valley Center extension
club met Friday at the home of
Mrs. L. W. Taggart. Eighteen
members, six visitors and sever
al children were present. The
president, Mrs. Glen Girmes, was
in charge of the business meet
ing. Mrs. Helen Kreymborg of
O’Neill, Holt home agent, was
present to show house dresses.
They were modeled by several
of the ladies. Refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Mrs. Carol Calhoun of Bend,
Ore., is visiting her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Ermer, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hoffman
were Sunday dinner guests in
the Bernard Hoffman home.
Mrs. E. H. Medcalf was sur
prised Friday evening when 20
of her friends came in to help
her celebrate her birthday anni
Mrs. George Atkinson drove
to Butte Saturday to visit her
mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Atkin
Mrs. Henry Harvey of Orchard
is visiting her son and daughter
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harvey,
and Roland.
The following neighbors gath
ered at the L. W. Taggart farm
on Tuesday, May 12, to assist
with the work: Ray Leinhart,
Henry Walter, Cleo Anderson,
Joe Shonka, Don Shonka, Elwyn
Robertson, Bernard Hoffman,
Chet Jungbluth, Ernest Jung
bluth, Frederick De Hart, Chris
McGinn, George Cameron and
J. W. Walter.
Leonard Miller of Page and
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf were
Sunday dinner guests in the Art
Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drayton
of Orchard spent Sunday with
Miss Rena Coppac.
Dinner Honorees—
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Houser
entertained at a 7 o’clock din
ner Monday evening in their
home in honor of James Bastian
and seven students who par
ticipated in the music contests.
Visits Daughter—
Mrs. Julia Gallagher returned
Tuesday from Rochester, Minn.,
where she had been with her
daughter, Mrs. William Timmer
man of Royal, who has been
ill following major surgery
Pinochle Club Meets—.
The EGP Pinochle club met
Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Lillian Simonson.
Mrs. Mabel Henry earned first
prize for the highest score.
110 Scouts Take
Part in Jamboree
ATKINSON—One hundred ten
Boy Scouts and leaders partici
pated in a delayed three-day
camporee at the Atkinson state
recreational gorunds during the
weekend. Scouts were present
from O’Neill, Chambers, Ewing,
Spencer, Stuart, Atkinson, Jam
ison and Bassett.
Miss Ruth Hoffman spent
the weekend in Chambers visit
ing her father, J. S. Hoffman.
O’Neill News
————— •
Mrs. Claude Hamiliton left last
Thursday for Tekamah to spend
an indefinite visit there with Mr
and Mrs. Eddie Belzer and Pam
Miss Peggy Sullivan of Omaha
spent the weekend here visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat
Sullivan and she also attended
the St. Mary’s alumni banquet
Sunday evening.
Sunday guests at the Leon Sar
gent home were Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parks and family otf Ains
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tenborg
of Emmet were Saturday even
ing supper guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Spry.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach
and family of Inman and Mr. and
Mrs. Manuel Crosser and sons of
Neligh were Monday evening
callers in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Merle Sparks.
Marvin Anderson and Leon
Sargent spent the weekend fish
ing at Lake Andes, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Cole of
Tilden were Sunday afternoon
callers in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weaver
spent the weekend in Ainsworth
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Lessig.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby
and Mrs. Albert Kaczor were last
[ Thursday visitors in the heme of
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moses. They
helped celebrate the birthday an
niversary of Miss Tina Kaczor.
Lt. and Mrs. H. ML Christenson
and twins, Jerry and Jan. arrived
Monday from Rl&ntueL 111., to
spend a two week vacation with
her mother, Mrs. Edna Coyne.
They had also spent two weeks
in Chappell visiting his parents.
Sunday through Tuesday, May
3-5, guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Petersen were his
mother, Mrs. Henry Petersen,
and his grandmother, Mrs. Mary
D. E. Nelson went to Wood
Lake last Thursday evening to
give the commencement address
to the 1953 graduating class. He
was accompanied by Joel Ly
Celia Residents
at Frickel Rites
CELIA—Most residents of the
Celia community attended the
Conrad Frickel funeral rites on
Friday afternoon in the Presby
terian church.
