The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 02, 1953, SECTION 1, Page 6, Image 6

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    Eagles Capture
4-Way Competition
Collect 59 Points at
° Bassett
Coach Marvin Miller’s O'Neill
high Eagles sounded fair warn
ing in North Nebraska track and
field circles Friday by amassing
59 points in a quadrangular meet
at Bassett.
Ainsworth finished second with
43; Springview, third, 39, and
Bassett, fourth, 35.
60-yard high hurdles: Ebv,
O’Neill; Richards, Bassett; 0 And
erson, Ainsworth, and Bussinger,
Bassett, tie; Gierau, Springview.
0 Time: 8.7.
100-yard dash: Hollock, Spring
view; Morton, Bassett; Chace, O’
Neill; Johnson, Ainsworth;
Johnson, Ainsworth. Time: 10.7.
440-yard dash: Kilcoin, O’Neill;
Cook, Springview; Linse, Spring
view; Williams, Springview;
Young, Bassett. Time: 57.3.
220-yard dash: Hollock, Spring
vriew; Chace, O’Neill; Johnson,
Ainsworth; Johnson, Ainsworth;
Morton, Bassett. Time: 24.7.
Mile run: Young, Bassett;
Shaw, Bassett; Carroll, O’Neill;
Larson, Springview; Becktold,
Ainsworth. Time: 5:07.9.
Low hurdles: Blevins, Ains
worth; Eby, O’Neill; Gierau,
Springview; Gatz, O’Neill; Todd,
0 Ainsworth. Time: 11.9.
880 relay: Ainsworth, Bassett,
Springview, O’Neill. Time: 1:42.9.
Mile relay: Ainsworth, Spring
view, O’Neill. Time: 3:54.5.
Discus: Bazelman, O’Neill;
Hall, O’Neill; Lambley, Ains
worth; Spearman, Ainsworth;
Shaw, Springview. Distance 110
ft. 814 in.
Shot; Booth, O’Neill; Young,
Bassett; McCullough, Bassett;
° Bussinger, Bassett; Hull, O’Neill.
Distance: 40 ft. 9 in.
High jump: Alberts, Ains
worth; Thiede, Springview; Car
0 roll, O’Neill: five - way tie for
fourth. Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
Freshman relay: Ainsworth
(Alberts, Moody, Lumbley and
Soles); Bassett, second; O’Neill,
third. No time listed.
Lois Ann Peterson called at
Jim Karel’s Sunday afternoon.
Fritz Yantzie and Joe called at
Levi Yantzie’s last Thursday and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Yantzie were
guests at Levi Yantzie’s Saturday
night and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Derick
son and son and Ardell Curran
were dinner guests Sunday at
Levi Yantzie’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ott and
Kathy were guests at Bert Ott’s
from Thnrsday night until Satur
Guests at Bert Ott’s last Thurs
day evening were Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Ott and baby and Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Curran and girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ott, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Ott and Kathy and Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Ott were guests
at Francis Curran’s Friday eve
ning. Mrs. Bert Ott went home
with Bob Ott's to visit for a few
Mrs Bernice Vitt and girLs
and Bill McClellan were Sunday
guests at Fred Ernst’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Ernst
and family were guests at Art
O’Neill’s Tuesday evening, March
° 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst vis
ited at Levi Hull’s Sunday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ritts and
Eddie visited Chuck Felver’s on
Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blake
and Sammy were supper guests
Tuesday at Chuck Felver’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Feiver
were dinner guests at Glen
Ridgeway's Monday, March 23.
They visited Lee Blake’s and
Orville Eppenbach’s that after
Hear Report on Stale
WSCS Conference—
AMELIA — Woman’s Siociety
of Christian Service of the Am
elia Methodist church met Wed
nesday, March 25, at the home of
Mrs. Blake Ott. Nineteen mem
bers and two visitors were pres
Mrs. Harold Fullerton con
ducted the worship service enti
tled, “To Know Christ."
During the business session,
presided over by Mrs. Vern Sa
geser, president, it was voted to
pay an additional sum of money
over the pledge. Supply work
for this quarter consisted of a
cash giving to the Pottawattamie
Indian mission in Kansas. Mrs.
Vern Sageser gave a very in
formational and interesting re
port on the annual conference
she attended in Lincoln. Mrs.
Lew Backhaus, promotion secre
tary, conducted a demonstration
explaining the “quadrennial
goal” of the society more fully.
A nominating committee con
sisting of Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs.
