C Country Club Calendar Posted The O'Neill country club officers and directors have announced the list of activities for the 1953 season. They are as follows: May 20—Spring stag party. Members of the committee are William W. Watson, chairman; Ed Wilson, Jack Everitt and Dr. H. D. Gildersleeve. May 27—Ladies luncheon, for wives of all members, single ladies and wives of prospective members. Mrs. Guy F. Cole and Mrs. Dale Kersenbrock are co chairmen. May 29—O pening dance. Those on the committee are John H. McCarville, chairman; Lawrence Haynes, Leigh Rey moldson and Dr. L. A. Burgess. May 30 — Golf tournament. Jack Everitt and Dr. Rex W. Wilson are cochairman, o June 14—Golf breakfast. The committee includes A. P. Jasz kowiak. chairman; John Conard, Dale Kersenbrock and Roy Karr. June 20-21-22—Annual invi tational golf tournament. A. P. Jaszkowiak, chairman; M. J. Golden, J. B. Grady, William W. McIntosh, Norman Gondermger, John C. Watson, H. J. Lohaus and J. L. McCarville, jr. July 4—Golf Tournament with "Palmer Skulborstad and Law rence Haynes as cochairmen. July 4 — Fireworks display with R. V. Lucas, chairman, with O. D. French, William Artus and G. O. Cole assisting. As is cus tomary members and their guests will be invited to witness the colorful display from the club and refreshments will be served. This event in years past attracts hundreds of sightseers w"ho viewed in their parked autos the festivities. July 19— Golf breakfast with Marvin Johnson, chairman; J. B. Gradv, William W. McIntosh and Harold C. Peterson assisting. August 16—Golf breakfast. Dr. C. M. Eason, chairman; Joel Lyman. Marvin Millpr and Russel Foree, assisting. September 15—Fall stag party with Melvin Ruzicka chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements assisted by E. M. Gallagher, C. E. A. Johnson, H. E. Coyne, Joel Lyman and Carroll W. Stewart. September 27 — Masquerade dance. A1 Carroll, chairman; Earl C. Hunt, M. J. Golden, H. J. Lohaus, assisting. As customary fortnightly din ners will be served on alternate Sunday evenings during July and August. Miss Eunice Hunt to Wed Omahan Douglas D. Hunt of O’Neill is announcing thb approaching marriage of his daughter, Miss Eunice Hunt, to James K. Nod gaard, son of Mirs. Selma Nod gaarcl and James Drexel Nod gaard of Omaha. The wedding will take place on Friday, May 15, at 8 p.m. in Our Savior’s Lutheran church in Omaha. Rev. C. Gerald Lygre will officiate at the ceremony. The matron-of-honor will be Mrs. Earl Hunt, sister-in-law of the bride, and Miss Lydia Halva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva, will serve as bridesmaid. George Geislar of Omaha will be the bridegroom’s bestman. Mrs. Earl Hunt left Friday for Omaha to help with the pre parations of the wedding and Mr. Hunt joined her there on Wednesday. Attend Star Grand Chapter— The annual grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star was held Wednesday in the city auditorium at Norfolk. Among those who attended the meeting from here were Mrs. A. W. Carroll, Mrs. Don Green, Mrs. William McIntosh, Mrs. Elgin Ray, Mrs. D. E. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mounts, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gillespie, Mrs. Mabel Henry and Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. Putnam, Weller on Extended Trip L. D. Putnam, O’Neill live stockman, and E. C- Weller, pro prietor of the Atkinson Live stock Market, Sunday returned from an extended tour of east ern Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri where they contacted cattle feeders. While passing through Kansas City, Mo., th'?y stopped and vis ited Charley Petersen, Atkinson rancher, who has been confined to Menorah hospital following a siege of pneumonia. Mr. Peter sen told his Holt county friends he hopes to be released from the hospital within a week or two. At Mexico, Mo., they greeted Peter Todson, former manager of the J. C. Penney Co. store in O’Neill. They were guests of Mr. Todson and family at the Cleve land Indians-St. Louis Browns baseball game one evening in St. Louis, Mo. Mr, Putnam and Mr. Weller left here Wednesday, May 6. Saddle Clubbers to Ride at Orchard— The O’Neil] Saddle club will go to the John Diness ranch east and north of Orchard