Chambers News Mr. and Mrs. Clair Grimes and grandson, Steve Corcoran, anc* Crimes left Saturday morning for Douglas, Wyo., to visit in the Jay Grimes h°me. Mr. Grimes is a brother of Clair, Glee and Jim Grimes They were accompanied as far as Chadron by E. C. Conger. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cooper and children came last Thursday. They spent the night with his aunt, Mrs. Hattie Tibbets. On Friday they left for Yuma, Colo., accompanied by Mrs. Tib bets. The Coopers are from Sioux Falls, S-D. Mrs. George Atkinson accom panied Reverend and Mrs. Lu ginsland of the Amelia Fre< Methodist church to McPherson Kans., to visit her husband, wh< is working there, and her son who attends college. The following guests wen present at a dinner in the Chri: McGinn home Sunday: Mr. anc Mrs. Charles Spann, Mr. anc Mrs. Clarence Wyant, Wal Richards, Mrs. Myrtle Bell, Mr and Mrs. William Reninger anc Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Robertson all of Chambers, and Mrs. Bet ty Urban and son and a friend all of Omaha. The occasion was in observance of the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. McGinn and Mr. Wyant. Mrs. Lela Corcoran and son, Robbie, and Mrs. Louise Cran dall were Sunday dinner guests in the Richard Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell were Sunday evening callers in the Emil Pavlis home southeast of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mitchell and daughter of Neligh visited Bill Major Sunday. Connie Werner spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Berl Waldo, south of Amelia. Monuments of lasting beauty made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . monu ments from the factory to the consumer. — Emmet Crabb. O' Neill, phone 139-J. 37tf Several schools in the com munity held a spelling contest at the Valley Center school dis trict 107 Friday. Miss Maureen Murphy is the teacher. Dr. and Mrs. Duane McKay left Saturday for Atlantic, la., to visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cav anaugh, and family. They also attended the ice follies in Oma i ha, returning home on Monday. j The McKay children spent the | time with relatives at Cham bers. Rev. L. R. McElheron left on Monday for Three Hills, Can, to drive a car there for the West Indies mission. While there he will attend the graduation exer cises of the Prairie Bible insti tute and a missionary confer ence. Rev. Ward Smith of Chambers will conduct services at the Baptist church next Sun day morning and evening. Two interesting films were shown at the Lutheran church Sunday evening. A large group attended the services. Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Hoge and children were Sunday din ner guests in the H. C. Walter home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wander see moved from their farm to rooms in the hotel, the latter part of last week. Mr. Wander see, who suffered a heart attack during the winter, is unable to do farm work. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ber farming the Wandersee place nard Hoffman, and children are this year. Burl Young who recently en listed in the medical department of the marines, received his call to report for duty. He left Wed nesday, April 8, for Omaha. Mrs. Ruby Martin and grand daughter, Barbara Jean Wilcox, left recently for California. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jung bluth and family spent Sunday at the home of her uncle, Bill Schroeder, in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and daughter, Pamela, visited Sunday, April 12, in the Lester Miles home southwest of Cham bers. Duane Miller drove to Neligh Monday for a dinner in honor of his birthday anniversary at the home of his parents. Mrs. George Koland and children of Plainview and Miss Emma Hoffman of Norfolk spent the weekend with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, and family. Sunday, April 12, guests in the Darrell Gillette home were Mr. and Mrs. Orin Gibson and son, Robert, and Carolyn Trayster of Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gibson of O’Neill and Mrs. Jennie Gibson of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and Mrs. Halloway were Sun day dinner guests in the Clyde home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gro ver Shaw. ° ■ A. - 17 Jewel ElfilNS For As Little As © Yours For As Utris As $1 A WEEK Here’s the smartest line