Lew Backhaus and Mrs. Alvin
Forbes, was appointed.
The study, .“Africans on Sa
fari,” was given by Mrs. Ernest
Jchnston, secretary of missionary
Two visitors were Mrs. E. R.
Carpenter and Mrs. Van Robert
son, both of the Chamoers
The hostesses, Mrs. Mamie
Sammons and Mrs. Vern Sageser,
served a lunch. Next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Julia
White on April 22.
Killy Clover Club
The Kitty Clover 4-H club was
organized Marsh 12 at the home
of Mrs. Melvin Marcellus. At that
meeting we decided on what
projects we would take.
Our second meeting was on
March 27 at which time we
elected officers as follows: Sylvia
Harder, president; Karen McKim,
vice-president; Alia Lyons, sec
retary; Linda Haynes, treasurer;
Donna Asher, news reporter.
Mrs. Ralph Beckwith, Mrs. Lee
Brady, jr., Mrs. Orville McKim
and Mrs. Melvin Marcellus are
our leaders.
Our material for lessons in
cooking and sewing were passed
out, also our last year’s awards
for completing our projects.
Our meetings will be held at
each member’s home and
done alphabetically. Next meet
ing will be at Donna Asher’s
home on April 10. — By Donna
Asher, news reporter.
Tommy Christon
to Boys' State—
EWING—Tommy Christon, son
of Mr. and Mrs. " Carl Christon
of Ewing, has been chosen to at
tend Cornhusker boys’ state in
June at Lincoln. He is sponsored
by the American Legion, Sanders
post 214.
As an office holder during his
high school years. Tommy has
been president in the ninth
grade, treasurer of the class in
the 10th, and secretary-treasurer
in the llth year. He took part in
the plays of the sophomore and
junior classes He has participat
ed in football and basketball
for three years. In the Happy
Hollow 4-H club of which he has
been a member for five years,
he chose dairying as his project.
United Presbyterian church and
Tommy is a member of the
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing
and family and their son, Bern
ard. who was home on furlough,
were Sunday dinner guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ries
at Atkinson.
Mrs. Ben Gillighn and Mrs.
Frank Sullivan, staff members of
Gilligan’s drug store, are spend
ing to-day (Thursday) in Norfolk
attending" a Rexall meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Laursen
plan to spend the Easter week
end with her parents, Mr. and
■ Mrs. Myron Ellis, at Allen.
Don’t Let Decorating
Give You a Headache . . .
RELAX! Pick up your Devoe Library of Colors
with over 500 smart new shades. You can choose
from the Library while right in your own Home.
Color swatches you can hold next to draperies,
wallpaper and upholstery patterns. Available in
four inferior finishes:
Flat, Semi-Gloss, Gloss and Mirralac
0 Enamel
Pick up your Devoe Library of Colors
Free at
f Dempsey Bros. Paint Shop
Use the Paint the Painters Use!
!j Devoe Paints & Washable Wallpaper
I Phone 402-J First Door North
J Free Estimates Hotel O’Neill
f for Panning & Papering West O'Neill
The LeRoy Fullertons . . . wed at Chambers.
—The O’Neill Photo Co.
± A -A. --
Beverly Small
Church Bride
AMELIA—At a 2 o’clock dou
ble ring ceremony in the Metho
dist church in Chambers Satur
day, March 28, Miss Beverly
Small, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Small of Hopkins, Mo., be
came the bride of LeRoy Fuller
ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Fullerton of Neligh.
Rev. L. R. Hansberry officiat
ed before an altar decorated with
white gladioli and pink carna
Nuptial music was played by
Miss Patty Carson of Chambers,
who also accompanied Miss
! Elaine Harshfield of Atkinson
i who sang “I Love You Truly,”
"Because” and “The Lord’s
The bride, given in marriage
I by her father, wore white frosted
| organdy over pale pink taffeta.
The sleeveless bodice, featuring
I a peter nan collar and an empire
waist line extended into a full
! circle skirt. She carried a bou
quet of deep pink roses sur
rounded by yellow carnations,
white sweet peas and wisteria.
Her fingertip veil was adorned
with a tiara of seed pearls.
The bride’s attendant, Miss
Donna Peterson of Amelia, wore
a ballerina length gown of white
frosted organdy over dusty rose
taffeta. The bodice of her dress,
featuring a scalloped neckline,
extended into a full circle skirt
tied with a dusty rose taffeta
sash. She wore a tiara of white
carnations, trimmed with dusty
rose ribbon and carried a bou
quet to match.
