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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1953)
ECmw ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' cggsatjMWMBfa >v>waiHMma OF THE FRONTIER” | 1 T /J^URT^EN ■ PAGES SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 10. 9:45 A.M. - 780 k.c. 1 B North-Central Nebraska’s BIG Newspaper Volume 73. Number 1. O’Neill, Nebraska, Thursday, May ^ 1933. Seven Cents. » - ■ .. . ■ — - — —.- ■ ____ STATE fflsisocj^ ° ' ' - O -• 68 Seniors in City’s Schools to Graduate __ < Thorpe, Nebraska ‘U’ Educator, to Speak to OHS Class of ’53 Thirty-six 1953 O’Neill high school seniors will hear a com mencement address entitled, “Time Out,” by Dr. N. F. Thorpe of the University of Nebraska at commencement exercises at 8 p m., Tuesday, May 19, at the school auditorium. Selection of Doctor Thorpe as the guest speaker was announc ed this week by City School Supt. D. E. Nelson. Doctor Thorpe, who is director of teacher training and associate professor of secondary education at the university and is principal of the Teachers’ college prep school, served three years in the air force during World War II. He graduated from Waco high school, received his bachelor of arts degree from Nebraska State Teachers college at Peru, and earned both his masters and doc tor of philosophy degrees from the University of Nebraska. He has headed schools at Pan ama, Weston, Silver Creek and Wayne ever a period of 15 years. The 1953 OHS seniors have chosen the American beauty rose as their class flower; blue and white as class colors, and the motto selected is: “Tonight we launch. Where shall- we anchor?” The 36 seniors are: Margaret Aim, Ronnie Bazel man, Joan Binkerd, Gary Buck master, Robert Carroll, Pat Clinkenbeard, Mary Lou Conard, Eddie Davis, Darlene Dunkel berger, David Eby, Norma Lou Foreman, Larry Fox, Lyle Fox, Chester Hicks, Jack Hollenbeck, Priscilla Holsclaw, Galen Hull, Mary Jane McClellan. Lynn McKay, Leslie McKim, Elma Neal, Ray E. Passieux, Marlene Peterson, Doris Pier son, Ed Price, Margaret Redd, LaVonne Rieck, Elizabeth Schaf fer, Mary Ann Schroder, Paul Shelhamer, Glenna Strong, Ethel Mae Summers, Marlene Waring, Alice Young, Charles Porter, Ed na Farris. c Members of the eighth grade class are: Carol Ann Boies. Charlotte Es tenson, Gordon Fox, Mardelle Gaskill, Sylvia Harder, Ronald Hasenpflug, Carole Johnson, Mardelle Johnson, Merle Jones, Alta Mae Lyons, Sharon Miner, Skip McKenny, Kenneth McKim, Lorna Marcellus, Gary Nelson. Joyce Oetter, Laura Oetter, James Reynoldson, Richard Shel- ( hamer, Janice Sipes, John Rmith; ; Alice Sparks, Barbara Strong, ' Larry Young, Dona Jean Sum mers, Willard Walton, Gerald Wheeler, Arnold Wyant, Glenda Warner, Helen Rakes. The commencement program includes the processional, “Tann hauser,” by Wagner, as played by the OHS band; invocation by Rev. John Thomas, pastor of the Church of Christ; vocal selec tions, “May Day Carol,” an Eng lish folk song by Taylor, and “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” as sung by the girls’ octette. Superintendent Nelson will present the Fair and Square club awards and eighth grade diplomas. Elizabeth Schaffer will be heard in a trombone solo, “Morceau Symphonique,” b y Guilmant. Principal Joel Lyman will present scholarships, and Mary Ann Schroder will be heard in a vocal solo, “Without a Song,” by Youmans. Doctor Thorpe’s address will UC IUUV W cu <1 VUiliCV VXiW 111 “The Three Trumpeteers,” by G. Agostini. Prof. Marvin Miller will pre sent the class of 1953, there will be the presentation of diplomas after which Reverend Thomas will offer benediction. Music from “Tannhauser” will provide the recessional march. Reverend Smith Baccalaureate Speaker— Baccalaureate services will be neld at 8 p.m., on Sunday, Maj 17, at the school auditorium with Rev. W. B. Smith, pastor of First Methodist church, delivering the sermon. Elgar’s “Pomp and Circum "" stance” music by Profs. James Bastian and Charles B. Houser Will provide the processional followed by the invocation of fered by Rev. Wayne A. Hall, pastor of the Assembly of God church. Music by the mixed