up of watch values, ever! Brilliant modern styling in every line of.the smaller-size cases . . . ex citing new ideas in dials, crystals and bracelet bands. See the complete selection here, now! Prices include Federal tax THE WATCH WITH THE THAT NEVER (REARS GUARANTEED DURAPOWER MAINSPRING Fifteen 17-Jewel Watches for 1953 at MdNTOSH JEWELRY “Where Price and Quality Meet” i CLOSE OUT BARGAINS We are closing out our entire stock of paint and accessories to make room for other new lines to be announced later. Be sure to get your paint for spring house cleaning at this tremendous saving. Come early for best selection of colors. NOW HALF PRICE Sale Starts Thursday, April 16 ★ Rapido Enamel ★ Rubber Tread Porch ★ Kitchen-Tint Enamel a n_. r\j ★ Kemtone , o j! ri v • k * Super House Paint w Kapido rloor Varnish ^ Super Primer ★ Utility Varnish ^ Flexon Rubberized ★ Floor Tite Wall Paint - _ Don t forget our entire stock of Wallpaper is on sale at I Half-Price. This stock is moving fast so hurry if you need i some good wall paper cheap! BEN FRANKLIN STORE ! R. V. LUCAS. Owner O’Neill, Nebr. ■ » ——————., • ; Eloise Rustad ; Becomes Bride of ’ Bancroft Farmer STUART — Miss Eloise Rus ' tad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Chris Rustad of Northfield, Minn., was united in marriage ’ to Donald Carey, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carey of Loveland, Colo., on Thursday, April 2, at Forreston Grove Presbyterian church at Forreston, 111. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Orin Graff, cousin of the bridegroom and former pas tor at Stuart. Mrs. Carey, a trained Chris tian worker, had been in this community the past 2% years. She first came here with Miss I Margaret Hammill as a youth mission team. Later she return ed here as assistant to Reverend Graff and supplied the pulpits of the Cleveland Presbyterian and the Stuart Community churches after Reverend Graff moved to Forreston. She served until March of this year. She received her training at Northwestern Bible institute, Minneapolis, Minn., and Rock mont college, Denver, Colo. Mr. Carey is a graduate of the Bancroft high school and attended business college. He is a vetfjpan of three years of ser vice in World War II in North Africa and Europe and has farmed since his discharge in 1946. Following their wedding trip the couple will reside at their farm home near Bancroft. M rs. Richard Crippen j New ACWC Head CELIA—Mrs. D. F. Scott ac companied Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg to Atkinson Country Wom an’s club meeting last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elder. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. Paul Roth and Mrs. Lou Siebert. Sixteen members were present and Mrs. Floyd Barnes and Robert Fullerton were visitors. This was the last meeting ot the club year and mystery sis ters’ names were revealed. Thir ty dozen eggs were sent to the Nebraska Children’s home at Easter time. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Richard Crippen, presi dent; Mrs. Paul Roth, vice-pres ident; Mrs. Fred Dunn, secre tary; Mrs. Robert Martens, trea surer; Mrs. H. O. Stevens, chap lain; Mrs. Robert Martens, Mrs. Robert Fullerton and Mrs. Alice Hill, sunshine committee; Mrs. Beryle Beck, Mrs. Orville Sie bert and Mrs. Duane Crippen, program committee; Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg and Mrs. Herman Meyer, music committee; Mrs. Robert Martens, reporter. Roll call was “What Your Grandmother Gave You for a Spring Tonic.” Next meeting will be with Mrs. Alice Hill March 13. Mrs. Ola Erma was a Tuesday caller in the Fora Knight home. Ward Smiths Show Honduras Pictures Missionaries Visit at Amelia Church AMELIA— The pictures pre sented at the Methodist church Rev. and Mrs. Ward Smith, who are missionaries home on fur lough from Honduras, South America, were well attended. The Smiths are making an extended visit in the Chambers community. They are supported by the Memorial Baptist churcn of Chambers. Other Amelia News Mrs. Etta Ott, Mrs. Floyd Ad ams and Donna called on Mrs. Julia White Saturday evening. Rev. an dMrs. Albert Lugir.s land and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and Venita and Harry White attended a meeting of the Gideon Bible society in O’Neill Saturday night. Mrs. Bob Friedrich and sons, Kirk and Kerry, of Albuquer que, N.M., visited relatives here and in Atkinson the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kirkland took them as far as Omaha on their return trip home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees went to Omaha Friday to visit their son, Bill Rees, and family, and attend the ice capades. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Forbes, Mrs. Stella Sparks, Mrs. Lee Gilman and Mrs. Everett Win ings attended the ice capades in Omah over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sammons entertained friends at pinochle Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton entertained friends at a bridge party last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar nett were business callers in Sioux City Friday. Vernon Berry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry, left Mon day for induction into the arm ed forces. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaul entertained a few friends in his honor on Friday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear, Mr. and Msr. Orland Fryrear and Mr. and Mrs. Eamie Johnston. The Merry Matrons dub will meet today (Thursday) with Mrs. Elmer Fix. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Andersen of Grand Island visited his par ents, Mr. and Msr. Ray Ander setn, Friday and Saturday. The Helping Hand club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Everett Winings. There were 13 members and two visit ors present. There was no lesson as Mrs. Rees, who was to pre sent part of the lesson, was ill. Mrs. Winings showed pictures taken at their ranch and on their trip to Ohio. Mrs. Fryrear thanked the club for the bou quet sent to her while she was in the hospital Mr. and Mrs, Ed White and Bill Ragland attended the fu neral of an old friend, Peter Curtis, Saturday in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fisher, Glenn White and Harry White went to Bonesteel, S.D., Sunday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Merton Fisher’s father. The Women’s Missionary soci i ety of the Free Methodist church met Wednesday, April 8, at the home of Mrs. George Atkinson in Chambers. Mrs. Emma Fisher led the lesson on “Women of the Bible.’’ There were six members and six visitors present. Mrs. Atkinson served lunch of white and dark cake, jello and coffee. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Luginsland. Mrs. Frank Pierce was sur prised Monday evening, April 6, when a group of friends went to her home. The group present ed he rwithaelenictcrk vBsigai ed her with an electric coffee pot. Those present were Mrs. Alice Prewitt, Mrs. Ralph Rees. Msr. Julia White, Mrs. B. W Waldo, Mrs. Stella Sparks, Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Ray Andersen. Mrs. Emma Lindsey and Flor ence Lindsey. Mrs. Bernard Blackmore re turned Sunday evening from Topeka, Kans., where she at tended a four-state conclave of the Rebekah lodge. She was ac companied by Mrs. Jess Dobro volny of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clemens of Ravinia, S.D., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens, and brother, Milton Clemens, and family Sunday. They were driving a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruen borg and girls visited at the parental William Fryrear home Sunday. i — 1 « — O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Simonson went to Ft. Randall, S.D., on Sunday, April 5, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Tom Donlin, jr. They were accompanied by Susan Moler and Tom Donlin, sr. Don't forget CURRY RANCH sale, first-class line of farm and ranch mahcinery, 22 miles south of O'Neill. 10 miles east, on Wednesday. April 22. starting at j 12 noon. 50c Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman entertained at a dinner in their home on Easter. Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Merriman, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Merriman. all of South Sioux City, Richard Mer riman of Holdreee and James Merriman of Crdighton univer sity, Omaha. Try Frontier want advs. for quick results! DR. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE. OPTOMETRIST Northeast Corner of 4th & DoUgias O’NEILL, NEBR. Phone 1«7 Eyas Examined . Qiae*,, Fitted Office Hours: #.B Mon. thru Sat. ^—MOi LAND SALE Choice 800 acre Elkhorn Valley Ranch will be sold at auction on Tuesday, April 28th, 1953, at 2 P.M., at the High School Auditorium in Bassett, Nebraska, to settle Runte Estate. Mostly hay and pasture. Lays about 5 miles southeast of Bassett. School on prem ises. Good ranch buildings, connected to REA. Adequate fences, wells and mills. Terms, one-third on day of sale, balance in 60 days. I Immediate possession, except for build ings, which will be by May 1 0th. Ranch to be offered as a whole, and also by quarter sections. ARTHUR A. WEBER BASSETT, NEBR. ^=S==" I I PUBLIC SALE Due to the death of my husband, I am forced to sell the fol lowing at public auction on the farm 3% miles west of Spen cer; OR 2 miles south, 2 miles east, 1 mile south and Vz mile east of Butte, on— TUESDAY, APRIL 21 Sale Starts at 1:00 P.M. Lunch Served on Grounds 6 — HEAD OF CATTLE — 6 3 Milk Cows, 1 fresh, 1 to freshen by sale day, other to fresh en this summer; 1 Yearling Heifer; 2 Steer Calves. 4 Purebred DUROC SOWS, with Litters MACHINERY, ETC. Super C 1952 IHC tractor with mounted cultivator, plow and com planter with 80 rods of wire; 4-section Flexible Harrow; (above machinery used 1 season); John Deere 12-ft. disc; 6-ft. IHC mower; IHC endgate seeder; G.I. com picker with shuck ing bed; rubber tired running gear with 100-bu. box; rake new 6-ft. stock tank; 18x24 tarp; 32-ft. iy4-inch galvanized pipe; No. 3 McCormick separator, good as new; 2—50-gal. fuel barrels; scoops, spades, forks and many other items too nu merous to mention. About 110 Hamp-Leg Pullets; about 200 bu. of Oats; 150 bu. Ear Corn; some Hay HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dining room suite (table, buffet, 6 chairs); 2 rocking chairs; 2 dressers: Copper Clad combination range, gas & wood; library table; 2 single door metal cabinets; 2 Aladdin lamps. MRSrWALTER FREDERICKSEN Lester Pearson, Auct. . Spencer State Bank, Clerk NOTICE • We have mailed out all claim blanks for the Blanket School Tax Refund. If you have not received your claim or if you have received the claim blank and haven’t signed it before a notary public and sent it to us for the refund war rant, please attend to it at once. No claim can be made for the refund after May 3, 1953. If you have a refund of 1951 blanket school tax coming and haven’t received your claim blank please notify us. This will be the final notice. J. ED HANCOCK County Treasurer iPENNEY^i “/Av'"0$ wmmsmtmKmmui DEPARTMENT! Rayon and Acetate BRIEFS 4 Prs. for.$1 Long on value, brief in price! Band or elastic leg briefs with elastic waist at a value - packed Penney Anni versary Price! White, pink, blue; small, medium, large. Girls* Rayon PANTIES Pink, blue, white 4 Prs. for.SI Comfort CASUAL 2.50 Comfort casual at a low Pen ney Anniversary price! Stur dy leather with buckle at tachment for good fit. White, red. benedictine for Summer saunters! Value - Packed COTTON SLIPS 1.00 Lots of slip value at a Pen ney-tiny Anniversary price! Top and bottom, they're eye let trimmed, so pretty you'll want several at this price. White, sizes 32 to 44. Nation - Wide PASTEL SHEETS 81" x 108" Spring flower tints in Pen nev's famous-for- wear mus lis. Yours in maize, green, blue, rose, orchid, pink. Pillow Cases. 42"x36' __ 59c Tough Cotton TWILL SETS BOTH Only Full cut of husky cotton twill, Sanforized* and vat dyed for carefree washing! Sizes 29-42. Tan or grey. Buy now, SAVE! > Shirts separately 1.75 i H Pants separately_2.25 V ^ ‘Won’t shrink more than 1%. Boys* Printed PLISSE SHIRTS 1.00 Sizes 2-18 Penney's celebrates in a way Mom can appreciate! Bright new designs that won't wash out in quick-drying, no-iron ing cotton plisse. Short sleeves. Men’s Foremost Saddle Jeans 9 711 NOW-£.13 Pay Day Bib Overalls 4 AO now--£.30 Big Mac Bib Overalls O EJJ now- £.33 Big Mac Denim Jackets 9 CQ now-£.33 Women’s Denim Jeans O OQ now- £.£3 SHEETS Pencale The aristocrat of sheets, fine (aercale made of long combed cotton fibers, tightly woven into a luxurious silky finish! And yet, you pay no more than you'd expect to pay for everyday muslins! Save at Penney's! 81x108 _ 2.99 42x38 Vi Cases _ 63c Zipper Front! BOY’S JEANS 1.00 Sizes 4-12 What a buy! Regular 8-oz. Sanforized denim with or ange stitching, rivet-reinforc ed construction. Heavy duty zipper and snap fastener front. Four pockets. Smart Denim CASUALS 3.00 Comfortable denim oxfords, perfect for beach, casual wear or just plain relaxing! They're fully lined with ray on faille, have feather-weight cushion-crepe soles and heels, snug elastic gores. Wheat, blue. 6-12.