The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 14, 1953, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 13

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Rites at Ewing
‘What Is Truth?’ Is
Sermon Topic
EWING — The Ewing high
.school senior class baccalaureate
services were well attended at
the school auditorium on Sunday
evening, May 10.
As Diane Baum played the
processional, the members of the
senior class entered in their
white caps and gowns, accom
panied by Marilyn Weyrich,
Lester Woeppel, Patrice Mosel
and Tom Christon, all juniors.
Joellyn Eacker and Marcia
Gibson sang “It Is No Secret,”
accompanied by Diane Baum.
Rev. W. J. Bomer gave the ser
mon on “What Is Truth?”
This was followed by the triple
trio singing “The Rosary,” ac
companied by Miss Baum.
Rev. F. A. Hand gave the in
vocation and the benediction for
the service.
Students who graduate from
the eighth grade this year were
also present with their teacher,
Mrs. Katherine Carlson.
Other Ewing News
The Fenske family has select
ed Friday, May 15, for a family
reunion to be held at Ta-zoo-aha
park at Norfolk. A 6 o’clock din
rer will be served, followed by a
social evening. May 15 also is
the birthday anniversary of Mrs.
Caroline Fenske of Hoskins, the
mother of 10 living children who
plan to attend with their fam
ilies with the exception of one
daughter in Missouri, who has
illness in her family. To attend
from Ewing are Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Fleming and their son-in
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Frapk Belmar, jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner were
surprised Friday evening when
guests arrived with a ready-to
.serve 6 o’clock dinner. The oc
casion was in honor of Mrs. Con
ner’s birthday anniversary. The
centerpiece was the traditional
decorated cake. The evening
was spent playing cards. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies, ac
companied by Mrs. Rose Bauer
and children, attended the 25th
wedding anniversary party last
Thursday evening at Inman hon
oring Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bohn.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings had
as their guests on mother’s day
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mb, an4 Mrs. Robert Dunaway,
and three children of Hastings.
They came Friday and returned
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner re
turned home Sunday from Stan
ton where they had been guests
of relatives since last. Thursday.
Merton Dierks of Lincoln and
his sister, Miss Mary Alys
Dierks of Omaha, spent the
weekend with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. They at
tended the massed band concert
at the school auditorium on Fri
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Angus
drove to Madison on Sunday to
visit with her mother, Mrs. Cora
The Cub Scouta met at the
Robley Sisson, sr., home on the
evening of May 6. All members
were present. The main feature
of the session was the making of
a crayola flag on white muslin.
Leon Hahlbeck, a Cub scout, has
been promoted to Boy Scout
troop 181.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baum and
son, David, spent mother’s day
at the home of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Augustine, at Elba where
Mrs. Baum’s mother, Mrs. Mary
Augustine, makes her home.
Mrs. Edna Lofquest and her
aunt, Mrs. Carrie Bernhadt, went
to Clearwater May 5 to spend
the day at the Lester Kimes
home. The occasion was to cele
brate the birthday anniversary
of Mrs. Kimes. Mrs. Lillie Myers
of Clearwater was also a guest.
Three birthday anniversaries
were celebrated Sunday, May 3,
at the Will Walter home. Those
honored were Mrs. Walter, her
grandson, Carl Walter of Clear
water, and her brother, A. T.
Nelson of Norfolk. A nohost din
ner was served at noon. Decorat
ed birthday cakes made up the
centerpiece. The afternoon was
spent visiting. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Walter and chil
dren of Clearwater and Mr. and
Mrs. A. T. Nelson of Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams,
accompanied by Mrs. R. H. Shain
and Mrs. Archie Tuttle, transact
ed business in Norfolk on Fri
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Larsen
were Norfolk visitors on Satur
day. They also visited a relative,
who is a patient at the Tilden
Mrs. Agnes Bartak spent the
weekend with her son-in-law
and daughter,- Mr. and Mrs.
Vance Bennett, and children at
Plain view.
A group of ladies were enter
tained at a canasta party last
Thursday evenipg at the Benja
min Larsen ho'fne. Refreshments
were served. *
Mrs. Grace Briggs went to
Omaha last Thursday where she
spent the mother’s day weekend
at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn. Another
guest was Mrs, Briggs’ son, Hoy,
from Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson
were guests on mother's day at
the home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Christon, and son, Tom.
The members of the sewing
project of the 4-H Golden Glean
ers met on the evening of May 6
at the Robert Tams home. The
completed needle cases were
finished and inspected. Home
work to be completed by the
next meeting, will be pin cush
ions. Various kinds of cloth were
on display. These were discussed
as to their use. Choice of ma
terials for later projects will be
from this collection. A period of
recreation and refreshments
brought the meeting to a close.
Two cottonwood trees were
set recently in the Ewing park.