Out - of - town relatives and
friends here for the funeral
were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Schwartz and son. Jack, and Mr.
and Mrs. John Webber, all of
Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Amon and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Busch, all
of Norfolk.
Mrs. Frickel’s sons, Wesley
and Jake Masters of Michigan,
arrived Friday evening and plan
to take their mother home with
Other Celia News
The Methodist men met in the
church dining room with their
waves as guests for a covered
dish supper Friday evening. This
was followed by the regular bus
iness meeting of the month. Of- '
ficers for the year were elected:
Dean Fleming, president; O. A.
Hammerberg, vice - president;
Evan Garwood, secretary-trea- '
The Celia school taught by
Mrs. Leonard Jungman closed
the school year with a picnic at
the school Saturday. Members of
Sunnyside 4-H clubs and their
parents were also in attendance.
Karen Johnson of Atkinson at
tended as a guest of Caroline
Hans Lauridsen and Bobby
Knudson visited Bill Obermire
Tuesday, May 12.
Mrs. Emma McKathnie and
son, Ivan McKathnie of Ft.
Wayne. Ind., and Jake McKath
nie of California, were Tuesday
and also overnight and Wednes
day, May 12 and 13, visitors at
the Milton McKathnie home. On
Wednesday they all went to
Pickstown and Ft. Randall dam in
South Dakota.
Mrs. D. F. Scott attended the
Iris club meeting Monday at the
Claude Humphrey home. Mrs.
Alfred Martin was hostess.
Alec Frickel and Alex For
sythe were Monday evening,
May 11, visitors at the Rollo
Berry home.
Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg and
Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry were O’
Neill visitors Tuesday, May 12.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lauridsen
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the Hans Lauridsen
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bausch and
father, Steve Bausch, were last
Thursday evening visitors at the
Milton McKathnie home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken
and boys were Tuesday after
noon visitors at the Joe Hend
ricks home.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer
berg and Mr. and Mrs: James
Deming were Sunday afternoon
visitors at the Lottie Keidel
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross were
Saturday evening visitors at the
Gottlieb Braun home.
The troop of which Gene Liv
ingston is a member moved May
4 from Panmunjom to a camp
which was formerly occupied by
French troops, near Seoul.
Mrs. D. F. Scott was a Wed
nesday, May 13, visitor at the
O. A. Hammerberg home.
Jim Lauridsen and Bobby
Knudson were Butte visitors on
Saturday evening.
Milton and Ivan McKathnie
were Fdiday evening visitors at
the Earl Schlotfeld home home.
Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Johnson and son, Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott were
dinner guests at the P. W. Kil
murry home in Atkinson last
Thursday and afternoon visit
ors at the H. O. Stevens home.
Rollo Berry was a Wednesday*
morning. May 13, .visitor at the
O. A. Hammerberg home.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Wilson
of Franklin, Tenn., arrived Sat
urday for a visit at the Alex
Forsythe home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen
and sons were Butte visitors last
Ivan McKathnie spent from
last Thursday until Saturday
with his brother, Milton Mc
Kathnie, and family. Ivan left
for his home in Ft. Wayne, Ind.,
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reiser and
family of Butte were dinner
guests at the Joe Hendricks
home last Thursday. Other visit
ors in the afternoon were Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Elder.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias
and sons were Sunday pfter
noon visitors at the D. F. Scott
home. ■. '
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendricks
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hendricks were supper
guests at the Leonard Chaff'n
home Friday evening.
Junie and Karen Focken visit
ed Markita Hendricks from
Tuesday, May 12, to last Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and
Mrs. Mark Hendricks went
south of town Wednesday, May
13, to get asparagus for freezing.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer
berg were Sunday evening visit
ors at the Frank Klimurry home.
Mrs. Lee Terwilliger and son,
Perry, visited Mrs. Conrad Frick
el Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry
were Sunday dinner guests at
the Frank Kilmurry home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and
son were Sunday dinner guests
at the home of his mother, Mrs.
\nna Ross, at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Colfack
ind family were visitors at the
Trank Kilmurry home Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin
ind family visited the George
Vfellor family near O’Neill Tues
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Omer
Poynts were Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Hendricks and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Hendricks.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chace
and family were Tuesday night
supper guests at the Robert
Hendricks home.