chorus will include “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing,” by Rob ertson, and “Praise the Name of the Lord,” by Ivanoff. Reverend Hall will offer bene diction and “Pomp and Circum stance” recessional music will close the service. Douglas Hired for Water, Sewer Job The city council in session Tuesday evening engaged Don Douglas of Benkelman to super vise the municipal water, sewer and electric services. He will partially fill the job vacated by L. C. Anderson, who was city superintendent for the past three years and has resigned effective June 1. The council expects to separate the water - sewer - electric func tions from the street department. His duties will include mainten ance of the water works, sewer lift station, traffic signals and street lighting. Mr. Douglas is married and has two children. He was reared at Hageler and has -had munici pal experience at Madison and Benkelman. He will commence here May 22. > - Rev. Alfred Hoesing to Give Sermon at St. Mary’s Service The 1953 class of 32 St. Mary’s academy seniors today enter their final two weeks of gradua tion activities. The schedule includes: Thursday, May 14—Ascension (holy) day. Friday, May 15—Picnic day. Sunday, May 17—Alumni ban quet, St. Mary’s gymnasium, Al len Martin, toastmaster. Wednesday, May 20 — May queen crowning ceremonies. (Mary Jo Mahoney is queen of May.) Wednesday, May 27—St. Pat rick’s church, 10 a.m., Rev. Al fred Hoesing of St. John’s church, Deloit, will deliver the sermon. Members of the class are: Marilyn Beha, Jean Bosn, Ros alie Boyle, Barbara Cleary, Ann Connit of Clearfield, S.D., Rose Corkle, Eddie Cuddy, DiAnn DeBacker, Wayne Donohoe, Ger lad Fahrenholz of Chambers. James Fritton, Robert Fritton, Marilyn Gallagher of Inman, Virginia Gran of Gordon, Helen Harty, Mary Ann Hickey. Mary Virginia Hoffman, De loris Jilg, Agnes Kocian of Bris tow, Florence Lee of Brownlee, Mary Jo Mahoney of Chambers. Bill McElvain, Connie McGin ley of Valentine, Sara Lou Moss, Bonita Muff, Sophie Murphy of Stuart, Frank Shefl, Gene Sulli van, Rose Anne Underwood, Jerry Wanser of Inman and Ma ry Lou Wilson. Polio Chapter Spends $6,841.71 Reviews Activities of Past Year The Holt county chapter of the National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis in session Tues day evening reviewed the group's activities during the past year. Fifteen members were present. During the 12-months period in 1952-1953, the polio receipts in Holt county from all sources amounted to $9,504.53. Expenses for hospital care, therapy, braces and doctor fees in behalf of polio sufferers from the countv amountea to $6,641.i x, leaving a balance in the treasury of $2, 662.82. Officials expressed fervent hope that another polio epidemic will not strike this summer. The treasury balance will form a slight “cushion’’ in the event the dreaded disease breaks out. Holt was relatively fortunate with regard to polio last season while many midwest counties had nu merous cases. New officers are: Stanley Lam bert of Ewing, chairman; John H. McCarville of O’Neill, vice chairman; Mrs. Lester Riege of O’Neill, secretary; Miss Frances Rotherham of Ewing, treasurer; Rev. C. D. Ankney of Chambers, Mrs. James McMahan of Inman and Miss Alice French of O’ Neill, board members. Mr. McCarville showed films concerning “Gamma Globulin” and a documentary, “Polio — 1952”. The meeting was held at the Town House. Frickel Dies; Rites Friday at Atkinson Celia Farmer Stricken Enroute Home from Sioux City Hospital ATKINSON— Conrad Frickel, sr., retired Celia farmer who had just completed construction of a new home, died early Tuesday, May 12, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Allan Marquardt, who resides north of Norfolk. He had been a resident of the Celia community 40 years. The late Mr. Frickel, who was over 70-years-old, had been hos pitalized three weeks in Sioux City and had spent three days with Mrs. Marquardt prior to returning to his home. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 pan.. Friday. May 15. from the Presbyterian church in Atkinson with Rev. R. W. Olson of O'Neill, pastor of Atkinson's Immanuel Luth eran church, officiating. Burial will be in Wood Lawn ceme tery. The late Mr. Frickel was a member of Immanuel church. He was born in Russia of German-Russian parentage. He married the former Maria Kath erina Reiter at Kautz, Russia, on November 28, 1898. They became the parents of one daughter, Mollie, before immigrating to the U.S. The family settled in Lincoln in 1905, coming to Holt county in 1913. They became the par ents of 10 children. Their fam ily included a total of four sons and six daughters. Mr. Frickel’s first wife died May 20, 1934. On April 8, 1947, he married Bertha McMasters. The Frickels had just completed their new home, located 10% miles north and one mile west of Atkuison. Survivors include: Widow; sons—Alec and Herman, both of Atkinson, who reside on the home place; Conrad and Victor, also of Atkinson; daughters — Mrs. C. L. (Mollie) Spalding of Yoncalla, Ore., who had visited her father here immediately be fore his fatal illness; Mrs. Allan Marquardt of Norfolk; Mrs. Ben nett (Marie) Smith of Butte; Mrs. Beryl (Paulina) Beck, Mrs. George (Esther) Syfie, jr., and Mrs. Leroy (Dorothy) Hoffman, all of Atkinson. RED FOX SIGHTED Simon Bosn, Chicago & North Western section foreman, re ported sighting a red fox on Tuesday, Mqy 5. He and James Boyle were riding a section car near the old Con Keyes farm when they saw the full-grown fox. ’53 Beauty Contest Planned by Lions The O’Neill Lions club again this year will sponsor a beauty contest among young O’Neill lovelies. Entries will be judged on Tuesday evening, May 26, at a banquet in Christ Lutheran church basement, starting at 7 p.m., according to Lions Presi dent Elgin Ray. At the same time the Lions will entertain their wives and lady friends as guests. 11 Registrants to Report on May 21 Eleven Holt county selective service registrants have been or dered to report for induction on Thursday, May 21, Raymond L. Luben, Harlan L. Morsbach and Warren J. Galla gher, all of Inman; Wayne W. Radcliff and Carroll D. Marcel lus, both of Stuart; Harold J. Rotherham, Ivan O. Wright, Jim G. Good and Donald E. Spahn, all of Ewing; Gene W. Lierman of Amelia, and Donald W. Meusch of Spencer. The following will report for preinduction pnysical examina tions on Monday, May 18: Dale O. Jarvis, George J. Ra mold, Donald J. Straka, Law rence E. Engler, John R. Dobro volny, John H. Osborne, Robert D. Tushla and Donald D. Living ston, all of Atkinsoin; Donald D. Kloppenborg of Emmet; Rich ard E. Tomlinson and John Car ney, both of O’Neill; John D. Langan of Spencer; Kenneth L. Moore, Harold H. Nielsen and Donald D. Lines, all of Inman; James O. Ballantyne and Maur ice E. Waring, both of Page; El mer L. Schwager of Ewing, and James J. Hamik of Stuart. Thomas Dunn, 71, Dies Suddenly ATKINSON — Thomas Dunn, sr., 71, veteran employee of the Morgan hardware firm, died on Tuesday afternoon. May 12. Death came suddenly to the vet eran of 37 years in the hardware business. Funeral services will be con ducted at 2 p.m., today (Thurs day) from the Methodist church with Rev. E. G. Hughes officiat ing. Burial will be in Wood Lawn cemetery. Pallbearers cho sen are Gib Morgan, Roy Grif fin, C. J. Prussa, Frank Deseive, J. J. Carroll and George Vin zenz. The late Mr. Dunn was born February 8, 1882, in Atkinson, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunn. Survivors include: Widow; sons—Thomas, jr., of Atkinson, and William of Ft. Collins, Colo.; daughter—Marie, of Ohio, who reached Atkinson late Wednes day to attend the rites. ‘How Much Is the Doggie in the Window?’ vvnen more tnan live hundred Holt county rural school pu pils assembled in two groups and practiced singing recently, The Frontier camera captured these interesting shots. Top panel shows upper grade pupils from over 60 schools singing “How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?'’ while Merton V. Welch of Norfolk directs and roams up-and-down the aisle. Mrs. Etha Walters of Chambers was in charge of the lower-grade pupils (below). The choruses sang Wednesday at the eighth grade promotion exer cises held here.