These trees were prize gifts to
the Happy Hollow and Golden
Glaners, 4-H clubs, which had
reorganized for 1953 before the
deadline in February. Mrs. Lio
nel Gunter is the Happy Hollow
leader and Mrs. Robert Tams has
charge of the 4-H Golden Glean
ers. It is the aim of these two
clubs to receive trees each year
for prompt organization for the
new year, which will be planted
in the Ewing park.
Mother’s day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Marquardt were their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Marquadt of Tekamah.
Cameras Visit ‘ The Big Show ’
A parade on a street simulating O’Neill s
main thoroughfare opened the circus. Clarence
Farr draws the giraffe cake. The giraffe was a
toy but the cage was gaily decorated and
wheels on carriages were festooned with color.
Backdrop heralded the circus’ coming to town.
Lining the “street” are: Bonnie Plessel, Ane
Miller, Cheryl Brady, Linda Wade, Darla Camp
bell, Rita Pease, Eugene Jareske, Sandra Coenen,
Donna Fae Taylor and Jonneth Anne Lee.—The
Frontier Photo by John H. McCarville.
The rootin’, shootin’ cowboys doing a wild
west act included (left-to-right): David Neiman,
Gary Godei, James Van Every, Danny Gilstrap,
Larry Thornton and Lawrence Reynoldson. They
sang two selections and fired pistols to musical
accompaniment.—Q'Neill Photp Co,
These Injuns danced to the tom-tom beat by
Dickie McKim (seated). Left-to-right: Jimmy
Whaley, Gary Harding, Douglas Thiel, Charles
Kill, Dennis Thiel and Donnie Harding.—O’Neill
Photo Co.
A set of trapeeze girls gave the audience a
series of thrills, swinging hanging by their
knees and doing outside loops. Performing for
the camera are Linda Shelhamer and Judy
Booth.—The Frontier Photo by John H. McCar
Ballerinas (also trapeeze girls) doing a song
routine to the delight of circus audience on stage
j (background) and a thousand spectators out
' front are (left-to-right)1 Sandra Laursen, Judy
Booth, Charlene Larson, Linda Shelhamer, Kar
en Bartos and Bonnie Tomlinson.—O’Neill Photo
Farm Fire Blamed
on Carelessness
EWING—A match tossed into
a hay barn by a small boy on
Friday afternoon at the Ralph
Eacker place resulted in a total
loss of barn and contents, gran
ary, chicken house, some chick
ens and a calf.
The Ewing fire department,
assisted by the Clearwater fire
department, prevented the blaze
from spreading to other build
ings on the place. A high wind
nade it difficult to control the
fire, which had made consider
able headway before the firemen
could reach the scene.
The loss is covered partially
by insurance. .
Special Numbers—
EWING—Special numbers foi
mother’s day during the Sun
day-school hour at the Ewing
Methodist church were two songs
by the primary department in
new robes, accompanied by Miss
Janell Hoke at the piano.
The Live Wire teenage class
presented the following: Jeanne
Welke, a reading, “Why God
Made Mothers” by Hoskinson,
and a solo, “Mother,” by Joellyn
Eacker, with Miss Marcia Gib
son at the piano.
Frontier for printing!
t ---—
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Allendorfer
arrived Saturday to spend a few
days visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Allendorfer, Mr.
and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt and Mr,
and Mrs. C. L. Brady, jr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brady went
to Lynch Saturday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Bare.
Phones 316 and 304
^ ^it illi ^Tflfilihm
In the Kelly Ryan tradition as the world's largest producer of
portable grain elevators, you will find the RAKE-AWAY a time,
money and crop saving device. Over a period of several years
the following combinations of thousands of KELLY RYAN RAKE
AWAYS have proven their acceptance in the field:
All of the above combinations are available in six wheel as well as five wheel
rakes. Raking and baling up to 25 ft. in one operation by one man is now being
done. PLUS... the greatest labor and time saving unit ever made for raking
and baling all types of crops such as Alfalfa, Straw, Sweet Clover, Prairie
Hay, Brome and all other Grasses, Corn Stalks and all other Stalks in a more
efficient manner than they have ever Lsen raked before.
Phone 373 West O’Neill
• According to figures given us by the State Tax Commis
missioner, rural real estate is 31% of actual value and
town real estate is 16% of actual value. This means that your
present valuation on rural real estate will raise about three
times and town property will raise about six times.
• All real estate will be brought up to actual value and you
will be taxed on 50% of actual value. Where this is not
done by the County, the State Board of Equalization will
make the raise.
• The County Board of Equalization will convene on May
18 and will not be in session more than 40 days to heay
complaints on present valuations.
,-^^m O'
• v •w*11 .
Cotton Sheers
Picture pretty!
Cool as a cloud!
Sizes 9 to 15, 12
to 20, 14^2 to 24^!
Come see our captivating
cotton sheers! Tissue cham
brays, clip dot tissue ging
ham.;, leno sheers, polish
ed chambrays and more!
Stripes, plaids, checks, and
solid colors from quiet to
bold. Many delightful
styles. Keep in step with
summer . . . keep in touch
with us!