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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1953)
Ewing News Mrs. Rose Bauer and children 0 were guests on Sunday, March ° 22, at tne country home of Mr. o .and Mrs. Gottlief Bauer. The Past Matrons club and Star Kensington was entertained oi^ Friday at the home of Mrs. M. B. Huffman Mrs. Maud Brion, president, conducted the business session. Twelve members were present and two guests, Mrs. rtichard Edwards and daughter, Cathy. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hufifman returned home on Wednesday, March 25, from Omaha, where they were overnight guests at the Milan Welke, a member of the JHappy Hollow 4-H club, attended the regional 4-H club meeting held in Sioux City on Thursday. He was accompanied by Jerald Ryroede, dairy leader o f the Happy Hollow 4-H, and Nell Dawes, county agent for Holt I county. On arrival, the club mem- j bers were taken through Swift’s packing plant. This was followed by a noonday luncheon at the city auditorium. On completion of the program, the group was taken on a tour of the auditorium. The Thursday Bridge club went to O’Neill for a 6:30 o’clock din ner, March 26. The party then re turned to Ewing where they spent the evening at the home of Mrs. R. G. Rockey, playing bridge. iSeore winers were Mrs. Earl Bill ings and Mrs. John Wunner. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom made a business trip to Omaha on 'Thursday. Luther Buxton spent Thursday at Royal visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Saiser re turned home from O m a h i on Tuesday, March 24, after spending a few days with their son, Ray mond, and their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Hoag and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were hosts to a family party on Sunday. Dinner was served at 1 .o’clock. Taking pictures and visit ing took up the afternoon hours. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Allen York and family, Mr. and Mrs. Greer Clark and family, all of Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Olson and family of Clearwater, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family of Elgin. Mrs. Ebben Grafft was hostess at a party on Monday, March 23. Twenty eight ladies were present. Games and contests for enter tainment was in charge of Mrs. Floyd Varns of Elgin. Mrs. A. H. Marquardt won the door prize. The hostess served refreshments. The Methodist youth fellow ship group enjoyed a roller skat ing party at Neligh, Friday even ing. Rev. C. C. Chappell was the .sponsor. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Chappell ,vere guests on Saturday at the 0 lome of their son and daughter- m n-law, Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Chap- 0 pell, and family. Mr. and Mrs. m Jhappeli were enroute to their ■ Home at Rushville after spending ■ the winter months in Mexico and ■ the southwestern states. ■ Rev. and Mrs. George Seik of 0 Crawford Valley were guests at 0 the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. w Chappell on Saturday. 0 Leon Sisson at ■ 80th Milestone 9 EWING — The 80th birthday 0 anniversary of Leon Sission on m March 28 provided*a weekend of 0 parties to mark the event. K Friday evening, the neighbors jfl of the Deloit neighborhood and flf relatives gathered at his home for ■ a surprise party. Card games were 0 played for entertainment. Four V birthday cakes and many gifts 0 were presented to Mr. Sisson. Re- m frehments were served by the 0 sell-invited guests. m On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sisson 0 were honored guests at a family A party at the home of their daugh- 0 ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. K Melvin Rexine. All members of 1 0 their family were present. Aim o’clock dinner was served. Three 0 birthday cakes were the center of nf attraction. Mr. Sisson received m many gifts. ^ In attendance were, Mr. and 0 Mrs. Leon Sisson, Fred and Dana ^ of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 0 Fischer of St. Edward, Mr. and & Mrs. Otto Reimer of Lincoln, Mr. 0 and Mrs. R. J. Sisson, sr., C. L. K Sisson and Miss Frances Rother- 0 ham, all of Ewing. ■ Ewing Scouts in 0 Yellow Banks Outing— 0 EWING—Boy Seoul troop 181 0 assembled at the Scout head- j m quarters at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, 0 March 24, with full equipment ^ for camp cookery, ready for their 0 first outdoor activities of the year, m The Scouts made their way to 0 Yellow Banks, east of Ewing K along the Elkhorn river. The 0 group divided into pairs and pro- ■ ceeded to build campfires andpre- ■ pare their supper. This was 0 followed by an hour of recreat- 0 ion