Flower girls were little Debbie
and Darla Waldo, daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo of
Amelia. Debbie’s dress, ballerina
length, was of white frosted or
gandy over blue taffeta with a
matching blue sash. She wore a
tiara of blue net and yellow car
nations and carried a bouquet to
match. Darla’s dress, also baller
ina length, was of white frosted
organdy over yellow taffeta with
a matching yellow sash. Her ti
ara was of yellow net and she
carried a matching bouquet. The
little girls wore blue and yellow
j | slippers to match their dresses.
Bob Fullerton of Neligh, broth
I er of the bridegroom, served as
bestman and ushers were Ken
neth Small of O’Neill and Gary
Small of Hopkins, Mo., brothers
of the bride. The bridegroom
wore a grey business suit with
a white carnation boutonniere.
His attendant wore a blue suit
with a white carnation bouton
niere, also.
The brides mother was dress
ed in navy with red accessories.
! The bridegroom’s mother was
dressed in green with black ac
cessories. Both had white carna
j tion corsages.
Immediately following the cer
emony a reception was held in
the church basement for 70
guests. Mrs. George Fullerton
and Mrs. Harold Fullerton, aunts
of the bridegroom, .were in
: charge of the reception table.
Those helping at the reception
were Mrs. Lawrence Barnett,
Mrs. Oscar Peterson, Mrs. Berle
Waldo, Mrs. Vern Sageser and
i Mrs. Ernest Johnston.
Mrs. Kenneth Small, sister-in
law of the bride, had charge of
the guest book.
The bride graduated from At
kinson high school in 1951. She
taught district 245 last year and
since moving to Missouri has
been employed as bookkeeper for
Rancho del Rayo.
The bridegroom graduated
from Neligh high school in 1947.
Before being inducted into the
army in March, 1951, he worked
on a ranch in Wyoming. He has
just been discharged from the
army, 19 months of his army
service having been spent in
I Alaska.
After a short wedding trip the
i couple will live 20 miles north
I of Atkinson on a ranch where
they are employed by Stanley
j Johnson.
Departs for Service—
A dinner was given in honor
of Francis Murray at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murray
Francis will leave today (Thurs
' day) for the armed services from
: Neligh where he is registered
t Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
I Clifford Pittack, Steven and Judy
of Tilden. Miss Lois Murray and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hovey and
Riverside Elects
Project Leaders—
. On Sunday, March 29, the Riv
j erside 4-H club held a regular
meeting at the Ed Boyle home.
All members and 10 visitors were
present. Most of the project
| books, were given out and project
! leaders were elected as follows:
Mary Ellen Boyle, Ramona
Schneider, Mrs. Ralph Van Horn,
Mrs. Matt Beha. Mrs. John Vitt,
Mrs. Charles Boyle, Matt Beha,
Bridget Boyle and Mary Fran
ces Vitt. Rosalia Boyle was elect
ed vice-president to replace Mi
chael Boyle who is now in the
armed forces. Mary Frances and
Helen Vitt gave a demonstration
on “How to Make a Portfolio.”
Mary Agnes Boyle served a
lunch after the meeting.
The next meeting will be held
at the Matt Beha home on April
Club rosary will be at Ed
Boyle’s on April 14.
The “River Rat Chat” will be
edited by the Matt Beha family.
Members will hand in their news
to Matthew Beha. — By Helen
M. Vitt, news reporter.
Lynch News
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ducker and
family visited relatives in Ver
del Sunday.
Joan Baker of Kansas City,
Mo., spent the weekend here with
her mother, Mrs. Lillian Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stouffer
spent Friday evening at the Al
bert Spencer home.
Mrs. Tillie Novak and Louis
spent Sunday evening at the
William Mahlender home.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Hanslik
and family moved their house
hold goods by truck to Wisner
on Sunday where they have
employment on a farm.
Henry Hennan or Butte was a
business visitor here Saturday.
Cpl. Erroll Held and wife and
son, formerly of Lowery Field,
| Colo., visited Mrs. Grace Edson
and the Don Allen family here
last Thursday. Corporal Held is
enroute for overseas duty.
Iris Craig of Plainview spent
March 20, 21 and 22 at the Fred
Spencer home.
Mre. Tillie Novak and Louis
spent Sunday at the Albert Kal
kowski home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihler of
Dorsey called at the Louisa Cih
lar home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wiley, Char
ley Bare and Frank Cranford
called at the Pat Osborne home
at Dorsey Tuesday, March 24.