Sun day, May 17. Trucks will leave the O’Neill sale barn at 9:30 a.m. Anyone wishing transportation for horses is to contact Fritz Yantzi. There will be a trail ride beginning at 10?30 at the Diness place. Members are to provide then own picnic lunch. Expects Transfer— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guhl of Hastings were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hartranft on Sunday. Later the same day, they all went to Clearwater and visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilcox. Mr. Guhl is stationed at the marine base at Hastings and will be transferred to the marine base at Legune, N. C., in the near future. 5th Birthday— Little Miss Susan Harbottle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harbottle, was honored on her fifth birthday anniversary at a party given in the home of her parents. Eleven little girls were present. They spent the after noon playing games. A lunch of ice cream and cake was served. Conduct Rite— The Clover 4-H club conducted a worship service at the Meth odist church Sunday evening. Those from here who attended were Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Smith and children, Konrad and Judith, Neil Dawes and children, Perry and Larry, and Mrs. Helen Kreymborg and son, Fritz. R. C. Frisbie and John Mager ris of Denver, Colo., spent Tues day and Wednesday here on business and visited Mr. Frisbie’s sister-in-law, Mrs. D. F. Murphy. Sunday dinner guests at the D. F. Murphy home were Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Darnell and Barbara of Council Bluffs, la. For record starts . . . for fast, low-cost gains, feed baby pigs Sargent PIG STARTER this spring. This is the same remarkable starter that boosted weights of pigs in the amazing HATTEN 20-pig litter to 49.5 pounds in only 8 weeks. Give brood sows Sargent SPECIAL PIG STARTER through farrowing. That way the pigs get the PIG STARTER taste with the sow. Then give PIG STARTER to baby pigs right away. Watch ’em grow! Watch ’em gain! Ask us about Sargent PIG STARTER today. I ' ■ • ' i . . ' I." . ;« - rl->- ;J- 'V Highest Prices Paid for YOUR PRMUCE NO. 1 BUTTERFAT ! Per Lb. eggs-today Check Our Prices Per Do*. - Joslin HYBRID SEED CORN Per Bushel ..... $9 00 5 - Bu. Lots.. $8.50 Why Pay More? We guarantee a stand or we replace ., your seed! o _ NEW DEAL PRODUCE Bill Miller, Prop. West O’Neill ° I . R| I BE _^—mmB—^mmm^mM^^m 6r*f * Hickethier Rites Today at Wagner Funeral services will be con ducted at 2 p.m., today (Thurs day) from a Wagner, S.D., funer al home for Mrs. Emma Lura Hickethier, 82, mother of Mrs. Emmett Crabb of O’Neill. Burial will be at Wagner. Mrs. Hickethier, who has made her home in O’Neill with her daughter for six months out of each year since 1941, died Mon day, May 11, at 1:30 p.m., in St. Anthony’s hospital here. She had been a patient since May 4, and had been in ill health for several years. Mrs. Hickethier came to O’Neill in November, 1952. The late Mrs. Hickethier was born at Cumberland, la., March 17, 1871, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Worthington. Her first husband was William Mor gan, who later died. In 1907 she married the late Louis Hicke thier at Manchester, la. Survivors include: Sons — Floyd Morgan of Wallace, Ida., and Jess Morgan of Jerome, Ida., daughters*—Mrs. Emmett (Oda) Crabb of O’Neill and Mrs. Clif ford (Mae) Stillion of Wagner, S.D. One daughter, Mrs. Ivo Vogeler of Yankton, S.D., is deceased. Biglin Brothers forwarded the remains to Wagner early Wed nesday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Crabb. Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance Crabb plan to go to "Wagner today to attend the rites. Ewing News Mrs. Harriet Welke was the guest-of-honor on mother’s day at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Schmiser. A family dinner was enjoyed. Other guests were Mir. and Mrs. R. H. Shain and son, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke and family, Mrs. Dell Hus ton. Fred Sisson and Dana Sisson. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bendon and children arrived in Ewing Thursday from Los Angles, Calif. Mrs. Bendon and children are guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Krachie, while Mr. Bendon is on a 'business trip. Mrs. Ernest Norwood entertain ed the Missionary society of the Wesleyan Methodist church at her home Wednesday afternoon, May 6. Mrs. Andrew Clossen had charge of the devotionals. The lesson “Layman on Fire” taken from the Moody magazine was presented by Mrs. Norwood. Fif teen members were present. Guests on mother’s day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nor wood were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Jacobsen and Mrs. Cora Canaday. Dinner was sent to his mother, Mrs. Laura Norwood, who was not well enough to leave her home. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hoffman spent the weekend in Omaha where they were guests of Mr. iHuffman’s sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Henny, and family. Mrs. Maude Brion and grand daughters, Mary Maud and Susan Huffman were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Brion and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peterson, Maryetta and Tamzam spent mother’s day at the home of Mr. Peterson’s mother, Mrs. Carsten Peterson at Neligh. Allan Pet erson, who had spent the week end with his grandmother, re turned home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wulf took their daughter, Miss Carol June Wulf, to Lincoln on Monday after spending the weekend with them. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Jensen en tertained at a 6 o’clock buffet dinner on Sunday to celebrate the third birthday anniversary of their daughter, Ann Marie, and to honor their mothers, Mrs. Z. H. Fry and Mrs. Edgar Jensen, on mother’s day. Ann Marie had a birthday cake and all the honored guests were presented gifts. At 8 o”clock the party went to the school audi torium to attend the baccalaur eate services. Guests were Mr. an Mrs. Edgar Jensen and sons, (Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry, Julie and Jody, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier, Rita and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, all of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jensen and Jackie of Meadow Grove. Mrs. Robert Tams and Mrs. Lionel Gunter, both 4-H leaders, attended the meeting last Thurs day afternoon at O’Neill given by the extension club members who were observing home dem onstration week. “Importance of Safety” was stressed in the homes on the farms as well as other places. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Gillespie went to Omaha Wednesday to spend a few days there on business. Herbert Kaiser spent Tues day in Omaha on business. Saturday evening dinner guiests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cernousek and all of Page. Saturday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson were her mother, Mrs. Anna Ferris, of Inman and her uncle, Tom Hill, of Schuyler. Last Thursday callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heermann were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Heermann of Ainsworth J and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weber of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson of Hartington were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. i rom Harding. 1 Mrs. Lyle Green and family l went to Creighton Sunday and visited her parents, Mr. and) Mrs. John tNeyens. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomlin son of West Point spent the weekend here visiting relatives, g Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gal- jf lagher and Sandy of Gothen- || burg were Sunday guests in the home of his mother, Mrs. John C. Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs. William Gallagher were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Etherton and I Tom were Wednesday, May 6, > supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and girls. Lynch News Jolene Micanek, Joan Rosicky, Leota Kayl, Velma Micanek, Janet Christensen, Irene Stenger and Susie Courtney attended teachers’ schooling course held at the court house in Butte Saturday. This was their final class this term. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen and children and Mrs. Grace Edson were mother’s day din ner guests at the V. Held home in Page. Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Micanek, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit and family, Mr. and Mrs. Havranek and children and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and sons of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hasel horst and Joyce of Bristow and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Haselhorst and family of Spencer were din ner guests at the Henry Vonasek home near Verdigre on mother’s day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elm of Butte spent Friday, May 8. at the C. W. Christensen home east of Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Berry of Lucedale, Miss., left Sunday for their home after visiting at the William Stouffer and the Spen cer families here. Mrs. Thomas Courtney, jr., was hostess to a birthday anni versary part;/ at the Courtney home of her daughters, Doreen and Penny Cash, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Weeder was a Sioux City visitor on Thursday. Mr. and Mlrs. Vine Jehorek shopped in Spencer on Wednes day, May 6. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Mulhair were O’Neill visitors Monday, May 4. Mrs. Clarence Kolund, east Boyd county extension club chairman, attended the seventh annual rural homemakers recog nition day Thursday, April 29, in Omaha. Henpr Herman of Butte was a business visitor in Lynch Monday, May 4. Pat Cassidy and wife visited their son, Theodore, in camp recently. The sophomore class of Lynch high school enjoyed a class par ty at the school Tuesday even ing, May 5. Mr. and Mrs. James Malv and son, Bob, spent Sunday, May 3, at the John Haoslik home near Wisner. Their grandson, Johnnie jr., returned home with them for a few days stay. Mrs. Harry Mulhair accom panied her sister, Mrs. Robert Row. to Rochester where Mr. Row went through the clinic there. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Bailey and Mrs. Pearl McCright of Fremont came by way of O’Neill on Mon day, May 4, for a visit at the home of Mrs. Lois Harris. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Haselhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Streit were Sioux City visitors Thurs day and Friday, May 7 and 8. Grace Mannen and Kate Ramey of Omaha spent mother’s day weekend at the Josie Man nen and Ernest Darnell homes. Miss Marjorie McMeen of Gregory, S. D., was also a guest there. Mrs. Fay Courtney left Mon day for Arkansas to visit her husband, who is stationed there. Mrs. Guy Mulhair and sons (visited relatives in S^pen^r Saturdav. Sgt. Vernon Dahlberg and wife of Alabama have been visiting the parental Elmer Dahlberg home the past week. The Excello club meet at the home of Mrs. Lois Harris Mon day evening, May 4, with Mrs. Robert Harris assisting hostess. Eleven members and one visitor were present. Mrs. Don Allen and Mrs. Ray Counts presented the lesson on the second half of “Deep Fat Frying”. Two pies were baked. Everyone pronounc ed crusts, filling and topping “most excellent.” The club do nated two dollars to the cancer fund. A family club picnic was planned for June after which . HEUAMER FOODS ■;/ - ... the club will not meet until September. The Catholic Altar Society met at the home of Mrs. Clar ence Kohind with Mrs. Edward Streit and Mrs. Charles Courtney cohostesses. Plans were com pleted to serve the junior-sen ior banquet at the Lynch high school gym. After the business meeting, games were played during the social hour with Margaret Stenger, Claryce Allen and Lydia Jehorek winning prizes. The next meeting will be on June 4th at the George Kal kowski home with Mrs. Anton Wasatko and Mirs. Albert Kal kowski cohostesses. Amelia News Mrs. Gertie Adair, Ralph, Bob and Joan, and Billie Sammons were visiting at Hienie Frahm’s Friday evening. Mis. Marjorie Sammons went to Milford last Thursday to visit her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sahley. Dale Gumb is employed at Bob Rees’. Mrs. Etta Ott visited her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Ott, in O’Neill last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and Venita, Mr. and Mrs. Law ---~ rence Barnett and Ardith and Connie were dinner guests Sun day at the parental S. C. Barnett home. The Merry Matrons clwfe spon sored a card party Wednesday, May 6, at the Amelia hall. Quite a large crowd was present. Num bers were drawn for a quilt and Asa Watson was the winner. The party netted about $95. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen were business callers in O’Neill last Thursday. Florence Lindsey was switchboard operator while they were gone. The Merry Matrons club will meet Thursday, May 21, at the Fred Xanzelmeyer home in At kinson. Mrs. Nellie Haskins will be hostess, and Mrs. Xanzelmey er, cohostess. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott went to Omaha Saturday, returning Sunday. They visited their daughter, Mrs. Gloria Landrum, and Sally. Harold Fullerton took care of the service station while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andersen of Grand Island and Mrs. Ander sen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen of Central City, vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen Saturday and Sunday. The Edgar Petersons are build ing an addition onto their house. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bilstien and Dickie, Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie, Cleone, Delores and Dale Doolittle and Raymond Wickham were Sunday dinner guests at Adairs'. The Lloyd Waldo’s have a new Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson went to Omaha Wednesday, May 6, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Tibbetts, and infant daughter, Dianna. Little Debra Jean Tibbetts, who had been staying with the Watsons’, re turned home. Mrs. Watson stay ed with her daughter for a few days. Mr. Watson returned home last Thursday. Miss Joan Adair returned to Lincoln on Monday to resume nurse’s training at Bryan Me morial hospital. Mrs. Alice Prewitt and family went to Mullen where they vis ited relatives and also met her daughter, Mrs. Gale Fix, and Gaylen, Scottsbluff. Miss Peggy Prewitt and little nephew, Lar ry Fix, who had been visiting her mother in Amelia, returned to Scottsbluff with Mrs. Fix. James Bartos and family were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Knight. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Max Janes re turned. to their home at Bakers field, Calif., on Wednesday after spending taervteral days heKe visiting Mrs. Dave Stannard. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Coonord of Sloan, la., spent the weekend here visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Muriel McClure. Guy Harris and Miss Phyllis Plott of Smith Center, Kans., spent the weekend here visiting his mother, Mrs. Esther Harris. They are both students at Wes leyan university at Lincoln. Mrs. Mildred Wyant went to Genoa Monday, May 4, to at tend the funeral of her grand mother, Mrs. Horton. She also visited her parents, Mr. and Mm. John Vaught, at Columbus. Joseph Keller of Humphrey arrived here Tuesday to visit his daughter, Mrs. J. L. McCarville, sr.. and grandsons, J. L. McCar ville, jr., and family, and John H. McCarville, and family. Miss Esther Kinnier, former O’Neill public school teacher, and two friends of Spalding at tended the kindergarten operet ta, “The Big Show,” Friday night. Miss Kinnier will teach here next term. DO YOUKNOW^ITIAMHE “OUTLAW" j J HAND PICKS ALL THEIR BEEF! I j THATS WHY WE NOT ONLY OFFER PRICE. I HIT THE FINEST OF QUALITY! 11 U.S. GRADED GOOD I I BEEF ROAST iB._.. I{ CUDAHY ALL MEAT I! Bologna or Wieners 2 lbs. 85c 11 CUDAHY’S SLICED AA CUDAHY’S ALL MEAT am 1 t Bacon Ends 2 lbs 39c Mined Ham lb. 39c 11 f 1 REX I LAM, h - 23c I BEET I SUGAR, 10 Ik 95c I PILLSBURY I CAKE MIX, 3 i*gs. 79c f LUSHUS No. 2 Cans I* | CHERRIES, 2 ^ 45» OUR FAMILY PORK-REARS, 3 «s 3» LUSHUS qT SALAR MESSING 3» SARDINES, 3 2S» OUR GRADE ~ OLEO, 4 lb 89c Lushus Strawberry 12-Oz. Jars PRESERVES, 2 f« S» GOLD CREST CHEESE.2 lbs. 79c GIANT HERSHEY BARS.2 for 39c DARBY CHILE.4 No. 2 cans 99c NIAGARA STARCH . Pkg. 19c VANILLA or CHOCOLATE FROSTEE DESSERT.. 2 pkgs. 27c I NEBR. RED TRIUMPH ”11 IpOTATOESm‘1—| I JUMBO YELLOW I | OWHHIS..u>. 5c I I SWEETHEART I I TOMATOES -.Pfcg- 25c { I CELLO I I CARROTS — 2 pkgs. 19c 1 I SEEDLESS WHITE ( | GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 49c | HYDROX BUTTER - NUT Cookies FLOUR Pkg_ 39c 50-Lb. Sack PLUS CUP and SAUCER FREE! —- -----