consisting of some lively 0 games. m A rally around the campfire, 0 toasting marshmallows, eating m apples and candy bars brought 0 the evening to a close. At 9:15, m they broke camp and returned to 0 their homes. Transportation was K provided by Gail Boies, com- 0 mitteeman. and Allen Peterson, ■ senior patrol leader. In attend- 0 a nee were 18 Scouts and Scout- 0 master H. R. Harris. * The Troop, scoutmaster and 0 committeeman gave a special vote m of thanks to the K.B. Market and 0 Kermit Jefferies for a generous ^ supply of weiners, buns, apples, IK pop, marshmallows and candy 0 bars for their supper. ■ JoLee Lofflin celebrated her 0 seventh birthday anniversary m at a dinner in the home of her 0 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry m Lofflin. Out-of-town guests were 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. L. DeHart of M Ord, who spent the weekend in M the Lofflin home. m Mrs. George Klein entertained ■ six little guests at a birthday i 1 party Tuesday afternoon in honor j K of her son, jimmy, on his third birthday anniversary. Cake and | m ice cream were served. j Mr. and Mrs. GeoTge Padronos, 0 and Denny were Sunday, March ^ 22, guests” in the home of their ■ son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and « Mrs. Don Peterson. 4 -- 1 , ’' ~WT “Cattle gained Z3: Lbs. per day 01 SW£ET LASSY* Soys Job* MUomki Rocky Ford. Cot* EEfll _WfW* routs mi MAIN m ANT W1ATMK KERFS HOW: 1. CATTLE EAT, DRINK MORE tick in mclpitet tug an, SW££T tASSY stimwlatot the eppetite. Mqkei <attl« eat, drink word 2. STRETCHES FARM FEEDS SWEET LA5SY help* cctrt* otiJU* far** foods bottor ... belpt cut food costs. ,{ I. FAST, PRIME FINISH forked with prohiiu, minerals, *4 twain* and other wrtrlowti that taa Vort to boof faster, SWOT IASSY botps produce a floor fl*kk that meant top natd pcfca*. SEE US TODAY! Ceao in and lot as explain bow SWOT tASSY can fcotp yarn mak» fcoro "oner wMi ya«f trodors. Slop In today 1 SHELHAMER O'NEILL SPRING House Cleaning SALE 1—30-Gal. Kerosene Hot V/ater Heater _ 39.50 ; 1 — 19x17 Used Lavatory .— 12.50 1—Set Double Drain Tubs on Rollers (porcelain) __ 13.50,1 1 —Used Washing ^ Machine (like I new) _ 59.50 | Hunt’s Plumbing J & Heating ] Phone 399 | ~ I -— ^ WARNING : , DURING THE past and present the sheriffs office has had j numerous complaints regarding magazine salesmen, J and agents, soliciting applications for Correspondence School Training. Some are legitimate; a great many are not. When approached by any of those salesmen, be sure they are le« ! gitimate, authorized, and have the proper credentials. If a con tract is presented, be sure to read it thoroughly: because after a contract is signed the authorities are helpless to do anything about it. ! LEO S. TOMJACK County Sheriff C o o o ° ' . ’* WM. W. GRIFFIN, ° ° County Attorney 0° ____ O ! STOKELY’S CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 4 £„? 99c .— STOKELY’S | CREAM STYLE 1 CORN 2 £ 35c i I i < I I I I I I I n STOKELY’S PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 99 STOKELY’S PEACHES Half or Whole | 4 C3a0ns 89C f ) STOKELY’S HONEY POD PEAS 2 c”3,39c STOKELY’S CATSUP 2 35' STOKELY’S CHERRY PRESERVES 212-Oz. JB Qc Jars I STOKELY’S | TOBATDES GASH- (1-H. COFFEE LB. CAN limit) LUSHUS- FULL SALAD DRESSING quart GROWN or POWDERED- A SUGAR * pk®... GOLDEN VALLEY - _ OLEO J ms.... Bike rib in* —.59c l LOIN ID. -69c |L (ONE - 73c ju c | PORK CBTLETS lb. 59c j ■ uinun rmui-iu-lai AMI 1 PICNIC HAMS « 3/V I OCEAN PERCH Lb | RIHG BOLOGNA u> 45 c |' I Easter Bunnies to Be Given Away Saturday, I I 0 Ranging from 3 Ft. Tail to 1 Ft Tail! I ■ One to be given away each hour starting at 1 p.m. I NOTHING TO BUY! JUST COME IN AND REGISTER! | SWIFT'S HI cans 27c TOILET TISSUE 4 roll pkg, 25c CHEESE 2 Z 79c r PILLSBURY PANCAKE CAMPBELL'S TOMATO ROSEDALE pi Aim nl ib. SOUP 3cans35c PEAS.2cans25c FLOUR 3jack 37c ROYAL I BON TON pYnilri c «- I Puddings Z. 25c FLOIIR CARMELS,. lb. 37c ------- EH* ^ HOLSUM GRAPE Cocoanut 8P“, 29c §0~Lb. Sack...3.30 >IAM> h-®** ir- 39c I THE BIGGEST” POTATO NEWS IN HISTORY! 11 SEED or TABLE I COBBLERS 70 1 POTATOES RED TRIUMPH I TWO CARLOADS [ PONTIACS I _ICEBERG M SWEETHEART ■ ■§■■■■■■ « FJRM, RIPE LETTUCE I TOMATOES 4-doz I Lb. Tube.27« 2 k- Heads 25c I gg RADISHES". 3 bunches ipc | REX LARD 2 lb pkgs. 21c Swansdown CAKEMIX 3 pkgs. 79c Sunshine CRACKERS lb. pkc. ....... 19c WE HAVE A Full Selection OF EASTER HAMS STOKELY’S TOMATO JUICE 3 tST 89 STOKELY’S Whole Kernel COR?) 2 il 39c STOKELY’S FRUIT COCKTAIL STOKELY’S V acuum Packed CORN 2£37c STOKELY’S ■, 1» PEACHES STOKELY’S WHOLE APRICOTS 2 SI 45c STOKELY’S I PEARS I 2 303 I Cans I ■ m. STOKELY’S | MX BEAKS 2 303 37c I Cans w v g O