Mr. and Mrs. William Stouffer
spent Saturday evening at the
Fred Spencer home.
Lawrence Kalkowski was hon
or guest at the Anton Kalkow
ski home at a 6 o’clock dinner
Sunday. Those present were A.
P. Kalkowski, Mr. and Mrs.
George Kalkowski and Deloros
and Mr. and Mrs. Albret Kal
kowski. Lawrence will eider the
armed forces in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Craig
and family of Winner, S.D., vis
ited with Mrs. Gracia Craig and
the Fred Spencer’s last weekend.
Clara Kohler of Fullerton
spent several days here visiting
friends. She was a house-guest
at the Vince Jehorek home.
The American Legion auxiliary
held a regular session at the Le
gion hall Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Svatos
were business visitors at Dorsey
Elmer Dahlberg was a business
visitor in Crofton Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pritchett
visited at the Jack Puckett home
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rosicky and
Billy Paul were business visitors
in O’Neill on Wednesday, March
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hammon
entertained at Sunday dinner in
honor of the fifth birthday anni
versary of their son, Paul. Those
attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham
man and family of Lynch, Mr.
: and Mrs. Chester Hammon and
; family of Spencer, Marine Cpl.
Duane Hammon and w*ife and
Miss Althea Hammon of Bone
steel, S.D., and Cecil Zink.
Marine Cpi. and Mrs. Duane
, Hammon motored to ‘Bonesteel.
S.D., Sunday evening, taking Al
i thea Hammon to her school work
| there.
Kalb-Phillips Rites
in Atkinson Church
ATKINSON— A very pretty
wedding was witnessed by about
60 friends and relatives at the
Wesleyan Methodist parsonage in
Atkinson on Monday veiling at
7:15 when Miss Wilma Ruth Kalb,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Atkinson on Monday evening at
the bride of Ray Phipps, son of
Rev. and Mrs. Charley Phipps of
The ceremony was performed
by the bridegrooms’ father, Rev.
Charley Phipps. The couple stood
beneath an archway which was
covered with roses in shades of
pink. The archway was in front
of the large open fireplace in
which a log fire was cheerfully
burning. On the mantle was
placed six large candles which
furnished light for the ceremony.
The wedding music was played
by Rev. Mina Smith of Atkinson,
who also accompanied Robert
Hendricks as he sang, “I Love
You Truly” and “Because”. The
congregation joined the minister
in praying the Lord’s prayer after
the vows were taken, and at the
close of the ceremony the bride
and bridegroom sang a duet, “Sav
ior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”.
The bride was dressed in a navy
blue gabardine suit with black
accessories, and wore a corsage
, of red roses. She was attended by
Mrs. Robert Hendricks who was
dressed in a light tan woolsuit
with dark accessories, and wear
ing a white carnation corsage.
The bridegroom and his attend
ant, his brother, David Phipps,
were dressed in navy blue suits
and wore white carnation bout
The bride’s parents were unable
t o attend the ceremony. The
bridegrooms’ mother was dressed
in blue with white accessories.
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach o f
O’Neill, made a tape recording,
starting with the first guests
arriving, through the complete
ceremony and well wishing. He
finished the recording by cir
culating among the guests get
ing their names and comments
of the evening, and also with a
description of the well decorated
car in which the couple left. This
recording was sent to the bride’s
The wedding cake, a large three
tier angel food decorated with
red roses and topped by a minia
ture bride and bridegroom under
an arch, was baked by Mrs. Leon
ard Chaffin, who served the lunch
of cake, coffee, and ice cream to
the bridal party.
Other cakes were baked by
Mrs. Roy Thurlow, Mrs. Mary
Hendricks, Mrs. Ed. Heiser and
Mrs. Mark Hendricks.
Mrs. Mark Hendricks took flash
pictures to be sent to the bride’s
The young couple opened their
wedding gifts after which they
drove away for their wedding
O’Neil! News
Patrick Hickey will arrive
home today (Thursday) to spend
the Easter weekend with his fath
er, P. V. Hickey. He is a student
atfcreighton university, Omaha.
Jfcek Carney will arrive home
today (Thursday) from Creighton
university, Omaha, to spend
spring vacation here.
Mrs. Herbert Kaiser, Esther
and Ivan spent Friday afternoon
! in Atkinson at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis Kliment. Mr. Kai
ser joined them in the evening
and they attended the musicial
clinic which was held in the At
kinson high school.