Connie Frickel and son, Ron
nie, and LeRoy Hoffman went
to Lincoln Friday evening to
attend the state track meet and
to bring home the Atkinson boys
who had taken part in the meet.
They were Donnie Frickel, Dick
Kissinger and Jason Reber.
They arrived home Sunday
Frontier for printing!
Stop Taking
Harsh Drugs for
End Chronic Dosing! Regain Normal
Regularity This Ail-Vegetable Way!
Taking harsh drugs for constipation
can punish you brutally! Their cramps
and griping disrupt normal bowel
action, make you feel in need of re
peated dosing.
When you occasionally feel consti
pated, get gentle but sure relief. Take
Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained
in Syrup Pepsin. It's all-vegetable. No
salts, no harsh drugs. Dr. Caldwell’s
contains an extract of Senna, oldest and
one of the finest natural laxatives known
to medicine.
Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes
good, acts mildly, brings thorough
relief comfortably. Helps you get regu
lar, ends chronic dosing. Even relieves
stomach sourness that constipation
often brings.
Try the new 25i size Dr. Caldwell’s.
Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle
to Box 280. New York 18. N. Y.
SuiL, May 24th
■— ■■ .Mill ..IN II ««■■■ I.I
Keep Those
Hogs Coming
Here are minerals, to |
belp build fast gains . . .
PLUS important condi- j 1
tloners and t o n 1 c s to | .
i stimulate better condi
tion, better feeding re- <
suits. 1
A wonderful combination of minerals and trace min
erals to balance rations for all types of stock. In <
addition, the extra conditioners and tonics in Sargent 1
Minral Plus help keep animals toned up, stimulate
digestion, help prevent them going off feed. Try a 1
bag and see what it can do for your herd.
No. 1 Butterfat.Lb. 02c
Check Our Market Before You Sell Eggs
Joslin’s Hybrid SEED CORN
per bu. __$9.00
Why pay more?
New Deal Produce
"Where your volume helps get you the highest price
for your produce!"
Phone 2-J West O’Neill |
The New Deal Oil Co.
AGAIN . . . !
° Regular Leaded Gas —
IN CARS_23 9/10c Gal.
BARREL FILLS _ 22'/2c Gal.
Ethyl Gas —
IN CARS__ 24 9/10c Gal
BARREL FILLS_ _23>/2c Gal.
j Kerosene —
BARREL FILLS_ 12 9/10c Gal.
Hot Tractor Fuel —
BARREL FILLS_13*/2c Gal.
Best Grades . . . . . Lowest Prices
REMEMBER, the New Deal Oil Co. has
been “Gas Warring” in O’Neill for 19
years. Trade where they have always
, ° saved you money! N
Open 24 Hours Per Day
Place Your Order NOW for . . .
Cut Flowers
i > j
• Potted
• Cemetery
, ■■■ —
Wreathes — Sprays
I_ I
Elkhorn Flower Shop
Across from the Golden_
Open Memorial Day — Saturday, May 30
t£e ct/ad a/j/efw'te
Your Wedding Portrait keeps
' * ' V^' '.* t ™ , \ 3
the beauty of the day forever
Once in a lifetime—the radiance that is
yours this day. To hold it, treasured for
ever, entrust the making of your wedding
portrait to our skill and experience. Then
you can be sure that this bridal beauty is
yours—for all time. Phone for your ap
pointment now.
k o
We will provide a lovely gold-tone
enlargement as a gift for
the bride!
* I: ©
‘ I
Weather Resistant
| 4.99 I;
J i
I Deluxe-Extra Comfort!
| Folding Chairs
I 4.59
With arms! Gaily striped sturdy
k canvas seat, back, wears well.
All hardwood frame. Restful!
k 59-1963
Low Cost Colorful Canvas
Yacht Chairs
\ 3.89
Short fold type for lawns and
porches. Double seat of striped
canvas. Hardwood frame.
t ;
20 Inch Wide Folding (j
Steel Tables <
3.39 *
Won t stain when cool summer £
drinks spill. Chartreuse, coral, *
grey, fawn, sage, forest green. 4
S0 577S- 77-7a-7»-80-4l 1