—The Frontier Photo. WriaB'C WM II Mill III III I lg————i—■—■mil Ill "The Big Show" cast (above), composed of Mrs. Harry Petersen's 1953 O'Neill public school kindergarten class, provided rare enter tainment for a thousand persons Friday night with a circus that rivalled the big ones. Front row (left-to-right): Dickie McKim. Douglas Thiel. Dennis Thiel. Gary Harding, Jimmie Whaley, Richard Hill, Donnie Loy, Gary Coulter. Clar ence Farr, Francis Grenier. Lawrence Reynold son. Larry Thornton. Gary Godel. Danny Gil -i strap. Jimmie Van Every. Second row: Francis Anderson, Sheryl Brady, Margie Colfack. Darla Campbell, Donna Faye Taylor, Linda Wade, Pa tricia Wilson, Jeanie Crabb, Terry Garharl, Arie Miller. Rita Pease, Sandra Coenen. Third row: David Neiman. Jonneth Anne Lee, Kathy Banks, Linda Gildersleeve, Kenny Lieb, Evan Steele. Wayne Wiley. Judy Booth, Linda Shelhamer, Charles Hill. Mark Skulborstad. In swings: Charlene Larson, Sandra Laursen, Karen Bartos and Bonnie Tomlinson.—O'Neill Photo. ‘The Big Show’ Thrills Audience By a Staff Writer 'Hiere was a big circus in O’ Neill Friday. And, in many re spects, it was better than the traditional circuses you read about. One thousand persons gather ed early to avoid a clash with the “standing room only” sign as the O’Neill public school kin Other circus photos on page 1 3 dergarten pupils provided a rare one hour and 20 minute treat for the audience. Music and words for “The Big Show” were written by Mrs. Ralph Gerber of Lexington, wife of a former pastor of First Pres byterian church here. The 43-member cast was under the tutelage of Mrs. Harry Pedersen, kindergarten teacher. Stage settings and props were colorful and elab orate and rivalled the big ones for details. The junior band under the di rection of Charles B. Houser preceded the show with several selections and provided appro priate accompaniment for songs and stage action. The master-of-ceremonies was Three clowns who wowed the audience were Richard ('Rickey") Hill, rope chmber, Donnie Loy and Gary Coulter._ O'Neill Photo Co. Wayne Wiley, who announced < each event with professional poise. There were balloon sellers, ticket and candy hawkers, clowns, toy animals, gilded cages, cow boys, Indians, trapeeze girls, a fat lady, a bride and bridegroom, a strong man, singers and what have you. An enthusiastic — if not dis mayed — audience proclaimed that “The Big Show” had all the realism and thrills of the big time big top. Richard (“Rickie”) Hill, 6, dressed as a clown, came out in to the audience and promptly shinnied up a rope that was dropped from the ceiling. He soared to the rafters while the dumbfounded spectators gasped and held their breath. "Rickie'’ the clown prefers to descend a rope headfirst, but school authorities restrict ed that by confining him to a feet-first descent. Following the performance a kindergarten graduation rite took place with Supt. D. E. Nel son distributing diplomas. Mem bers of the class presented a gift to Mrs. Petersen. Mothers of many of the chil dren assisted backstage. Attending the presentation were Mrs. Gerber and her hus band, who were overnight guests in the William Artus home. Visit parents— Airman 2/c and Mrs. Charles Marston, of Waco Tex., are visit ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Marston, of Walnut, during his 3 weeks furlough. Ring Master Wayne Wiley . . . proper poise and inflec tions.—O'Neill Photo Co. Bond Issue at Stuart Gets Okay Vote Overwhelmingly Favors 5-Classroom Addition and Repairs STUART—A record vote wa®> cast Tuesday in Stuart where voters went to the polls to over whelmingly okay a 110 - thou sand-dollar bond issue for build ing an addition on the Stuarfc school. Three hundred seventy - one votes were cast in favor of the bond issue, and 81 votes were cast against the proposals. Elec tion judges reported that four ballots were spoiled and could not be counted. The proposal provided for the construction of an addition to the present building and also pro vided for some repair on the new portion of the present building. The addition is to be a one-story affair consisting of five new classrooms, and office for the superintendent and