TESM Robert Erwin of the navy
left Wednesday evening for
California where he is stationed
aboard the USS Toledo. He spent
a two week leave with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Woody Grimm
Mrs. R. V. Lucas left Sunday
for Puerto Ric o to spend five
weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Occhuito, and family. Mr.
Occhuito is in the navy and sta
tioned there. Mrs. Lucas was tra
veling by plane from Omaha with
a stopover at New York City to
visit her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas, also a
visit with Lauran Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fox of Hast
ings spent last week visiting in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
McCarville, sr. Mrs. Fox and Mrs.
MeCarville are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCar
ville, jr., spent Sunday at Pick
town, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz and Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus returned
Wednesday, March 25, from a
three-weeks trip to Miami, Or
lando and Tampa, Fla. They also
visited New Orleans, La.
Edward Gatz went to Omaha
today {Thursday) to spend the
Easter weekend, with his grand
mother, Mrs, Andy Morton.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox went
to Miller Friday evening to visit
in the Huebert Fox home and on
Saturday they visited his mother,
Myrta Fox.
Jack Gate, who attends Creigh
ton university, Omaha, will spend
the Easter weekend with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz.
Inman News
Mrs. Pete Cooper of Orchard
spent last Thursday visiting her
sister, Mrs. Ralph Brittell, and
daughter, Betty Jean.
Vaden Kivett of Madison spent
Wednesday and Thursday, March
25 and 26, visiting friends and
relatives here.
Harlan Morsbach returned to I
Rapid City, S.D., Sunday after
spending a week’s vacation visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
David Morsbach, and daughters. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman
and daughter, Polly Ann, left on j
Friday for Rapid City, S.D.,
where they will spend a few days
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ste- j
vens and son, Billy, and with
ether friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton
and daughter of Omaha spent
the weekend visiting Mr. Hut
ton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D.
Hutton, and daughter. Sue.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton
of Bassett spent Sunday visiting
Mr. and Mrs. T- D. Hutton and
daughter. Sue.
Mrs. Dick Clark and family of
O’Neill spent Friday afternoon
| visiting in the home of Mrs. Vi
olet Sholes.
Miss Delores Neilsen, who is in
nurse’s training at Omaha, is
spending a few days visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Bill Butterfield returned Sat
j urday from Harvard where he
has been employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary have
returned from Iowa where they
spent a few days visiting rela
tives and friends.
Harold Neilsen and Raymond
Luben returned Tuesday, March
24, from Omaha where they spent
a couple of days. They were ac
companied home by Lawrence
Stevens who spent a couple of
days in a Fremont hospital fol
lowing an auto accident near
there Sunday, March 22,
James Sholes and Charles
Youngs spent the weekend here I
with relatives. They are employ- ;
ed near Harvard.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benash
and twins of O’Neill were Satur
day afternoon visitors in the j
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siders. j
Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan
and Mr. and Mrs. James Coven
try spent Monday in Norfolk.
Miss Joan Coventry spent the :
weekend as a house-guest of j
Miss Helen Young of O’Neill.
Ernest Brunckhorst celebrated
his birthday anniversary last .
Thursday and treated the town’s
coffee drinkers to coffee at the
local coffee shop. Wednesday
evening, March 25, his family I
gathered at his home to help
him celebrate and enjoyed a i
family dinner together. Those j
present were Mr. and Mrs. i
Brunckhorst, John and Faye, Mr. |
and Mrs. Max Mossman and Pol- :
ly Ann and Mr. and Mrs. George j
L. Colman, Brenda, Bernice and
Miss Barbara Brunckhorst, who
attends college at Wayne, spent
the weekend visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck
Arbutus Rebekah lodge met at
the IOOF hall Wednesday eve
ning, March 25, for a regular
session. Mrs. W. E. Kelley, noble
grand, was in charge. The lodge
voted to drape the charter at the
j district meeting to be held at
I Madison in June.
The Inman WSCS met last
Thursday afternoon at the Maxcy
Memorial addition for a regular
session. Mrs. Ralph Moore, chair
man, had charge of the meeting.
Mrs. C. C. Chappell, secretary of
spiritual life, led the devotions
and reviewed the book, “Silver I
Chalice.” Members of the LDS
auxiliary were guests. Mrs. Ches
ter Youngs, Mrs. Lyle Abney and
Mrs. Anna Smith served lunch
at the close of the meeting.