principal and also for rest rooms in the east wing. Renovation of the old build ing includes the establishment of a work shop in the present base ment, on the east side, and are all-purpose room in the north west comer of the basement. Williamson Burial Wednesday at Page o PAGE—A retired Holt county farmer, William Fremont Wil liamson, 79, died suddenly about 10 a.m., Sunday, May 10, at his. home in Page. He had not been ill. Funeral services were conduct ed at 2 p.m., Wednesday, May 13, from the Biglin Brothers fu neral chapel with Rev. George Francis, pastor of the Page Wes - leyan Methodist church, officiat ing. Burial was in the Page cemtery. Pallbearers were Sor en Sorensen, Arnold Stewart, Robert Gray, Vern Hunter, Don Schneider and Lester Riege. The laie Mr. Williamson was born September 24. 1873. af Della. Ga.. a son of William F. and Frances Adams Wil liamson. He farmed near Iona. S.D.. before coming to Holt county in 1931. On December 6,1893, at Platte* S.D., he married Celestine Eliz abeth Leedom. They became the parents of seven children. Survivors include: Widow; sons William L. of Sonoma, Calif.; Lynn B. of Elgin, Ore.; Harold R. of Stuart; and Joseph L. of Hazelton, Ida.; daughters— Mrs. I. O. (Florence) Wood of Page and Mrs. Celestine Leach of Bellingham, Wash. One son, Reece E., died May' 24, 1936. Gateway Motel Opens May 18 The new Gateway Motel, ar. elaborate 21-unit tourist court: which has been under construc tion several months at the east edge of the city, will formally open Monday, May 18, it was announced this week by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson, owners. An open - house visitors’ day will be announced next week. TOWNSHIP LIBRARY SOON? ATKINSON—A township lib rary is in the making at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Weller have offered to match, dollar-for-dollar, contributions from residents of the community. The offer is good for 30 days. Members of the library commit tee estimate contributions fron the public are needed in the neighborhood of $1,500 or $2,000 With Weller’s matching of the gifts, Atkinson will get a modem, fireproof library building right away. Bee Business Booms Hybrid bees, like hybrid com, are the going thing nowadays in the bee industry. Bees usually swarm between 9 a.m., and 1 p.m., and the swarm ing fever overrides all other ideas and swarming bees will seldom sting. A queen bee, the only female with the necessary equipment, can lay fertile eggs at will and they’ll turn out to be drones or neuters. These and other bee footnotes were presented Monday evening by Charles Beilin, who was a guest at the regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Com merce held at Slat’s cafe. Mr. Beilin told Ihe members that bees have been his hob by and now the miniature in dustry is keeping all members of his family busy. The Beilins have about 150 stands of bees, which at this time of the year count about seven thousand bees to the stand. He estimates there are a mil lion stands now in Nebraska and the bee population is on the increase. For various reasons, including modem farming methods and modern soil treatments, the wild bees are going the way of the five-cent cigar. Thus, the modem farmer needs the services of do mestic bees to pollinize alfalfa and vetch. “You’ve got to have bees to get good seed,” Beilin told his audience, “and this part of the country is a little late in getting onto use of domestic bees. Farm ers can rent the bees from us and we’ll put them out on their place as long as they want them We figure about one stand per' acre in vetch, for example.” Mr. Beilin said he hopes to ac cumulate at least 500 stands of bees. “The industry has developed a breed of hybrid bees with long tongues—just the thing for j>ol linization of red clover.” The speaker told how ther population in a stand can in crease from about seven thou sand at this season of the year to as high as 130-thousand. Care of bees is constant. The bee men are obliged to pinch out the queen cells. Restricting the number of queens prevents swarming. The swarming season lasts until mid-July. (Continued on page 10)