; The Inman project club met at
the home of Mrs. Albert Rey
nolds on Wednesday, March 25.
Mrs. Verle David was cohostess.
A covered dish dinner was serv
ed at noon followed by the reg
ular business session conducted
by Mrs. Lewis F. Kopecky, pres
ident. The lesso non “First Aid
and Emergency Treatment” was
then presented by Mrs. James
McMahan and Mrs. T. D. Hutton.
The Women’s department of j
the RLDS church met Tuesday
afternoon, March 24, with Mrs.
Clifford Sawyer. At the close of
the meeting the hostess served a
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong
took their grandson, Dickie Bak
er, to his home in Sioux City
Wednesday evening, March 25.
They returned home last Thurs
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs, M- M. Crosser
and sons of Neligh were Inman
visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen
borg, Ruby and Donald of Em
met and Ivan Wayman of O’Neill
were Sunday dinner and after
noon guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Woodrow Gaughen
baugh and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hutton
and family of Newcastle spent
Sunday visiting in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nielsen
and family spent Sunday visiting
in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Hertel at Chambers.
Sunday guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and
Sue were the following: Mr. and
Mi's. Robert Hutton and daugh
ter of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Rich
axxi Hutton of Bassett, Mr. and
Mrs. Graydon Hutton and family
of Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Clark of Inman.
Fred Schaum of Elk Point,
S.D., is visiting in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch and
Mrs. Gene Livingston and Mrs.
Floyd Butteifield and daughter,
Kay, were O’Neill visitors Satur
Mrs. D. F. Scott attended
Shakespeare club noon luncheon
at Mrs. Claude Humphex-y’s on
Friday. Mrs. John Beck was
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the Lawrence Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease a d
son. Bob, helped R. M. Pease of
O’Neill celebiate his birthday
anniversary Friday in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pease and
family were also present.
F. Carmichael and brother-in
law of Spencer spent three days
sanding the Joe Hendricks home.
Earl Schlotfeld was a visitor
at the Ray Pease home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath
nie and son spent Sunday with
the Herbert Rouse family of O’
Neill. Mrs. McKathnie and Darel
will spend the week with her
parents and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hendricks
and family were last Thursday
night supper guests at the David
Rahn home.
Word was received from the
Wilbur Staples family that they
had arrived safely in Washington
Visit Shellhase Home—
Mrs. George Schmitker of Cross
Timbers, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Fuller of Hardy visited
from Thursday until Saturday in
the C. G. Shellhase home. Mrs.
Schmitker is Mrs. Shellhase’s
mother and Mrs. Fuller is Mrs.
Shellhase s sister. All were guests
Friday at the Keith Shellhase
home in Atkinson. ‘
Romona Wiley
Weds in Missouri
LYNCH—Mis^u Romona Wiley, °
daughter of Mr.^hnd Mrs. Ed Wi
ley of Bristow, and William
Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Palmer of Diggins, Mo.,
were married at a candlelight
ceremony at the home of the
bridegroom’s parents on Sunday
evening, March 22.
Judge Cline Hernen perform
ed the ceremony.
Mrs. Diggins is a graduate of
the Bristow high school with the
1950 class.
The couple plans to make their
home in Diggins where the bride
groom is in business with his fa
I ___ o c
Finish 2 More
Books for Vets—
Misses Dons Pierson, Peggy
Aim and LaVonne Rieck of Or
Neill visited school on Monday
morning, March 23.
Donna Perry was absent from
school Monday and Tuesday,
March 23 and 24. Sne was visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry and
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Schaffer
and sons at Mobridge, S.D
Linda Serck was absent from
school Wednesday, March 25. She
had gone to a dentist.
Gregory Tenborg was absent
from school Thursday and Fri
The second grade has finished
its third arithmetic work books
this year.
We have finished two more joke
books for veterans hospitals.—By
Linda Serck, news reporter,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Phalin of
Sioux Falls, S. D., were weekend
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Phalin.
The Opening for the Season of the
Thursday. April 2nd
Each and Every Customer on
Opening Day!
West O’Neill
THE O.K. INN, formerly operated by
Opal Keating, will be under new man
agement on Saturday, April 4. The new
proprietors are Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davis.
Plan to Dine with Us on Easter Sunday!
Whether It's a business
eord or a color catalog, be
•ere to consult with us be*,
fore you place v<wr
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bring you the O’Neill regional news Z
thrice weekly in a concise, 15-min
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